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May 28, 2002, 3:15pm
"anduin" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in
news:ajj5fus5696necoi4lb7j5291h5u7f576r at 4ax.com:

> Leave my little man alone, he's scared and hides behind my signature
> with his nose showing. :oP
> His head is not in the right place for your newsreader cause you're
> using Outlook Express; Microsoft's version of a newsreader (as well as
> mail, yes I know). Actually, you'll see my Foo with half his head
> missing in most newsreaders if you don't turn on 'Fixed Pitch Font',
> which is the same font as a typewritter.

Actually, I had to turn it ON to see his head correctly lol


Backdrops and textures

May 30, 2002, 2:29pm
"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in
news:3CF59FC8.4050904 at acsu.buffalo.edu:

> Yes, seeing everyone leave can certainly discourage people, but if you
> stop now, it'll be that much worse for the people who are still here.
> As far as I'm concerned, AW and its community have reached the brink,
> and there are only two options left for those of us who remain here:
> contribute or die (leave). If you're not going to contribute or
> participate, why bother sticking around?

It sure is sad to see people leaving all the time :-(( I've seen way too
many of my friends leaving lately, but I will stay to the last day
myself, and continue my contribution to the community (I've not
contributed a lot to the general community lately, this is because I'm
busy with my duties to the norwegian AW community, not that anyone would
care :-)) ). I hope that the summer will bring more life to the
community, because things are starting to get depressing now :-((


trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 7, 2002, 12:49pm
"johnny b" <uniquect at optonline.net> wrote in news:3cfeb2c0$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> It does ?? interesting..... never knew that.... I'm using outlook, How
> would I go about fixing that, do you know ?

Just edit the To: or Newsgroups: (can't remember what it is in OE/Outlook)
field, remove the NGs you don't want to crosspost to. Another header that's
usefull regarding crossposts is the FollowUp-To header, which will make the
client post the message to the newsgroup(s) specified by this header
instead of replying to the same group(s) (can be overriden, off course).
It's possible to set it in OE, but I've got no idea how, my newsreader has
it in the posting dialog.


trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 8, 2002, 10:55am
"johnny b" <uniquect at optonline.net> wrote in
news:3d01347c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> thought you might say that :O)
> thing is, it doesnt DO that....... it says it's only posting to
> whichever NG I'm in .... I've checked everywhere in settings and
> such..... cant find a thing wrong, or even relating to this....
> and...... it doesnt do it every time.. which makes me think it's not
> my software, you know......
> guess it's not the end of the world either way :O)

How strange... Oh well, OE is the most messed up thing in news anyway,
better just post to the wrong NG ;-)) (or who knows what it might do...
maybe call Billy Gaties to scare you from not doing like his software
wants you to do? lol)


Re: AW 3.3 is here!

Jun 4, 2002, 3:02pm
"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in
news:3cfc2418$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Hi everyone:
> KEWLIES!!!! Then we know AlphaWorld is soon to follow on this....
> :-)
> TAKE THAT 58751. I just love the fact that Roland is learning from
> TROLLS like YOU!!! :-)
> GO ROLAND GO!!! :-)

AlphaWorld won't do anything like this, it's probably going to stay pretty
much the way it is, no new special features enabled, some new objects now
and then. AWTeen is very separate from AlphaWorld, as it is not run by the


What are the worlds coming to?

Jun 7, 2002, 1:01pm
"sheridan" <motleymouse at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
news:3d0001dc at server1.Activeworlds.com:


Ugh, why is everyone so touchy about "privacy" right now? Bots could log an
entire world before global mode in 3.3, just that they'd have to have
instances positioned all over the world. Ever seen a world log? Doesn't log
the content of whispers, only that they happened, so if you whisper "my CC#
is #######" to somebody, the world owner won't know your CC number (even
though AW isn't designed to transfer this kind of information, and you
should NEVER do so, AW is just for chat, don't say anything you wouldn't
say on the street IRL). Privacy in AW is more than good, I don't see how it
could be made significantly better now that we got all our new privacy
features in 3.3. There are more important issues around.


[Unrelated]: POP3...

Jun 9, 2002, 11:25am
"ren" <ren at scr-recordings.com> wrote in
news:3d03456f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Yeah, I was actually using Argosoft......I used to be able to use it
> and receive mail, but not send, but now SMTP works fine, and incoming
> mail doesn't transfer atall.
> Maybe it's me -- I'll look around some help files.

Could be a firewall issue, or maybe your ISP have plugged the POP port
because they don't want you to run one...


Down with slide detection!

Jun 14, 2002, 2:48pm
"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in
news:3d09815c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> fly through an object? huh?

I think he means shifting (pass-trough).


Down with slide detection!

Jun 15, 2002, 9:20am
"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in
news:3d0a4b93$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> uh... you turn it off in world features... that's what you do in
> paintball worlds so that it's a bit more... realistic? LOL :-P

I know that, but maybe Pc Maniak's never been to a pball world? :-))



Jun 14, 2002, 2:44pm
"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in
news:3d099254$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in
> AW.

Do you have any idea of how many other people steal cits in AW? And it's
probably due to the user giving him the password anyway, this problem is
not going to vanish before uneducated users stop giving out their passwords
to people! If he managed to steal it using a website, he's a very good
programmer, and judging from your description and how these people usually
are, he probably couldn't even write a Hello world in BASIC. (that means
one, extremely simple linem, of code in an old, easy language) When you
give out cits to tourists, remember to stuff their heads full of "Never
give the cit password to ANYONE!", and you'll be lowering the risk hugely.
BTW hacker != script kiddie...



Jun 15, 2002, 9:17am
"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in
news:3d0a67de at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> More info just came in. The cits were obviously telegrammed that they
> won a prize of some sort and were told to change the email address
> contained in the cits properties, once this was done M A T T tried
> logging into the cit, not knowing the password he clicked I FORGOT and
> typed in his email address, this caused the password to be emailed to
> him. Just posted this because people of all ages should not do this
> nor accept files from unknown people! "mrbruce"

I knew it was something like this... As I said, remember to stuff the heads
of the people you give cits to with warnings ;-))



Jun 15, 2002, 9:29am
"binarybud" <leom at knorrinteractive.com> wrote in
news:3d0a48c5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> "If he managed to steal it using a website, he's a very good
> programmer, "
> what a load of crap..... anyone can cut and paste from an existing
> site and create there own.
> what these kids do is nothing more than fun and games for them... and
> it does not take talent...just curiousity and time...:)
> And FYI AW could do some things with the browser that would make it a
> lot harder to steal accounts from unknowing newbies. It's just a
> matter of priorities.
> oh and "old and easy language" lol listen i could send you
> some "easy BASIC" code that you'd spend a few weeks trying to
> decode... and still not know what it's doing..;)

Cut and paste from an existing website?? You can't steal a PW with HTML
code lol, I meant that he'd have to write a Java applet that managed to
steal it from memory (since the on-disk version is encrypted)... But I
guess he could get the applet from somewhere though, I forgot about
that... Yes, but it is quite possible to avoid having your cit stolen by
not trusting everyone, especially with weird requests... For example,
Radon made a special version of his PW stealing bot (this was during 3.1,
before the PW was machine-specifically encrypted) for me because I've got
AW installed somewhere else than C:\Active Worlds\. Wasn't exactly hard
to guess that he was going to read my aworld.ini, so I replaced my PW
with bogus instead. If I had trusted him, he probably would've gotten my
PW. Easy BASIC code doesn't take weeks to decode lol, that's complicated
BASIC code... And BASIC is *relatively* easy, remember that everything is
relative :-)) I guess there's no need to tell that a Hello World in BASIC
only takes one line, which I wouldn't categorise as anything but
extremely easy lol



Jun 17, 2002, 3:31pm
> If this is true, then WE ARE ALL DOOMED because all he has to do is
> simply type in the name of ANY cit and get the password (which I give
> to NO ONE!) AS WELL AS the cit. no. emailed to him.
> It all goes back to what I keep saying about parents, their kids, and
> their kids online activities. That is that parents MUST ALWAYS
> monitor what their kids do on the Internet (not just take their word
> for it). Until parents in this society start becoming more
> responsible (and taking responsibility for the actions of their kids
> in situation where the parents are usually held accountable), this
> problem will continue and only GET WORSE.

You can enter my citname and your email, click the "I forgot my password"
button, but it won't send it to you, it might send it to me though :-)) It
sends it to the email address specified in the Preferences > User dialog,
so the victim does sign it's own "death sentence". I think it's silly that
parents sit and watch what their kids do, I've never done any of this crap,
and do you know why? Because my parents have told me about how bad it is,
and how stupid it is, and that they've managed to bring me up to be mature,
only immature people do this crap, so monitoring isn't really the solution
to the problem, it's education.



Jun 17, 2002, 3:39pm
"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in
news:3d0daf17 at server1.Activeworlds.com:


Actually, no, sites can't steal your password (at least not your AW
password). Only very good programmers (or people using apps made by very
good programmers) could at all manage to access memory and steal it that
way (the browser would have to be running though) from a Java applet, which
is the *only* way it could be done from a site. So don't worry about sites
stealing your AW password, because it won't happen :-)) And don't go around
telling people it will happen, it creates fear for no reason at all, and I
know you want to best for your visitors and friends (and fellow citizens)
:-)) Yup, people like this M A T T person are just stupid little script
kiddies that think they're really cool, but in fact are losers, I totally
agree, but I don't think it'll matter if schools are out, because script
kiddies and crackers aren't necesarely kids (or other < 18 people)!


WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 1:22pm
"just in" <Justin at nomail.com> wrote in
news:3d1adc91 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Seeing Insanity falsely and unjustly discredited only highlights how
> some love to continue witchhunts based on their perceived
> understanding of things. Understandings that invariably turn out to
> be incorrect.

Note that InSaNiTy has done a lot of crap that has reduced his credibility
to about nil.


AW addiction

Jul 1, 2002, 10:49am
"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in news:3d1dfe43$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> And my IRL initials are BjT....close:)

Bernard John Toga? ;-))


<no subject>

Jul 1, 2002, 10:47am
"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in news:3D1FB4CC.3080203
at acsu.buffalo.edu:

> Hence why it was posted in General Discussion. Get a grip, Xav; you're
> starting to turn into Eep. :P
> And I'm not sure how this post got screwed up. My newsreader says it
> came before my original post, and that *I* wrote it... How is that
> possible? :P

The reason is that 8blah thinks he lives in the 19th century, his post is
dated 30th of December 1899... My newsreader (XNews) doesn't confuse it,
but it did mess up the order of messages by putting the thread at the start
of the messages without the first post.


Disappearing Telegrams & Other Problems

Jul 1, 2002, 10:56am
This has happened to me several times, it seems AW has a limit to how many
telegrams (or rather how many bytes of telegram data) it will store and if
it exceeds that limit it deletes all of them, which is really annoying.


Disappearing Telegrams & Other Problems

Jul 2, 2002, 12:23pm
"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in news:3D210A4D.CC7F1180 at andras.net:
> I did not find any limits yet (I have my telegram.dat file exceeding
> several megabytes!)

Hmmm, I've only had it occur whith immense telegram files (I never delete
them) and when I opened the telegram list right after I started AW when
it's under the heaviest load of the session (well, usually, sometimes it
reaches the climax at events like the Avvy Awards and the Cys), might have
something to do with that. A very annoying bug nonetheless, and it should
be fixed promptly.


Changing World Attributes Bug

Jul 4, 2002, 1:48pm
"young phalpha" <RhaneC at msn.com> wrote in
news:3d2452a7 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Because Andras uses a DSL line I think and AW has a extremely fast
> connection to the internet :)

Actually, often Andras's servers have been quicker than these, but lately
I've noticed some routing problems to andras.net which have been causing me
delays, I guess others might also have experienced them.


beta question

Jul 9, 2002, 9:55pm
Problem is that there isn't a lot of actual technical talk at the TechTalks
anymore :-(( E N Z O comes for a while and talks about the new features and
new worlds, etc, then he leaves to go do some stuff and the conversations
go wacko with even less techtalk lol. 9 9 9 stands in the shadows without
saying much, and Young Shamus seems to be happyer not doing the techtalks
at all. *wants the good old TechTalks*


Outer Worlds

Jul 9, 2002, 9:35pm
"zaphodbeeblebrox" <overlordq at cox.net> wrote in
news:3d271639 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Ok few things on this thread. A) OW isn't a big evil greedy
> corporation, it's run by a small group of individuals, they probably
> dont have the resources to run a newsserver, B) I have dual Cit's, I
> got my AW one before the big rate hike, and then after I got my OW
> Cit, since it still is only $20 a year.

You don't need much resources to run a newsserver :-)) People think servers
are freaky, strange, advanced things, but they're just like any other
application, nothing special. They've got resources to run a web and
uniserver, so they could just get a free or cheap newsserver and run it on
the webserver machine. If they take the free option, it'll cost them
about... $0.00 :-)) and very little in effort.


Outer Worlds

Jul 9, 2002, 9:38pm
"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in
news:3d2a7fec at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Hi everyone:
> This would be like asking SHOUTcast to resume listing Live365 stations
> and vice-versa. Sorry Ananas, but it ain't gonna happen....

Well, there's a difference, because SHOUTCast is a free product and Live365
(I think) is a commercial product, meaning that it'll just be like giving
the Live365 people money while increasing your own maintenace costs that
you DON'T get payed back by selling your product. Now, with a universe
cooperation, there could be money in it for all the cooperating universes
because people would get cits and worlds in several of them, increasing the
community and registrations in all of them.


Strange waste of storage

Jul 11, 2002, 11:05am
"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in
news:3d2ca72d at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> I was just poking around with a compression format that im doing that
> reduces any repeated strings in binary strings to tags. I just removed
> about 200kb from a MP3 with no loss of quallity or data, no jumps or
> skips or any differnt whatsoever. Strange little Mp3s... anyone know
> why if you remove the repear chr(0) strings from EXEs it screwes em up
> beyond repear (Without the unpacker) but mp3s are fine?

It's because NULL has a meaning in executeables and if you remove it you
corrupt the executeable.



Jul 21, 2002, 10:37pm
"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in news:3D3139FB.7EF6A3E9 at oct31.de:

> Marsupilami (or Kokomiko) live in the jungle of Palumbia.
> On http://www.marsupilami.com you can see some.
> The adults are usually yellow with black dots, the babies
> plain yellow - but some say that black ones have been
> spotted too.
> "Hubi" is the sound a baby marsupilami makes. When it
> grows up it sounds more like "Huba". There are rumors
> that Marsupilamis are able to learn words - not just
> repeating like parrots but they know the meaning too.

They originate from comics by the late Belgian cartoonist genius Franquin
BTW :-))


MS V-Chat

Jul 21, 2002, 10:55pm
"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in news:3d3b2a82
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Hi everyone:
> I just downloaded a neat little program (at least I *hope* I did) called
> V-chat from Microsoft. I'm wondering if it's worth keeping or not....
> So far I can't even connect to the main server, which is
> vchatsrv.microsoft.com
> Anyone know of any other servers in the MS V-Chat universe???
> Cheers for now everyone :-)

vchatsrv.microsoft.com is an alias for chat.msn.com, and here the
traceroute fails after being routed through the Swedish net, so I don't
know what's up with the server. If it's Microsoft and it doesn't work,
chuck it in the bin lol


a website

Aug 16, 2002, 3:20pm
"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in news:3D5C635C.4030404
at utn.cjb.net:

> *blink* You mean to tell me that there are *still* some people who
> haven't seen that All Your Base movie? Good god, how *old* is that
> thing?! And here I thought it had gone the way of Hampsterdance...

Heh, where the hell does it originate from? Some japanese freaks really
made a game that shitty (in the first bit of it before the guys that made
it go ammock putting "All your base is belong to us" on everything)?


Remind You of Anyone?

Aug 21, 2002, 12:32pm
"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in news:3d62d696$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame33.html
> Who's this remind you of? :)

http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame3.html certainly reminds me of
someone that recently came back to the NGs :-D


New Forum for anytihng. Kept up everyday. Always updated.

Aug 21, 2002, 12:37pm
"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in
news:3d629674$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/index-english.php3

You got that off the Talan forum but did you credit me? :-D <shamelessplug


New Forum for anytihng. Kept up everyday. Always updated.

Aug 21, 2002, 8:21pm
"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in
news:3d640174$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> LoL :) I didn't think I needed to credit you for someone elses work.

No, but you could've given a little plug to my site at which you found this
work lol


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