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locking up!

Oct 30, 2001, 5:44pm
that means your video card does not support D3D, I had that too before I
upgraded card. I can recommend a GeForce 2/3 card, they're very good and
don't cost all too much :-))


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Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song)

Oct 30, 2001, 5:33pm
Russia? hmmmm, haven't forgotten the cold war yet, hmmm? come on, Russia has
changed after communism was abolished, they're taking responsability and
trying to make their society thrive, go be pissed off at China if you wanna
complain about death penalty.


[View Quote] As far as prisons, the courts, and the death penalty goes... the European
Union has, as a body, unanimously condemned the death penalty as a
punishment for any sort of crime. They seem to have trouble understanding
why we here in the United States have no trouble with keeping the death
penalty as a punishment. To their way of thinking, we're supposed to be one
of the more advanced-thinking countries, and yet we continue to perpetuate
what they consider a backward mentality. Our use of the death penalty puts
us on a list of countries that includes Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, etc.
Is that the sort of company we wish to keep? *shrugs* Russia is currently
at the top of the list of countries that routinely use the death penalty,
the sheer numbers of prisoners killed there is outrageous, and yet our own
numbers of prisoners, our increasing numbers of prisons, and our use of the
death penalty will shortly rival theirs. Has this method of dealing with
crime and criminals been very effective? I'm not certain it has, and I have
no idea what method would work better, but it seems to me that what we're
currently doing isn't going to lead us into a world where we can "all just
get along."


Looking for a program...

Oct 31, 2001, 3:53pm
hmm, Real had a thing called Realslideshow that could fit the bill...


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Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song)

Oct 31, 2001, 3:47pm
I'm European, but I don't mind death penalty in extreme cases. I think the
US governors should be a bit less easy on signing death sentences in cases
of lower magnitude, life sentence seems better for that, as you know ppl
sentenced to death often are inocent or can't be taken responsible of their
acts (ppl with severe mental illnesses, etc)... and no, I don't agree with
your teacher Fox, especially not from a french one that teach they won the
world war nearly single-handedly even though they certainly did not...
sorry, couldn't resist it, allwas annoyed me, please don't take offence of
it :-))


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Universe greeting

Oct 31, 2001, 4:16pm
looks lik kmissile[weird number]k was right! the AWC have used the uni
greeting topromote AWBingo, which I think is wrong of them. also, a while
back they sent out a message about a birthday, which I thinkis a bit
unprofesionnal of them... here is the message displayed now:

"Immigration Officer: Welcome to Active Worlds 3.2! For the latest
information on 3.2, please see http://www.activeworlds.com/help/

AWBingo4 is now open!!! Join us for fun and prizes!!! :-)"


Universe greeting

Nov 1, 2001, 3:22pm
hi, I hope that I have not offenced you in any way, as I greatly appreciate
that you are working so closely to the community! Well, Moria said about all
there was to say before me, guess there's no reason to repeat that...
regarding the birthday, I don't mind at all that birthdays are announced,
but when it goes universe-wide it seems a bit weird, as long as all citizen
birthdays aren't announced it could also feel a bit like favoritism for some
people (especially if it's their birthday too or something like it). Thank
you for the understanding! :-))


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Universe greeting

Nov 2, 2001, 3:59pm
I think they rather should have a sign at AW GZ or perhaps a special world
for it, and perhaps let everyone have a chance of being announced (the more
profesional version, instead of just doing it for your personal friends, as
it is on the behalf of the company)


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Universe greeting

Nov 3, 2001, 1:24pm
and Goober King was talking of something new, not the SolServer...


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Universe greeting

Nov 4, 2001, 1:16pm
nobody lol, it was an idea for the future lol


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Universe greeting

Nov 18, 2001, 5:51pm
well, as Lara said, the idea was nothing but strict technical/important
info... you don't need it to be announced, just look at all the people that
came to this year's ceremony ;-))


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Universe greeting in general

Nov 1, 2001, 3:28pm
yes, that's annoying... just thinkof the AWC using a bot to change it, lets
say every 10 minutes, that would nearly be like being a tourist again...
this wouldn't be a great danger now as Flagg has told everybody that it's
not to be used in a "bad" way, but you never know with Ricky and JP...


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Universe greeting in general

Nov 2, 2001, 4:05pm
no, they have no right to annoy a user that is in a world that they don't
own. Anyway, have you looked at the pricing of Uniservers? you have to be
either a company or have very much money to afford one. if you think it's
their right to decide over private worlds' content you better leave Gor or
you'll be a hypocrite...


[View Quote] Another thing is, if you purchased your own universe, you too would be able
to set a universe message, no one has looked at it this way... And as a
universe owner you would reserve the right to advertise what you wish to
customers who have purchased worlds from you...
AWCOM owns the AW Universe, they can do what they wish. Although some will
disagree with some spamming, but it is there sole choice and right!

(Remove "NOSPAM." from my e-mail to reply!)

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Re: Prison Statistics (was Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song))

Nov 1, 2001, 3:09pm
yeah, they say "what will I do that God tells me to today?"... off course
the weirdoes forgot to read the Coran, cuzz they're not supposed too do that
kinda stuff...


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Nov 4, 2001, 1:21pm
hehe, can put Bill Gate's number...


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WAY o.t. - CPU liquid cooling :)

Nov 13, 2001, 12:05pm
liquid nitrogen? bah, use liquid helium ;-))


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html help

Nov 10, 2001, 4:50pm
probably some code around but if you wanna use real HTML only use W3C
stuff... http://w3.org/TR/html4/


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Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 22, 2001, 2:09pm
either HenrikG's or mipmaps' clock is off, and it goes after the time for
displaying the posts, so one of you better check that your clock is going


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Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 22, 2001, 2:11pm
certainly use them, they're lovely, don't look so unrealistic :-)) tip to
world owners on how to avoid the impression the avatar needs some glasses
(and gives you more space to play with): make your models/avs tiny, that way
the blur won't come as close


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I need CD-RW drive info

Nov 27, 2001, 5:03pm
cool, I have a Yamaha 16x/10x/40x :-))


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Nov 28, 2001, 4:42pm
not all newsreaders show post size, smart guy...


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Nov 29, 2001, 2:31pm
yeah, was fun :-)) but it was a bit bloated for just displaying and image
and ejecting your CD-ROM player


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Another IE problem. lol.

Nov 30, 2001, 1:27pm
NS 6.1 is a REAL webbrowser. IE 6 is not.


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trade in your Voodoo cards against Verto cards

Nov 30, 2001, 9:07pm


3.2 impressions on the avvys

Dec 3, 2001, 3:53pm
shut up, just because AW 3.2 is unstable and should still have been in beta
it doesn't mean that ppl that have problems have screwed up computers. nice
for you that it only crashed 3 times, but that's for *YOU*, not for


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Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 3, 2001, 3:11pm
still, you have quite a large value in donated prizes... the AV01 commitee
can't be blamed for AW's unstability though LMAO...


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Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 4, 2001, 4:44pm
I crashed 2 or 3 times in AV01... crashed in all the AV01* I visited
actually... I think some of it has to do with AW being rather unstable and
not supporting of a lot of activity combined with large downloads, also, I
hear an MP3 might have been causing parts of it...


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my paintball worl.d

Dec 6, 2001, 5:54pm
we don't care about your views on paintball... at least not when you just
say "pball sucks.....", instead of something remotely constructive


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I need CDROM help plz

Dec 7, 2001, 8:09pm
reinstall drivers, mess with IDE stuff, if you're real stuck, get a new
drive... I just had a problem with a CD-ROM drive that got messed up after
reading a scratchy CD, started off by corrupting the secondary IDE
controller's drivers, then it made the slave disk not detect, just bought an
old drive from a friend and there was no more problems lol...


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I need CDROM help plz

Dec 12, 2001, 4:09pm
Windows drive letters are just there to be pretty... check if it's got
correct master/slave config (you do that with the config jumpers on the back
of the drive, should be next to the power connector) for the IDE cable it's


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I need CDROM help plz

Dec 14, 2001, 12:35pm
"my CD-ROM" is your drive, right? a bunch of CDs don't just stop working
like that, take some of them to a friend's and see if they work there... if
they do, go to the shops and get a new drive is my advice...


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