the end of xealgot bots (Community)
the end of xealgot bots // Community
May 30, 2003, 2:50am
Dear people,
since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
rules came into effect.
Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
century, have not many ways of changing this.
Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
(actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
pay any more for this.
Wishing everyone a good life,
May 30, 2003, 3:05am
Contributing as much to the community as you do, XelaG, more than makes up for a measly $70.00 a year for a citizenship and whatever your world costs. Hell, you should have been on AWI's payroll by now! :P
People, please: let AWI know that we don't want to let XelaG go!
[View Quote]xelag wrote:
> Dear people,
> since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
> quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
> of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
> access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
> tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
> upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
> I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
> rules came into effect.
> Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
> very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
> century, have not many ways of changing this.
> Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
> (actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
> notice).
> I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
> My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
> expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
> So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
> enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
> pay any more for this.
May 30, 2003, 3:55am
Arrgg another techy hero lost. No xelagot now, preston's dead (old news),
mapper's gone. AW's down to skin and bones in the end-user tools department
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:m6nddvk4o0t8qsm19igvlitvhjg723j0rk at 4ax.com...
> Dear people,
> since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
> quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
> of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
> access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
> tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
> upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
> I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
> rules came into effect.
> Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
> very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
> century, have not many ways of changing this.
> Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
> (actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
> notice).
> I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
> My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
> expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
> So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
> enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
> pay any more for this.
> Wishing everyone a good life,
> Alex
> (XelaG)
May 30, 2003, 4:01am
[View Quote]sw comit wrote:
> Arrgg another techy hero lost. No xelagot now, preston's dead (old news),
> mapper's gone. AW's down to skin and bones in the end-user tools department
> X_X
Some of us will need to get together to make a bot like his.
May 30, 2003, 8:02am
i think we all need to send an email to aw ?
let them know that we all had benefits from this bot
and that it was allfor the comunity and free of use
we should let aw know that ppl like tha should be suported
it doesnt cost them anything and they have benefit from this bot as well
since a lot of ppl want a bot with no cost
if they get enough email about this they might consider
let us do the begging for one time
"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> schreef in bericht
news:3ed6f3c1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
[View Quote]> sw comit wrote:
> Some of us will need to get together to make a bot like his.
> --
> --Bowen--
May 30, 2003, 8:10am
this is what i have send to AW after writing the first entry
when you read the Newsgroups then you can see that a cit named Xelag is
having trouble for renewing his world and cit
he is expiring in a week
my question is that he can be renewd by aw for free reason
he is with this community for a long time now and has done some good things
for aw
one of it is the building of thefree Xelagots
i am sure you know this is just a hobby
but the bots where always free to use by anyone of us
i think more then 50% of the bot users still uses this xelagot i do
he gave aw and its cit a machine for free please concider to give him
something back
normaly i woldnd beg for a thing like cits and worlds liks this
i cant believe ppl cant have this little monney together in a year
they better start saving
but in this case this person gave a lot to us
for the record this person is totaly stranger to me i do not know him other
then he build that bot
smiles and ty for your time reading this
May 30, 2003, 11:48am
hmm, maybe we all that use his bot, should sponsor Xelag
So he can contune his great work.
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:m6nddvk4o0t8qsm19igvlitvhjg723j0rk at 4ax.com...
> Dear people,
> since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
> quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
> of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
> access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
> tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
> upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
> I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
> rules came into effect.
> Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
> very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
> century, have not many ways of changing this.
> Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
> (actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
> notice).
> I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
> My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
> expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
> So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
> enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
> pay any more for this.
> Wishing everyone a good life,
> Alex
> (XelaG)
May 30, 2003, 12:00pm
lol Sorry about the new post with no subject line under this thread. It is
in responce to Xelag's post. I forgot that I didn't have Xelag's post open
and thought I was responding to the group. Please read the new post below.
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:m6nddvk4o0t8qsm19igvlitvhjg723j0rk at 4ax.com...
> Dear people,
> since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
> quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
> of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
> access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
> tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
> upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
> I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
> rules came into effect.
> Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
> very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
> century, have not many ways of changing this.
> Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
> (actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
> notice).
> I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
> My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
> expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
> So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
> enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
> pay any more for this.
> Wishing everyone a good life,
> Alex
> (XelaG)
May 30, 2003, 12:05pm
If AW do not help Alex and give him a world and the cits he needs then many
peoples ( includeing mine ) opinion's of AW will drop.
After all the work Alex puts in to help AW and the citizens you would think
AW would be happy to help Alex out and show their gratitude for al he does.
guess we shall have to see.
i would be happy to make a donation if someone sets it up.
May 30, 2003, 12:23pm
To Xelag
I have known you for a long time. Even though we haven't spoken much in that
time I consider you a friend. You are an invaluable part of this community.
You have given years of invaluable service to this community. I for one
would hate to see another friend disappear because of AWI's short
sightedness and inability to recognize an invaluable asset to their own
business. You shouldn't have had to beg for anything from AWI; they should
have offered you what you needed to keep you going as a part of this
community. And they should have felt privileged to in doing so. Since AWI is
so short sighted that they would let one of the biggest assets they have
slip through their fingers, then it seems it is up the community, that you
have served for so many years without asking anything in return, to show
their gratitude by making sure you are not lost to us.
To the community,
I know there are world owners out there, who have benefited from Xelag's
years of contribution to this community, who can afford to help Xelag stay
in this community and continue his work for all of us. I think if we all
pitch in we can keep Xelag with us for many years to come.
I have a small world with 2 citizen accounts. My world expires May of 2004.
I am out of work so I can't afford to offer much. But, I am willing to
donate 1 citizen name. I don't know if it will help much but I am also
willing to let Xelag share my world so he can have a place to work on his
bots. Although he would only have the 3 bot allowances that comes with the
citizenship I am offering and 2 of the bot allowances that comes with the
citizenship I personally use. Which will give him 5 bot allowances.
I don't know if just sharing a small world with some one will help at all,
but I am willing. Maybe some one else in the community could donate a world
just for Xelag's bot testing. Maybe yet another member of the community
could donate another citizenship. And maybe another member or two can donate
a raise in bot allowances.
So, I'm asking the community if they can possibly find a way to keep Xelag
with us?
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:m6nddvk4o0t8qsm19igvlitvhjg723j0rk at 4ax.com...
> Dear people,
> since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
> quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
> of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
> access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
> tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
> upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
> I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
> rules came into effect.
> Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
> very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
> century, have not many ways of changing this.
> Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
> (actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
> notice).
> I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
> My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
> expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
> So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
> enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
> pay any more for this.
> Wishing everyone a good life,
> Alex
> (XelaG)
May 30, 2003, 12:26pm
I for one am willing to chip in to pay for your world and cits. If anyone
else wants assist this way , let's do something about it, I am not holding
my breath for aw to come to its senses. - .Anna 314900
May 30, 2003, 12:48pm
I'm sorry to see the end of xealgot bots. Hopefully, Activeworlds and you
can come up with something that will continue the bot technology. It
certainly has a bright future - the possibilities are endless.
Sincerely, The Lady
thelady263414 at hotmail.com
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:m6nddvk4o0t8qsm19igvlitvhjg723j0rk at 4ax.com...
> Dear people,
> since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
> quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
> of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
> access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
> tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
> upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
> I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
> rules came into effect.
> Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
> very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
> century, have not many ways of changing this.
> Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
> (actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
> notice).
> I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
> My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
> expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
> So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
> enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
> pay any more for this.
> Wishing everyone a good life,
> Alex
> (XelaG)
May 30, 2003, 2:04pm
Actually, it would be wonderful if you could get with Ananas and/or Andras
or some other independent AW citizens that make useful programs. Get
together and talk about combining, adding to, enhancing some tools we are
already using.
[View Quote]"the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ed76f52 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> xelag,
> I'm sorry to see the end of xealgot bots. Hopefully, Activeworlds and you
> can come up with something that will continue the bot technology. It
> certainly has a bright future - the possibilities are endless.
> Sincerely, The Lady
> thelady263414 at hotmail.com
> "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
> news:m6nddvk4o0t8qsm19igvlitvhjg723j0rk at 4ax.com...
May 30, 2003, 2:26pm
That's a good idea the lady, but that isn't what this post is about. I and a
lot of other community members don't want to see Xelag leave aw. I and a lot
of other community members aren't ready just yet to give Xelag a harty send
off. We would like to find a way to keep him with us. Any suggestions from
you how to do that would be welcome. Any donations from you would be
welcome. What I don't find welcome is already trying to find alturnatives
for when he is gone. He isn't gone yet :)
[View Quote]"the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ed7811a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Actually, it would be wonderful if you could get with Ananas and/or Andras
> or some other independent AW citizens that make useful programs. Get
> together and talk about combining, adding to, enhancing some tools we are
> already using.
> "the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3ed76f52 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 30, 2003, 2:26pm
Actually trying to mix delphi (alex), vbasic (most here) and C (few here)
is really not feasable
"the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in
news:3ed7811a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> Actually, it would be wonderful if you could get with Ananas and/or
> Andras or some other independent AW citizens that make useful
> programs. Get together and talk about combining, adding to, enhancing
> some tools we are already using.
May 30, 2003, 2:36pm
[View Quote]baron sweetman wrote:
> Actually trying to mix delphi (alex), vbasic (most here) and C (few here)
> is really not feasable
Doable though, albeit it a pain in the rump.
May 30, 2003, 2:52pm
Dear people (again),
I am very touched by your replies here and by email.
I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"
I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
have not done so yet.
I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
doubt again about the future of my bots!
Thanks to all!
[View Quote]On 30 May 2003 00:50:29 -0400, "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote:
>Dear people,
>since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
>quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
>of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
>access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
>tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
>upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
>I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
>rules came into effect.
>Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
>very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
>century, have not many ways of changing this.
>Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
>(actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
>I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
>My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
>expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
>So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
>enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
>pay any more for this.
>Wishing everyone a good life,
May 30, 2003, 2:57pm
Exactly! Bot makers like Faber and XelaG have been doing AWI's work for them for years. How many times do you have to use a bot to do something that you can't do with the world server or the browser? In my case, the number is too large to mention.
Many users consider the Xelagot an extension to the browser that makes up for its shortcomings. It seems _really_ stupid to me that AWI is willing to let a programmer who is willing to do so much work for them and their dwindling community for less than a few hundred dollars a year leave because he can't afford to pay anymore. Cheapskates.
[View Quote]sw comit wrote:
> Arrgg another techy hero lost. No xelagot now, preston's dead (old news),
> mapper's gone. AW's down to skin and bones in the end-user tools department
> X_X
May 30, 2003, 3:00pm
XelaG posted his great news at about the same time that I posted this. I would like to extend an apology to AWI along with a hearty THANK YOU on behalf of the citizens of AW.
[View Quote]
> Exactly! Bot makers like Faber and XelaG have been doing AWI's work for
> them for years. How many times do you have to use a bot to do something
> that you can't do with the world server or the browser? In my case, the
> number is too large to mention.
> Many users consider the Xelagot an extension to the browser that makes
> up for its shortcomings. It seems _really_ stupid to me that AWI is
> willing to let a programmer who is willing to do so much work for them
> and their dwindling community for less than a few hundred dollars a year
> leave because he can't afford to pay anymore. Cheapskates.
May 30, 2003, 3:18pm
YAY :))
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:4e2fdvoctj8erc66pgqcmjb82viukdn6uo at 4ax.com...
> Dear people (again),
> I am very touched by your replies here and by email.
> I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
> ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
> which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"
> I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
> have not done so yet.
> I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
> doubt again about the future of my bots!
> Thanks to all!
> Alex
> On 30 May 2003 00:50:29 -0400, "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote:
May 30, 2003, 3:42pm
There is no bot that even comes close, NONE not even the Preston, to doing
what the Xelagot does. The Xelagot is one of the best, if not THEE best bots
in existance, I am glad AW has decided to support you for all your work, but
it's a little sad that we have to cause all this uproar for them to help out
Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
May 30, 2003, 3:49pm
Good show AWI and XeLaG,
I cant think of a more deserving user for AWI support for all they have
done for the community.
- Mark
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:4e2fdvoctj8erc66pgqcmjb82viukdn6uo at 4ax.com...
> Dear people (again),
> I am very touched by your replies here and by email.
> I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
> ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
> which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"
> I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
> have not done so yet.
> I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
> doubt again about the future of my bots!
> Thanks to all!
> Alex
> On 30 May 2003 00:50:29 -0400, "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote:
May 30, 2003, 4:02pm
As this should be.
As a heavy user of Xelagots, keep up the good work Alex, we need the Xelas
in ALL forms.
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:4e2fdvoctj8erc66pgqcmjb82viukdn6uo at 4ax.com...
> Dear people (again),
> I am very touched by your replies here and by email.
> I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
> ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
> which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"
> I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
> have not done so yet.
> I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
> doubt again about the future of my bots!
> Thanks to all!
> Alex
> On 30 May 2003 00:50:29 -0400, "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote:
May 30, 2003, 4:13pm
Thank you Alex :)
[View Quote]"karten" <Karten at indy.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3ed79cc6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> As this should be.
> As a heavy user of Xelagots, keep up the good work Alex, we need the Xelas
> in ALL forms.
> Karten
> "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
> news:4e2fdvoctj8erc66pgqcmjb82viukdn6uo at 4ax.com...
May 30, 2003, 4:35pm
WOOHOO! The greatest general use bot lives on! Keep up the excellent work,
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:4e2fdvoctj8erc66pgqcmjb82viukdn6uo at 4ax.com...
| Dear people (again),
| I am very touched by your replies here and by email.
| I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
| ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
| which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"
| I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
| have not done so yet.
| I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
| doubt again about the future of my bots!
| Thanks to all!
| Alex
| On 30 May 2003 00:50:29 -0400, "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote:
| >Dear people,
| >
| >since 1999 I have been creating the xelagot bots, they have become
| >quite popular as all purpose bots. Do do so, I needed to be a citizen
| >of ActiveWorlds, have my own world with an extra citizenship, tourist
| >access (was automatic then), and enough bot allowances. All these
| >tools were required to test the bot sdk, make sure I could make proper
| >upgrades within the context of the ActiveWorlds developments.
| >
| >I could afford the lot, not easily, until january 2002, when the new
| >rules came into effect.
| >
| >Times have changed, for me as well as for ActiveWorlds. I live on a
| >very small dutch invalidity pension and, being older than half a
| >century, have not many ways of changing this.
| >
| >Last year, I *begged* ActiveWorlds to sponsor these tools. They agreed
| >(actualy, they simply extended my 2 cits and world without any formal
| >notice).
| >
| >I begged them again this year, and have not yet had a formal answer.
| >My world expires in a week, so does my world's cit. My XelaG cit will
| >expire in september. I'm not prepared to beg again.
| >
| >So I have to say goodbye. I hope someone will produce a bot that will
| >enhace ActiveWorld's environment better than my Xelagots. I can not
| >pay any more for this.
| >
| >Wishing everyone a good life,
| >
| >Alex
| >(XelaG)
May 30, 2003, 4:49pm
You're my hero.
May 30, 2003, 4:58pm
Wait... is this the part where we throw flowers?
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> You're my hero.
May 30, 2003, 5:09pm
[View Quote]shred wrote:
> Wait... is this the part where we throw flowers?
I'm going to throw.. matches.
May 30, 2003, 6:02pm
Thanks AWI!
Ya'll once again have shown your love for the CommunitY folks...as usual:)
May 31, 2003, 8:42am
> Dear people (again),
> I am very touched by your replies here and by email.
> I am also happy to announce that I have just received an email from
> ActiveWorlds in which the requested extensions have been granted, and
> which end with the words "Keep up the good work!"
> I will reply personally to the emails of support I have received if I
> have not done so yet.
> I hope that this will settle the matter, and that I will not have to
> doubt again about the future of my bots!
See? Good things happen :)