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Yellowstone Object Path

May 31, 2003, 12:38am
Yellowstone object path is not available for viewing from Activeworlds. But
you can see it by clicking

This is still in progress of being completed as a teleportable index, but
the sounds are done. You can experiment with it at
Please excuse the popups. : )

Atlantis Object Path

Jun 1, 2003, 10:33pm
Atlantis object path is not available for view from Activeworlds, but you
can see it by clicking

This is a very basic index, the links are not teleportable to the object
yard, nor do they link to the actual zip file; however, it is a complete
listing of the Atlantis Object Path. Future updates to this will be posted
in this NG.


Jun 2, 2003, 7:37pm
It was quite a job to keep the map updated. I think AW is keeping their eye
out for a better, less tedious way of providing the mapper to us.

I was glancing at some archives of mapper and noticed UTN and Phillips used
to help out in hosting mapper. Hopefully, someone or a group of people in
the community can host the most recent mapper for us until something better
comes along to help keep it updated.

[View Quote]


Jun 3, 2003, 3:18pm

This url shows the UTN logo next to the Phillips logo. I doubt this would
have been put on mapper if UTN wasn't being of help in some way in the use
of the mapper.

[View Quote]

A Message

Jun 4, 2003, 6:33am
As I'm sure all of you have noticed, gradually, things in the community are
disappearing or ceasing. I've noticed it and tried to do what I can in the
most positive way I know how to show I want the community to continue to
exist. Others are doing their part too, it isn't just me.

Now to the message. It is understood that some of you do not wish to hear
that evil has invaded what was once a very wonderful, vibrant community.
Unfortunately, it is a fact that must be faced for us to begin to solve the
problem. We must refuse the principles of the ungodly, and not associate
with evil people, nor fellowship with anyone who mocks the things of God.
If we do this, we will be as it says in Psalm 1:3. "He is like a tree
planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf
does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." We must make the right
choices. End of message.

Continuing on, I have experienced all of these things here, and am saying in
this public forum that if you have shown any of these things to me, I will
not stand in your path. I'm not going to leave, but I won't associate with
you. And I am going to refuse to do it your way. It doesn't mean I'll have
all the right answers and do things perfectly here, because sometimes it is
very hard to determine what is right and wrong every single time. But I'm
going to try my very best. Each one of you must do the same. In hopes that
our community will once again be flowing with tourists needing to learn how
to build, overflowing GZ's full of great conversation, and wonderful
builds - all to leave a flourishing community to the future citizens of AW.

*Yellowstone Object Path*

Jun 9, 2003, 8:24pm
This was announced earlier with a different url. Since that time, my
account has not worked with this company. It seems the entire domain is
shut down for now. Therefore have uploaded my pages to another site.

Yellowstone Object Path is available at

: )

*Atlantis Object Path*

Jun 9, 2003, 8:53pm
This was announced earlier with a different url. Since that time the old
link does not work. Therefore have uploaded these pages to the following:

Atlantis Object Path is available at

Persuasion of Children

Jun 9, 2003, 9:35pm
I believe the persuasion of children, sometimes to produce a negative effect
on someone else happens in the AW universe.

I don't know how it happens, or how to stop it, just know it is wrong.

Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 12:34pm
It's the responsibility of the community to combat negative manipulation
from other adults and children targeted at adults and children in the AW
Universe. : )

[View Quote]

Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 12:59pm
Persuasion of children happen in any world, regardless of world rating. I
refer back to my initial post, which is my point: : )

I believe the persuasion of children, sometimes to produce a negative effect
on someone else happens in the AW universe.

I don't know how it happens, or how to stop it, just know it is wrong.

[View Quote]

Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 3:15pm
It is the responsibility of the entire community to mentor, watch out for,
discipline, teach, raise a child. : )

[View Quote]

Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 5:07pm
It has always been my belief that we should have consequences in place for
those who commit serious wrong doings. Community service oriented

[View Quote] > MrBruce

Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 6:46pm
I've thought about that. There have been times when, for one reason or
another, I've had trouble maintaining being involved in community oriented
things myself. And I've wondered whether the things I think would help me
would also help someone who attempts to destroy the community. I'm not sure
what the answer is to that question. Maybe it is something similar to what
they did to me after I couldn't get a job in Active Worlds doing anything
because of the problem with my bad reputation. They gave me a lot of
responsibility somewhere else, sole responsibility, not shared
responsibility. There's a big difference. When you have sole
responsibility of something, it gives you much more hope in eventually being
included and accepted by peers that already have shown leadership
capabilities; whereas, shared responsibility still leaves some doubt within
you. Also, It all boils down to what you think of yourself. If you are
solely responsible for your job, there's absolutely no doubt when you've
accomplished it or if it becomes very successful that you did it yourself.
Take that to the next step, when you know you've accomplished something on
your own, what you think of yourself is much more positive than if the
responsibility was shared. The important thing to remember is if this is
done, it must be in a setting where the leader is very trustworthy. Usually
people that have a problem wrecking a community and are not able to feel
included have a very big problem in putting their full trust in leaders,
either because they've been treated unfairly by them in the past, felt put
in compromising situations, or even abused. That leader also must have
flexibility in the ability to allow the troubled person to experiment with
the things that best help them to get their job done. I'm very fortunate in
that the last job I had, no one came and told me I couldn't do this or that
when it came down to how I felt I could best get the job done. Nor was the
leader someone that smashed the law down over our heads. Also, the leader
was vey trustworthy, just right for the job. Regarding negative behaviors
that might arise, there are craftier ways to divert them other than direct
confrontation. Always maintaining positiveness and friendliness upfront,
allowing flexibility to experiment with different ways in getting the job
done, negative behaviors diverted in indirect ways might even help to turn
the punishment into a regular job. The ultimate goal for them is inclusion
and feeling accepted. Then hopefully, the negative behaviors will cease.

Regarding enforcing it, I have no really good answers that anyone wants to
hear. I used to work for someone when I was younger, that I realize now had
the most wisdom of anyone I'll probably ever meet. Whenever there would be
a new law that affected the business we were in, he'd always say, "It's
probably because someone found a way to abuse the privilege."
Unfortunately, as much as we love our freedom of speech, freedom to change
screen names, etc., it also gives way for us to use that privilege in an
abusive way, unmoral way, a way of avoiding responsibility for our actions, a way to fool someone, the ones we love, the ones we
dislike, those we want to hurt, those we want to get revenge on. But what
we must remember about this online community, is there is a double whammy
involved when we do that. There are always going to be those that have the
ability to watch these actions (by hacking, etc) and use them as evil means.
If we are to survive and flourish as a community, BOTH of these realities
must be taken into consideration, because, unfortunately, if it is not, what
the community is really saying is, "Go ahead evil, you are allowed to rule
this place I love." And what the company is really saying is, "Go ahead
evil, we'll allow you to wreck our business." As a community, WE must
decide the balance.

BTW, I see AW banning tourists as a way of protection to its citizens. But,
was that going too far?

Whatever decision is made regarding consequences for severe actions, the
community should be given some options, then ability to vote.

[View Quote]


Jun 12, 2003, 2:44pm
MrBruce, Don't worry about it. It has happened for a long time in this NG
that there are those who will reply to a post with the intent of an
intelligent rebuttal. Then there are those will will try to divert
attention from the subject by picking at little things that are trivial to
the majority - it's manipulation to draw attention away from the real
subject at hand and it should be ignored. Then there are those that post
out of pure silliness. In the end, you have to sift it like flour to be
able to find those few posts that are keepers. 7 intelligent posts
discussing a subject of interest, 30 posts or more full of attention
diverting tactics so no one will be able to find those 7 intelligent posts =
problem gets pushed aside or forgotten about, or worse, implemented without
a vote from the citizens.


Jun 12, 2003, 8:18pm
I did answer you. : )

[View Quote]


Jun 12, 2003, 8:35pm
I think I like their label of "Hot Potato", "Unable to Work Her Way To
Freedom", "Altruistic", "(These I won't mention, not for newsgroup)", better
than the new one you just gave me, "Manipulator"; however, I'll be fair
about it and add yours to the list.

[View Quote] Actually.. In my reality.. She is the manipulator.. She has you right where
she wants you and loves the attention, Negative or otherwise, and you keep
feeding her exactly what she so desires. So actually, she's smarter than
you think.

[View Quote]


Jun 13, 2003, 12:16am
It's ok, sometimes it is very hard to tell by the way they are threaded.
I've done the same thing myself. : )

[View Quote]


Jun 13, 2003, 1:17am
Consequences for severe actions? I would consider any kind of hacking
needing to be dealt with severe consequences.

Protecting the citizens from what? AWI said that one of the reasons they
would not open the worlds to tourists is because they build and leave
pornography. I would call that a protecting the citizens measure.

Regarding the ability to vote. Everyone in public AWI worlds should have
the ability to vote and have the outcomes implemented. Everyone! This
place has challenged the rights of free men, women and children!
Absolutely! Positively!

[View Quote]


Jun 14, 2003, 6:17pm
Found this in my travels, maybe all of you have seen it, but for those who
haven't it's surely worth a look. Search around, there's an old happy
birthday sign for Lara closeby. Built by Billyat


Jun 14, 2003, 6:17pm
The coords are alpha world 475.49N 272.57W 0.00a 14

[View Quote]


Jun 14, 2003, 7:18pm
This might help.

[View Quote]

AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 17, 2003, 9:19am
You are right, you shouldn't have to move anything at all. You shouldn't
even have to think about it.

[View Quote]

Still isn't right 14.6KB

Jun 23, 2003, 8:40pm
Sorry but there is still a problem. It stretches out instead of staying the
same size.

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A!!CT's Proposal results so far

Jun 29, 2003, 4:50am

Anything that you are doing in which is positive for your community I think
should be warmly commended. : )

[View Quote]

Alpha World request

Jun 29, 2003, 4:52am
I agree. : )

[View Quote]

they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 3:43pm
High Dysfunction, actually that's a very accurate observation.

But then I've had people talk to me that refer to gate ejection as causing
suicide attacks. I think that has its problems too.

Yesterday, two avatars at the gate were, well, they were in a position and
describing a position not fit for the gate, which, I knew was going to
happen sometime, just didn't know when. Odd thing is there are people there
watching all this that seem to have more interest in wanting to see what the
reaction is of everyone else, therefore, they purposely don't speak up and
say anything. What do you call those people? And, why don't they speak up?

[View Quote]

Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 1, 2003, 8:38pm
The explanation given to me from them was it was too much work the way the
current updating is done. They would consider future hosting if an easier
way could be found to update.

[View Quote]


Jul 6, 2003, 4:01pm
Richard, hope whatever it is can be resolved so you can stay. : )

[View Quote]

Decleration of Independence (AW)

Jul 20, 2003, 11:20pm
I didn't take the site down, that site shut itself down. I uploaded this at
a new url

From what I understand, one thing just as important as considering
declaration is AW is a company with customers and investors, although I've
been unable to get information about how they receive their funding.

AW is my family, (I know others feel the same way) and I think it very
important that all necessary steps to ensure job security of its employees
and a working program to the citizens be recognized through the process of a
democracy at all times. Let's face it, without bucks, they and we don't

[View Quote]

Bots N Privacy

Jul 20, 2003, 6:39pm
Bots can broadcast from world to world, (also, I think from universe to
universe), and to selected individuals. That can be a useful tool.

However, if you have any kind of bot chat configuration that
alters/enhances/limits or in any way changes the one that comes with and
works with regular citizens in the AW program, kindly inform your visitors
of that when they enter your world. Do this in three ways: in your welcome
message, with a sign at your world entry point, and detailed explanation on
your web page.

Most people do not like their personal conversations broadcasted throughout
the universe, galaxy, etc., without their knowledge. And they would
appreciate the knowledge about the controls, how it works and if they are
able to turn it off regarding their conversations while they are visiting
your world.

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