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nornny // User Search
nornny // User SearchCommonwealth OfflineApr 21, 2001, 10:57am
#10. "Is that a jellybean in there? I don't think that's supposed to be
there." *yoink* #9. "Well, no wonder you can't SEE the problem with your computer, you don't have a monitor in here." #8. "I have this problem too at home. You're not supposed to put old records into CD drives, just cds." #7. "Those donut sprinkles shouldn't be there. I cleaned up the insides of your computer, it should be working fine..." *walks away wo/ fixing anything and w/ a sprinkled donut in hand* #6. "It seems you have a virus. I suggest you take some Tylenol." "What about my computer?" "what about it?" "It has a virus too." "Well, it must've caught it from you." *sigh* #5. "You say your internet doesn't work? Contact your ISP." "BUT YOU ARE MY ISP!!" "Really? I'm just tech support." *sigh* Ran out of funny jokes, it's too early in the morning. :)) Nornny [View Quote] Y2000 EventsApr 22, 2001, 10:44am
It would totally wipe out ALL useful messages in the community posts for
one. For two, the AWEC site would lose all point to it. :) Three, like we can handle another newsgroup (think newbie crossposting) Nornny [View Quote] Out of the LoopApr 20, 2001, 10:25am
Re: Hare, version 1.1Apr 22, 2001, 10:46am
Wow, you spend most of what you make on extra Duron 700s?? Why not some cool
clothing, some groceries, that brand spanking new car, college money, etc. Why DID you buy two extra when you could've bought just one extra and by the time you need another one, the price could potentially deflate? Nornny [View Quote] another countApr 28, 2001, 10:50am
I don't think anyone assumes AW is american, we just have to work the
program as if it was in many instances though. But look at the foreign language worlds sometimes and you'll see that they can top the population list in many instances. For every one person in aw that is from another country, there is at least 2 from that same country. Nornny [View Quote] ANyone knwo what files Hare 1.1.1 deleted?Apr 28, 2001, 5:49pm
Touchy today aren't we? Relax won't you, if you don't even know what the
thing is, you don't have it. You know why? Because you didn't install the darn program, silly. Hare was a computer accelerator program or something that Tyrell really liked and told us about on the newsgroup. Everyone tried the program, apparently, and ended up getting some of their files missing when it unistalled. And now they're scrambling for solutions, that's all. :)) Nornny [View Quote] Who's up for Newsgroup Survivor?Apr 28, 2001, 5:59pm
Hey guys, I came across something interesting over the web today. It was a
game of Survivor, you know, that reality tv show that I've come to grow and obsess over? Except, it was done through a webpage and a messageboard. I can't see why we can't play a 15 week long episode of Survivor on this newsgroup. It could be kinda like a celebration of the ending of Survivor II next week. :) And, it will be able to keep me watching low life's backstab and suffer. It is quite amusing. I won't get into details, but all I'm asking is a reply on opinions and anyone interested. :) It has been quite a bore in here lately now that everything has calmed down we're just doing nothing. Why not take 16 regular posters, and just observe them even more closely. I'll just post a challenge question or newsgroup event midweek and whoever wins gets immunity. Then, the players can vote someone out of the game because of silly reasons like they were mean to a newbie, they haven't posted in days, or they're being too Eepish. Theoretically, it won't take up too much space on the newsgroup, just two or three posts by me every week. I mean, imagine getting revenge on Eep if he signs up? no prize except the glory of being the ultimate survivor of this harsh environment. :)) Questions? Comments? Insults? Oh yeah, everything will be posted on a web page, including ballots, messages, final words, and all that jibberish for newcomers to the group. it would give me a good chance to practice more of my HTML skills. :) Nornny Who's up for Newsgroup Survivor?Apr 28, 2001, 9:52pm
Oh, this newsgroup can always make a new arch enemy. Just tell me if you
guys like the idea or not? :)) I'm not going to waste the bandwith otherwise. :P Nornny [View Quote] Who's up for Newsgroup Survivor?Apr 29, 2001, 12:01am
You see? We didn't lose our Eep, we just misplaced him for a month or so. ;)
Now, the question is, how do you feel about wasting our community newsgroup off time playing a witty and amusing game of Survivor? Anyone else onboard with this game? I know I want to play it. :)) Nornny [View Quote] Some questionsApr 29, 2001, 12:11pm
Replies below.
[View Quote] For those who have designed website, I would like to ask about these things. 1.) What resource should I look for website creation? If you mean by program resources, I reccommend Dreamweaver. :) It's the best WYSIWYG program out there. But hand coding will get you the depth that you need. So look around for HTML tutorials online, most give you the basics to get started and to understand. 2.) What are some site that gives awards to website that had excellent design so I can use them as example? my favorite has always been . Not quite an awards site, but it lists a BUNCH of sites that are themed into categories for you to see as inspiration. There are a few others out there also. 3.) What books should I buy about website designing? Creating Killer Web Sites, Second Edition Web Pages That Suck HTML Artistry: More than code all of which you can get at my most favorite webmaster resource site, Elated. 4.) What software should I download or buys concerning website design? Definately Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. Not both, one will suffice. PSP will get the job done at a cheap price. :) Photoshop has a lot of goodies that you can use if you're advanced. :) An FTP client, there a a few good free ones, like WS_FTP. You don't need anything fancy. :) If you have a few extra bucks or time, get a WYSIWYG program. :) It helps as an organizational tool as well as a good visual base. 5.) What are some scripting/programming langauge(s) should I start with for learning and early design? Basically, just HTML for now. Languages like javascript and DHTML won't really require much learning to use them. You just copy and paste if you want to use them. 6.) In later futures, what langauges should I learn for advanced website in future? I definately reccomend learning how to use CGI. Even how to code it if neccessary, but definately understanding how to upload and install cgi on webpages will help you a lot. A clearer understanding of javascript will get you a long way also. 7.) Does anyone have website to show me for examples of some web design? 8.) What website provider do anyone recommend and tell me why it is recommended? For example, advantages and disadvantages and etc. (free one only) I always liked Spaceports, especially once you get into more advanced coding as it gives you cgi capabilities and the oppurtunity to make money from your space through their banner ads. Paid hosting is always EXTREMELY reccommended. 9.) What graphic software should I use to design GIFs and JPGs for website? PaintShopPro or Photoshop. :) a.) Is it a good idea to use some parts or pages for WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Ge) editor (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft FrontPage) and some for coding (Ultra Edit, Notepad, etc.) Definately. :) I use both all the time. Actually, in many of those editors, you can still handcode through their built in HTML coding pad, which works really good, since they also organize it for you too in some instances. b.) What are some good tutorial I can take to learn how to design website? there are many on the web. :) Just search around. Most sites will separate into Basic and Advanced tutorials, but you really do need to learn BOTH to do anything decent. c.) What are good FTP client I can use in order to upload files to website? WS_FTP is what I use. d.) Does anyone have tips and hints for me? comes with predesigned sites in which you can use as starter bases in created really good websites. The whole site in general is what I use as inspiration most of the time. The more sites you look at, the more you'll get better at making sites. e.) Should I create a two separate version of my website, one for Internet Explorer, and one for Netscape? Ideally, you should make a website that is compatible with both. You usually won't need to make two sites if you play your design cards right. g.) Is it ok with you that a ad banner is only on top and bottom but doesn't refresh like Yahoo! website? Note: Also similar to Yahoo!, it doesn't do popup windows of ad. Banner ads are fine, as long as they don't popup and aren't everywhere, so they slow down loading times. :) I usually put one on the top fold of my page (as most ad companies want it on top) and just leave it there. Maybe a few button ads, but no more. h.) Are there any good software I can use for special purpose like form-creating program or etc.? You're better off learning how to create forms. But, any of the Macromedia products will enhance your site greatly. Definately get your hands on Flash if possible. Fireworks and Freehand are good also. i.) Any more topics I have not thought of will be appericated (am I spelling it right?) Nope. You've covered most bases. :)) *appaluse* Thanks, Legion If you want, feel free to ask me to issue a text version. Testing And if you reading this...May 6, 2001, 11:34am
If you've been around long enough as you've said KAH, you would know this is
a tiny flame war compared to the ones we've recently had. :)) Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Who's up for it?May 4, 2001, 9:23pm
God, this computer has got to go. Apparently, it's had 10s of viruses
swarming it and it finally broke down a few days ago. Thank god it's back up. :) Anyways, you've all expressed a least some interest in my little sadistic experiment. And I couldn't be happier. Let's face it, this norn can't go on a full season without Survivor or any form of reality television. :) Anyways, here's what I'm here for. Is there anyone who is interested in joining my newsgroup Survivor event? :) I need a variety of posters, all of which post frequently and are experienced with posting in newsgroup, not neccesarily posting in THIS newsgroup. :) I'm shooting for 16, and if I get over 10, I'll just go and add 6 more involuntarily. ;) I suggest you don't reply to this thread if you're interested, but rather email me privately at nornny1 at and send me your posting name, your "job description" for this newsgroup (if you can think of one), and a quote or two on why you can win. Optional, I can use a AW pic of your avatar behind a blue backdrop. :)) I think that's it. :) I'll make a website posting information and such so watch out for that. It will also keep you on track with what's going on during the game also. Nornny Debating NewsgroupMay 5, 2001, 1:53pm
I'm telling you, a game of newsgroup Survivor will calm all nerves down and
put things in retrospective on where everyone stands. *lights the tiki flames* Seriously, all this newsgroup is in the business for is fighting. I mean, it comes and goes like a plague of locusts, it'll be over eventually. Just ride the wave of flames and yelling. In the big picture, we'll forget it all within a few months of the fighting. Nornny [View Quote] My Final Post On This Just In MatterMay 6, 2001, 11:46am
Finally, you get somewhat of a hint to leave this subject alone. Maybe you
shouldn't be talking about 100% trust in people and say you trust FriendPA 100%, however. It comes across very hyppocritical. And you're stereotyping all mothers and wives as good clean people too, while Just In who's gotten arrested (for what I still don't know, and how you found out and cared to extort it is beyond me too) is bad and dirty. Secondly, how dare you go against someone's wishes. :( Did you ever think FriendPA might have had the right idea in keeping quiet? Her name was never being defamed, nor was Just In's in ANY of this "controversy" (more like petty bickering to me). FriendPA, especially, was getting her name destroyed more and more constantly NOT because she didn't care to post (that made her more civil and respected in my eyes), but the fact that she couldn't control her gang of loonies who had to keep bringing this subject up, crack a joke about Just In after every sentence and post, and just do idiotic things in the name of their loyal queen, FriendPA. Yes, that's what I truly believe and saw throughout the tens of incidents that this Broadway/NewYork battle has caused. As for the community being smarter, I don't know about that. We were always quite intellectually high. And we were smart enough to get you to wisen up quicker. I think we've stopped a flame war in record time with this one. We're just practically ready to deal with anyone who tries to do something stupid or annoying in a more timely manner. Which you could call smart, I just call it experience from practice. Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 6, 2001, 12:21pm
Well, it seems you guys lack ANY willingness to participate in this crazy
game, so I'll throw in my shoulder work of willingness for you all. Lazy lazy bums. :) Only two of you signed up for the event, and I need 16, so I've chosen the other 14, without your approval. Now don't you worry. You guys that I've chosen don't have to DO anything different than you do now. This is a community newsgroup event, and the rest of the newsgroup votes you out just as much the players do (this is because i think some of you survivors might not be willing to vote). :) Challenges will be a simple post asking a trivia question or a simple task. ANYONE can participate in challenges, and the first one to answer a question correctly first, for example, wins immunity or wins the choice of who to give the immunity to (if they're not a contestant). :) So you see, you just have to be yourself and hope everyone likes you. :)) Anyways, here are the tribes I've set up. ALL I NEED FROM YOU SURVIVORS IS AN EMAIL TO nornny1 at SAYING WHAT ALPHAWORLD AVATAR YOU USE. That's it. :)) Please help me with that or else I'll give you avatars to go along with your demented personalities. ;) Tribe Factor Gamer Alphabit Phalpha XelaG Ananas Nornny (yes, I'll play along too) Leaf KAH Coryashire Tribe Typo Wing Andras Agent1 Tyrell kellee Chucks Party Eep Faber ALTERNATES: Please respond back to me also, as if you do, you most likely will be put on a tribe. I lack faith in a lot of the survivors I've chosen. ;) S p a r k captain mad mike datedman SW Chris birdmike SW Comit Mauz anyone else who wants to play. :)) What an eclectic cast I've chosen, eh? :) this is DEFINATELY tentative, as I'm sure some of you guys don't want to play and others will. Sorry for wasting your time. :)) Nornny [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 6, 2001, 4:31pm
Don't worry, my method of madness will be revealed in due time. It will be
fun, trust me. btw, for the rest of you who are also confused, as entertaining as it is to see you confused and bewildered, I just picked all of you because you posted recently and you've posted here more than once. :) Anyone else who qualifies in that category can also play might I add. I'm up to 7 survivors so far, including ananas. (no, you won't get to know who they are yet). I need...*counts fingers* 9 more. :) Everyone get responding. :)) Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 6, 2001, 10:00pm
hehe, well, it was all very random. just picked and plopped. And that list
has changed a little. If you're in Chuck, I could use the avatar you use in Alphaworld. I think I need 8 or so more if you're in. :)) Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 6, 2001, 10:35pm
Oops, didn't see you post recently, that's all. :) Email me at
nornny1 at with the avatar you use in Alphaworld and I'll add you in happily. I can use all the survivors I can get. :)) Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 7, 2001, 8:40am
you need to send it to nornny1 at, rather than just reply, as it is an
outdated email address I use to log into the newsgroup. Stupid Outlook, I don't know how to configure it so it says my new email address. :)) Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 8, 2001, 10:36pm
Actually, I need only 3, IF Holistic reply ASAP. :) Come on you
guys, we've almost reached 16, I only need 3 of you to sign up. To sign up, just to remind me, reply in private to me with your newsgroup name and the Alphaworld avatar you use. That's all. :) I'll explain the rest as the game goes on, but it doesn't require much more effort than what you're giving me now to sign up. Trust me. ;) Anyways, hope I can reach that total, then we can start. :)) I'll have the webpage up asap. You can see what I have so far at if you like. :) The page isn't completed yet however. Nornny [View Quote] hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 8:45am
I LOVE hearing these exxagerations and the fact that you can't mute a bot or
OneSummer... I LOVE the fact that you haven't let OneSummer get to you as it would make you look crazy and spoiled... ;) Shall I continue with reasons why you keep your problems out of the newsgroup and in YOUR life? we're TRYING here to mind our own business, but apparently, you just don't respect our decision. Nornny [View Quote] To jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 10, 2001, 7:46pm
Will you two stop discussing fashion, I've got another proposal for y'all.
Join the community newsgroup Survivor challenge and live on nature, not on jewels! Live by words, not by colors. Live with your hair falling out from dissing so many newbies and resorting to flags as bathing suits and formal attire. Come one, come all! Especially you two, I could use some more females in the cast!! Just send me the NAME of the avatar you use in Alphaworld, and that will be ALL you have to do, basically. :)) So, whaddya say? Casay? Alphabit?? Please? I just need 2 more... [View Quote] To jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 11, 2001, 8:16pm
Both you and Casay don't need to do much more than what you do already,
which is smile. ;) Well, actually, you can do a lot, but if you don't want to, you don't have to. I'll explain in detail some more later on Monday. :)) Nornny [View Quote] SURVIVOR III AWTEEN REVEALED!May 9, 2001, 10:03pm
Okay, looks like we got a few flamers, newbies, and navens on our hands.
Who's up for sacrificial smores? We can burn these peeps by the fire I have going outside. Trust me, they taste great. ;) Anyways, here's a list of things NOT to do in this newsgroup, for your immediate reading 1) Don't yell 2) Don't propagate 3) Don't talk about something as trivial as AWTeen or Survivor 4) Don't post with a stupid TV alias (remember what happened to Agent Fox Mulder?) 5) Don't yell 6) Don't yell 7) Don't run away crying like a baby when this newsgorup hits hard on you. ;) Trust me, it'll be over sooner if you take it in and learn from your mistakes. Nornny [View Quote] to eepMay 10, 2001, 8:35am
Well, some of us don't like your bad grammatical and spelling errors. Plus,
WE know that this IS Eep, and he's been on good behavior, unfortunately for some of us. If you've done your research, you know Eep is OUR hitmen in getting newbies like YOU get the hint and grow up. We've all gone through it. Just quit complaining about his language, it's about time someone gets it through the empty heads. And resorting to child's language DOES work sometimes. Nornny [View Quote] Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 10, 2001, 8:59am
Okay, so we have TWO deranged potential killers here. Get thee to a therapy
session. We have jfk the killhappy, and Chucks Party the bully-beater-outta-crapper. Gosh, someone make sure these guys don't get their hands on some firearms before we get another Columbine. Seriously, YOU ARE THE BULLY YOU DIMWIT!!! Have you ever thought that you're harrassing US and throwing us into walls with your constant bicker battle? You've even been filtered and you still won't let up. You're NOT getting picked on anymore, needless to say, we are. Hello to the blindsighted. We're in AW, not RL. In this dimension, you CAN and you WILL talk it out, or else no one will be helping you in your quest for destruction (as you can obviously see). And you forget about it AFTER you've turned the off switch on your computer like everyone else. Why you seem to make this so personal is beyond me. In both cases, Just In and Kevin, you could've avoided it by just staying away. Finding alternative routes, telling your parents, and all that. Confrontations are unavoidable, but so are you. Why you and jfk have to post your life's story like this in the newsgroup is BEYOND senseless, it's stupid. As you seem to be looking for sympathy in an empty newsgroup here. Btw, life only gets worse, and bullies more rampant if you are still acting like a social outcast with NO self-esteem visibly. Get some confidence and move on with life, it'll go by MUCH easier. But of course, you'd prolly beat up the whole school before you get that hint Nornny [View Quote] Who votes a new AWTeen core?May 10, 2001, 10:58pm
Did a meteor crash and kill all the intelligent newbies out here? When did
this become an AWTeen newsgroup? It's a community newsgroup, to discuss COMMUNITY issues, not silly things like this. Keep these issues in world, not in this newsgroup as you're taking up TOO much bandwith with your stupidity. That applies to all the "twits" who's posted here lately with all these stupid capitalized stuff and one liners. Learn how to post before you do, or else you're only going to get filtered or flamed. Nornny [View Quote] wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 12, 2001, 9:43pm
Wing hasn't offered any redeeming value in this NG?!?! Look at yourself
first before you look at others, buddy. Wing doesn't bore or annoy us with the same facts every single minute and post. Wing has contributed to this newsgroup for months on end, while you haven't contributed anything except chaos. Wing can move on like the rest of us, and tell someone when to give it up. Wing can filter. Wing doesn't have to bombard us with facts for proof, he's not that desperate. Wing can make his posts through his judgement and credibility (which you don't have btw) and we can TRUST him. You can't. And you see, Wing is our good friend. When trapped in a desert island (which you two will be soon), Wing will survive the vote of his peers, while you'll be getting eaten away by your peers (which you are now). Why you even felt it was NECCESSARY to post this is beyond me. Why you try to gain some respect and credibility by degrading others is beyond me. Why you try to act like you're the saint and we're the sinners is also beyond me. It's a newsgroup against you Chuck, and it will remain that way unless you treat us with some form of respect and acceptance. Why I am even posting to you again is also beyond me, but call me an idealist for hoping you will get the hint. ;) Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Let The Game BeginMay 13, 2001, 5:36pm
16 Posters....
One harsh newsgroup... And lots of monkeys... Welcome to Survivor: The Community Newsgroup. <plays diggeridoo and Survivor theme> 2 tribes comprised of 8 posters each are in for their biggest newsgroup challenge yet. They have been selected (some of which involentarily) to have all eyes on their actions, and to have their personalities manipulated due to bad CBS programming. Their posts to the newsgroup will be carefully observed by their fellow tribemates and the rest of the community. Each week, a challenge will be posted, testing their wits and brain. If they should succeed in winning, immunity is what they will recieve. If a community member not in the game wins, he/she will pick the winner. The losing tribe, no matter what, will face a grueling challenge, surviving the Tribal Council, a gathering of the tribe and the rest of the community to cast off one of that tribe's members. 16 will start...1 will survive (hopefully). Who are these 16? Well, for the first time, everyone, including the contestants, will meet each other. No one knows if they've been selected to participate until now. And the players are: On the Factor tribe (newbie for the great god, Facter): Nornny (that's me) KAH Ananas Leaf Gamer BirdMike Syntax Alphabit Phalpha And on the Typo tribe (it means typo in...english) S p a r k Agent1 Wing kellee Chucks Party Tony M SW Chris Casay. Everyone, get acquanted, I'm sure most of you have met. And let the game begin!!! *dramatic thunder sounds* Further instructions await everyone later this week. Just reply to this thread if you feel as there is something to say on the game thus far. Most of everything said from now until the end of the game will be used for or against you in my weekly summary before tribal council... Keep yourself updated as to the happenings of the survivors at See the pictures of our survivors and get to know them a little better! Come back to it often, as updates are plentiful thorughout the game. Nornny |