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Public Humiliation

Aug 2, 2002, 1:37am

~ Justin

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AWmegaOY is open!!!!!

Aug 4, 2002, 12:04am
I'm taking a guess here without investigating... but maybe in has to do
with the world Winter not being owned by AW?

Regards, Justin

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Street Light Object

Aug 13, 2002, 6:10am
I have free objects from www.broadway-world.com (freebies link), but they
are all very basic panel type objects. Nothing special. I guess some
people would find the larger horizontal panels useful because they do light

Having said that, the freebies page is not entirely complete, so its sorta
premature telling people about it.

The street lights I made and others of same level are for sale or lease, and
I am available by gram about those. One day I may donate all my objects to
the public, just not yet.

Regards, Justin

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Remembrance September Tenth and Eleventh Memorial World

Aug 26, 2002, 5:12pm

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

Thank You

Sep 6, 2002, 3:19am
My 2 cents...

I have heard a lot of mud slinging that somehow the final nominations
process was not credible.

I could have used this and complained when seeing out of the many
nominations I got, not one made it onto a final five list, and having a
quick look thinking to myself some of these finalists are a bit dubious.

I did not complain because the finals list, even if flawed or corrupt, is
better than a "popularist" vote. The "popularist" vote in my opinion tends
to validate charm rather than talent.

I think the final fives as given should have remained, and the Cy Committee
accept them regardless of the complaints, justified or not.

Having said that, I would still be interested to know what actually happened
in the compilation of finalists. The community put its trust in the
compilation being done completely and accurately. Who on the Selection
Committee (besides Daphne) did complete and submit their finalist
selections? Who were the selections submitted to? Who tallied the
selections? Were the tallies checked by anyone?

Finally, I do hope that for the next Cys the Selection Committee process is
redone and we do get a finalists list.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

Cys seem to be moving forward again...

Sep 18, 2002, 11:54pm
I would like to see the Cys happen and think they should keep the top 5
nominees as originally chosen.

Protester: Those nominations are biased!
Cy Committee: We aren't aware of any bias, but feel free to vote against
those you feel are unworthy, or not vote at all.
Protester: Not all the information is there to vote for that person
Cy Committee: Then don't vote for it.
Protester: That person being on the list violates rules
Cy Committee: We are all confused about the rules. We'll have clearer
rules next time. If you think that person is undeserving don't vote for
Protester: You Stink!
Cy Committee: Good thing we can't smell odours through the internet!

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]


Nov 7, 2002, 1:34am
Kill all of them. Clear the slate... (or at least anything over a month

Then put expiry dates on so they remove themselves.

This is the practice of most newsgroups and I don't see any good reason to
keep old postings that have to get reloaded in their entirity whenever
refreshing from scratch.

Downloads this time from newsgroups... beta 5553, bots 4326, community
22849, general discussion 8542, worldbuilders 17156.... This is

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]


Jan 28, 2003, 2:31am
Jeez - talk about putting a negative spin on it!

The reasons for using AW, or rather chatrooms, or rather the Internet, or
rather the home computer, is cheap entertainment - something to occupy one's
time that does not involve the outlay of large amounts of money.

The alternative cheap entertainment is sitting in front of the television.

Personally I prefer output in creativity and two way communication.

Regards, Justin

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 10:59pm
OneSummer is currently a volunteer for community work as a GateKeeper,
AWSchool teacher, Cy Awards helper, AWEC as events promoter, and AWHS.
There are very few people that put in as much time into the community as she
does. Sometimes her work in one activity crosses over into another. Its
her job to promote events, and she does that at The Gate.

If you want to promote A!!CT how about have some events there? I'm sure
OneSummer will gladly help promote it as she does with any event happening
in AW - I stress again - its her job to do so. Even so, she does it because
she enjoys it.

Also, although I don't hang out at The Gate, I believe all Gate Keepers do
announce the tourist access available worlds on a regular basis.

Finally, I am not sure all people know what its like to be a person with
high exposure in AW. You get bombarded non- stop with telegrams and joins
of people wanting your attention, and often have to wear criticism, false or
otherwise. Under those conditions mistakes or misunderstandings are likely
to occur often. I think a little more consideration for those people would
not go astray.

Regards, Justin

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 11:33pm
hmmm... correction to what I wrote before.....

Apparently OneSummer does not promote events at The Gate. There are signs
made for events at The Gate.

OneSummer flatly denies ever promoting events while on duty, and was very
adamant she does not prmote her world events while doing other community

The only time she does promote them is intermittently at Bingo and Alpha
World, or when in her own world.

I also omitted her voluntary work for AWTours as head builder and AWNewbie
as WatchKeeper, plus the mega work of birthday build sites and memorial

Regards, Justin

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 9, 2003, 6:59am
Again... OneSummer never announces any events at The Gate, including
events run on worlds she owns. She does not do that specifically to avoid
any criticism about conflict of interest. There are signs put up for events
at The Gate and Alpha World GZ. Events are also promoted via AWEC,
newsgroups, and word of mouth telegrams.

Even so, in my experience, I have politely whispered to a GateKeeper on duty
to make an announcement for me - and they have obliged.

The point is - there are good and bad ways to go about promoting your world
and there are successful and unsuccessful ways to do it as well. If you
want to use the good and successful ways, ask the people that hold good
events and run popular worlds.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]


Feb 13, 2003, 4:57am
E N Z O ....

I emailed you twice in the last two weeks about volunteering my time to
create some new generic usable objects for Alpha world.

eg... beams of various sizes, rounded (pp16) objects, maybe some cars?

You did not reply.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

Avatar Problems I am Seeing

Feb 27, 2003, 4:48am
A faster way: delete only "download.dat" and "download.idx" in the cache of
the world in which you have lost your seqs.

Then go into your "Settings/Disk Usage" tab and extend the number of days
under "Automatically delete files that have not been used for..."

I believe the bug has been corrected in the Beta.

Regards, Justin

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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Mar 1, 2003, 6:14am
I agree also...

Over and over I hear cits tell me they arel not going to renew because they
cannot afford it.

ENZO - sure we want you to make a profit, but please lower the price, and
do whatever it takes to fill the place up with people.

IRC networks invariably have over 10,000 people logged in at a time... AW
is soooo much better than IRC yet fails to capture a big audience. The
difference between IRC and AW is that IRC is free. The most popular
software for it "mIRC" is nag-ware ($20 to register, but not enforced...
just a naggy message to do so).

Make a change ENZO, or convince us again why the current price is working.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

AW & Revenue

Apr 5, 2003, 2:36am

It seems a forever unanswered question... "What is AWI's pricing policy?"

Are there any plans to reduce or (god forbid) increase prices for citizens
or worlds?

What is your opinion about the often raised theory that if you reduce the
price for cits then you would get more subscribers?

What is AWI's vision to increase the number of subscribers?

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

Does ANYONE Know How To Make (or where I can get) The following....

Apr 20, 2003, 4:40am
Somethin for nothin...

But watch out with the rwx - its a bit on the LARGE size - considering I
have it as a mega-billboard in Broadway world. You might want to scale it
down some.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]
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Does ANYONE Know How To Make (or where I can get) The following....

Apr 20, 2003, 8:31am
For a behind the bar advert... pict4 would be fine. :o)

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

Does ANYONE Know How To Make (or where I can get) The following....

Apr 22, 2003, 2:24am
Broadway has over 100 logos of company products - I've never had one

Also, when I started using them I did a bunch of requests asking for usage
permission. Of the very few replies I got each said okay.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

No more copy/paste action commands?

Apr 25, 2003, 12:45am
Like others have said, I think unowned objects should have their fields
greyed out, but you should still be able to copy the text in their fields.
You should also be able to copy an object built by someone else (for seeding

trivia... Broadway is a public build world with registry in place just
like Alpha World. The difference is that all the ground is covered and you
need to ask for a building area to be uncovered for you.

~ Justin

[View Quote]

Warp in Water bug

Apr 24, 2003, 3:03am
I've reported this to support and elsewhere, but have not seen any
acknowledgement of this as yet. Can this be posted into the beta group
please? It seems to be a very major bug.

Warps into, out of, and within water do not work correctly. Avatars attempt
to warp but get immediately stuck.

~ Justin

Let's Plan a Coup

Apr 27, 2003, 2:54am
Although it only took you 5 minutes to scout around... a tip for bigger

You can do an xelagot survey and then filter by (recent) time and/or builder
number (0 for tourists) and by "picture" action command. That makes it
pretty easy to find infringing objects, and even have the bot delete them
for you to save hurting your own eyes..

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

Tourists+No Pics=Citizens Revolt

Apr 27, 2003, 3:26am
Hey people....

I don't understand what the problem is? Is it unique to Australia that
every internet account comes with a standard web space? Why then do people
insist on using free web sites when they already have space paid for? Maybe
its people are just unaware that its there or they don't know how to ask
their ISP for instructions on using it.

*shakes head in wonder*

~ Justin

PS - I am talking about storing the pics you use in AW - not world hosting
or object path hosting.

[View Quote]

the end of xealgot bots

Jun 2, 2003, 6:16am
Exellent news.... you are an invaluable asset to AW and the AW experience.

Thankyou for everything you have done and do for AW.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]


Jun 18, 2003, 4:20am
JGrasp - http://www.eng.auburn.edu/grasp/
NetBeans - www.netbeans.org
EditPlus - www.editplus.com
JBuilder - pretty sure its free too - and you can use it to build the
JUnit - for testing
etc etc

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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 3:16am
If Builderz bot hosting is anything to go by - I highly recommend any
service offered by him. He has been hosting Broadway and BluePearl bots for
2 years without a glitch and always with friendly and prompt service.

Good luck with your expansion Builderz!

Regards, Justin

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New AW Host

Jun 25, 2003, 12:59am
I high recommend JerMe's hosting too!


~ Justin

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Hey ENZO - Whats next?

Jul 9, 2003, 4:58am

Care to comment on what enhancement plans are for Active Worlds and/or Alpha

Will you be doing a feature vote?

Regards, Justin

New Objects :)

Jul 14, 2003, 1:38am
Lovely wicker chest!

Maybe you could correct how you spell your name on the first page "Imagien"?

Regards, Justin

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Jul 19, 2003, 2:43am
The Monolith gained legendary status after the novel turned movie "2001" by
Stanley Kubrick... in which a perfect rectangle ( 2 x 3 x 5 ? ) black
object of immense proportions was discovered.on the moon and then another
floating in the sky (I think - can't remember all the details). The object
was called a Monolith. I think you will find a few in the Av2001 worlds
which had its whole theme based on the movie.

Regards, Justin

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An Unofficial Alphaworld Poll

Jul 19, 2003, 2:53am
I agree on preserve GZ, and I also agre on having basic building shapes that
are texture mapped and versatile.

I agree on the teleports at GZ.... (with obvious self interest at heart) I
think the teleports at GZ should take you to previous Cy Award winners for
Alpha World builds.

Regards, Justin

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