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New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 21, 2001, 11:48pm
Yeah, let's also ask Microsoft to make less buggy software.

It's probably not going to happen. And personally, I wouldn't WANT it to
happen. Two reasons:

1) What objects are they going to add? Alphaworld, believe it or not, does
come with some general theme, so they can't just add anything. Plus, like
any of the AWCers have ANY time to spend uploading objects and making
registries all day. It took a month of petitioning, I believe, to add Just
In's and TechnoZeus's Alphaworld objects (those were the different sized
walks, units, boards, new glass objects and such). And those were REALLY
exceptional yet basic objects that you would've never thought was only added
a year ago. :) Basically, it'd be tough to see them adding objects like
furniture, hot air balloons, and other multi polygonal stuff than they have
now. It's a very specific OP, just like all the other AWC worlds. However,
it DOES grow, you're just being spoiled. Every year or so, a whole set of
objects are introduced, just recently, the x object set for example. :)

2) Where's the challenge? Alphaworld's objects make it the epitamy of good
building skills. Without it, your houses and builds are junk. The objects
and restrictions they give you really teaches you how to manipulate what you
have and know. From it, you can create BEAUTIFUL things that can actually be
considered masterpieces. Head over to SW City or Horizon City or any large
town and you'll see that Alphaworld can be very rewarding. :)


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ftp help

Jul 22, 2001, 11:59pm
*shrugs as he stares at his light edition WS_FTP client* What are you guys
uploading anyways, elephants??


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[NG Survivor] The 10th to go...

Jul 23, 2001, 3:22pm
Well, another night in tribal council. We've fended off the newbies, but one
of us must go down with the thousands of newbies we killed today. So, let's
read the vote. Remember, whoever goes will join the jury, now consisting of
2 people, Leaf and Wing. Slowly, that jury will outnumber the remaining
contestants until there are the Final Two.

Leaf and Wing have been forwarded your emails.

1st vote...Nornny

2nd vote...Nornny

3rd vote...SW Chris

4th vote...Nornnny That's 3 votes Nornny, 1 SW Chis...

....SW Chris....


last vote, Nornny. Please hand me your torch *hands himself torch* The tribe
has spoken. *extinguishes flame and exits through bridge.

Syntax: what?

Casay: dunno....

*Nornny runs back* OH yeah! I'm still hosting. Well, first, here are my
final words:

"Well, you finally dumped me. Good thing too, because no one would've been
safe. I hope to see two Factors on the Final Two podium, but all the Typos
who have lasted this long are just as deserving if not more. They stabbed me
in the front, whereas my Factor tribemates stabbed me in the back. Tsk tsk.
Final Two predictions?
It's open air now, I can predict the possible pairs, but it's up to the
remaining contestants to decide one possibility for me. Good luck surviving,
you're all untrustworthy of anything, except maybe Alphabit, who has planned
something up her sleeve for some time. If you could survive past my chopping
blocks and the ones before you, kudos, but past demons come back to haunt
you, remember."

Anyways, that's all, remaining contestants, good luck on the rest of the
game. Only 4 more of you will join the jury, 2 will not. 1 will win.
Immunity gets increasingly important (and challenging) so be ready to work
hard once again. See you on Wednesday.

<production note: Web site has been updated except for the voting table,
that will be up shortly. >


[NG Survivor] The 10th to go...

Jul 23, 2001, 5:31pm
Well, my original partner in the Survivor game is now gone. Both Gamer
and I stabbed him in the back. I feel kind of bad though, since we were
SUPPOSE to be the last remaining survivors in the game. Nornny and I were
the original alliance, formed right from day one. His trust in the alliance
started to deteriate so I had to take immediate action or else he would
easily dispose of me the first chance he got. He already had a suballiance
formed with Alphabit Phalpha. I feel very safe thus far in the game as I
have some good alliance-mates with me that trust the group. I can probably
predict what will happen in the next 6 weeks but nothing is guaranteed since
immunity can change all the plans around. But, I hate to see Nornny go. He
was a good contestant. Sneaky, two-timing..etc ;-)
If he would have formed something earlier, he might have went a bit farther.

As for the remaining 6 weeks, I will keep training hard lifting my homemade
weights (Kmissile583k's HTML posts tied to each end of a stick, dang those
are heavy) to train to win the immunity challenges. They will prove to be
the most important aspect in the weeks to come. --end--


Jul 23, 2001, 9:32pm
Yes, this IS true. You're not playing for immunity, you're playing for a
cit. Immunity will come late this week. :) Other rules to the game:

1) You have until Friday.

2) You have until Friday.

3) Regular non-players can also play, but they DON'T win the cit. I know,
it's kinda unfair, but hey, you should've signed up and lasted this long. ;)
They WILL however, get to choose who will win the cit and get a FREE vote at
tribal council. ;)


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"AWBuild" Avatar

Jul 23, 2001, 11:15pm
Dear god, it's The Sims!!! Maxis has taken over AW!!!

Flee the hills!! Or else, yell victoriously at more management!!!


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"AWBuild" Avatar

Jul 24, 2001, 10:41am
Actually, it looks like it was texturized into the body, not polygonated. I
don't think they have separate polygons for all of the muscles, just better


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Jul 26, 2001, 1:42pm
No, it makes sense to me. It's sarcasm at its finest, making a brain twisted
oxymoron that a dumb person isn't intended to get. lol. It's just saying
"Ever think about using your brain", but wittier. ;)


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what up with the compliaining???

Jul 24, 2001, 3:21pm
Are you complaining about the complaining in the newsgroup? lol Sounds kinda

Just ignore it. If you have ANY decent experience in this newsgroup, you'd
know that these guys DO complain about everything, somehow, it turns out
productive most of the time (gets ppl thinking and hey, you gotta open up
the door somewhere).

You can really tell who's complaining for attention and who is for the sake
of complaining, however. The simplest solution to the complaining is just
ignore it, leave, or look at it from another window. it's the only way
you'll ever accept this newsgroup for anything other than a trash pile.
Besides, it's not going to stop. You wouldn't have a newsgroup if it did.


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New Activeworlds Webring

Jul 26, 2001, 11:34am
120 of those 143 sites are outdated, broken, nonexistent, etc. :) And we're
not really Circle of Fire anymore either. :)


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Animated JPGs

Jul 26, 2001, 1:38pm
they can be any size, to my knowledge, all the frames have to be the same
size though, however and be put evenly apart. Take a look at some of the
animated textures to see. Personally, I'd reccomend just using the Paint
Shop Pro Animation tool to put it together.


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[NG Survivor] Nornny Goes On Vacation/ Immunity Challenge

Jul 27, 2001, 10:21am
Well, you guys have some extra time this week to work on one of your hardest
and enduring immunity challenges yet. I'll be away in Pennsylvania starting
tommorow with the possibility of NO internet connection until I return the
next Saturday. So, I've given you quite a challenge.

The community is at odds...
They don't know what to do...
Only 6 people remain...
And they are getting blue...

"We can't decide who to go next..."
"It's too hard to choose..."
You survivors better help them...
And immunity will go to you...

That's right, this is an immunity challenge based purely on votes, and a
very important one at that, the community vote. But I'm not giving you any
url or button links this time. Somewhere hidden in the ng survivor site
(which if you don't know the url for it already, you're falling behind in
the race ;P) will be the link to the NG VoteCaster. The votecaster will say
"You've reached the Immunity Challenge! Vote Now!"

Once you find it, tell all your friends (but not your fellow contestants)
and yourself to vote as many times as possible! Just keep on voting and
voting and voting (yes, you'll be able to this time). You'll win immunity if
by the end of the week you've accumulated the most votes. Of course, you
won't see any of the votes that comes through or that of your survivor
buddies, so just keep punching away. In the past with challenges like this,
the number has gone up to the thousands is all I'll say.

But get scouting for that url. That extra minute or day will make all the


first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!

Aug 8, 2001, 12:33pm
rotfl!! That's freakin hilarious and so true. Lemme try one, ooh, gimme

[View Quote] 31. SW City opened a hot dog stand! Come take a look!

32. AWTEEN (replace AWTeen with any other place you frequently visit)

33. You've just been hacked and implanted an evil virus that will wipe out
all of your computer's memory. Please pay me 20 dollars.

34. Wanna see a pic of me? I'm hot!

35. Come look at the newsgroup and see this annoying telegram list. It's
fuckin hilarious!


[NG Survivor] Nornny's back, time to play (and vote)!

Aug 5, 2001, 11:45pm
After countless weeks on the ngs and relentless "idiot postings," the
remaining survivors are slowly dying away, as evident in the poor results of
this recent challenge.

The once strong and fashionable women are tired, weak, and actually WANTING
to eat and gain weight to fit into that size 3 dress. They hopelessly watch
the time fly by as Cy awards grow closer and their energy slowly falls away.

The remaining men have only their brains to keep them satisfied, slowly
plotting their next important move, but their body mass is down, food is
scarce, and they slowly think of sacrificing themselves just for a small
french fry. Is the tee shirt really worth 6 more weeks?

Anyways, the results. It seems you guys had a VERY hard time finding the
voting poll, but it wasn't too hard.

In the ngvoting3.html page, under Leaf's resignation sentence was the url to
the poll hidden in black text. A view source would've also found the url or
even using the url you've used in the past for tribal council votes, but
apparently you guys have all lost your wits. However, there are a few votes
and here are the results.

Question 1: You've reached the Immunity Challenge! Vote Now!

1.) Syntax 0 0%
2.) Gamer 0 0%
3.) Casay 3 11%
4.) Alphabit Phalpha 25 89%
5.) SW Chris 0 0%
6.) Tony M 0 0%

And Alphabit Phalpha, with 25 votes, wins immunity. I guess she could've
really used it too, as with anyone else in the remaining 6. There you have
it. *hands immunity necklace*

Now, it's time to go off to Tribal Council once again. You guys have until
Wednesday to cast your votes. The vote caster will be available also to send
in community votes. It's getting down to the wire and the community votes is
VERY important now, so I urge anyone who has been paying attention to the
game vote for someone to leave.

Leaf is back from vacation, and Wing never really left, and I'm back also.
We'll be sitting in the jury seats watching your votes and the results. One
of you will join us by the end of the week.


It's Poll Time

Aug 7, 2001, 8:26pm
I'll have to agree with Moff Piett that the Cy awards' trust in the people,
although good at heart, are idealistic to say the least with the horriblly
biased and ignorant users that make up the AW Community. Half of them come
into the Cy Awards webpage not having a clue what to do and just putting a
ballot down for themself or a friend and then attend the ceremony and ask
"What is the Cy Awards"? I mean, winning can be running into JunoDome and
asking for votes from stranger tourists and citizens.

I've attended or tried to attend each and every year however and am always
looking to help out in any way at the Cys, because like Moff said, it's a
fun event, and not only that, it's one of the few remaining events that
brings the whole AW community under one world. So what if someone wins a cy
they don't truly deserve it? :) You know you're a winner just to be
considered, and I'm sure everyone else knows that you or the person who
really deserved it is the true winner.

If i were to propose anything, it'd have to be have a people's winner and a
judging committee's winner for every category. Maybe a golden Cy and a
silver Cy. The judging committee would be a variety of people, from invited
judges and experts in certain fields to regular citizens to people the Cy
committee owes debt to for helping them out. 50/50 ratio of experts and
regulars who are totally unknown to the nominees and everyone else, and all
it takes is just to fill out the same form every other user uses to cast
their vote, but their vote counts for the Golden Cy, not the silver Cy. Get
my drift? something like that. :) It'd be a cool new way to reinvent the Cy
awards until the user base of AW gets smarter. :)


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To Rick Noll a long and sincere letter

Aug 8, 2001, 11:42am
There comes a time when HTML is allowed here to add greater effect to
stupidity. We don't encourage it for everything, but you know when the time
is right to post in HTML and when it's not, macb's HTML was at the rare but
right time. :) I enjoyed it. lol.


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[NG Survivor] Next on the chopping block...

Aug 8, 2001, 2:50pm
It's been a slow week of gameplay, the scorching heat of RL and the
newsgroup flames are getting to all of you survivors. My only comment is
that the days go by even slower as the jury gets bigger. After this tribal
council, there will be 5 left standing and 4 over in the jury seat. Wing and
Leaf will once again recieve your entire votes. Remember now, there are only
6 people left, 3 Typo's and 3 Factor's. If Tribal lines are still drawn,
this could be interesting. Who's going down? Let's see...

1st vote...Casay

2nd vote...Casay

3rd vote...Tony

4th vote...Casay. That's 3 votes Casay, 1 vote Tony. One more vote and Casay
will be voted off



And the 4th person to join the jury is... Casay. *tribal council climanx*
Casay, please hand me your torch. *extinguishes flame* Now, you'll join
Leaf, Wing, and Nornny in the jury box, but before you leave, please say
your Final Words to the group under this thread. You played a good game, but
not good enough.

Tony, Gamer, Syntax, SW Chris, and Alphabit, you're only 4 more weeks away
from the grand prize. The Final Four will be decided next week, an important
landmark, be prepared. The next and important immunity challenge will come


<Production note: Website will be updated shortly. Hey, I'm putting together
a Flash movie to recall the 16 weeks the game was played. If ALL of you
survivors could submit pics of yourself (yourself being your Alphaworld
avatar that you chose to play the game) in different poses, areas, and
locations, that'd be great. if anyone could take more screenshots of the
camps you built a while a back, and Survivor-esque locations throughout AW,
that'd be great also. Just email them to nornny1 at but don't make the
pic files too big. :) >

[NG Survivor] Next on the chopping block...

Aug 9, 2001, 5:36pm
An Activeworlds tee shirt and maybe a free cit, who knows. :) The tee shirt
is guaranteed and so is the title of an Ultimate Survivor of the AW
Community Newsgroup. :)


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[NG Survivor] Next on the chopping block...

Aug 9, 2001, 8:42pm
Aww...don't give it away. Be selfish, it's what this game is all about. But
PLEASE don't give that Ultimate Survivor title away so quickly. Fight for
it!! besides, would you want the other 4 to win it? I think not...


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another...werid bug

Aug 9, 2001, 8:51pm
no, you're in community. lol. I believe beta is kinda closed off for 3.2
beta testing, but I'm not sure.


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[NG Survivor] The Second Reflection Challenge

Aug 9, 2001, 8:50pm
It's down to 5...
Soon the Final 4...
Time to reflect again...
On what means more...

Write about your past...
Write about the present...
Then write about the future...
And immunity will be present...

Okay, remember how I told you a few weeks ago that a diary challenge will
resurface again? Well, here it is. This diary challenge comes with a few

The objective of the challenge is not to write the most or anything, but the
best under the rules given. No more Leaf Wars and such, it's time to play
dirty. You are allowed ONE diary post. There are a total of up to 20 points
you can get for the diary post, and anything you forget is, well, your lost.
To get all 20 points, you must completely write about the 20 tasks given to
you. I will be the judge of what's complete and will give you a reason why I
think you did not get that point. Your first post counts, and you only have
until Monday to write your post.

1. Write about the first person voted off YOUR original tribe and why you or
the tribe voted him/her off

2 and 3. Write the same thing for 1 except on the next two people voted from
your original tribe and why. If the person left, explain how he could've
been important to your plans or when he would've been voted off, etc...

5. Write completely about kellee and why you voted her out of the jury and
off the game.

6. Write about Leaf's resignation and how it affected your alliance plans if
at all. How would he have been a good person to use to get on the top.

7, 8, 9, and 10. Write about EACH of the 4 jury members and how you think
they'll vote for at the Final Two. Explain why you voted each one out and
if you were to be in the Final Two, would they vote for you, etc.

11, 12, 13, 14 - Write thoroughly about your remaining tribesmate, who has
the biggest chance of making the final two with you, who you're voting off
and who's staying with you. Has any of them bothered you so far but you
haven't had the chance to eliminate? which ones have you befriended and
which ones are your enemies, etc. Write EVERYTHING about them and how they
play into your game.

15. Write about yourself and your struggles so far. How has the flames
affected you and what are you worried about. Are you getting sick and such?
Make it up.

16. Create a list of superlatives and give a name to each one like "Most
sneaky" "Most fashionable" "Most Likely to vote me out", etc. I'll need at
least 5.

17-20. Creativity and X Factor. If your diary is too bland, you won't be
getting these points. Follow the rules, but make up events, make up lies,
make up whatever to win. It's an important immunity. :) The Leaf War series
would've gotten all 3 X Factor points here, you have to also try to get

So, get writing on those diaries and I'll be seeing 1 of you in the Final 4.

<production note: The movie is slowly being put together. Day by day it will
be closer to completion. For a preview of what I have so far, go to It doesn't have much so far, but
it will. That page will be updated from time to time to give you even more
of the movie, but I won't tell when. I want to surprise you all at the Final
Tribal Council that will be held live (hopefully) in ActiveWorlds>

[NG Survivor] The Second Reflection Challenge

Aug 10, 2001, 12:44am
Hey, this isn't a free ride to the top. ;) And besides, I wasn't expecting
anyone to go get all 20 (although if you guys want it that bad...). But good
plan, lol.


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[NG Survivor] The Second Reflection Challenge

Aug 10, 2001, 11:09am
whoopsy, yeah, it's ngmovie.html, don't know how that s snuck in there. lol.
Darn typos...


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[NG Survivor] The Second Reflection Challenge

Aug 12, 2001, 9:53pm
18 points, you completely got all the requirements (which wasn't that
neccessary) and I gave you 1 X Facter point for the downright truth.
Creativity wise, there was nothing there. Not even elephants. You can't
write a journal entry without elephants. Tsk tsk. ;)


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The Problem With a Gate Keeper

Aug 10, 2001, 11:18am
The best approach to spamming a large massive audience of unintelligent
newbies such as in the gate is to ask the GK FIRST before posting a spam. In
all of my instances of doing that, the GK him/herself will even say the
message in bold text to reach a wider audience instead of you getting in
trouble for yelling to get the word across. Sometimes, you don't even have
to ask. Personally, you all egg them on such as making spams (even if it
isn't against the rules), I think. They're just doing their job, but they're
not perfect. Work with them rather than against them, it's that simple.


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try this!

Aug 10, 2001, 11:18am
*rolls eyes* If you're going to post stupid AW commands that anyone here
could figure out for themselves, AT LEAST describe what the command does,
include a website link to a screenshot, and explain of what important
purpose it could have (if any). This is not a post encouraging you to post
even more commands and their specifics, it's to show that posts like these
just waste the limited bandwith this newsgroup has and don't waste your

Posting commands and then one liners saying "It's cool" is not going to fly
you by this newsgroup very well. If you haven't noticed, we're not trying to
get stupider, we're trying to get more intelligent.


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[NG Survivor] Immunity Results/Time for Council

Aug 14, 2001, 12:22am
Well Koochie, watching you guys try to do these challenges even makes ME
exhausted. ;) Your vigor and energy are literally dying away with this
summer heat and constant flames. But who can blame you? There's only 5 of
you left and your chances are slowly dying down. Your second to last
oppurtunity to reflect on the game and make your lasting damage was only
taken by Syntax, who didn't, but answered very well and completely. He
could've answered one question and still've one. lol. So to Syntax, here is
the immunity necklace. You are now guaranteed a spot in the Final Four.
Alphabit Phalpha, Tony, SW Chris, and Gamer, you will have to survive this
tribal council and two others if you want to have any chance of winning. The
next challenge will be a web game challenge, and your last will be the
traditional NG Survivor trivia. Who will make up the Final Four? Instead of
the weekly "facts to remember," here's a list of all the possible
combinations for you that can happen based on the facts:

1) Syntax, Tony M, SW Chris, Alphabit - Gamer, according to Syntax is in a
close alliance with Syntax, who has now won immunity. Taking him out before
he takes the two Typo and remaining female could be a kick into Syntax's
butt, and a brighter hope for Tony, Chris, and APB.

2) Syntax, Tony, Gamer, and SW Chris - APB, now without her buddy, Casay, is
left vulnerable and alone, but not asking for a sacrifice. Against 4 guys,
she is outnumbered in gender and testorsterone. In this combination, we are
again back to a 2-2 tribal line, with 2 very close Typo members, and 2 very
close Facter members. Immunity would be extremely important and would be a
gamble well worth for one of the tribes in Koochie. However, it could still
come down to a Factor/Typo Final Two, depends where the backstabbing and
immunity goes down.

3) Syntax, Gamer, Alphabit, and SW Chris - Syntax and SW Chris definately
have had some past history, and their threat of losing could fall in Tony,
who has just followed the pack, but is ready to attack the bigger enemies.
Gamer and Alphabit, who have worked closely in the past could even out the
voting alliances, in which an all out non-tribal-lines yet still-as-exciting
vote could continue.

4) Syntax, Tony, Gamer, and Alphabit - Maybe SW Chris will be the victim of
a tribal lines vote Factor vote. Tony, who has been just a bit more reliable
(although with less votes against him), might be saved to be taken out next,
or saved to the end, who knows.

As you can see, the possibilities aren't endless, they're all right here.
Every one of you are playing this game differently and for different
reasons. But remember your past and look towards the future, cuz the present
is here, and one more person will grow the jury larger than the remaining
survivors. Leaf, Wing, Nornny, and now Casay are all here ready to welcome
another. So, vote now, email me nornny1 at as usual with your vote.
Community vote is up also at the usual ngcouncil.html . :)

<production note: hey, anyone feel like announcing this tribal council LIVE
at the Cy awards or at the AWTeen party before it? I expect all 5 of you and
as many jury members and past survivor players to come if I do or else there
goes the drama. Can it be done APB or Chuck? :) >

Shame on WVRN Radio

Aug 14, 2001, 11:05am
aren't all those little radio stations made by prebubescant teens that only
play pop-rock all day? Why give them the time of day, bringing online radio
into AW is really not worth all of that at all. ;?


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A crash course in event hosting

Aug 14, 2001, 11:11am
Well, that's why I plan all my events in AWTeen, where I come with ED, PS,
and bots galore to eject, warp, and do tons of other things. All the
technology AW can give us won't stop stupidity and nuisance though. My
secret was always: type fast and just ignore. Unless the person is being a
nuisance to other people around you besides yourself, it's ejectionable, but
even that causes more harm then good because in the midst of hosting an
event, you now have telegrams from the person not to rat on him, friends
asking why you ejected him, and "DIE ****ER DIE!!!" *rolls eyes* That's what
you get when ActiveWorlds is run by a bunch of Juno babies.

The best alternative is always to halt all production and waste a few hours
bashin the stupidity in your audience. Good for the goodies, embarassing for
the baddies. :) hehehe.


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Kids will be kids!

Aug 15, 2001, 10:37am
Hmm...let's see how they can be offended, seeing that it was blatently
ignorant. ;)

1) "Gor people"
2)"it would be alot easy for everyone else. . ."

Certain things are just done out of principle. ;) That post would be
equivilent to saying "I have always wondered why the black people havn`t
just gone back to Africa, it would be a lot easier for everyone else."


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