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captain mad mike // User Search

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eep pre-beta source in basic

Dec 21, 2000, 12:02am
LOL is it in GW basic or Q basic?
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eep pre-beta source in basic

Dec 21, 2000, 12:25am
Though really IMHO if that was supposed to be more like eep instead of
getting stupider it would cuss and lash out at the user a lot more as you
converse with it.
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Jan 14, 2001, 11:35pm
I wouldn't call that an insult, it says that syn likes to give FDA alot, and
from experience he's not gay so...

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May venture into making bots...

Apr 30, 2001, 11:05pm
I have a there a certain programming language like VB or C++
that you need to use to make bots? I was going to try to find a programming
class for it because I'd like to learn to make my own bots instead of be
stuck to going through confusing scripting and figuring out how to work
hamfons and xellys. I know programming is confusing too but I think it would
help if I can use the language(s) bots can be made in so I'll better
understand how the scripts work and how the bots do too.

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike

May venture into making bots...

May 1, 2001, 7:44pm
Thanks for all the places. I've known that C++ and C were supported by the
SDK, though I have a friend who knows VB so he could help me if I got
that...but just wondering...since they're all different languages are any of
them harder than the other? I'm interested in Delphi too because I've heard
thats a good one...also I need to know how much the software is.

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tourist property deletion

Feb 1, 2001, 8:07pm
I agree too. If tourists want to do serious building they should just
register. And besides, that way they can't have their serious building get
deleted by those mean citizens who come in and level the buildings or worse
(to me) add signs with vulgarities or even just rip chunks out of the build.

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Built-in land surveyer and builder

Feb 1, 2001, 7:59pm
I think it could float, sorda. Basically it could use the same method as the
Vevo does. And if a Vevo map of a 36000x36000 world is 5GB, a Vevo map for a
world thats 100x100 max would be like 10MB-1GB (someone do the math, I'm
lazy :P )

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ROTATE allowed.

Feb 1, 2001, 7:57pm
I wish that we could have a trial run of rotate in AW and if it gets abused
then turn it off and work on a way to have it (AW browser) detect if the
object getting rotated will encroach. I just think that the best way to
prevent from being vandalized by rotate is the same way to prevent being
vandalized in general: cover your land! To me if someone sets up a spinning
balloon it will look the same as a wall of signs, just cover the land so
your buildings are unhurt. And besides, not many objects are really huge
(besides those not on the registry and z objects).

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ROTATE allowed.

Feb 4, 2001, 7:59pm
Which explains why I said "cover land." And besides, a lot of people build
in towns so unless the towns full of cracks you can't make anything rotate
into another person's build. And rotate is NOT like move in my opinion, move
allows you to send things to GZ, rotate barely moves them.
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Speed Limit!!!

Feb 4, 2001, 8:13pm
loook whoooos talking
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World Prices?!

Feb 12, 2001, 9:04pm
Hmm... I was checking out the prices of a world. $10 yearly for a P-10 with
5 users isn't bad, but really another $50 to add 5 users to the world? I
think it should be $10 extra per 5 user limit increase. What makes them so
pricey anyways? AWCOM says most everything (rights, usage of software, etc.)
is covered by the one-time liscense fee. And the worlds not even hosted
either, its running of your comp (from what I heard) so really your paying
to have people come to your comp. I'm not a world owner but I know people
who own worlds.

World Prices?!

Feb 14, 2001, 7:29pm
Yeah I agree with you all, they need to make money somehow. But I think if
they lowered the prices then a world would be in reach for a lot more people
thus producing more sales.

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Sound distance

Feb 14, 2001, 7:32pm
Yeah I'd like to either do that or be able to just turn off fading
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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Feb 14, 2001, 7:32pm
interesting, it may be hard for AWCOM's team of programmers to do so but

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Streaming voice

Feb 16, 2001, 11:17pm
Maybe Microsoft's is buggy and full of security holes like Outlook?
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ppw upgrades

Feb 22, 2001, 11:43pm
I like 2, 4, and 6.

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ppw upgrades

Feb 25, 2001, 7:12pm
yeah but what about us AWCOM-world-builders who can't have Eminent Domain
(hint, ED means something...else...)

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This would be fun, but useless

Feb 24, 2001, 2:08am
Yeah good idea, I don't think it would kill down performance or anything if
you've got a good enough video card (and most new computers have very good
cards in them, and there are always the cheap good ones for upgrading) and
for AW it would be just like a bot.

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike

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Fresh Start

Feb 24, 2001, 2:09am
But what if the new software took up too much of the budget and one had to

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike

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Fresh Start

Feb 28, 2001, 10:53pm
If AW has to rewrite the database or anything then they should try backing
it up, you know, in case they figure out a way to change that so it works
with the "new" AW, that is if their hard drive can handle it (...mine can
handle AW and 3 copies of it and still be able to hold the stuff it has on
it now...) Though if they did I'd want to have like super changes to AW
(visible limbs in first person mode, maybe voice stuff, av noises, stuff
like that) because I wouldn't think of it being worth losing all of my
builds for more visibility or soemthing.

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike
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Fresh Start

Mar 5, 2001, 11:34pm
whoops, big mistake, I heard in the gate that it was only like 5 GB or
something...heh no I wish I had 300GB, be nice but no...

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Fresh Start

Mar 8, 2001, 11:12pm
Hmmm....when you figure out how to make another 3d chat/VR peice of software
with the features of AW, and possibly beating them, let me know.

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Vertical move

Feb 24, 2001, 2:05am
I think it would be nice if move wasn't allowed but only vertical move
(vmove) was. That way there are no encroaching problems and you can make
objects hover (more realistically). Then we could maybe make elevators and
vertically moving lights!

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike

Vertical move

Feb 28, 2001, 10:42pm
from doing what?

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"status" worlds

Feb 25, 2001, 7:13pm
LMAO "A giant toilet with toilet keepers to flush it every hour." Be sure to
add the sound effects too, and for realism some "smears."

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AWCI-Stop using backgrounds with fog! It doesn't work and looks gay.

Feb 25, 2001, 7:09pm
AAaaah whats up with everyone hating the fog? They put it just short of the
maximum visibility (120m) so it can't really interfere with building, and if
it does, move closer.

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AWCI-Stop using backgrounds with fog! It doesn't work and looks gay.

Feb 28, 2001, 10:45pm
well I guess the orange color of the fog is kinda disgusting...fog only
works well either white or at night so the fog is just to add effect.

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User-set Visibility

Feb 25, 2001, 7:11pm
I think it would be cool if we could set our maximum visibility to whatever
we wanted (or if not whatever, a really high limit) because then we could
possibly see for half a mile instead of about 310 feet.

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike


Mar 10, 2001, 12:26am
nhaaaaa...scratch the outgoing history, then when Windows updates Microsoft
could update their records of you to sell out to other companies O_O *looks

"Crazy to the gluon!"
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Mar 17, 2001, 3:17am

[View Quote] > I saw an object in a Universe thing Posiedon showed me.. it was a mirror..
> looked awesome
> --
> - = [ T e c h n o ] = -
> - = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

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