AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on. (Community)

AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on. // Community

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captain mad mike

Jun 16, 2003, 5:12am
OK, so we were all told that AWI would give us a feature vote for new
alphaworld features, right? Well, its been quite a few months (over 3-4 at
LEAST). Where is it, AWI?

I think that 3-axis rotate is what AlphaWorld needs. That sounds weird, yes,
but it REALLY unlocks some potential for great builds. I have an example
that I posted up in the SW City forums. There are images, though, so
dial-uppers beware.;action=display;threadid=826


sw comit

Jun 16, 2003, 5:30am
Well put.

I know you guys are working hard on AW 3.4 and NewAW, but come on, it's just
a poll. We've been waiting for 3.4 for over a year now, what's another day?
Another way of looking at it is that it gives us something to do till' you
guys are done with everything =)

- SW Comit

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Jun 16, 2003, 7:00am
Why don't you just move on from alpha world to a world with similar objects
but allow 3-axis rotation and special features? I mean, unless you're
building some ridiculously big project that no one will ever be able to
appreciate due to the massive sprawlig size and visibility restrictions,
not much need for alpha world anymore.


Jun 16, 2003, 10:36am
WildAW comes to mind : )

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Jun 16, 2003, 1:06pm
Whoa.... lol
Viva AlphaWorld!

Lara (I like Captain Mad Mike's idea :)

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goober king

Jun 16, 2003, 1:52pm
Actually, that's exactly the problem. SW City is a huge, sprawling city
that's been developing for years, and I'm willing to bet even Comit and
Co. don't remember half of what's in the town. So moving it to another
world, like AWTeen or WildAW would prove to be near impossible.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Larger than life
gooberking at

captain mad mike

Jun 16, 2003, 3:00pm
Exactly. Plus the fact that AWI has SAID that they'd do this, and as of yet
they haven't come through.


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Jun 16, 2003, 4:51pm
Then get out the picket signs.

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Jun 16, 2003, 7:45pm
There is no picketsign1.rwx in AlphaWorld...

*down on knees with hands in air, looking up* Damn you, AWC...damn you! >_<
- Syntax -

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captain mad mike

Jun 16, 2003, 8:01pm
Well theres always the street signs....those'll do in a pinch :D


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Jun 16, 2003, 8:03pm
[View Quote] pole4m.rwx?



Jun 16, 2003, 8:44pm
I think someone approached me two years ago about just this topic, citing
exactly the same reasons. I'm not sure what the answer was, though...


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sw chris

Jun 16, 2003, 10:14pm
As a paying customer I need to say that a poll is the least you could do for
us aw-ites. :)


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sw chris

Jun 16, 2003, 10:15pm
picket signs... Sheesh.

I bet you're a liberal. :)

SW Chris

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sw chris

Jun 16, 2003, 10:22pm
Brant, the answer was no because the city was getting too big to move and
most of us didn't want to deal with it, despite the obvious advantages and
the offered perks by you at the time. BITTER!? NO! I'M NOT BITTER! :P

With all due respect baro, we tried to move the city before, a year and a
half ago, and if the motion had passed the council vote, it would have taken
months. work.

It really is darn near impossible to move now. It takes me three days to
make a propdump of just the main island on a broadband connection, let alone
all the other little villages and islands out there now. AWTeen's the
biggest world out there for this kind of thing, Baro, and it can't even hold
SW City anymore.

Surely you aren't suggesting we give up the largest city in Alphaworld in
history for a few extra features that really should have been enabled
already in AWI's flagship world?


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sw chris

Jun 16, 2003, 10:24pm
Uh, the text "Surely you aren't suggesting we give up the largest city in
Alphaworld in history..." should read "Surely you aren't suggesting we give
up the largest city in Alphaworld _to_ history...":

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Jun 17, 2003, 2:35am
Who said anything about transplanting things? Everyone seems way too
attached to the first world or area they started building in. If you want
new abilities, go to a new world, start a new town, a new project. Not
like you still can't go back and look at your old stuff.

captain mad mike

Jun 17, 2003, 3:22am
So you're saying that if you had built the largest city in alphaworld, and
it was still growing, you'd just abandon the whole thing for new features?


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Jun 17, 2003, 4:47am
How am I supposed to know what you're doing or what towns or what not you're
building? All I hear are some people complaining about features that are
avail in other worlds. I'm just saying that people shouldn't be so afraid
to move out of alpha world. Would be nice if they added more features, but
I think there's some wierd registry or cell issues with 3 axis rotation and
it would cause some trouble in AW if they enabled it.

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sw comit

Jun 17, 2003, 4:52am
Not to mention being over 4 years old. I shouldn't have to move to another
world. When I started paying 3-4x more for a citizen accounts, I was half
expecting some more attention to Alphaworld, but it actaully gets less now
than before the new prices x_x

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the lady

Jun 17, 2003, 9:19am
You are right, you shouldn't have to move anything at all. You shouldn't
even have to think about it.

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Jun 17, 2003, 6:27pm
[View Quote] Yup, so suck it, and the pole4m.rwx. :P



Jun 17, 2003, 6:45pm
True, but there will always be people who won't like the changes new
technology will bring. AW's original solution to this problem was to
introduce NewAW to "replace" AlphaWorld, giving people the best of both
worlds. I'm not sure what happened with it, or 3.4, though....

If NewAW ever sees the light of day, however, it still won't be big enough
for SW City or any large city, because lots cost money. I'm not sure there
IS a solution to this problem, other than purchasing a large commercial
world or universe yourself and peacekeeping it yourself as well :(

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sw comit

Jun 17, 2003, 7:30pm
I doubt there's that many against change in Alphaworld. That's the point of
having a poll X_X

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Jun 17, 2003, 7:50pm
[View Quote] The people who are against change feel it's against the "traditional
ambiance" of AlphaWorld. No one is forcing them to use them though.
And if someone does vandelize with the move commands (like they haven't
with other bugs in the browser) just get the GET on it.


goober king

Jun 17, 2003, 8:26pm
Ugh. NewAW is *not* supposed to replace AW! It's a totally different
world from AW, and simply offers people another alternative.

I'm sure Rick and Co. will get around to the Feature Poll after they get
this annoying 3.4 thing out of the way. :P

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Goober King
Going out of his way
awnews at

sw chris

Jun 17, 2003, 11:24pm
Well you're not supposed to know. But you are supposed to consider the fact
that things are often more complicated than they appear. The simplest
solution is not always the easiest or the most ideal. Yours is certainly
the simplest.

Besides, if those features caused AW trouble, it would cause all worlds with
registries trouble. The program is only limited by the code and there are
two solutions. Change the code. Or delete the registry. That's the
reality of it, in my limited Vulcan logic.


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Jun 17, 2003, 11:40pm
Eh, I'm just a big advocate of people moving on from alpha world, so thats
my solution for just about every alpha world related issue.

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sw chris

Jun 18, 2003, 12:16am
Then you are narrowminded.



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Jun 18, 2003, 8:47pm
Baro? Narrowminded? Pfft!

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