[NG Survivor] umm...too much to put in a subject (Community)

[NG Survivor] umm...too much to put in a subject // Community

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Aug 19, 2001, 12:46pm
Wowwy. We won a Cy. ;) I'd give it to the winner of this contest as part of
the million dollar prize, but I then realized, they didn't even plan the
darn thing, half of them didn't even want to play in the first place, so
nyah! We can use it as our immunity idol though in memory of ABP next season
(if there is one). :)

Anyways, the results of last night's council was...mean. lol. With a
unanimous vote, Alphabit Phalpha was taken down at the Cys by the remaining
4 guys. So now, the testosterone is loose and it's down to the Final Four.
Who will win this is anyone's game. Be aware that there are now two Typo's
and two Factor's in the remaining pool. In the jury box, there are 3 Factors
and 2 Typos, most of whom however have been backstabbed through their own
original tribemates.

*tree mail*

The Final Four...
It's almost done...
Your days are limited...
Immunity is not one to shun...

Play some games...
And score the most...
You'll get the necklace...
To hopefully win, at most...

And now, it's back to another challenge. :) This one will span the whole
week, and we're playing it NCAA style. This is your last web challenge. And
it won't be the easiest. You have randomly be paired off against another
member of your tribe.

Syntax vs Tony M
SW Chris vs Gamer

For the first part of the challenge, go to the Toon Marooned site and to
me_1& and play Protect the Fire. When you think you've scored the highest
you can score, submit a screenshot to me, like before. :) However, you are
not competing against your tribe, you're now playing to make it to Round
Two. Whichever two makes it to Round 2, will compete in another web
challenge for immunity. So, when all four of you have submitted scores,
we'll get going once again. :) Remember, immunity insures you a part in the
last three. :)


<production note: TO ALL 16 SURVIVORS: I'm planning on having the last
tribal council where we determine the survivors LIVE! A set has been built
up in a private location, all we would need is the jury and the two
contestants at LEAST. The problem is even with the jury and contestants,
Leaf and Gamer are on british time. So, we need to deal out a time. I don't
think 9pm vrt would be good, since it's like midnight in the UK, correct me
if I'm wrong. :) Would 6 or 5 or 4 vrt be good for ALL jury members and
players if we held it on a weekend (probably Sunday)? I don't know the
actual weekend however, since we'll have to see how fast or slow the game

As for ALL 16 survivors in an AW reunion, I can only DREAM of that
happening. But I was hoping we could get at least 10 of you in one spot for
a Late Tonight w/ SW Chris Top Ten list or something. Ideally, I was hoping
we could have all 16 contestants appear after the council and answer
questions from any audience and myself on the secrets of the game, may have
a party afterwards. The movie would definately be premiered fully. At least
though, have any survivors that couldn't make it tape a
Sorry-I-Couldn't-Be-there message or something. I would have no idea how to
do the time though since you survivors span 3 countries, US, Britain, and
Scandanavia. Many of you are also very busy and aren't online much too. And
then there's school and al lthis. Email me privately guys with good times.
:) >

sw chris

Aug 19, 2001, 5:34pm
Anybody else seem to be having problems with that challenge? It freezes
after a couple rounds on me.

SW Chris

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Aug 19, 2001, 6:12pm
I've played a good amount of rounds and it seems to work fine for me. I
dunno, maybe you're slowly fainting from the lack of food. lol.

Get it before it freezes? Maybe it will be the same for everyone and then
you can see who can printscreen closest to before it freezes. lol.


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sw chris

Aug 19, 2001, 7:37pm
Hah. I tried it twice, and it froze on the exact same level about two
seconds after it started each time. The second time an error message came up
saying Flash was running a program that would seriously slow down my
computer if I continued.

SW Chris

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Aug 20, 2001, 6:28am
I am getting these problems...
Ugh I was so far too...
- Syntax -

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Aug 20, 2001, 10:16am
Apparently, the Protect the Fire thing isn't working for y'all, so, we're
going to try another Toon Marooned game. :) In the games section, you'll
find a Porky Pig paddle boat type game, this is a true test of endurance if
you want to score high, but hey, we gotta filter out the lazy. ;) Find it,
it should be as simple as finding it in a pulldown menu. It's not the Rocket
game and it's not the Robin Hood game. :) You'll know that it's the right
game if you see a Toon Marooned loading picture that you saw when Protect
the Fire loads. :)


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