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computer illiterate

Dec 7, 2001, 8:09pm
you'll get a VERY good laugh of this one:

PS. I nearly fit that description perfectly! LMAO

cable modem

Dec 17, 2001, 4:52pm
ISDN connections are 100% digital, yes... you only need an ISDN adapter card


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Check this out!

Dec 17, 2001, 4:53pm
was confusing anyway, heh, could've given us a bit more details about what
you were talking about


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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 16, 2001, 12:50pm
any chance of putting your CD-ROM drive as a slave on the primary cable?
worth a try...


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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 17, 2001, 4:56pm
well, go to friends with your CDs, see if the CDs work there, if they do,
your drive has said bye bye, you'll just have to buy a new one (probably
cheaper than repairing it)


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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 18, 2001, 2:12pm
if they don't it would be the CDs... I meant "go try it with another drive
on another system", I highly doubt that a bunch of CDs have got messed up
like that, sounds like a hardware problem...


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I need CD-ROM help

Dec 18, 2001, 7:10pm
yes, in a way it could have... it *****IS***** your CD-ROM drive (or another
hardware failure), ok! just do as I and Fox have been saying, take your
drive and CDs to another system, check there with the drive there and the
CDs and with your drive there and the CDs...


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New world...

Dec 16, 2001, 12:51pm
congratulations on your world :-))


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My Birthday :)

Dec 17, 2001, 4:57pm
happy birthday! :-))


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AW what are you doing now?

Dec 20, 2001, 2:15pm
lol, all in the HTML source!


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Re: A modern-day, politically-correct holiday greeting:

Dec 23, 2001, 3:48pm
lol, yeah, I hate those freaky TOS and license agreement things, I've only
actually read one entirely in my life...


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3D Homepages

Dec 27, 2001, 2:05pm
yes, the lag during downloads is just horrible, never experienced that with


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strange stuff i find out just now

Dec 26, 2001, 11:14am
it's ALLWAYS safe to delete anything in your temp dirs :-)) (usually you
find C:\temp\ and [WindowsPath]\temp)


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strange stuff i find out just now

Dec 27, 2001, 2:12pm
if you want something stable, and still run Windows, get NT 4 or Win2k...
most stable Windows releases I've seen... or if you want *real* stability,
get DOS (not the new patched versions made to be compatible with Win32, but
DOS 6), it's the MS OS I've had the least problems with... and if you've
been using computers since you were 6, you probably know how to use the
command-line too... to get even better stability, and something a bit more
up to date, get Linux, that's the good stuff...


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help me choose.

Dec 27, 2001, 2:13pm
aaaaaah, stop with all this CD-ROM business! Just buy something expensive
from a Japanese manufacturer, they're good...


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what's wrong with OE now??

Dec 31, 2001, 12:15pm
hi, anyone know why OE suddently thinks that I'm not connected to the Inet
and stores all posts on my disk and wants me to press F5 before sending it??
this happens after I installed NIS (Norton Internet Security), but I've
configured it to give OE full access, I even disabled it and restarted OE
and it still is being stupid... OE is configured to send everything
immediately, so I don't get it (well, sort off, since MS products allways
are crap, maybe I'll try NS for a change...)


what's wrong with OE now??

Dec 31, 2001, 8:47pm
lol, what about Telnet? I learnt most of the NNTP protocol because I'm
planning to write a news-reader :-))

PS. very soon, my User-Agent header might indicate NS ;-))

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Why, oh why...

Jan 1, 2002, 4:43pm
lol, I remember those from my obscure text-chat days lol... only 6 a day on
IRC? wooa!


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AW protest !

Jan 6, 2002, 3:00pm
that's what I'm hoping for, maybe someone a bit more competent than Rick &


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I must have answers now!

Jan 6, 2002, 3:00pm
no problems getting into the AW3000 uni, but it's not hosted by AW though...


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I must have answers now!

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
if they host it, they've got the right to close it, and tell the DLP folks
to take it somewhere else, or pay more, they might have some restrictions on
how much server resources it should use...


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Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 8, 2002, 3:44pm
I know they guy that owns it, and for one seems very honest to me, and he
told me something quite different, who told you this? I've even heard they
were contacting AW tech support about a UniServer problem...


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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 15, 2002, 7:18pm
LOL! MS have gone crazy, they can't go around sueing people for using the
word "windows", especially not a word that does not even contain "window" in
it, who do they think they are? I think the US government should boycott
them and their products, and tell them to stuff their stupid law suits!


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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 16, 2002, 2:26pm
lol, maybe they went to Bill's School To Getting Rich By P!ssing Everyone
Off ;-))


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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 17, 2002, 5:59pm
hmmm... If it's not directly copying a copyrighted design, how can they have
a case? it has much more of a KDE feel to it from what I can see off those
screenshots... What a typical American lawsuit, I think someone should go
through US laws and do something about the laws that let crazy companies
like MS do that kind of crap, because this sort of stuff doesn't seem to
happen elsewhere (no offence meant...), and it's pretty darn stupid.


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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 18, 2002, 10:58am
if it's Linux, he can't charge for the OS itself, but only for the stuff
that comes with it, so there usually is a download version available for
Linux distributions :-))


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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 21, 2002, 7:02pm
consoles? I hate consoles, you can't upgrade them, when the beam of Linuxian
Enlightenment hits the world, the NoMoreStupidConsolian Enlightenment beam
will probably hit the world too... I hope ;-))


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Trojan warning

Jan 18, 2002, 10:58am
Think he's 15, possibly 16 now...


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Jan 22, 2002, 8:05pm
when you spam, please at least check your spelling :-)) now go eat a tree
for being stupid and spamming. WEIRDO GNOME!


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A Bit of fun in The Sims :o)

Jan 26, 2002, 9:28pm


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