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Kids will be kids!

Aug 16, 2001, 3:16pm
What's up with the dozen same replies? lol.


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[NG Survivor] umm...too much to put in a subject

Aug 19, 2001, 12:46pm
Wowwy. We won a Cy. ;) I'd give it to the winner of this contest as part of
the million dollar prize, but I then realized, they didn't even plan the
darn thing, half of them didn't even want to play in the first place, so
nyah! We can use it as our immunity idol though in memory of ABP next season
(if there is one). :)

Anyways, the results of last night's council was...mean. lol. With a
unanimous vote, Alphabit Phalpha was taken down at the Cys by the remaining
4 guys. So now, the testosterone is loose and it's down to the Final Four.
Who will win this is anyone's game. Be aware that there are now two Typo's
and two Factor's in the remaining pool. In the jury box, there are 3 Factors
and 2 Typos, most of whom however have been backstabbed through their own
original tribemates.

*tree mail*

The Final Four...
It's almost done...
Your days are limited...
Immunity is not one to shun...

Play some games...
And score the most...
You'll get the necklace...
To hopefully win, at most...

And now, it's back to another challenge. :) This one will span the whole
week, and we're playing it NCAA style. This is your last web challenge. And
it won't be the easiest. You have randomly be paired off against another
member of your tribe.

Syntax vs Tony M
SW Chris vs Gamer

For the first part of the challenge, go to the Toon Marooned site and to
me_1& and play Protect the Fire. When you think you've scored the highest
you can score, submit a screenshot to me, like before. :) However, you are
not competing against your tribe, you're now playing to make it to Round
Two. Whichever two makes it to Round 2, will compete in another web
challenge for immunity. So, when all four of you have submitted scores,
we'll get going once again. :) Remember, immunity insures you a part in the
last three. :)


<production note: TO ALL 16 SURVIVORS: I'm planning on having the last
tribal council where we determine the survivors LIVE! A set has been built
up in a private location, all we would need is the jury and the two
contestants at LEAST. The problem is even with the jury and contestants,
Leaf and Gamer are on british time. So, we need to deal out a time. I don't
think 9pm vrt would be good, since it's like midnight in the UK, correct me
if I'm wrong. :) Would 6 or 5 or 4 vrt be good for ALL jury members and
players if we held it on a weekend (probably Sunday)? I don't know the
actual weekend however, since we'll have to see how fast or slow the game

As for ALL 16 survivors in an AW reunion, I can only DREAM of that
happening. But I was hoping we could get at least 10 of you in one spot for
a Late Tonight w/ SW Chris Top Ten list or something. Ideally, I was hoping
we could have all 16 contestants appear after the council and answer
questions from any audience and myself on the secrets of the game, may have
a party afterwards. The movie would definately be premiered fully. At least
though, have any survivors that couldn't make it tape a
Sorry-I-Couldn't-Be-there message or something. I would have no idea how to
do the time though since you survivors span 3 countries, US, Britain, and
Scandanavia. Many of you are also very busy and aren't online much too. And
then there's school and al lthis. Email me privately guys with good times.
:) >

[NG Survivor] umm...too much to put in a subject

Aug 19, 2001, 6:12pm
I've played a good amount of rounds and it seems to work fine for me. I
dunno, maybe you're slowly fainting from the lack of food. lol.

Get it before it freezes? Maybe it will be the same for everyone and then
you can see who can printscreen closest to before it freezes. lol.


[View Quote]

[NG Survivor] umm...too much to put in a subject

Aug 20, 2001, 10:16am
Apparently, the Protect the Fire thing isn't working for y'all, so, we're
going to try another Toon Marooned game. :) In the games section, you'll
find a Porky Pig paddle boat type game, this is a true test of endurance if
you want to score high, but hey, we gotta filter out the lazy. ;) Find it,
it should be as simple as finding it in a pulldown menu. It's not the Rocket
game and it's not the Robin Hood game. :) You'll know that it's the right
game if you see a Toon Marooned loading picture that you saw when Protect
the Fire loads. :)


Ablivion Broadcasting Network - Cancelled

Aug 20, 2001, 10:18am
That's the story I had heard also. lol. Except you probably didn't have to
get ejected ten times over by a beligerant Ox to get it. ;) teehee


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Ablivion Broadcasting Network - Cancelled

Aug 20, 2001, 6:59pm
No, it's not a laughing matter. Getting the story was, but definately not
ABNTV. lol. I spend half my AW time just sitting in front of that boob tube
watching ABN. Ox didn't believe it, but I was definately in Hangout for more
reasons than a story. He was outrageously angry. Thank god the dust settled.


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xelagon offline

Aug 22, 2001, 2:39pm
Ouch, now why would anyone want to create world to diss you, Xela? lol.
Someone here in the universe doesn't appreciate good bot making and friendly
personalities it seems...*glares at the newsgroup*


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xelagon offline

Aug 22, 2001, 10:54pm
w00t w00t. :) Go Flagg, I think it's the right decision, and keep on doing
it if anyone else is offended by a badly named world. :))


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[NG Survivor] Sudden News...

Aug 23, 2001, 12:45am
*enter cameraman eating chips while filming on Tony's canoe*

Cameraman: Hey, *crunch* you're fizzing from the mouth...

Tony: fnewiunrui fmieownf must ioewqrnfjre win fneiewnjf wing fniweuirw die

Cameraman: Hey, careful there, hey! Put that paddle down!!! AH!! HELP!!

Tony: esfjhsdhsdfhsdhhhhjhdafjhdafjhadf

*back at HQ, Nornny is snoring*

Nornny: bleh...what?? Cameraman?? Where'd you go? Cut to camera 3...where the hell is camera 3? CUT CUT!!!


Tony's body, along with scattered and somewhat eaten pieces of the newsgroup
charter was found along River Marooned tonight by Eep Rock. Tony's canoe
tipped over during the first part of immunity challenge and his overwhelming
smelliness attracted alligators that caused horrible injury. Tony, or parts
of him, will now join the jury. :(

Oh well...

So, everyone, there's 3 of you left, Syntax, SW Chris, and Gamer. This
challenge is void, sorry about that. The final challenge will be this
Saturday and will be the special traditional survivor trivial pursuit for
immunity. Remember, immunity will guarantee you one of the spots in the
Final Two. All of you are almost there, don't let this phase you. The last
immunity challenge will come this Saturday, and be warned, be ready to
recall your past survivors.


People Now In Jury:

Tony M (Typo)
Wing (Typo)
Casay (Typo)
Leaf (Factor)
Alphabit Phalpha (Factor)
Nornny (Factor)

People Left in the game:

SW Chris (Typo)
Syntax (Factor)
Gamer (Factor)

One more person will join the 7 man jury by the end of next week. Jury
deliberations will take place, and it's time for the season finale, the last
night on tribal council, where 1 person willl walk away with THE AW teeshirt
and the title of the Ultimate Survivor. Good luck, you three, and for
whoever will win immunity, vote carefully.

<production note: website will be updated soon. everyone email
nornny1 at with good times to hold the final tribal council. :)) I
want all of the jury and final two guys to be there, but I'm hoping the
other 7 of you or as many as possible can also attend. It'd be on a Saturday
or Sunday. Not sure. >

[NG Survivor] The Final Challenge...

Aug 25, 2001, 2:28pm
Well, it's culminated after 13 weeks of intense flaming and voting to the
last three contestants. The ones who've gone under the voting radar the most
and managed to make it to the end. Now, it's not a matter of persuading or
planning or scheming, it's about winning and one last knock at strategy. One
person this week will have ALL the power. Whoever wins immunity, he will be
guaranteed to be sitting on one of the Final Two rocks. The other person
will be the person he chooses to bring up with him. Two Factors, Syntax and
Gamer, 1 Typo, SW Chris. It could be the death of one tribe if Chris does
not make it to the Final Two. Or, it could be SW Chris with another Factor,
securing the legacy of all of the 14 members from Factor and Typo.

So, immunity. The most important one yet. And it could be the easiest too if
you've taken the time to play the game and get to know your tribesmate. The
first challenge ever that all 16 contestants played was a round of trivia.
Now, it's time for the last three to play trivia, but not on dictators of
the Dominican Republic, but on themselves.

13 questions on each one of the Survivors. Whoever get's the most correct
will win immunity and decide the other two's fate. The jury has been brought
in to witness this last challenge before the final tribal council. Your
answers could determine how they vote. So, Leaf, Casay, Wing, Nornny,
Alphabit, and Tony (arms intact) are now here. By the end of next week, they
will have made up their mind, so be sure to change them while you still can.

So, Syntax, SW Chris, and Gamer, let's play Survivor trivia. EMAIL ME at
nornny1 at with your answers. If you do NOT answer ALL of these
questions by Wednesday, none of your correct answers will count. Got me? In
case of a tie, the number of extra diary entries you write from here until
Wednesday under this thread will be added to your score to determine a

1) What country does Ananas reside in RL?

2) Chuck's Party was voted off the first week because of his constant
conflict with what world owner?

3) Casay is the owner/maintainer of what awcommunity world and site?

4) Agent1 uses what avatar in Alphaworld and for Survivor?

5) Does country does kellee reside in RL?

6) How many people resigned from the game?

7) BirdMike resigned from the game because of what conflict?

8) Did S p a r k resign from the game because of the same conflict?

9) Leaf is the owner of what organization/website/hosting service?

10) Who was the LAST person to be Voted off the game?

11) Which person brought the newsgroup charter as his/her luxury item?

12) Wing uses what avatar? Cedric or Birde?

13) kellee resides in what country in RL?

14) Nornny lives in what US time zone?


<production note: EVERYONE!!! be ready for the season finale next week,
coincidentally, Labor Day. I'm thinking we should hold it on a Monday, since
that's the day we started 14 weeks ago. :) Would anyone else, especially
Ananas, kellee, Leaf, and Gamer have any trouble getting on on Monday?
Especially Leaf and Gamer? I'd like to have all y'all there. :) Tiem would
prolly be 5pm vrt, but that could change if you'd like. :) >

[NG Survivor] The Final Challenge...

Aug 26, 2001, 11:25am
Well, SOOORRRRYYYY mr King of Goobs. lol. Considering it was nearing 11 at
night, this norn was getting lazy. lol. Fixed questions below.


[View Quote] 6) The community votecaster is always put on what page in the ngsurvivor
> --
> Goober King
> Just thought I'd help...
> rar1 at

[NG Survivor] The Final Challenge...

Aug 26, 2001, 10:49pm
next week. Not tommorow. :) And I'll give you a ring. lol


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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 10:20am
if you wanted to keep the conversation private, why didn't you just
privately email Flagg like the lot of us? You must surely know better than
to respond to a message out in the newsgroup because you're setting yourself
up for people sticking their nose in. And two, everyone will probably just
look at you as trying to get attention and setting Flagg up to be humiliated
by you. If you already did privately email Flagg, kudos. Not every newsgroup
topic needs to be discussed in a newsgroup, anything personal is best left
off the newsgroup, because that's how flames towards you happen.


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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 11:24am
Well laddy da! There IS NO Plan A and Plan B. You get the cit. Too bad.
AWCOM scammed you in such a horrible way, but they're not going to change it
for you. Apparently, they don't want to make "money" the way you do, so let
them go on scamming the entire AW uniserver and continue concentrating on
lightening that big head of yours. I didn't pay 20 bucks to read this crap,
you don't see me looking for a refund.


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[NG Survivor] The First to the Final Two...

Aug 30, 2001, 6:02pm
Well, let's see who knows their Survivor the best.

1) What country does Ananas reside in RL?

Gamer: Germany, Ananas is German for Banana, he told me in Vectorscape once

Syntax: Germany

SW Chris: Germany

You all are correct. That's 1 point each.

2) Chuck's Party was voted off the first week because of his constant
conflict with what world owner?

All Three: Just In

Again, correct.

3) Casay is the owner/maintainer of what awcommunity world and site?

All three: Objects d' Activeworlds Website and Object'd world

Casay: *smiles*

Correct again.

4) Agent1 uses what avatar in Alphaworld and for Survivor?

All Three: Aaron

Everyone is correct, again.

5) KAH's luxury item fit his name because it was...?

All Three: Capital Letters

Correct again. :)

6) The community votecaster is always put on what page in the ngsurvivor

Gamer: was the one I

Syntax: ngcouncil.html page.

SW Chris: Council Page

Gamer is NOT correct. Syntax is. SW Chris, I'll accept your answer also. So
Syntax and SW Chris take a 1 point lead.

7) BirdMike resigned from the game because of what conflict?

All Three: HE DIDN'T RESIGN!!!

okay okay, you're right. ;)

8) Did S p a r k resign from the game because of the same conflict?

Syntax: No, S p a r k resigned because he never checked the newsgroups
enough and
was going to be busy all summer.

SW Chris: NO. Spark left because he didn't check the newsgroups enough.

Gamer: Ehm...stupid trick questions. NO! Not at all...unless BirdMike left
becuase he had no time for the NGs...

Your answers were all sorta correct. I'll give you all a point again. :))

9) Leaf is the owner of what organization/website/hosting service?

Syntax: The Commonwealth
SW Chris: The Commonwealth

[NG Survivor] The First to the Final Two...

Aug 30, 2001, 6:02pm
eek, sorry, pressed the enter button the wrong way, lol. I'll finish this
post in this thread. lol.


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[NG Survivor] The First to the Final Two...

Aug 30, 2001, 7:22pm
Okay, going on. :)

Gamer: The Active Worlds Commonwealth, - he is all the sole
propieter of Leaf Wars T ;)

All correct again. :)

10) Who was the LAST person to be Voted off the game?

Gamer: AlphaBit Phalpha, muahahahahahahaha, we all voted for her!

Syntax: AlphaBit Phalpha(Tony resigned)

SW Chris: Alphabit Phalpha

good. ;) Another point.

11) Which person brought the newsgroup charter as his/her luxury item?

All three: Tony M

12) Wing uses what avatar? Cedric or Birde?

All three: Cedric.

Another point. :)

13) kellee resides in what country in RL?

All three: Australia w/ Just In.

Very good. Another point.

14) Nornny lives in what US time zone?

All three: EST.

*council climax* Well, it looks like there's a tie. Gamer, you are out of
the running for immunity. Your fate will now depend on either SW Chris, or

SOO!! Syntax, SW Chris, you have 1 day, until Friday night, to answer this
question. Whoever is the closest to the right answer wins.

On what day of what month did we officially start the Newsgroup Survivor

Now, also in your email, include your VOTE for either Gamer or your opponent
to be kicked off the game. Should you win immunity, that person will be the
last link in the jury. So, SW Chris, Syntax, answer your fate. :)

From there, the jury has a week talk to each other on thoughts on who should
win and such. You can even arrange a time to convene all 7 of you and
discuss votes and strategy and exchange information on what you experienced
throughout the game. Remember, some people have experienced more or less
than you in the game. Sunday, 5pm vrt anyone? :) ALL JURY MEMBERS MUST THINK
OF A QUESTION TO ASK THE FINAL TWO, just like in the real show. You each get
a minute to speak and let out your emotions and get your answers. Since we
are kind of running behind schedule and I don't want to rush things, I think
we'll have the final tribal council and SEASON FINALE (w00t) next Sunday at
5pm vrt. If that's a conflict with anyone, please tell me. :) I hope that
ALL 16 players can come, either at 5pm to see the hourlong tribal council,
or at 6 for the reunion show. :) If this is a problem for ANYBODY, tell me
immediately at nornny1 at :) I'd like to get all of you there, it's
been a while since we've played this game. :))


[NG Survivor] The First to the Final Two...

Aug 31, 2001, 4:56pm
Sorry my dear friend kellee. :) I assumed to rumors, apparently. :/ Everyone
still gets the point for you living in Australia, but not with Just In, two
of the three guys had said you did. :)


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Invalid privilege password

Sep 1, 2001, 11:27am
Just for clarification, are you trying to put your PASSWORD password into
the "privledge password" field when logging in or are you putting your
PRIVILEDGE password? You need to put in the latter.

It shouldn't be a matter of time. I think it should work instantaneously.
But try changing your priviledge one more time and wait a day. Also, make
sure you entered the correct citizen number is all the advice I can give. :)


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Sep 1, 2001, 11:32am
Any specific reason for saying this or is this just to add to your post
count? You know, we really can't do anything to help ya, only the caretaker
can. ;) Posts like these should be avoided from even getting STARTED or else
people will see you as "stupid" and "newbie-ish". Besides, it's not very
community at all, this post. lol.


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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 1:48pm
Well, r y a n is crossposting his hysterical cries of agony while Eep is
just replying in general.discussion. Why r y a n has to share the WHOLE
newsgroup of this off-topic ranting is beyond me, but I sure don't want to
hear it anymore.


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Sep 2, 2001, 11:22am
Actually, we had a good run of intelligence if you had only gone back two
weeks when marcus hadn't started complaining about AWC scams, and LadyBunny
and ryan hadn't done some newbieish things, there was actually a load of
intelligence. Hard to believe, but there were actually good discussions on
3.2, AW Ear, we even tried to help a newbie (who thankfully, said he/she was
a newbie) find a priveledge password. Felt pretty good. lol. But otherwise,
business continues, what can you expect? newsgroups?


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Sep 3, 2001, 12:52am
critics? I'm just saying, yeesh. Zero said there's too many idiotic things
here and I pointed out he's just looking at a black dot instead of the white
paper. You posted some off-topic or personal stuff in the newsgroup, making
it a newbiesh mistake, for once, be proud of it unlike the other people who
deny it. We like a person who knows who he/she is. Post all you want, see if
I care, just using you as an example for an argument, nothing more.


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Update to Objects d'AW

Sep 3, 2001, 12:53am
Eew...over the hill. least you still type like you were 20. lol.
*starts sweating under evil glares* WHAT? It's a compliment! It's not MY
fault I'm still a young teenager in his prime...


[View Quote]


Sep 3, 2001, 9:35pm
Eep Probst: Last time on Survivor...

<video montage plays>

Eep Probst: Tony's sudden resignation means the game fell down to two
Factors and 1 Typo, SW Chris, Syntax, and Gamer. It was time to trek up to
tribal council cliff and play the last challenge, trivia.

Eep Probst: After heartstopping numbers correct answers and a jury in need
of one more watching behind, Gamer was eliminated from winning immunity by
one question. SW Chris and Syntax got all questions correct and it came down
to one tiebreaker question:

Eep Probst: What week did this game start...

Eep Probst: So, enough with the suspense, let's get back into the game...

<survivor opening theme plays>

<cut to tribal council scene>

Eep Probst: SW Chris, we'll start with you.

SW Chris: Um... *takes a stab in the dark*

SW Chris: April 16, this year...

Eep Probst: Syntax?

Syntax: May 12th was the date the game started.

Gamer: *stares on*

Eep Probst: The game started in the month of May. SW Chris, you are
incorrect, Syntax, you have the closest date and win immunity.
Congratulations, your immunity streak has carried you through into the Final

Syntax: YEEESSS!!!!

Eep Probst: But now, it's time for the last tribal council. The jury is in
place. SW Chris and Gamer, you automatically must vote for each other since
you cannot vote for yourself. Syntax, you as the swing voter and immunity
holder will decide the fate of these two. Please go to the voting area and
cast your FINAL vote.

Syntax: *walks past jury up bridge to voting area*

SW Chris and Gamer: *looks down disappointingly and prays*

<tribal council music>

<cut to voting booth>

Syntax: *holds up piece of paper and whispers* Hardest vote yet, but, I
decided to do it. Sorry. :-( *walks back*

Jury: *sits in silence and watches Syntax return*

Eep Probst: I'll make this quick. The first, last, and only vote tonight....

Eep Probst: Gamer.

<tribal council climax plays>

Gamer: *looks down, then stands up and hugs the other two players and goes
to Eep*

Eep Probst: Gamer, please hand me your torch...*extinguishes flame*

Jury: *huddles and talks*

Eep Probst: Gamer, you are the last person to make up the jury.
Congratulations SW Chris and Syntax, you ARE the final two survivors. One of
you will soon claim the Ultimate Prize and Title. Go back to camp and pack
up the last of your belongings and say goodbye to the newsgroup game.

Eep Probst: A jury of 7, 4 Factors, 3 Typos. Both the Factor and Typo tribe
live on, but which one will meet its death? Find out next, after this
commercial break.

Gamer, Syntax, and SW Chris, please leave everyone with your Final Words in
the reply to this thread. Change the header to [NG Survivor] <name>'s Final
Words. Gamer, you will describe how you played the game and vent whatever
you want. Syntax and SW Chris, share one last time your thoughts on the game
and how you think it will go.

EVERYONE: Jury members. It's time to get together and deliberate. On Sunday
at 5pm vrt, you will convene in the world AWTeen at the location of the
custom made NG Survivor set. The location will be hidden but ALL contestants
will be told the location of the set on THAT Sunday to come and watch the
event. If I can get a cameraman in time (anyone out there interested?), the
audience will be watching from televisions sets throughout their home and
see the season finale there. If I don't get cameramen, the location will be
revealed to ALL newsgroup readers before the event starts.

Survivors: Since no one except for BirdMike has expressed that they can't
make it, I hope to see the rest of you there. :) That's really it, hope you
can catch the fun. :)

JURY MEMBERS: You all must think of ONE question to ask both survivors and
anything you'd like to say for that Sunday. Communicate with each other so
you don't end up asking the same question also. Come prepared to tribal
council with that question, at least. You may all deliberate together and
help each other decide on who to vote for. DO NOT talk to SW Chris or Syntax
this week or spill any votes.

Also, if you'd like, you can write one last post by replying to this thread
with anything you'd like to say personally about the Final Two survivors. Do
not reveal who you're voting for or anything like that, just your thoughts,
how you are going to approach the final vote, and so forth. You can wish the
Final two good luck and yadda.



Sep 4, 2001, 8:57am
lol, forgot to put the .html.


[View Quote]

AW NYC Info Center

Sep 13, 2001, 7:57pm
Hey everyone, for anybody on AW who is missing a relative or friend or is
helping someone looking for a person who is missing from the NYC terrorist
attacks, I've created a mini info center to hopefully help you get as much
information as you can and to post a little note and picture of your loved
ones so that anybody else who comes across the area can help assist you

I've also opened up some land for anyone who feels like placing a memorial
in Nornonton, where this is all located, in respects to NYC and the US.
Please come visit and help families in any way through your resources.

Although we can't donate food and such in AW, we can donate our internet
skills in helping others find loved ones, I think. I'll also be posting any
missing people info I can find and links to lists of people found dead.

The area in which to build is 31316n 60e in Alphaworld. You should be
greeted by tourist built xhdstn.rwx for you to replace. Up east is land for
memorial builds and memories.

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