Update to Objects d'AW (Community)

Update to Objects d'AW // Community

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Sep 2, 2001, 10:07pm
Hello all,
There's a lot of new objects that's been added today. There are more to be
added and are ready to upload but unfortunately I'm not able to still access
the site and probably won't be until Facter comes back around. Several
objects were added already though before that happened.

I donated several of my old models that I created when I first started
making objects years ago. I've done this as a birthday gift to the community
as I'm going to be 40 in a couple of days!! YIKES!

Hope everyone enjoys them,


Sep 2, 2001, 10:28pm

[View Quote] >Hello all,
>There's a lot of new objects that's been added today. There are more to be
>added and are ready to upload but unfortunately I'm not able to still access
>the site and probably won't be until Facter comes back around. Several
>objects were added already though before that happened.
>I donated several of my old models that I created when I first started
>making objects years ago. I've done this as a birthday gift to the community
>as I'm going to be 40 in a couple of days!! YIKES!
>Hope everyone enjoys them,


Sep 2, 2001, 10:47pm
Got access into the server so all is on the page at this time. Going to try
to upload to the Objectd' world and place in the updates section for anyone
that wants to see them in world.
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Sep 2, 2001, 10:49pm
Thanks.... not older but better right??? lol
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Sep 3, 2001, 12:44am
Hey, it should be "Midtown Madness", not "MidTown Maddness". ;) Also, you still need to make all external links (pointing to web pages anyway) have " target=_top" in the <a href=url> tags so they're not stuck in the bottom frame. Happy birthday and thanks for adding the bus again.

[View Quote] > There's a lot of new objects that's been added today. There are more to be
> added and are ready to upload but unfortunately I'm not able to still access
> the site and probably won't be until Facter comes back around. Several
> objects were added already though before that happened.
> I donated several of my old models that I created when I first started
> making objects years ago. I've done this as a birthday gift to the community
> as I'm going to be 40 in a couple of days!! YIKES!


Sep 3, 2001, 12:53am
Eew...over the hill. Well...at least you still type like you were 20. lol.
*starts sweating under evil glares* WHAT? It's a compliment! It's not MY
fault I'm still a young teenager in his prime...


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Sep 3, 2001, 8:44am
Welcome to the 40's club :-)


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Sep 3, 2001, 2:05pm
happy birthday! ;-)) and thanx for the objects!


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Sep 3, 2001, 5:03pm
Well, nobody said that you had to say you were a young teenager. You could
have said you were 100 and nobody would have known the difference :)

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jfk2 builder

Sep 5, 2001, 1:17am
LOL.... I'm 51 and that makes me a little over 1/2 the way to my FIRST
birthday. it's the second birthday i'm extreamly worried about....
It'll take a ton of miracles to get me to the 2nd birthday and only a
few miracles to get me to my 1st. birthday. What am i talking about?
1st 100 yrs birthday & 2nd 200 yrs birthday lol

"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in
news:3b92f0c5 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Eew...over the hill. Well...at least you still type like you were 20.
> lol. *starts sweating under evil glares* WHAT? It's a compliment!
> It's not MY fault I'm still a young teenager in his prime...
> Nornny
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