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Feb 4, 2002, 1:10pm
With the stupid new pricing scheme banner ads would never be able to pay up
for cits, you'll have a hard time getting enough revenue off them as the
e-advertising market is right now (you'd have to find something a bit more
innovative to get a good revenue right now). You don't need to have bots
approved by AW, and they can't really use their time on approving bots,
they've got bigger issues on their hands (ok, so Ricky & JP would probably
don't mind having fun playing around with bots all day, but anyways...).
Just download bots from places that seem thrustworthy, and that are
recognized if you're affraid of trojans, most bot programmers are honest
people that wouldn't dream of writing evil trojans (with the new encryption
the trojans can't do a lot either). Start out with easy to use bots like
HamBot & Co ( http://www.hamfon.com ), Preston ( http://www.imabot.com ) and
Xelagot ( http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/ ). Then go looking for other bots
(you can subscribe to the Bots NG for example), like the bots I've made,
available at http://home.no.net/kahbot/ (I know the design is HORRIBLE, new
one will come pretty soon). An important thing is that AW does not have an
object compiler! I guess you're referencing to the object properties window,
which only changes the property of an object (or duplicates/deletes one).
Many people would like to see bots integrated into the browser as plugins, I
think it's an OK idea, but right now it's not really that much extra work to
launch a bot from your startmenu or desktop... For the avatars thing, I
recommend starting your own OP and using one of the multiple OP tools
currently available, allowing you to add as many avatars as possible to your
world. Even though your 3DHP was, lets say, founded by the AWC artists it's
your world now, their only responsponsability is to continue hosting the
world and the OP, not to provide you with additional content. You've got to
provide that yourself, I recommend reading through
http://mauz.info/worldrunning.html :-))

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Feb 5, 2002, 5:30pm
at mart has never actually worked. The AWC haven't got time to create a bunch
of bots themselfes, they leave that to 3rd party programmers (anybody that
can program in C/C++/VB/Delphi/Java/PHP...). I often do bots on request
(freely), we can have a chat sometime if you want a special bot written for
you. I did check out the 3DHPs, and now I get what you meant with object
compiler :-)) There are PLENTY of free, extremely good avs out there, I can
tell ya! Ananas also created a GUI app for editing the avatars.dat file
(you'll know what it's function is if you read through Mauz's worldrunning
guide) easily, get it at his site ( http://oct31.de ). OP in AW is not an
abbreviation for Operator, but for Object Path :-))


National ID System

Feb 13, 2002, 1:29pm
in central Europe I think it's quite usual (Germany, France, Belgium), there
you can get a federal ID card at a very young age (at least you could in
Belgium when I lived there), and the police may ask for your papers in the
street... never seen it happen up here in northern Europe though...


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National ID System

Feb 15, 2002, 12:07pm
don't forget the Post's ID cards...


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Of course another test post

Feb 20, 2002, 5:31pm


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Feb 23, 2002, 1:46pm
I think he meant folks from the NGs in AW lol


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Feb 23, 2002, 1:46pm
I've talked to a bunch of folks from the NGs in AW... I do it actively even


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Site hosting with Road Runner

Feb 28, 2002, 4:34pm
you should set the DNS entry to your IP (you'll have to do this every time
you connect if you're on a rotating IP), this is the best way of doing it,
even though a plain redirect would probably work too, but only for


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Mar 9, 2002, 1:38pm
you should allways make installers for your VB projects because of just
ActiveX controls and DLLs :-))


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Something EVERYONE:Should Be Aware Of

Mar 13, 2002, 4:04pm
another nice solution: if they pass it, it'll only be valid in the US, hop
over the pond over to Europe and host your radio station here instead,
better laws on this sorta stuff :-))


Something EVERYONE:Should Be Aware Of

Mar 22, 2002, 2:37pm
he means listening to music streams...


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has the world come to an end!?

Mar 16, 2002, 11:39am
buy one with an Intel CPU, buy an AMD CPU, replace the Intel CPU with the
AMD, sell your brand new, unused Intel. :-))


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has the world come to an end!?

Mar 18, 2002, 3:33pm
anyone has... lots of USENET servers that don't "discriminate" based on IP
and such to only let a certain ISP's customers access it... I myself run a
mirror of the no.alt.activeworlds group on my NNTP server :-))


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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 21, 2002, 2:40pm
uh, he said about a day's downtime for AW...


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Apr 2, 2002, 10:13am
to my knownledge 3.2 gets hardware info to secure your aworld.ini (the PW
encryption uses info from the hardware to encrypt the password, so even if
some stupid script kiddie gets your aworld.ini or the password entry in it,
he won't be able to decrypt it or put it in his own aworld.ini)


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May 9, 2002, 9:44am
"rossyboy" <rossyboy2 at yahoo.com> wrote in
news:3cd9748e at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> If Outlook Express keeps messing up, why not get another newsreader?

Because the thread is 2 months old? DON'T REPLY TO OLD THREADS!!!



May 9, 2002, 7:05pm
"bodhitah" <bodhitah at earthlink.net> wrote in
news:3cdad775$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> KAH...try 2 WEEKS old ..not 2 months...and shut the hell up btw
> You replied to it too, as did Strike. Then I had to to tell you how
> wrong you were which necessitated another post. If you would have kept
> your mouth shut you would have eliminated 2 posts to this OLD thread.

Learn to count... this thread was started in March. That's 2 months ago
(March is the 3rd month of the year, now we're in the 5th month of the
year, 5 - 3 = 2 if you didn't know). Shut up yourself, weirdo gnome! You're
continuing this thread yourself, so stop complaining. I posted this to let
this person (and any other people that wouldn't know) know that you
shouldn't reply to old threads. What do you care anyway, you're a troll
(and a weirdo gnome). Now go eat 5 trees! That's an ORDER, if you didn't


Is It Posible

Apr 5, 2002, 12:05pm
you need a HTTP proxy that will let you manipulate stuff... probably a few
out there


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Kazaa and Brilliant

Apr 5, 2002, 12:05pm
in your Windows system dir there is a DLL called cd_client.dll, delete it,
it's part of Cydoor, spyware stuff... also stuff in the registry from KaZaA
and Cydoor, just delete everything in the registry containing those words
(use regedit).


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Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 2:21pm
I think he means on his usual, Win32 system (CMOD is a UNIX thing)


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Folder protection

Apr 7, 2002, 11:01am
I know, but Win32 doesn't have file modes


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wutz the holdup????

Apr 7, 2002, 11:19am
uh, they haven't set any release date yet... check your facts a bit better
next time ;-))


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TV writers + tech stuff = AAAH!

Apr 10, 2002, 3:28pm
Hi, I was watching TV and the BBC had a drama series thing about an Inet
company running a site... story of the episode was that they got
domain-"squatters" (someone that registers domainnames that look like
another, to catch people typing the wrong URL). They went on to do a WHOIS
query, and this is the beginning of the funny part: they pointed at an IP
and said it was a contact number! later, to try and trace the owners they
did a port-scan on the nameserver... they thought it was illegal, and by
only using a portscan they found the OWNER's street address... so, my point
is why do these people write a bunch of stupid crap about things they know
nothing about, and why do bigtime institutions like the BBC let them do it??


TV writers + tech stuff = AAAH!

Apr 11, 2002, 3:18pm
lol, don't you think I've been getting people's street adresses using WHOIS
queries before? ;-)) it's the fact that they *pointed* at a nameserver IP
that annoys me lol


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TV writers + tech stuff = AAAH!

Apr 12, 2002, 2:46pm
lol, if they wanna be script kiddies they do a search on a search engine


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TV writers + tech stuff = AAAH!

Apr 15, 2002, 4:44pm
don't think so, script kiddies are too dumb to understand that sorta stuff


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Download Site

Apr 13, 2002, 11:06am
and to test out new objects, but couldn't they operate it in a separate test
universe not to bloat AW's world count instead... and I think those aw3d
worlds are the artists' worlds, where they build new worlds before opening


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[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 15, 2002, 4:44pm
I could give you webspace on my server, unlimited space and bandwidth, no
banners or crap of any kind. only downside is that it can be a bit slow at
times (especially if you're gonna be using lots of dynamic stuff located on
the same server). if you're interested, mail me [kah at kahnews.cjb.net] :-))


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Moving back to main server

Apr 21, 2002, 10:33am
that problem hasn't got anything to do with the server. all rotation and
movement is computed by the browser independently of the server, the server
only gets change reports from the browser so it can send your updated
location to any other browsers/bots in the area. I'd recommend you align
yourself perfectly with the North (do a teleport to yourlocationN
yourlocationS 0) and select your road object. if the outlines aren't
perfectly straight, then the problem is in your road, that's not perfectly


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technical skills

Apr 22, 2002, 4:00pm
if you decide to have it and the OP hosted elsewhere, you need nearly no
special technical skills, just an understanding of AW and 3D (for object


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