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Error Reporting

Sep 5, 2003, 7:34am
AW needs to clarify (and the ng would be a good way to do that) whether
error reporting sent in this fashion is received and taken action on by them
or not.

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Sep 4, 2003, 8:31pm
lol : )

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AWTeen Problem

Sep 6, 2003, 7:32pm
To the twins at AWGate and others.

It is saddening to hear of problems in AWTeen; however, please ask someone
else for assistance.

Sincerely, The Lady
thelady263414 at

o.0: TL you were asked to bring democracy to awteen, did you accept the job?
The Lady: I never heard about the job
o.0: well, now you did
The Lady: I thought there was democracy there
o.0: there is not
The Lady: There was an inauguration
The Lady: I attended
o.0: there is anarchy at the moment

AWTeen Problem

Sep 6, 2003, 10:44pm
The fellow behind me saw it.

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A Public Service Announcement

Oct 9, 2003, 10:12pm



Chinese Checkers *big smile*

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Several small things

Oct 14, 2003, 8:40pm
Ever since I can remember, when we have a technical glitch in AW for one
reason or another, we always have fun sharing our ideas (even the most
outrageous) about how and why - in the newsgroup as well as teleporting to
ground zero to discuss.

ENZO is just joking I hope. : )

Just because you see a message in your local cache does not mean it has not
been deleted off the main server
They will be deleted.

Please do not make up silly reasons as to why this newsgroup is not running
and spread them through the community
They will be deleted.

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 18, 2003, 9:53pm
TZ, I replied to your thread at that site regarding my thoughts. Here are
some more. I don't think I would ever do what you did the way you did it.
I'm not trying to say that what you did was wrong. But, I have heard
stories from some of our mission pastors about how the homeless, people in
need, should be helped. It really takes someone that has learned where the
appropriate boundaries are. Teams that are well trained and versed ahead of
time about their mission have a greater chance of staying safe. Don't get
me wrong, it's always nice to see someone helping someone. But, if it's
what you really like to do, for your own safety, get the appropriate
training so that you can help many in the safest possible way.

You helped me with an AW feature once. I consider you a community leader.
You shouldn't have much trouble getting the witnesses you need.

Hugs, The Lady

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The Language Thing

Oct 25, 2003, 3:07pm
If you offered me beef jerky on the street, I wouldn't be offended (even if
I had not seen the beef jerky).

If you talked to me about beef jerky in AW, I would look at that two ways.

It seems double talk, (along with pairing together under tourist names) has
become a solution to having safe sex in Activeworlds.

As for myself, I have never paired with another tourist nor used double talk
in AW for sex.

How did double talk and tourist pairing evolve in AW?

The Language Thing

Oct 25, 2003, 9:35pm
Are you asking if the topic of sex came from left field?

That topic hasn't been approached in the community ng as far as I know.
Public double meaning gz conversations happen all the time in front of every
age group in AW. For people that have been here a long time, they can
confirm this hasn't always been prevalent. So, when did it start happening
and why? Anyone know?

Citizens changing their names to tourists to have cyber sex also happens in
AW. Why do you change your name?

And finally, is it emotionally fulfilling - short term? Long term? Talking
in double meanings with someone you like or in front of a group of people?
Changing your name to a tourist to be with someone you think you know as a

It may or may not be safe sex. It was truly only a guess. Hopefully
someone can explain.

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The Language Thing

Oct 26, 2003, 10:35am
My grandmother often warned me of that very thing! And be wise in what
setting I show off my Alicia heels! : O

An anonymous poll would get more answers. : )

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Nov 9, 2003, 4:10am
The low numbers of people participating in organizations plus the fact that
they aren't doing very well is a reflection upon the fact that voting isn't
allowed. We need to allow the citizens of AW the freedom to vote.


Nov 20, 2003, 10:28pm
*Big Smile*

: )

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AW 3d Pages Sounds

Nov 21, 2003, 5:16am
Sounds of background noises like what is offered on 3d homepages - where
does AW get them or how are they made? Sounds like people talking,
telephones, computer being turned on, keypad strokes? Are they homemade or
does AW have someone make them and where do you go to get (for example) the
muffled sound of people talking in an office?

Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 23, 2003, 5:40pm
Many years ago when Alpha World was young, a hopeful young lady became a
citizen of our fine community. From the moment she entered, she faced harsh
words and criticism. She built a little house out from the view of everyone
yet tried to fit her way into the community. There were good times as well
as bad, but it seemed that for her, the bad times out weighed the good many
times fold. She decided to leave but before she did figured she would do so
without ever having left one trace of her existence in the place that had
lended to her hurt. When it was finally done, she left. After her pain and
grief and subsided a bit, she decided to come back to AW and visit some of
those who had been nice to her. Someone asked her how she could have been
so upset as to delete an entire house before she left. She had no answer.
After a short time, she again, tried to build a new home, this time vowing
to never delete again. However, when the desperation of her circumstances
grew unbearable, she again formed a pattern of deleting objects. After a
period of two years, she had deleted 6 major builds, but the devastation
went much further than that. Because she was so absorbed with her own pain
and hurt she did not realize that with each build she deleted, she broke
relationships but more than that - the bond of trust she had formed with
those in the community and closest to her. Each time she tried to mend
relationships, her reasoning was that she hadn't hurt anyone but herself
when she deleted her own objects. So, why should they be hurt? What should
it matter to her neighbors?

And then very harsh reality became her close friend, so close, she choked on
the truth.

Is this the definition of AW Virtual Terrorism?

The use or threatened use of force or deletion or altering of objects and or
property by a person or an organized group against people with the intention
of intimidating or coercing communities, a group of people, a world, a
universe, a galaxy, often for ideological or political reasons.

Was she a virtual terrorist? She didn't delete anything but her own builds?
She wasn't treated very well in many circumstances by those around her in
the community. Maybe it was her way of asking for help. Let me ask the
question in another way, if she built a house next door to you in real life,
then tore it down because of what someone in the neighborhood did or didn't
do to her, then came back to build it again, then burned it down, and
continued all over town that way, would you want to be her neighbor? Would
you want to give her any community privileges?

Another more important question, should we expect Activeworlds, Inc. to
negotiate with helping to give caretaker rights, discounted hosting services
to world owners and similar perks, gratuities, responsibilities to those who
delete, threaten to delete in the AW Universe?

Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 24, 2003, 1:43am
Vastly different comments I've received.

Let me clarify, the article was mainly written for two reasons.

1) To create awareness about other kinds of terrorism other than what we
see and hear on television - I've had a desire to write about that for a
very long time.

2) To let anyone that deletes or threatens to delete know that they aren't
the only one that has a problem and that if it continues, it might create
other problems such as being given consideration for hosting or community

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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 26, 2003, 12:16am
Passing along a message once given to me. It goes as follows:

"Freedom is what you make of it."

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Requests for Charter Enforcement

Nov 24, 2003, 11:04am
Many prominant citizens have expressed their disappointment regarding the
newsgroup being a place where attacks seem to dominate posts. In light of
this, many have refused to post. It's important for everyone to have the
opportunity to post AW community related topics and replies. Perhaps the
Community Charter could be more closely followed and enforced to allow this
newsgroup to regain popularity as a place for discussion of AW business.


Charter of the


The need for a moderated group is best explained by taking a casual look at
the many off-topic postings in other, non-moderated group. Often times,
disputes arise of personal nature or insults are thrown about with no care
or regard for the rights or feelings of others. This flaming is not the
purpose or intent of this particular newsgroup. We would like to avoid such
problems from the start. has been set up
as a media for dissemination of Information relative to the AW community and
the AW software in general. Events of interest to this community and the
sharing of knowledge and community discussion will be posted here. We invite
you all to take an active share in this newsgroup and hope it will be a
positive addition to your AW experience. Please join in and have fun.

CHARTER: newsgroup is a moderated
newsgroup for the free exchange of information and opinions on AW culture,
language, history, economics, science, and other topics related to
ActiveWorlds. Posts appropriate for
include, but are not restricted to, all aspects of ActiveWorlds,
informational posts about AW culture, history, etc. Language issues related
to AW. Discussion of education, health, environmental issues , politics,
elections, etc. Discussion of books , articles, webarticles, movies, etc.,
about AW or the 3D internet in general. Discussion of minority issues,
including language, within AW. Job opportunities within AW. Discussions
involving PeaceKeepers and GateKeepers. Suggestions and tips for newcomers.
Suggestions and tips for World Owners. Additions and alternative
implementations of the AW client or server. AWCOM. posts relevant to the AW
community and public meetings. newsgroup is for anyone who is interested
in AW and who can follow Usenet newsgroup netiquette, basic rules of polite
human interaction, and any further restrictions imposed by this charter.
There is no test or requirement as to how much of an AW citizen a person is
who wants to make a submission and participate. Any restrictions concerning
the contents of a post are intended to keep to the topic of AW, and are not
intended to restrict anyone's expression of opinions. Free speech exists
within the context of AW as a topic as defined in this charter. If the topic
is not about AW, forums other than
newsgroup are probably more appropriate. Submissions unrelated to the AW
Community shall be rejected. Commercial advertisements unrelated to AW shall
be rejected; all personal ads shall be rejected. Submissions containing
ethnic slurs, or submissions intended to hurt any given race, religion,
gender, or sexual orientation, shall be rejected. Personal attacks on
individual posters will also be rejected. Attacks on AWCOM, its employees,
contractors or partners will be rejected.

When major changes to the charter are to be considered, an announcement will
be made on newsgroup inviting interested
people to respond and thus participate via email. The role of the moderators
is to ensure the conditions of the charter are met by any submission to newsgroup. The moderators recognize that
they should be as unbiased and objective as is humanly possible.

Submissions are evaluated as to whether or not (1) they are on topic, (2)
they meet
netiquette, (3) they are appropriate for the group membership as a group
(rather than something that belongs in e-mail to an individual(s)), and
(4) meet any other submission standards as defined in the charter. The
of the rejected submissions to newsgroup by
the moderators should be in a timely manner. Should a moderator reject a
submission, s/he will delete the complete with no notice to the group or the
submitter in a timely manner (usually within 48 hours). All of the other
moderators shall be included in any notification of the deletion. Should the
moderators as a group disagree with a moderator's decision about a
submission, a minimum a coin toss majority is required to override it.
Other details will be refined during the initial existence of newsgroup, recognizing that it is impossible
to anticipate all of the details of moderation in advance. Submitters to newsgroup should recognize the volunteer
nature of the moderators, possible equipment problems with the server, etc.,
and keep such issues in mind when considering whether or not a post or
deletion was made in a timely way. The moderators will also work among
themselves to define the details of moderation, for example, addressing such
issues as how many moderators are actively moderating at a time and how to
deal with threads that appear to have strayed from the subject of AW.

We appreciate your cooperation, be excellent to each other and enjoy your
stay here in Active Worlds.

Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 27, 2003, 2:05pm
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with a little history to go

The Thanksgiving Proclamation talks about offering up our bodies and souls
as a living and acceptable Service unto Christ. Please keep in mind those
that are less fortunate and consider doing an act of kindness to help meet
their need during the holidays.


1676 Thanksgiving Proclamation

"The Holy God having by a long and Continual Series of his Afflictive
dispensations in and by the present Warr with the Heathen Natives of this
land, written and brought to pass bitter things against his own Covenant
people in this wilderness, yet so that we evidently discern that in the
midst of his judgements he hath remembered mercy, having remembered his
Footstool in the day of his sore displeasure against us for our sins, with
many singular Intimations of his Fatherly Compassion, and regard; reserving
many of our Towns from Desolation Threatened, and attempted by the Enemy,
and giving us especially of late with many of our Confederates many signal
Advantages against them, without such Disadvantage to ourselves as formerly
we have been sensible of, if it be the Lord's mercy that we are not
consumed, It certainly bespeaks our positive Thankfulness, when our Enemies
are in any measure disappointed or destroyed; and fearing the Lord should
take notice under so many Intimations of his returning mercy, we should be
found an Insensible people, as not standing before Him with Thanksgiving, as
well as lading him with our Complaints in the time of pressing Afflictions:

The Council has thought meet to appoint and set apart the 29th day of this
instant June, as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for such his
Goodness and Favour, many Particulars of which mercy might be Instanced, but
we doubt not those who are sensible of God's Afflictions, have been as
diligent to espy him returning to us; and that the Lord may behold us as a
People offering Praise and thereby glorifying Him; the Council doth commend
it to the Respective Ministers, Elders and people of this Jurisdiction;
Solemnly and seriously to keep the same Beseeching that being persuaded by
the mercies of God we may all, even this whole people offer up our bodies
and souls as a living and acceptable Service unto God by Jesus Christ."

AW Radio

Dec 16, 2003, 10:33am
Perhaps, OneSummer, you can give the newsgroup community more information
about this newsgroup posting. Such as, how did you receive the financing?
Also, what is your roll in AWRadio. And finally, why was this done?

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Dec 20, 2003, 1:32pm
Personal attacks should not be tolerated. It violates the Community
Charter. This post should be removed.

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Notice of name change.

Dec 21, 2003, 10:35am
Lady was the name I went by as a tourist in AW. Right before I joined,
Lady, Cit Number 263205, got my name forcing me to choose another. The Lady
is cit number 263414. It is interesting that I never saw Lady online. I
looked for her green checkmark for a very long time to no avail. Also
interesting to note that citizen number 263415 is Grouch. I saw Grouch
online with a green checkmark, but never talking at GZ. (And she or he
didn't answer telegrams.)

Yes, I've had 4 other citizenships. One that came with a world, one was
abandoned for a town name in AW and two others that I've used during my
stay; however, I have not used them to be deceptive to any of my friends.
Currently, I have one active, and that is the one I am posting this under.

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Dec 24, 2003, 2:27am
I understand why it was taken away but hopefully we are still able to post
off topic threads - such as pizza news or jokes. That was the nice thing
about general discussion.

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Merry Christmas

Dec 23, 2003, 12:37am
Merry Christmas Jetta Lewis. : ) Can't wait to see the old ruins.

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VR Therapy for Spider Phobia

Dec 26, 2003, 10:06pm
This is really a test post to see if my posting privileges have been given
back to me. I don't understand why they were taken away.

But thought I would also make use of the post by adding an interesting url
that pertains to VR. : )

Deleting NG Posts

Dec 27, 2003, 5:45am
It is disappointing general discussion newsgroup was deleted. I can
understand the reason, but do not understand, and have a hard time with the
coldness in which the community has responded to Elven's problems posted to
the newsgroup. Elven talked about problems at the gate and was personally
attacked. Elven, I am encouraging you to repost your concerns in this
community ng.

ENZO, you respond well regarding ng content complaints. Please consider the
same response regarding gate unfairness and/or abuse. Yes, Elven can send
an email to you, but solving problems through email does not encourage the
community to problem solve together. I hope you will consider allowing the
newsgroup to be a community problem solving avenue for AW.

Deleting NG Posts

Dec 27, 2003, 12:53pm
Yes, there's a good chance it will start over. But with a charter in place
in this newsgroup, there's a code of conduct that must be followed.

Elven, how about it? You said you would face these issues head on at your
house in Alpha World. But really, they need to be posted in this moderated
community forum - which is the proper place to face gate issues.

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Deleting NG Posts

Dec 27, 2003, 4:50pm
There is a problem with inconsistency in the way guidelines are enforced at
the gate. I see it myself. For someone to speak up about it is admirable.
The way in which they do that should be given a lot of preparation
beforehand. I'm not sure what Elven's agenda clearly was. We'd have to ask
her that. We can suspect a lot of things, but I'm not going to speculate.

When Elven tried to post her concerns to general discussion ng, she was
flamed for the post being too long. Come on! We are a community of people
that should be able to discuss such issues in an adult like fashion.
Flaming for silliness such as how long your post is or a one liner telling
someone to shut up is childish and doesn't help to solve the real issue.

As I said above, we'd have to ask Elven what her agenda was. I'm trying to
get her to post to this community ng. It's up to her. But I truly hope
this is not the end of the discussion. This needs to be resolved.

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Deleting NG Posts

Dec 27, 2003, 7:52pm
What is Maki's roll in the awgate webpage, sponsoring the gate, etc?

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Deleting NG Posts

Dec 28, 2003, 9:31pm
From my own experience, I've seen GK's back off and allow citizens to help
out at the gate. So there is some tolerance when a citizen wants to help
out. On the other hand, I would like more information about why Maki
sponsors the gate. He offers email addresses and a url. Why doesn't AW Inc
put up a site? Any explanation? Is this a franchise on helping?

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Merry Christmas from ORB & BRO

Dec 28, 2003, 12:01pm
AWRadio with no details regarding where the funds came from?

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