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What Citizens Want

May 2, 2003, 7:46am
When AW changed their tourists policy and banned tourists I have tried to
fight it, took my web site down, signed all petitions and so on, they do not
understand that only people who can see how much fun AW is will create a
large community.
Especially commercial customers will not invest money into a community with
maybe 250 active citizens.
The traffic argument does not count at for private worlds. This traffic is
payed by the people who host the worlds, not by AW.
I don't know who you are but can you please stop spamming me with that? i'm
not interested and really don't care what aw does anymore. I used to but not
anymore. They are just gonna do what they want anyways.
Yes well that really only shows that ppl have seen that the owners of this
program have no care for the community - its all about the cash with them so
why should the cits involve themselves in further useless attempts at
regaining community?
well, maybe if i get to talk to ENZO himself about it.................which
is unlikely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
36 votes!! No that is not hardly representative of the members here. I
never heard a thing about it - when or where to vote.. there needs to be
more publicity about such things. EVERY world owner should be required to
vote. And the results should be what the owners of AW actually do. They do
need to work more closely with their PAYING customers about many issues that
they ignore. Thank you for letting me know about this poll. If I can help
in anyway just let me know.
seems one need to register and to logon to giving a vote ?
if so, a hint: if you allow open access to the voting page, you probably
will get more votes.
Done. I'm all in favor of tourist being allowed anywhere. Just like they
used to be. Thanks.
I have been around here for a long time.. a year before I became a cit..
makes it about 6 years.. was PK 3 yrs with Razzle etc.. you notice that
without the Tourists.. doesn't seem to be much need for PKs..
already have voted, thank-you :)
well ..... like I said its interesting *smiles* as far as the tourist thing
I think it would be great to have them back... Owning 3 worlds and payin for
them to enter two of my worlds its been a little let down ... there is not
that many tourist visiting either of my worlds that allow them ..... Also
being part of Tours world I've not seen many visit there either.. As a
Watchkeeper and AWSTeacher I see the same tourist go to AWNewbie or AWSchool
....... But I"ve also seen too like *tourist name withheld* go to AWNewbie as
a tourist and many more members do the same... So as far as tourist traffic
or tourist visiting AW I am not sure of the real number of them.....
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What Citizens Want

May 3, 2003, 1:50am
In 1997, my first day at Activeworlds started in Alpha World. There was
noone explaining why I saw triangles, how to fly, teleport or the ability to
access other worlds. I believe I arrived during a transitional time between
two owners, which was before the gate was formed. During the course of it
all, I remember quite clearly being asked to push my back button, which took
me to more triangles. I felt pretty lost. I was thrilled when the creation
of the gate happened, but I have mulled over your point myself many times
and wholeheartedly agree that AWGate doesn't capture the whole essence of
AW. That is why when I made my first attempt at building a town, I included
Protagonist's picture and some older models first seen close to Alpha World
gz during the early days. It would be nice if AWGate portrayed where we
started from versus the newest tinkertoy model. They say the first
impression is the most lasting; no better way than to incorporate a little
of our history with the new.

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What Citizens Want

May 3, 2003, 2:44am
Here is your reply:

Thank you:)

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[AWNews] Tourist Poll

May 1, 2003, 8:58pm
I will take on that responsibility gladly!

[View Quote] So this time around, I'm insisting that you
> tell everyone you know about this poll so we can not only get a true
> representation of what AW thinks about this issue, but also so ENZO will
> actually consider the results!

> Goober King
> Fight for your right
> gooberking at

[AWNews] Tourist Poll

May 2, 2003, 7:24am
Goober King, I think the thing is the registering to vote. To be honest,
it's a pain. Easier for someone to reply to a telegram. I feel you and AWI
want to have an idea of who is voting for what, making sure nobody votes
twice, that sort of thing. I understand that but you aren't going to get as
many votes and comments that way because of the red tape of registering.

Also, it's a privacy issue. I understand AWI's and your take on it, but
geez, some people do like to remain anonymous in their opinions. Anyone
that sends a comment to me gets it posted here anonymously.

I sent out hundreds of telegrams getting your word out, and the result of
who votes at your website remains to be seen, but it doesn't look like there
is much response. On the other hand, I am overwhelmed at the telegrams I've
received with people pretty much pouring their hearts out about their
experiences here. Saddness in seeing tourists restricted, paying out lots
of extra dollars to have them in their worlds only to see few trickle in.
In sharp contrast, maybe it's the combination of having someone one-on-one
to talk with coupled with no red tape in registering that gets the response
wanted and needed. E N Z O, please, put this on a wild colored Post-It Note
on the top of your desk and think about it seriously before you make your
tourist decision.

[View Quote]

Tourist Poll Questions

May 1, 2003, 11:26pm
What sort of restrictions should tourists have?

Same as citizens, but only as a 30-day trial

Access and build rights in all worlds

Access to all worlds, but restricted build rights

Keep them as is, but lower world "tourist fee"

Everything is fine the way it is now

Access to AWI worlds only and no build rights

Access to AWGate only

Other (explain in comment)

When you register, these will be the questions on the page. You select one
and vote.

More Anonymous Opinions

May 2, 2003, 8:20pm
I agree that we need to let Tourists back in to as many places as possible.
OK, restricted rights up to a point but I also feel we desperately NEED new
blood. How on earth can we get anyone to agree to pay to join AW (at a
relatively high cost to most people) if we do not allow them to see what
they are being asked to pay for?
I have voted to let them into all the AWI worlds but with limited build
Thanks :) will sure make a vote there! I want the tourists back too .....
I think that world owners should be able to decide if they have tourists
without other charges. We pay for our worlds and do all the work in them. It
seems that by letting tourists look at those worlds it might cause them to
want to be citizens. World owners of *omitted name* We both voted on
the web page. It would be nice to know how many paid up Cits there
are left.
I've already made my wishes known..along with most other PK's..that tourists
should be allowed back
er, well...i think those good 4 nothin tourists should pay to get useful!
Citesens are useful, not Tourists. but i know...we need more tourist build
worlds to make them wanna pay! il think about doin it....the less tourists
we have the better! the more citesens we have, the Better! il think about
doin it

Advanced Mode

May 3, 2003, 5:26pm
Why is it that when you start at the gate that one of the first things you
are asked to do is click on "Advanced Mode"?

Unfair Beta Practices

May 3, 2003, 6:08pm
If we are able to download the Beta, we should be able to post in the

It's unfair and is something that should be fixed immediately.

Unfair Beta Practices

May 4, 2003, 7:46pm
I'm very familiar with beta testing for other companies. We are all allowed
to post to one newsgroup. If AWI wants to segregate beta testers, I say
it's wrong, but at least compromise and make an open beta newsgroup.

[View Quote]

Unfair AWHS Practices

May 3, 2003, 6:10pm
Meetings switched at the last minute, leaving last minute attendees
wondering where we are meeting is unfair.

Meeting notes "changed" to correct spelling is unfair.

Switching job titles after discussion and assignments have been made at the
meetings is unfair.

Switching responsibilities after discussion and assignments have been made
at the meetings is unfair.

All of these are unfair AWHS practices and this should stop immediately.
Fairness and equality should be our strengths.

Unfair Gatekeeping Practices

May 3, 2003, 6:12pm
Siting being "too busy" as a reason not to interview, yet at the same time
stepping up the process and giving title to new gatekeepers is unfair
Gatekeeping practices.

This must stop immediately and be corrected. Fairness and equality must be
the strength of the Gatekeeper organization.

The Human Condition

May 3, 2003, 6:18pm
There are people that visit Active Worlds interested in the human condition.
If these problems aren't addressed fairly and vigorously, I intend to find
out who they represent and am going to send them all of these violations.
Nobody should have to be a citizen under these conditions.


May 3, 2003, 6:32pm
If I see that guy that talked about human conditions come back to the gate,
I'm going to talk to him. You post your comments above mine to try to not
allow my posts to be on top so that people won't read the Truth!

Unfair Peacekeeping Practices

May 3, 2003, 6:40pm
A PK threatening to write me up because I won't remove two signs that were
there before anyone else was in the first place AND were there to be of help
to a new builder!

This is unfair peacekeeing practices and should be stopped immediately.
Fairness and equality should be the strengths of the peacekeeping


May 3, 2003, 9:08pm
For the love of all that which is holy, I condemn the evil that takes place
here. 1 Corinthians 13:6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with
the Truth! Evil Be Gone From Here! I am speaking the Truth!

[View Quote]

For The Lady

May 3, 2003, 9:43pm

You are trying to divert my attention. It seems those who have stuck with
AW for so long are too weary or blinded to band together and condemn
inhumane conditions. I have a responsibility to speak out against the bad
treatment that happens here. And it is true, it is evil human treatment.
Attacks happen here every day in one form or another. Injustice happens
here. But my shield is stronger than the piercing words or vulgar actions
of evil because I'm wearing the armour of God.

[View Quote]

For The Lady

May 3, 2003, 10:12pm
I am standing with the belt of Truth buckled around my waist! I am telling
the Truth with my feet planted in the most peaceful way I can!

Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day
of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done
everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled
around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and
with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of

[View Quote]

For The Lady

May 4, 2003, 1:20am
I did what had to be done, (from my telegram solicitations of voting to
recent newsgroup postings quoting scripture), knowing very well ahead of
time that I would probably be crucified in this newsgroup. Regardless, I
know in my heart I have done the right thing-I have faith and am praying
that it will bring about change for the better, and that good will prevail
over evil.

That is my answer to all of your questions below. Apologies if it isn't
what you expect or want.

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For The Lady

May 4, 2003, 7:38pm

When you say "most of us also went through this stage*, I do agree with what
you have said. The entire community has suffered and spoken out in one form
or another. It hasn't just happened to me.

I don't agree with what you say about "how much better it is like this". No
it is not. It is a very humbling life changing experience, but too much of
it hinders everything from the way we relate to each other to what we will
pass on to our children. Not good.

[View Quote]

Complaining - a random thought from J

May 4, 2003, 10:00pm
These are good thoughts, but there have been instances of unfair and unjust
situations regarding some AW organizations. It is hard to get involved in
change when your application isn't considered. It begins with calling these
types of unfair practices to the attention of community.

[View Quote]

Complaining - a random thought from J

May 5, 2003, 9:31pm
It's ok to open the can.

I'm quite aware of and am reminded frequently at AWGate of what my
reputation is in AW. I know it is not considered to be pure, decent, moral
or good.

I am genuinely interested in being a part of an organization in AW. At the
gate or in AWHS or somewhere. I try to do the best work I can, I try to get
along with everyone, I try to do as I am told to the best of my ability. If
professionalism counts, so be it. But keep in mind nobody is perfect.
Things happen online and in real life that affect the way each person acts
and performs in the community. Sometimes those inflictions are not voiced,
sometimes they are, depending upon the individual. But to treat that person
differently through the application process in any AW organization because
they are not what most consider the "norm" is unfair and is a practice that
needs to be reviewed with open minds and changed. The first thing
leadership should look at regarding an individual wanting to contribute to
an AW organization is what gifts and/or strengths does that individual bring
to AW and what team of people would he/she best work with. Each individual
can contribute here in some way, regardless of their background or problems,
and they needn't be given the master controls in order to do that. Everyone
that wants to take part in an organization should be able to do so, even if
it's keeping a log record..

I have been molded by some very different experiences. It's had its
advantages and disadvantages.

I bought a new bible two weeks ago and it had this quote in the margin of
one of the pages and I hold it dear to my heart because of instances such as
the one I am responding to now. It is as follows:

Let us look at our own shortcomings and leave other people's alone; for
those who live carefully ordered lives are apt to be shocked at everything
and we might well learn very important lessons from the persons who shock
us. Our outward comportment and behavior may be better than theirs, but
this, though good, is not the most important thing; there is no reason why
we should expect everyone else to travel by our own road.

Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

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new peek

May 6, 2003, 9:30am
Looks very nice. : ) Reminds me of CofMeta.

[View Quote]

no auto-upgrade?

May 7, 2003, 9:26am
3.4 Open Beta Build 483 available at
[View Quote]


May 10, 2003, 7:40am
80 Votes have been cast which is more than double the votes cast the last
time this issue was addressed.

Clearly, what the citizens want is for tourists to have access to all
worlds, but with restricted build rights (63.75% of those who voted said

Everyone wants to see the worlds alive with tourists once again.

Also, world owners, keep making your opinions known. You help make the

How about it AWI?


May 11, 2003, 12:25am
Well, since prices are much higher than what they used to be, there's a big
chance that most tourists will try to get by with building with 0 for a
longer period of time before registering. So, there might be many more
people loading the server down, but small percentage of those becoming
citizens, which will result in more money being lost by AWI? Not sure.

Not as much incentive to pay 6.95 per month when you can build, chat, do
everything except you have the vulnerability of having your place deleted.
And as big as Alpha World is, you can pretty much count on safely being able
to build with 0 for a very long time. Just the ability to have tourists
chat (with no building allowed) in all AWI public worlds sounds more
reasonable and a safer bet for the time being in my opinion. I guess the
thing to keep in mind is, weighing all the new features we get by paying
more on one side and being fair with but keeping tourist perks to a minimum
(along with keeping citizens happy at GZ's) on the other.

I'll get Goober King's opinion regarding a poll.

[View Quote]

^Tourists & Newsgroup^

May 12, 2003, 3:42am
A tourist poll was conducted at the gate but it did not result in much
information. From what I could gather, there was a vote for Yellowstone
being open for build and a vote for Alpha World. I asked Goober King for
help in getting a tourist poll and he advised tourists could vote at the
same poll in which the citizens voted. Although I advertised this at the
gate, there wasn't much response if any.

The results are 62.96 % said they preferred tourists have access to all
worlds, but restricted build rights. However, there are some important
issues that remain. We haven't really heard from an AWI spokesperson
regarding how the company feels that what citizens and tourists want will
affect them. This is very important because since we are not privy to AWI's
day-to-day needs to maintain operation, how do we know that what we are
asking for is reasonable? So, it would be very much appreciated to have a
spokesperson respond how the change we are asking for will affect them.

Also, I am in hopes of and praying that the newsgroup will not be shut down
because of inappropriate comments that happened during the weekend. Noone
likes to be attacked, but I am very much willing to withstand them in order
for change to happen. This newsgroup is our vital link to community.
Please understand that if the newsgroup is shut down, it will adversely
affect not only this issue, but a variety of other important AW issues that
are discussed here on a daily basis. I am in hopes that AWI will see that
the tourists matter needs to be addressed promptly and a fair decision be
made so that this can be put behind us and the community can move forward.
: )

no escape.......(Repost)

May 25, 2003, 3:30pm
Strike Rapier, sorry I'm unable to post a reply to beta. This was my

Click on "options" at the top of your screen.
Click on "configure controls".
Look down the list until you see "Toggle move mode"
Set this using a key not currently in use.
(My middle mouse button will not toggle move mode as shown in this setting.
I don't know if it is my mouse or a beta bug. I have chosen an application

After I set this to be controlled by my new key preset, I'm able to get out
of mouse mode.

By the way, I can sympathize with you. It is extremely frustrating. Hope
this helps.

The Lady
thelady263414 at

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 12:48pm

I'm sorry to see the end of xealgot bots. Hopefully, Activeworlds and you
can come up with something that will continue the bot technology. It
certainly has a bright future - the possibilities are endless.

Sincerely, The Lady
thelady263414 at

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 2:04pm
Actually, it would be wonderful if you could get with Ananas and/or Andras
or some other independent AW citizens that make useful programs. Get
together and talk about combining, adding to, enhancing some tools we are
already using.

[View Quote]

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