Discust (Community)

Discust // Community

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r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 2:25am
Now im signing off for ever my citizen soon to expire not that anyone in
this heartless community would care

R i c h a r d

mike zimmer

Jul 6, 2003, 2:38am
Discust? So dramatic....
-Miek Zimmer

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r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 2:58am
Discust at this community not my expiration im glad of that


Jul 6, 2003, 3:10am
So, did the community find something discustingly new to dicust you with? Or
is it just the same old discusting stuff you are tired of?


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r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 3:32am
I tryed to help this community. I made services like XeonTV my bots... i
help ppl i make examples for ppl and a good example in the SDK newsgroup
just now is that im not apprishated so ive had enough

light form

Jul 6, 2003, 6:30am
Ah, so you take your 'discust' to the NG in hopes of fulfilling your never
ending quest of finding sympathy.



Jul 6, 2003, 10:56am
Maybe he should start a never-ending quest to find the spell checker.

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mike zimmer

Jul 6, 2003, 11:15am
I'm surprised he went all through this thread without knowing...
-Miek Zimmer

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light form

Jul 6, 2003, 11:27am
"Herked on fonics werked fur me!" But spelling ignorance is truely bliss.



Jul 6, 2003, 11:58am
lol, your looking to be appreciated?
you think hamfom,xelag,ananas,andras, etc. have a fan site? no, im guessing
they're doing it for the sake of helping people, not to be appreciated....


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strike rapier

Jul 6, 2003, 12:05pm
I dont know, like all of us who help the community programming etc I think
we always have the hope that we will be appreciated for it, because it does
take us *a lot* of time to create things like bots, and people realise that
most programmers really apreciate a bit of thanks, even if its just a TG
from a few people saying 'Hey, a great bot, well done :)' but even if people
didnt do that would we stop programming tools for the community? I doubt it,
because we want to help.

- Mark

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strike rapier

Jul 6, 2003, 12:07pm
And in all honesty your example on the SDK NG with the ( ) going heywire was
crap ;) No offence cause it worked and everything.. just was poor for people
to learn from.

- Mark

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Jul 6, 2003, 3:59pm
This is just what he means. Your all heartless jerks. Read your own posts,
I'm sure you wouldn't like any of that said to you. It's people like you
guys who scare cits and tourists away. Anyway, I see why he would want
appreciation for doing stuff for the community. I forget what else I was
going to say, heh heh heh.
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Jul 6, 2003, 4:00pm
No, but people do show their appreciation to them.
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the lady

Jul 6, 2003, 4:01pm
Richard, hope whatever it is can be resolved so you can stay. : )

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light form

Jul 6, 2003, 4:23pm
This is the Newgroups duo, I cant name a man, woman, or child that hasnt
said something dumb and gotten the fire posted out of them. You'll notice,
also, that most of the people on the newgroups, are for the most part, quite
accomplished citizens who actually make AW worth paying for. Most the people
who inhabit the newsgroups have been around AW for a while. They know what
they are getting into when they post here. They can suck it up. Its like...a
You should know this!
They say credit is given where credit is due; news flash, this isnt so in
AW. But when you go crying and whining about how under appriciated you are
in a community that is made up of teenagers and old fogies, your going to
get blasted out of the water. Tough love.
Now, watch and you'll see that there will be a string of posts after this
one that, either A: agree with me (mostly the males) or B: want peace, no
war! (mostly the females).
Have a nice day =)

'Heartless Jerk'


Jul 6, 2003, 4:24pm
[View Quote] Get over it, people act the way the act. Want to know the things that
scare tourists away? Well, that'd be the great, oh mighty, GateKeepers
of AWGate. They're so awesome and cool and never eject anyone they
don't think deserves it. Oh, and troublemakers too, yeah, those are the
only people they _ever_ eject.

As for citizens, could it possible be the awesomely great decision to
raise the prices to get more money? Anyone who's taken _any_ economic
class knows that to get more money you have to increase your userbase.
And to increase your userbase you have to, *gasp*, lower the prices.
Then, after the userbase is sufficiently larger, increase it back to
$20... or maybe a $10 increase to $30. The first dumb move was to think
this was a game and equal to a MMORPG, the second was to think it was
still equal to half that.

Excuse moi if I think that was bullshit, but I'm having a bad day.
Yeah, it's certainly Mike Zimmer who's making everyone leave. Maybe
it's me, though, since I'm worse than everyone in this thread combined
according to some _EXTREMELY RELIABLE_ sources. Bite me. Wait, that's


r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 5:19pm
Frankly i dont really care if no one appreshiates it i really am fed up of
sh*t being thrown in my face everytime i try to do something

strike rapier

Jul 6, 2003, 5:28pm
Well wear a mask when you are cleaning toilets? :)

- Mark

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Jul 6, 2003, 5:34pm
[View Quote] The question is; What are you doing that causes shit to be thrown at
your face? Dealing with chimps? Cleaning public restrooms?


r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 5:35pm
This is exactly what i mean. I try to make bots and examples i run the TV
station and just help out and all i get back is cocky jokes insults telling
me to piss off cause i have no idea what im doing not grimps like you 2


Jul 6, 2003, 6:07pm
[View Quote] You're complaining you don't get enough recognition for your work. Why
do you need it? If you were really trying to help out, richard, that's
all that should matter. Not what we say, not what we do, not what we think.

As for things like what Grimble did earlier, it wasn't really uncalled
for. As you just said "it's for losers" in response to the OCX. You're
just antagonizing it further and further the more you complain. Ironic.


r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 7:41pm
NO NO NO NO >_< its the fact i see no reason to continue no one gives any
feed back which isn't insulting and thats probably why i started leaving
insulting things in my posts

r i c h a r d

Jul 6, 2003, 8:18pm
Maybe im just going totally insane


Jul 6, 2003, 9:01pm
my advice, ignore him. richard is just looking for pitty in my opinion,
otherwise he wouldnt have answered any of the posts, and had been gone by


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Jul 6, 2003, 9:02pm
Name for me one human being who is not totally insane.

Actually, skip that. There's no such thing.

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Jul 6, 2003, 9:02pm
sh*t isn't being thrown at you. I saw you in VWTV the other day complaining
about how we (vwtv) are so much more lucky. You are making your own sh*t
and wiping it all over you expecting to get some sympathy. I'm fed up with
it lol. If you want to help the community, do it for the sake of helping
the community, not to get some sort of reward out of it (I.E. fame,
popularity). Mother Theresa helped people, and people called her a failure
because she wasn't rich and famous. She didn't care. She was happy because
she was making others happy!
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Jul 6, 2003, 9:03pm
not as much as they spend working, and cant compare thier workd to richards,
especially not xelags and andras' :)


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Jul 6, 2003, 11:25pm
Join the club, although your one of the ones who does not care for me and
basically it was in favor of a stupid reason that King Brian K did not like
me just for the reason that one of my worlds named A1CT origionally parted
his A1KingBrianK and A2KingBrianK worlds 2 years ago. I can say I get
attacked alot more than you do and get little appreciation from everyone in
the community. But you know what? Although I do stick up for myself here
occasionally, I realise that alot of what I do for AW is what I like doing,
making people happy with my money and time. If one person either it be a
tourist or a citizen has one second of happiness for all my efforts, then my
time and money spent is justified! : )
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mike zimmer

Jul 6, 2003, 11:25pm
How do we scare tourists away from these NGs?
-Miek Zimmer

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