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nornny // User Search[NG Survivor] new url/Immunity ChallengeJul 9, 2001, 6:41pm
[NG Survivor] new url/Immunity ChallengeJul 9, 2001, 7:02pm
[NG Survivor] new url/Immunity ChallengeJul 11, 2001, 5:57pm
There you have it, Syntax, congratulations on being the most ignored and
invisible member of the Koochie tribe, it has gotten you immunity. :) Koochie, tribal council begins on Friday, so head back to camp and relax for a while. :) Nornny [View Quote] Townbuilders newsgroup ideaJul 12, 2001, 11:41am
I still can't see why anything town related can't just go in Community. They
are, after all, communities, and in the past, those kind of posts haven't done much damage here at all. Besides, what could you really talk about? How your gz is better than the others? How to get builders to your town? Hundreds of plugs for people to come to their town? It doesn't sound like anything worth making, really, unless you have clear plans for what the Townbuilders newsgroup should be. I've always posted ads for my new town or events here without any trouble and asked questions about a town related subject here. I don't do it on a regular basis, but that's just common sense not to post everything about your town here. Plus, the reason why worldbuilders was made was indirectly fueled by money, but I would think the real reason would be that it takes a heckuva lot more to build a world than a town with all the technical mumbo jumbo and details that go in it. Plus, it's really the only form of immediate technical support after you paid over a hundred dollars on it. A town is basically mayor's discretion. You can't control a lot of things with a town just because you're building in someone else's world. But hey, if a townbuilders happen, good for you. :) Nornny [View Quote] 1. This shall be a place for towns-related matters. 2. Why does worldbuilders get its own newsgroup while townbuilders don't? 3. This shall be a place for towns advertising and etc. 4. This shall be good place to talk about towns-related matters away from burning newsgroup building (meaning a center for flaming posts) I'm sure SW Comit, SW Chris, Syntax, CMM, KAH, Moff Piett will support this. SW Comit and his staff were builders of city called SW City, while I know KAH had built town, while Moff Piett had told me it was good idea. And also Goober King would like this place since his organization is for towns and cities. And surely will AWCommunity Register support it. Yes I know this community newsgroup may be good place for it but I'm tired and sick of flaming, and all of this crap, so it's time to move all town-related matter over to new place. So please show your support for this petition, and I surely will thank you for these support. Thank you. Have a nice day. Legion SimCity Mayor and Activeworlds Users. "I came, I saw, I build!" [NG Survivor] News/ Time to voteJul 12, 2001, 11:37pm
Well, it'll Friday when you guys see this hopefully. And Friday means you're
here at Tribal Council once again. Syntax, congratulations on your immunity, you cannot be voted off, but of course, you still have to vote off someone. But, you'll all notice that you are missing one person. Leaf. Leaf has chosen to leave and resign from the game voluntarily. He is gone on vacation until the month of August, which would be leaving him for over 3 weeks of gameplay and tribal council. Unfortunately, he left on immediate notice and did not submit a vote for this week either. HOWEVER, Leaf will be joining you when he gets back here in tribal council and will be joining 6 of you in casting the Final Vote for a winner. Now, only 8 of you remain, Syntax, Wing, Casay, Gamer, SW Chris, Nornny, Tony M, and Alphabit Phalpha. It's time to submit your vote once again. However, PLEASE reply to me by email if possible at nornny1 at with your vote. Leaf, and all future members of the jury will be forwarded every vote with your confessional included. I also ask that from now on, whoever goes into the jury stay isolated in Activeworlds from the remaining members of the tribe, unless it is for other business. A lot of you are very social together, but to simulate REAL gameplay (as many of you would like), I ask that the jury only reads posts in the newsgroup and go about daily AW business, rather than scheme or voluntarily chat with the remaining contestants. However, jury members WILL be able to chat with other jury members as soon as that member is voted off. You can deliberate until days end on who to vote for and such. DO NOT leave the newsgroup or stop reading NG Survivor posts jury members, as near the end, you will be given tasks and info to help you decide your winner. :) ALSO IMPORTANT!! This Sunday at 4pm vrt in Alphaworld at 3816n 27581.5e .4a 250, I will be announcing the results of this tribal council live in AW as part of Festival celebrations. I hope that all 7 of you can come, I'll be in attendence. Should you show up, you'll be the first to know will be leaving before I even make up the tribal council results post. Plus, it'd be a great photo op to have all of you there, but I know many of you are all over the globe. With only 8 people left, I think it's only fitting we start up with the Things to consider list: Nornny was the target of Typo members last tribal council. Casay had not followed Typo voting and was the biggest blame in losing kellee. Wing had publically shown his intent on throwing out Nornny. Someone in the community keeping up with the game really hates Tony M. Alphabit was the target of Casay, which definately can cause friction. Syntax and SW Chris are both under-the-radar followers in a point in the game where following might lead to death. Just to recap: Leaf has resigned from winning the game, he is the first in the jury of 7. You're halfway through the game. 8 of your peers have been voted off or have left. 6 more will follow before we crown the Ultimate Survivor of the AW Newsgroup. It's time to vote off one more, please email me your vote and attend on Sunday at 4pm vrt to hear the results first. Good luck again. Nornny <production note: WE NEED DIARIES! :)) I'll also update the webpage with challenge results and so forth. Remember, it's on now. :) Also, the community vote poll will be put up tommorow morning at as usual. As the game is going, we're expected to have this game finished by the last week in August at the latest. I'm shooting for August 24th. Hang in there, it's been a rough two or three months, but you're almost done and the million dollar prize is awaiting on the other end. not an easy game, is it? :) > [NG Survivor] News/ Time to voteJul 13, 2001, 11:04am
well, it prolly won't happen until 4:50 or so, but it wouldn't make much
sense putting it in another time slot since the 4 o clock one is Adventure County Survivor. ;(( wish you could be there, but I'll see if I can fit it in another event. Maybe SW City Casino night? *glares at Syn* Nornny [View Quote] [NG Survivor] News/ Time to voteJul 13, 2001, 11:07am
The new universe welcome messageJul 13, 2001, 8:56pm
Don't post in HTML yourself, buddy. :)
Anyways, I can't see why this would be a bad thing. I doubt AWCOM would even waste their time posting that Bingo is starting or something in the whole universe because it would mean they would have to actually log on to AW. lol. :)) Anyways, they really wouldn't abuse it, I don't think, and it would prolly just say "Welcome to Activeworlds 3.2" like they have in the screenshot in the 3.2 help page. Maybe a birthday announcement or something, but nothing big, They have better respect for other events than that. :) Nornny [View Quote] I heard about the new universe-wide welcome message that's going to be introduced in 3.2. Won't this be a bad idea for everyone? Think about it - you're holding an event and you're trying to get people to come when AW posts a universe message telling people to leave your world and go to AWBingo to play. Anyone else think about this? Hmmm - let's all take a bet. I bet Eep will be the first to be completely and utterly without tact to a newbie, and wing will be a close second :) I'd say there'll be about 10 flames. :) They could just post a helpful reminder :) Just to show you how this newsgroup's going downhill :) The new universe welcome messageJul 14, 2001, 11:29am
abuse of the Community newsgroup charter Flagg and the AWCOM staff had set
for this newsgroup, and of the individual ISP newsgroup rules that were given here. It's simple, make a disruption, get an abuse report. We're tired of 10 threads full of flames. I'd go over the rules broken but it'd waste kbs, and I know anyone who gets charged by bandwith just added on a good $40 this month by reading these posts. Nornny [View Quote] Did you ever notice...Jul 14, 2001, 11:19am
no you don't. You give us comments half the newsgroup newbies have stated in
the past. And you don't seem to understand if YOU take the initiative to leave Eep and Wing alone and don't give them the time of day, they won't to you. Simple, intelligent, and to the point. Happy? Everyone else has told you the same thing, and you still call it flames and stupid. Check your head, buddy. Nornny [View Quote] Did you ever notice...Jul 14, 2001, 11:23am
Oh, if you SERIOUSLY didn't think you needed to read that, you have no
concept of opening your mind AT ALL. Syntax didn't approach that post as a flame or anything, he was trying to get a point through your head, and you don't even give him the time of day to respond back the way he did. He showed you some respect with that, and you show him none, and you wonder why you're treated like dirt here. Nornny [View Quote] Did you ever notice...Jul 14, 2001, 11:51am
Let's go through this one by one. Don't even THINK about posting a one liner
reply with my whole post in here or else you're getting an abuse report by me. [View Quote] ActiveWorlds, like we've established throughout the past few weeks does not care to give the newsgroup the time and day. The reason being is because we get into yelling at people who don't follow our rules and respect others rather than spending time discussing something like that historical thread on pans and the texture change in objects. If we don't reply back to these stupid posts, it would only let others know that this person hasn't broken rules and that he and others can do it ten times over. But once we do, no one ever seems to get the point that you just DON'T do it and you don't ask why and you know that your superiors before you established this first, whether that be your ISP, the charter, or all the posters before you. By doing something like this, you show NO respect to others before you, and you come off as wanting to rule the newsgroup. Seniority rules, you learn to deal and follow along with Eep, Wing, Goober King, Tony, Mauz, the whole gang, who were here MUCH longer than any of us, and when you can show some integrity in you, you can flame newbies or do something "radical". But because of all the mistakes we've made in the past, AWCOM doesn't care to censor us (only Eep) and let us go our own way. They would NEVER be able to do something anyways, because not even any of us give htem the time and day (why should we? they're never here). Now, onto the at home charter. > > [View Quote] One, K's message BREAKS the newsgroup charter, which basically says the same thing as this, Tony will be happy to repost it for you and I can dissect that, but let's just move on down. >Advertisements, solicitations, or other K clearly did not take the time or effort to determine our policies. He just came in like a rocket and shot the newsgroup down. And when we were relatively peaceful and productive too... Lemme see, I don't see a binaries tag on our newsgroup name, and HTML is binary, which means K broke this rule. Let's stop right there first. K posted disruptive messages according to just these details. he posted TWO messages, and many replies, which equal to a large number. And did anything really contain any substantive content. NONE. All his replies were just stupid one liners, and his threads had nothing to do with community issues (that universe one should've been put in worldbuilders, and it came with even MORE content hidden, which implies it was there for him to "trap" someone to say "see, he's evil too!"). Darn straight we were significantly hindered. Posts before K's entrance were plugs (good ones following all charter rules), a historical debate, a Facter post, NG Survivor, Eep's rant which was actually informative without a trace of swearing, and so forth. God, you guys ALL fall under that second one, because you never post anything new or refreshing. > Nornny Did you ever notice...Jul 14, 2001, 7:41pm
Okay, maybe we should look at the community newsgroup charter and notice
that all those rules listed on the at home charter is pretty much stated in the community newsgroup charter. Tony M would prolly be happy to repost it, I can't seem to find a copy (sorry for the lack of evidence), but you guys assume too much already, you can assume that. What else would a newsgroup charter contain, anyways? And big rule we ALL know he broke was 1) causing a flame war (although it won't be stated that way in the charter, it would be worded kind of like the "causing a disruption" clause) and 2) posting someone *NON-COMMUNITY* related. It deals with teh newsgroup and some individual posters, far from community. I'll admit, I hate HTML, and the fact that it took me like 20 minutes to figure out the message gets me kind of upset. I was still willing to help an old friend, but he doesn't seem to get it. I'll be honest, Yes, we DON'T want people posting in HTML. Why? We see it as a form of disrespect. Why? Because if we don't see why someone has to go to such lengths to break tradition and the heart of the group. It's something we collectively agreed on subconsiously when the newsgroup started (I assume), and we've adapted to it. No, it's not going to kill anyone, but we do have russian, spanish, and other foreign readers who have a hard enough time translating english if they have to, but to sift through HTML too? and you say WE scare them away? Yes, HTML is there, and you no one says you can't, YOU CAN. But don't complain because we're not accepting it. We'll filter you or try any other desperate means to get it to your head, but still, no one is stopping you, go right ahead. Why do you even care? You're not looking for respect, you're not looking for someone to help you, you're just looking for someone to agree with you, it seems. Play our game, play by the rules set. If you want something changed, don't go Radical Crazy on everyone. Just say "hey, I think we should have HTML, I know a lot of you don't like it, I can respect that, but let's vote or something like we did when we tried to ban Eep (the third time). No flame wars, just a discussion like we've had in the past. " Don't DO it in HTML, don't go cussing everyone off for totally different and non-related faults. Freedom of Speech, say what you want, get whatever comes to you. If posting in HTML is really such a good thing, why has it caused a large flame war and negativity when it could've REALLY been a good debate? Anyways, I'm ranting. Back to what K broke. K posted something with NO content or anything dealing with community issues. Just the newsgroup itself. it was bound to happen, as every newsgroup has a flame war every two weeks or so, but still, doesn't mean we can't backlash and say, hey, that's wrong to come into here without any pretense or noteriety and think you can break every rule in the book and disrespect fellow members. K has never posted here before and has threw in a can of whoopass on Eep and Wing, neither of which he has really chatted with, replied to, or anything. This is the first I've seen of Kmissile, personally. Respect is a big thing in this newsgroup, people yearn for it, god knows why. When YOU, Faber, post something liek the reply you did, you have a form of respect (at least by me) and comradery that you've established. I can see your...umm...brash remarks and take it. Won't mean I won't talk back, but still, it registers with me, unlike the other kids. Nornny [View Quote] The New World(s)...Jul 16, 2001, 10:27am
none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 9:29pm
She was calling you a male chauvinistic pig because you believe women aren't
being discriminated because they have more regular avs that are female, which has no relevence to the fact that there are no special avatars for females to use if they have to use it (not whether they want to). :) Special avs aren't there because they are unique in physical characteristics and being nonhuman, although all the current ones are, or else Birde and possible Bike would be "special". She's especially pissed that they took down the female PK avatar without any reason she knows of in the special avatars list when there are female employees and citizens who have the choice or even have to choose a special avatar. I kinda feel bad too that there isn't anything there to work with for the ladies. The girl avatars always turn out better and VERY good-looking (hey, you don't see them making a Harolda or Bessie, Butch's wife, avatar), excuse my teenage ways, and we can use at least 1/5th female representation in the Alphaworld special avatars list. :) Nornny [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 11:19pm
[View Quote]
Yes she did. :) "What i would like to enquire about is WHY take the female
PK av off? " >I haven't been on a world AW owns that has a special avatar list, I don't see it > on Alpha World that's for sure. All AWCOM worlds and other worlds come with a special avatars list, but it's not seen by a regular user. A peacekeeper or gatekeeper will be able to see 5 extra avatars at the bottom of their avatars list, Special 1-5, which they can use. >Why would anyone really need a PK av to use on a > private world anyway, those avs should be for AW owned worlds only to begin > with. Those avs SHOULD be for AW owned world, which is why kellee is wanting the female pk avs back. Private worlds can change their special avatars to whatever they want, but only AWCOM can change Alphaworld's. :) Nornny > > AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:15pm
Before Munkuy left office, he told me he had a small list of people who he
would like to take over control of AWHS, and, not to be braggy or anything, he did have me in the list for planning all those AWHS historical tours. The thing is, he never told any of his small group of AWHSers what you do as president and how he would transfer power or anything. He didn't even pick one of us, he just told us we were being considered, but then disappeared. Someone should really take up the job, but I have NO AW history embedded in me besides what i've learned from a few tours, I just would love to help maintain the beautiful AW gz. Tyrell, however, would be a very good choice as he ran the AWHS museum and so forth and can spout out 6 years of AW whenever you ask him. mauz too. :) one of those two should definately help, but both are extremely busy. :( It'd be a shame if we couldn't keep AW historically intact before it is damaged or hidden away by vandals and ad hungry kids. :? Nornny [View Quote] AWHSJul 16, 2001, 10:46am
[View Quote]
Not control, just rights. If you ever owned a world, you know that you can
limit building to the first 100 meters. :) However, correct me if I'm mistaken (which I prolly am), that 100 meters only stretches out to the first 10 coordinates of ground zero, when the ground zero AWHS has been preserving is the first 20 coordinates because of the extensive amount of history that they want to cram into the area. It was even proposed to even stretch the historical area 30 coordinates, which would mean more cleanup. Take 14n 9e, you'll see ads galore that cover historical builds because of gaps in buildings. AWHS gz cleanup team regularly comes by to gz (or at least used to) and deletes those ads so that the historical builds can be actually seen. lol. AWCOM controls gz, they regulate it. But buildwise, you can say AWHS kinda controls it, but only if AWCOM lets them, and really, they're just there to preserve it, they don't have any dictatorship over gz. With ads and vandalism covering the gz area and no one to clean it up, kellee was looking for someone to save the AWHS. Therefore, someone can regularly checkup and cleanup gz so that historical builds can be observed rather than ads for sites and towns just placed a day ago. But not only that, AWHS is here to find and document ALL historical builds, they're owners, and its history in Alphaworld for others to visit and see. :) Without them, AW's history would be in essence, lost. > > Somehow something is already established where permissions are granted. It's called the World Rights feature in your AW browser. :) Nornny >My > suggestions were all in effect to that premise. > > [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Koochie 8th...Jul 15, 2001, 9:31pm
Well, for all who don't know already, here are the results. After this
point, you remaining survivors have surpassed the halfway mark. Only 7 more weeks (hopefully) and you're all home free. Again, Leaf will be forwarded all of your email votes for him to make a somewhat educated decision on the final vote if he chooses to. Btw, you guys all handed me your votes in record time, kudos. I don't have to hunt around any more these days, just be hunted. lol. Remember, whoever leaves today, I ask that you don't make any attempt of contact to the remaining survivors out of the newsgroup in private. You decision is to be made on the experience YOU had, not others. You will be able to contact with other jury members as the game progresses to share your opinions and experience. And if you haven't figured it out, ALL 9 of you, from Leaf to the winner will have to be able to log onto the newsgroup on the week of Final Judgement. Okay, enough with this scarey stuff, let's get down to votes... 1st vote...Nornny 2nd vote...Nornny 3rd vote...Wing 4th vote....Gamer 5th vote...Wing 6th vote....Gamer 7th vote....Wing 8th vote...Wing Last vote... ....Wing... Wing. Hand me your torch. :( *extinguishes flame* Well, please leave the island to your left, you're the second to join the jury. Please, however, leave us with some final words for the website. <production note> Updated site will be up by the end of today hopefully. :)) Nornny Location of next reunion?Jul 15, 2001, 11:10pm
If I recall right, there are two smaller reunions going on this year. :)
There will be one in Portland, Oregon and another in Europe in Sweden, I think. As for an east coast reunion, looks like there isn't one planned yet. I can't blame AWCOM, they WANT to travel away from the east coast, they work in good ol Massachusetts all day anyways. Nornny [View Quote] Location of next reunion?Jul 16, 2001, 10:06am
You'll have to look on the ActiveWorlds newsletter we just got and look
under the reunion recap. :) At the bottom or somewhere in the article, it should have links to the Sweden reunion and the Portland reunion. :) Nornny [View Quote] Location of next reunion?Jul 17, 2001, 2:41pm
You know, if you have a few extra hundred dollars or so, why don't y'all
make your own reunion like the Norway and Portland reunioners? lol. With a bit of newsletter advertising and such, it could be pretty successful, and you can hold it where YOU want. ;) Doesn't take much, just some citizens, a hotel, and a very good itinerary. hehe. Nornny [View Quote] To Whom It May Concern... [long!]Jul 18, 2001, 10:26am
Although I don't think even crying on their Newburyport doorstep might help,
I'll add to the masses, because the masses always win (right or wrong). Sometimes, the true reality is WE were dumb enough to get drawn into a really good program, but we never realized the people running it ever cared a half pints about it, and they coudl run off when they're financially secure, and close Activeworlds. It's not always the big whigs fault. Luckily, I know there's some heart in Rick and JP, and that they didn't entirely work up to 6 years for the money. Nornny Cit Number 292538 Viva l'Activeworlds! [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Immunity ChallengeJul 18, 2001, 11:19am
You're halfway through...
But the seas are rough... The newsgroup is on fire... Are you tough enough?... Ships are coming in... With newbies galore... Fend them off... And you'll survive another week more... The Newsgroup is under attack from newbies! Their aim is to loot the tremendous intelligence (or lack thereof) of the newsgroup. Then they will pillage the towns and cities of Alphaworld and run back hom to Juno with newfound intelligence to rot away. The resources of the Survivor contestants will again be called upon to face this grave challenge. Your mission, and whoever else wants to join in, is to go to this site: (no relation to that other game maker PopTop, though the similarity is uncanny). There you must enter the Seven Seas on Level 3 and do your worst to the attacking newbies. Once again, take a screenshot of your final score and post it on a server and send me the url or email it to me at nornny1 at Highest score will win. And this time, only ONE SUBMISSION, any others from the same person will be thrown away. You only have one chance in submitting your biggest score. Anyone is welcome to defend the newsgroup from stupidity, and if a non-contestant should score the highest, they will get to choose which ones of the remaining 7 contestants gets immunity. Good luck and be careful out there!! Nornny [NG Survivor] Immunity ChallengeJul 18, 2001, 7:33pm
Article by Brant (long post)Jul 19, 2001, 9:23pm
Well, actually, Facter's best AND worst thing he ever said was "Let's vote
to ban Eep from the newsgroup". of course, the timing was WAY off and barely a person voted to ban Eep, but hey, better than this one week treat-the-posters-like-a-child rule, although it might actually work. ;) Nornny [View Quote] Article by Brant (long post)Jul 20, 2001, 10:13am
HTML would be like pollution, destroying the ozone layer of bandwith and
download times. ;) Everyone can do it, and sometimes people do, but it's not courteous and very smelly. lol Nornny [View Quote] Are we rewriting or not??Jul 20, 2001, 10:39am
Apparently, you guys want a rewrite of this community charter and Facter
said start a thread and he'll give it the time of day, so, if you guys are too slow or lazy to start one, I will. Here's the BIGGEST oppurtunity we might ever get from AWC, so you might as well take advantage of it before you begin your sulky "AWC-never-listens-to-us" and "yes-they-do" battles. :) Topics we'll prolly need to discuss for adding/deleting/editing the charter: 1) HTML posting - personally, I think the best compromise we'll EVER reach here is to use HTML in general.discussion and use plain text in community. Keep one old school and keep the other new school. Punishment? I don't think it's really worth a punishment, though, whoever does will prolly get extremely abused and that's enough of a spanking. If worse comes to worse, submit an abuse report for breaking newsgroup rules. 2) What we REALLY talk about - The charter has been somewhat outdated on topics we discuss in some aspects. Basically, I think off-topic is spam, not plugs and swears, not flame wars. You guys are just too sensitive to harsh criticism in my opinion. I'd like to personally have a clause saying test posts should be dumped in the general.discussion newsgroup also. I know it's kinda difficult at this moment for a newbie to even FIND the general.discussion, but by the time this charter is in the final stages, Facter will have a new website anywho (yes, that long. j/k) As for Eep style language...I dunno, that's a brain twister. He's harsh, brutally harsh. It's obvious we shouldn't give him any mercy for his language like we give the HTMLers. I say, don't accept the "yo twit<expletive>" here in the community, but accept it in the general.discussion. Seems clear enough. A newsgroup without Eep would be a mess, as we so thoroughly see time and time again. The guy has a bunch of references, who wants to lose that part of the gene pool. lol. And if you think about it, some people REALLY need to evolve and stop starting conflicts and start solving them. Punishment? Facter's one week suspension is good. Hopefully, it doesn't make a newbie (or oldie) really mad and just tear up this newsgroup. It's obvious we can do it ourselves. ;) 3) Anything else?? I think there should be something that stops those sly and chicken people who cause a ruckus subtly and within the rules, that's tough though. We should really highlight more that we're no different than a regular non-binary usenet newsgroup and that we follow usenet rules. We should really take out the censorship part and replace it with something more realistic, as Facter rarely censors any posts, besides one or two of Eeps in a blue moon. We can make it legal for Facter to delete or censor posts about whatever you guys feel is neccessary, but really just say that the newsgroup will deal with you in itself. That's all, really. :) Opinions, comments, I have my helmet ready for any flames, so bring it on. It's time to work together gang. :)) Nornny [NG Survivor] Newbie Defense Results!Jul 21, 2001, 10:06pm
Sorry this is kinda late. Went to the beach today. lol. Well, you guys did
a pretty good job at Level 3, some of you seemed to have made it past the first 3 rounds, which was amazing. Those newbies, I tell ya, they're tough. Anyways, we'll make this quick and show the results. Nornny -1020 Syntax - 2380 Tony M - 1200 Alphabit Phalpha -460 Casay -1290 Gamer -24020 SW Chris - 0 Which means, beating out ALL the rest, Gamer wins immunity for this week. Congratulations. Well, it's time for tribal council yet again. You've survived half the game, it'd be a shame for any of you to leave now, but yet all but one must. All we know now is that Gamer is playing for one more week. So, let's go, cast your votes, the Community VoteCaster is up and running at or you can click on the link on in a few hours. Here's some things to consider: We never recieved SW Chris's vote. At this point in the game, is this cockiness? Alphabit is getting extremely sick and tired apparently through this challenge, she barely had enough energy to try the game as in challenge's past. Syntax is now free from immunity. Casay's vote is still swinging back and forth. She's yet to follow anyone. Tony M, a declared Wing follower, is now alone without the leader and vulnerable. Nornny has been the target of a handful of votes. One day, he'll get shot. That's all, good luck everyone, remember that your votes will all be forwarded to Wing and Leaf. It's their choice now to follow the game, so confess what you want them to know, but be careful what you say also. I need votes in by tommorow night if possible. :)) Nornny [NG Survivor] Newbie Defense Results!Jul 21, 2001, 11:11pm
You can see it at :) It's
authentic. :) Nornny [View Quote] |