This would be fun, but useless (Wishlist)

This would be fun, but useless // Wishlist

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sw comit

Feb 22, 2001, 3:44pm
Binoculars - to be able to zoom in on something in the distance. lol, I
always wanted that, but that'll never happen =P

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

agent fox mulder

Feb 22, 2001, 7:11pm
Hehe That would be cool:)And they can go all over the world hehe


Feb 23, 2001, 9:58am
[View Quote] another neat idea:

stereo view

render two viewports at the same time, with their in-world coords about 10cm
apart. Place them next to each other on your screen. Now look "behind" the
screen and make them overlap. Instant 3D view on any regular monitor. This
technique is the same as the one used by those pictures that seem to show
only random noise, but have a 3D picture hidden inside. For some people it
doesn't work - either they don't get the trick, or they just can't see
things this way - but for most people it does.


sw comit

Feb 23, 2001, 9:45pm
Real live AW cameras would be cool too. For example, every citizen gets a
limit of 1 camera to place in a world, and you could load a command in the
action line to see it. I could like watch town square while I build ^_^

create citcam (citizen camera) citnum (your citizen number)

I'm not sure what this would do to performance though.

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission


Feb 23, 2001, 10:56pm
Would probly kill performance big time.
Unless it had a feed to a external program then the cam wouldnt cause any
more drag than a standard object of the same vert count.
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sw comit

Feb 24, 2001, 12:00am
Why do you say that? The image is still, except for avatar or
moving/animated stuff. And you'd also need to be looking at the video.

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
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captain mad mike

Feb 24, 2001, 2:08am
Yeah good idea, I don't think it would kill down performance or anything if
you've got a good enough video card (and most new computers have very good
cards in them, and there are always the cheap good ones for upgrading) and
for AW it would be just like a bot.

My two cents,
Captain MAD Mike

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