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baro // User Search
baro // User SearchWARNING: IMPORTANTMar 31, 2002, 9:13pm
Yay my world isn't in the list, that means it's a-ok ?
I've never really had any security problems. Someone takes a texture I ask them not to, and as soon as the option of taking it to awcom comes up they always just do the right thing. Then later I just tell them if they want something ask, and then they get it. I guess I'm just living in happy peace bunny friendship land... > > > > Brant's paintball bot is full of errorsMay 4, 2002, 8:45pm
I hate registries. Only in huge massive worlds are they needed. Otherwise
they are just a massive pain to build with. SDK Developers : Pissed OffJun 16, 2006, 7:39pm
I've been working on a game for ages, finally finding a programmer who
will actually do the work, I've now been told he won't work on the project because it's just too much of a pain to program it without being able to debug things. Looks like another project down the drain. WARNING: IMPORTANTMar 31, 2002, 9:13pm
Yay my world isn't in the list, that means it's a-ok ?
I've never really had any security problems. Someone takes a texture I ask them not to, and as soon as the option of taking it to awcom comes up they always just do the right thing. Then later I just tell them if they want something ask, and then they get it. I guess I'm just living in happy peace bunny friendship land... > > > > Brant's paintball bot is full of errorsMay 4, 2002, 8:45pm
I hate registries. Only in huge massive worlds are they needed. Otherwise
they are just a massive pain to build with. Looking for Bot MakerJun 11, 2003, 6:22pm
I'm looking for a bot maker for an exciting new game project. We're
still working out the details, but what we need is a simple bot that can read and change values of some text files within its directory, and read and edit values on objects within AW. The basic project is to make AW's first actually realistic and playable economic / building game. I have done a few test games in AW and in some non-aw systems, and the results and feedback has been great, but to finally get the game to be able to handle more than a handful of players we'll need a bot to run things (as opposed to me spending hours in excel each "turn"). If you're serious about this and want further info, please contact me in AW -Baro XelagotJul 17, 2003, 5:21pm
Why not just read the object errors and correct them, like find what you are
missing and put them back on your path. OR if there are only a few types of objects not loading, but there are a lot of them in the world, you could upload some really big easy to see object and run around deleting it. Or, use this as a chance to wipe your world and start anew better than ever. Those are my two sugestions from not knowing anything about bots. I'm sure someone has a way better sugestion. Oh and on the bot front, I'm not sure if a bot can tell if something is a triangle or not, but you can give it the name of the objects that arn't loading and it could go around and delete those objects XelagotJul 17, 2003, 6:31pm
I'm interested in the back story to this problem? You switch to some other
non-compatable path? Bot requestAug 14, 2003, 5:14am
I was wondering if a very smart bot programmer not laid up by fluffy puff
confections could program a bot that could not only do the hully gully, but do it on the panama canal. Is this even posible? What? Spiral MatrixSep 28, 2003, 4:30pm
Sign up with not spamming the aw news groups with crappy other universes and
save a kick to the face. Bot peopleNov 5, 2003, 9:59pm
Are there any bot people in aw willing to do an organised planned project
that will actualy get finished? Are there any bot people in aw willing to do more than say they will help then vanish for months? Are there any bot people in aw willing to work on a project that isn't a uninspired "RPG" or cookie-cutter "paintball" game? Bot peopleNov 6, 2003, 6:45pm
I've been trying to put together AW's first building focused rpg. I've run
this style of game before to much success, but always with small groups since I have to run everything by hand. I have generaly made all the rules as such that they could easily be implemented via a bot. Mainly i just need a bot to handle the economic side of things, and character data. I plan to start out a sort of beta test of this latest version of the game without a bot, and just go from there. Everyone who's played these games always tells me I need to get the game bot-ized so it can be played when I'm not there to run everything manualy, and so more people could enjoy it. I've got the objects, the years of testing, just need a ruddy bot. Bot peopleNov 6, 2003, 8:03pm
As the game is turn based, speed isn't that important. It's all a game
initialy set up for a human to be able to run and manage, run more like a pen and paper rpg and less like a dos prompt. [View Quote] TourBot Script for XelagotJan 5, 2004, 6:34pm
Prestons were the only bot I could ever figure out. It's a shame it
died.... > > May I Install Chazbot but it didnt workFeb 2, 2004, 9:56pm
Yes, you may. You officially have my permission.
Help me.....Feb 21, 2004, 6:40pm
Since the death of preston, I've been totally out of bots. I don't know how
to make bots, I don't even know how to run any other type of bots.. they all seem beyond my ken. I've tried tutorials, but they never help me (I'm quite stupid with tutorials, I usualy need a live person). Is there anyone out there who will help me make/script a very simple bot for a very interesting project? Help me.....Feb 23, 2004, 8:51pm
Well back to my post.. would anyone care to help me? I don't need a super
advanced custom bot, problem some off the shelf bot would do. I just need something that can simply keep track of stats for players, change the world options on a timer or comand or something, and posibly process some basic user comands like "give $5000 to XXX" or "Move object to here". Nothing complex. Tree BotMar 3, 2004, 10:12pm
Does anyone know of a bot or something that could plant random objects
(trees and such) all over my world, generaly following the contours of my terrain? Tree BotMar 4, 2004, 8:14am
I thought it only did it with the modular rwx terrain rather than real
terrain. Also could it attach a name to the object? Also I'm hopeless with bots so I'll really need someone to hold my hand. Tree BotMar 4, 2004, 6:07pm
Oh, thank you Andras. It took me about 2 weeks to even figure out how to
use your powerfull terrain program. If' you'd give me a shout in AW and guide me (or just do for me) the process it would be great. There are about 7-8 random objects I'd like all over the world in a fairly dense formation (about 2-3 objects per cell) Every object needs to have "create name t" The world is 1km square. Tree BotMar 5, 2004, 10:26pm
Thanks to Andras, he really did a great job on my world! It looks great..
but now I messed it up haha... Hermes Public ReleaseApr 27, 2006, 6:51am
Well done! You'll have to help me set it up in my world. This should
really be a browser/world feature anyways, but now we've got it! [View Quote] Preston oldMay 31, 2006, 7:24pm
My old preston can't even get into my world anymore. I really need him
to control my world features and I don't know where to get the new one. Any sugestions? SDK Developers : Pissed OffJun 16, 2006, 7:39pm
I've been working on a game for ages, finally finding a programmer who
will actually do the work, I've now been told he won't work on the project because it's just too much of a pain to program it without being able to debug things. Looks like another project down the drain. Simple BotJul 7, 2006, 6:30pm
Year 4 and once again, for the 4th year in a row I come to the community
looking for a very simple bot for the most simple but aw-friendly game. Essentially it only needs to do 3 things, remember what items people have, allow people to give items to other people, and know what each item's 'recipe' is when they USE the item. That's all! When I say recipe it has two lists, what the item takes away when used, and what it gives. For instance, an axe would take away time, and give wood, or a smelter would take time, ore, energy, and give metal. Fairly simple stuff. it's a tried and tested system (by hand) and finally something new in aw that isn't just an embarasing attempt to copy a mmorpg. if anyone is interested in making such a bot... or still interested... let me know. WARNING: IMPORTANTMar 31, 2002, 9:13pm
Yay my world isn't in the list, that means it's a-ok ?
I've never really had any security problems. Someone takes a texture I ask them not to, and as soon as the option of taking it to awcom comes up they always just do the right thing. Then later I just tell them if they want something ask, and then they get it. I guess I'm just living in happy peace bunny friendship land... > > > > |