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nornny // User Search
nornny // User SearchImportant Message Very IMPORTANTJan 15, 2001, 11:28am
Also, I doubt anyone of that stupidity can figure out how to work a
newsreader, log into YOUR account, and type obscene messages. Nornny [View Quote] GOD DAMNET HELP KILL THE GUY IN MY NAMEJan 17, 2001, 6:58pm
That's a stupid reason, no surprise.
Have you looked around lately?? WE'RE NOT AWGATE!!!! Talk regularly or else be flamed, easy at that. You little peapod, if you're striving for attention, try it in the real world where others can be annoyed, AW is not, or never will be subjected down to this baby level. If hate screaming, and you hate talking without capitals, here's a thought, why don't you try writing in REGULAR grammar. YOu know, the one you learn in English class? That includes punctuations too, in case you forgot. Nornny [View Quote] About My CapitalsJan 17, 2001, 7:11pm
Well, your problem does not just only lie in capitolization, it lies in
EVERY COMMON SENSE RULE FOR POSTING IN A NG!! 1. You don't post the SAME THING you just typed in another thread in your own thread!! We READ it, a lot of us just choose not to repond to your stupidity. 2. Don't crosspost!!! Post in one newsgroup, for god sakes, maybe the one that makes sense for the post to be in!! We all read most of the newsgroup, so there's no need. NONE!! 3. Capitolization isn't your only problem, let's see here, grammar wise, your comprehension, sentence structure, and punctuation could ALL use major help. Quick, someone bring over a teacher! 4. Your realization that we're in a newsgroup, not a 3d chat, not a bbs, but a NEWSGROUP with certain rules, senses, theories, and personalities that YOU need to learn before ever trying to post here ever again. Nornny [View Quote] Ok You'll get Your WayJan 17, 2001, 11:37pm :) We're not happy. You still don't:
post to just ONE newsgroup use correct grammar uncapitolize words that shouldn't be! punctuate have a decent sig (sorry, I just hate it, it makes no sense, sig wise) post anything that's relevent and useful and informative I'll say you've gotten better though. Nornny [View Quote] Protecting ChildrenJul 13, 2000, 7:19pm
I think the point is, it SHOULD be worried about by a parent. A responsible
parent, in my ideal, does not need passwords. He/She only needs trust and good supervision. If a parent teaches a child that watching porn is not allowed (not neccesarily wrong, btw), and enforces what he/she said, I child would have no reason to watch pornographic worlds because the child respects the parents enough not to do it. Of course, as a budding teenager, you ARE bound to break the rules, and that's okay, as long as you get punished and it never happens again. If this happens, no passwords are even needed to be on the mind of other citizens. But of course, it is, because no preteen or teenager will hold hormones over what their parents tell them. BUT, with passwords created, now it makes it seem like AWLD is more at fault that a child breaks through a security measure and sees porno worlds. Now, AWLD will be blamed for not enough security measures on the part of the world, and it continues on and on like that. Look, if a child is 6, a parent HAS to be watching that child on the net anyways, that's common sense. But if a child is 12, he now has the trust of his parents, and you know his hormones are going to break the trust. Passwords won't prevent anything, and it will be infringing on some rights issues, and I don't think AW is ready for that. Comments appreciated, as always. :) I love debating anyways. :) Nornny [View Quote] Protecting ChildrenJul 14, 2000, 7:41pm
Nothing's taken personally here, Bird, don't worry. :) I'll only be offended
when you start...well, offending me. :) Justifying what you believe won't get anyone enraged, unless it comes packed with insults. :) Adilt websites are only required to have a warning saying "If I am under 18, it is illegal for me to view this site." Most go a small step further by offering an alternative of entering the site or going to a "good" site. Once you enter, most professional "adult" sites have a Visitor's section, which gives you a peek of what the site offers, (which btw, is WAY too much already if you ask me), and the members section, which you have to pay for to get in through a credit card, has all the uncencored stuff. So, it's kinda like cigarette companies, you can throw all the books at them, but they find ways to get people seeing and making money. :) If there is any TRUE porn worlds in AW, they would probably be acting like this also. Btw, I don't look at adult sites to get my info. lol. I was at Washington DC at the time this whole debate was going on. :) I was able to talk to some webmasters and politicians on the subject and attend some press conferences. Nornny [View Quote] <no subject>Jun 23, 2001, 7:06pm
Nope, I think I'll have to go with Xela too. Although I'm sure the data is
still there (it even says so on my bottom status screen), my Outlook Express reader only shows the posts up to June 6th, which is strange, but very convienent. hehe. No more do I have to download millions of headers. :)) Nornny [View Quote] Pie....Jun 24, 2001, 12:14am
??What's the difference between an old insult and a new insult?? Doesn't
matter, never head "dingo" used as an insult. Why would you want to call somebody a cute marsupial? Nornny [View Quote] Pie....Jun 24, 2001, 1:04pm
I dunno, we've flame each other every single week of the year, before and
after all these "newbies" came (basically, everyone you see here is fairly new to the newsgroup). It was just the subject of the flames this time that finally made Facter and AWCOM snap to the point where they had to create an "Idiot's newsgroup." Let's recall just a few weeks. When we used to flame about Eep's website, Eep's banning, Eep's hyppocriticalness, and Eep's intentions, we flame about milk. People were basically just starting flames and threads that were finished just a few months ago, and they were too stupid or lazy to look it up and get over it. I mean. I mean, I don't think there was ONE discussion without the general newsgroup a few weeks ago that had anything to do with customer demands on AWCOM, new features and how they affect the community, or anything relevent or in the direction of a good community flaming and debate. Flames in these newsgroup aren't "bad," they do eventually get a lot done in showing where the community stands on topics. But people were just flaming out of emotion and bitterness the last round, arguing with no sense to them or any civility (yes, even Eep's flames come with some form of respect or civility). Plus, everyone new came barging in without a platform to stand on, which was really disappointing and mroe so annoying. The community newsgroup now are fairly nice. The flames and long threads are ALL still there, because AWCOM's intentions, I believe, was never to end those threads, but to let them be more than just a "Eep's mean" or "Like I've said 80,000 times before in this thread, it won't work" type of posts. I mean, seriously, just look at it. There are actually COMMUNITY events status' posted and we're getting NEW news, like this new world of AWCOM and stuff. I mean, did anyone REALLY ever see that before this newsgroup was made? Nornny [View Quote] General discussionJun 25, 2001, 11:16am
Hey, who here who's intelligent is really idealistic enough to think this
newsgroup would be its own mini society torn away from community, where the outcasts could spend their days living happily and intelligently? Not me. It's a dumping ground for IDIOTS and NEWBIES. No one here with slight intellect comes here to read anything unless its for entertainment that people can be so dumb. You would think that all these people came here because they were treated unfairly in community or something, WRONG! They just found a place where they can do senseless things without being flamed. They're not trying to PROVE that they can be intelligent and sensible and discuss things like community, but with HTML and all the other things they get flamed for. They're just happy making useless one word posts and banter. Which is fine for me. This place was created for that reason. I mean, if you really don't like what is going on here, just go back to community, as apparently, you might have the right etiquette and mindset for NOT being flamed there (although it's inevitable). Let these people do what they want, it's their newsgroup, let them ruin it or prosper in it. I doubt they'll take any more criticism from us, they had enough of it in community. Nornny [View Quote] Re: Nav2001 AntiVirus Issue...Jul 1, 2001, 2:42pm
Wow, a fledgling newsgroup tries to set up its own government. Awww...
Seriously, you all are trying WAY too hard. lol. Just post. If its stupid, it shouldn't be posted period, out of respect and treating everyone THE SAME. If someone doesn't want something, its not a sign of power, its a sign of dislike, nothing more. Just respect that and don't do it, because it will cause you too many flame wars for just a post on butt powder. I say, don't make a big deal out of butt powder or anti-butt powder posts. Just move on to a different topic. Posts like those don't even last that long in the first place due to its lack of discussion and novelty. Nornny [View Quote] The Computer DictionaryJul 6, 2001, 7:37pm
Re: Townbuilders newsgroup ideaJul 12, 2001, 10:23pm
Well, for one, I'd like to see you switch your ISP to netzero or bluelight
or something just because they don't charge by bandwith. lol. But there's another more logical reason why we go crazy over HTML and pics. we're not a Binaries newsgroup. Maybe we should have one, but unless the newsgroup name is or comes with the binaries tag, it's newsgroup rule you don't post binaries, being pics, HTML, and other things that aren't plain text. :) Nornny [View Quote] Re: Townbuilders newsgroup ideaJul 13, 2001, 11:14am
Ah, they don't know, that's why we teach them. Really, before posting in any
newsgroup, don't you guys read a What to Do in a Newsgroup webpage outlining untold rules and common courtesy? I did, it saved me a lot of trouble, but you still learn. :) And many posts are important to everyone, and you can't *tell* for one if a post is HTML, and most people don't like to ignore anybody's post because in a newsgroup like this, all opinions matter. :)) Maybe though, HTML posts should come with a [HTML] tag in the subject header so people can ignore them who want to. It makes a good comprimise, but just realize that although you can and maybe want to, you take readers away from your post and away from your rep (unfortunately) because you're not giving everyone a fair chance. :) Who would want people NOT to read your posts? Nornny [View Quote] Re: (Plaintext of previous) Re:(HTML, only because marcus asked me to use his bandwidth) - Re: Townbuilders newsgroup ideaJul 13, 2001, 11:21am
I, for one, expect people to know that you don't post pictures and HTML in a
post before coming here for two reasons. They are expected, before they hop on any newsgroup, to read the charter and know common newsgroup sense. If they don't, we tell them. Just move on. lol. It's how you learn, and you might not agree with it, but it's not even an issue of pride or anything big. We've adopted a way of posting to fit with other people's needs, and that's not to post in HTML. Although you probably can in the thousands of other newsgroups out there, we don't want it here, apparently. No biggie, don't make a ruckus, just ask why, get told why, and just conform. lol. Might sound suppressive, but posting in HTML doesn't make what you are, unless you run down that path of pushing your ideas over and over again, and then, no one takes you for who you are, just the outcast wanna-post-in-HTML-because-he's-better-than-us type of guy. It happens. :)) Nornny [View Quote] Re: (was Re: I'm back, but wrong person !!! :-)Jul 17, 2001, 11:07am you know how we feel. ;) But I don't think she wants to filter
you, she just wants to act dumb and get you all mad by just repeating the same thing over and over and over again. lol. Nornny [View Quote] ActiveWorlds Beta ProgramJul 20, 2001, 10:43pm
It's true, when Roland needs a group of beta testers, he first asks the
people who he thinks is worthy of a beta test, and to widen the computer gene pool, he later asks for a small group of interested beta testers. Nornny [View Quote] ActiveWorlds Beta ProgramJul 24, 2001, 5:18pm
oy, you're living in an isolated hole. Every Friday night at 8pm vrt,
Roland, AWC's lead programmer comes online in AWUniv to talk and answer questions about the AW program. It's very technical, but you really get a lot of in depth stuff from bugs, fixes, future implementations, and such. Boring and confusing if you end up not knowing the differences in drivers, hardware, and all that computer mumbo jumbo like me. lol. These tech talks are really all that Roland sees and does in AW, so when its time to get beta testers for a new version, he usually calls upon the regulars who really know what they're talking about and really put in good bug reports and input. :) If you attend Tech Talk and really can't give anything besides your opinion, just showing up will sometimes get you into the beta program since he needs variety in computers. :) Nornny [View Quote] AW's Idiot-nessAug 6, 2001, 12:52am
AWSome is an AWC-affiliated world, similar to AWTeen, I believe. :) It's not
AWC controlled as in Alphaworld or Mars, so it's the caretaker of the world's contradiction, not AWC's. :) Nornny [View Quote] Whipped...Aug 12, 2001, 9:58pm
Well, ENZO has a right to complain to us as well as much as we complain to
him. lol. It'd actually make him more personable seeing him take enough interest in the newsgroup to follow the untold etiquettes and not make "stupid posts" so to say. I'm not sure what he posted that sparked the attacking, as I believe he posted a few times in the last few days, but he could've deserved it if it was a one liner or personal attack or whatever. Apparently, this newsgroup doesn't spare anyone in pointing out mistakes, as they shouldn't either. ;) Nornny [View Quote] How many..Aug 15, 2001, 9:55pm
How many friends do you want me to have, because I have more than that. ;)
Seriously, I'm a guy who likes to know a reason behind a question like that so I can more specifically answer it. lol. What do you count as a friend as opposed to an acquantance in your view and such. Because, in my view, friends are whoever I meet and become attached to, being my classmates, my family, adults, mentors, whatever. :)) Nornny [View Quote] Tater Tot CasseroleAug 16, 2001, 11:59am
yeah, I agree with Luc. lol. I LOVE potatoes. :) So much so I'd move to
Idaho if I had too. :)) Get that recipe!! :)) Nornny [View Quote] Stupid Schools...Aug 17, 2001, 4:27pm
wow, I feel bad for all the pathetic high school and people's lives that you
guys inhabit. lol. High isn't exactly my favorite place to be, but it's a lot of fun (and drama). I kinda look forward to going back to it this year since I've gained upperclassman status (junior). :) It's just one of those things you kinda have to go through to develop and it's lost of fun, but you can't WAIT to get out. lol. We have a few immature people and stuff, but every place does. :) We have cheerleaders who are valordictorians, we have gym classes where we take walks to McDonalds and eat breakfast, we have really kickass french fries, and the education is way up there compared to other towns around here in Connecticut. The proms could use a little work, but blame the class president (the football captain. :/ some things never change. ;) ). The principal has GOT to go though. He made it so general level kids (dumbest and least enthused kids in the school) can't get D's and F's. We're on this really weird block schedule that takes up more time than it does uses it, and a bunch of other stuff. But the teachers get paid well, so they teach better. :) It's kinda fun, we only make it as bad as we want it to be, and besides, you only go through it once, why try to grow up early? :D Nornny [View Quote] Stupid Schools...Aug 17, 2001, 7:46pm
[View Quote]
lol, just play calculator games with your TI 83 plus, it will do wonders.
Or, my favorite, read Harry Potter books in the middle of english class. When group project times roll around, it's always best to have a deck of cards on hand to play Poker. And screw remembering things when you'll 1) learn it again 2) have the website to the textbook publishers with all the answers to your homework. ;) > > > Being a senior (regretfully, I kick myself for not heading over to the community college after freshman year.. could have graduated > with my high school's diploma after sophmore year.. would have saved a lot of time and b.s. *sigh*) everyone is immature.. walks to > mcdonald's for p.e.? how health-minded.. eduction.. in public high school? Well, "walking to McDonalds" is what we just say to make gym sound cool. lol. We ate breakfast there, burned some calories walking back really quick, and then analyzed what we ate to see how much McDonalds puts on the sodium, grease, and other saturated fats. It made our stomachs turn really. ;) NEVER eat at a fast food chain. Even their Mcsalad will get your nerves clogged in 2 days. lol. Other alternative gym activities we had last year with our really cool teacher (he was an alcoholic and druggie who turned his life around to teach health. He lost two of his wives to cancer also) was sledding on the Page Park hill in the winter, minigolfing, swimming, aerobics, and just playing mental games on each other. It was fun, physical, and taught us a lot more than playing softball all day. :) > what a joke.. you must read the text book and not listen > to your teachers, if your actually learning something.. Our teachers actually come with experience, unfortunately and fortunately. lol. Actually, the state also has VERY strict requirements to get a teaching certification, the strictest in the country, so they have to go through hours of college courses and credits, continue their education, get a masters and such, for the generally low pay (even though it's the one of the highest state teachers salary in the country), they have a bit more dedication. Personally, I'd be petrified of teaching teens, even if I think I could teach them better than the teachers I have now. >prom has and always will suck, but it's a big deal at the time, so it'll > always be there.. Well, you gotta have something to be excited for. lol. >teachers get paid well? so they don't take as much sick days off.. bah.. as bad as you want it to be? take a look > around.. everything is so dramatic and full of shit.. cheesy.. stupid.. god these people all need to grow up.. I can agree with the drama and cheesy stupid stuff. It's not like it's not obvious. But hang out with the right crowd or filter it out, and its no drama. It's amazing how undisturbed and patience I have collected going through this high school. lol. >we LUCKILY only go > through it once.. Thank god. ;) >much more high school bull shit and i think i'll go insane.. no wonder these kids shoot up their schools.. it's a > waste of time and money.. just send us all straight to college, with a cpl hours the first day to catch us up on the 4 years we > missed (which trust me, will only take a cpl hours) I dunno, it's insanity, but I can only assume you learn more about yourself in an alien environment than a comfortable one. It's not like everyone likes high school anyways, that's one thing we all can agree on. Taking college courses in high school would be a lot easier than gaining the credits and losing more free time in college. You're surrounded by the people your age who you will inevitably wnd up working for or interacting with against your will, might as well enjoy it, "preps, nerds, freaks, and all." > > : > BAH! HUMBUG! :) Nornny > > > > > -j > > Stupid Schools...Aug 17, 2001, 9:15pm
I'll join in on the fun too. :) My schedule, that for the first year had NO
conflicting classes or anything, as of yet. :) Usually, on the first day of school, this schedule we have now will TOTALLY be changed into a mess of classes you don't want. ;) On A Day (see, we have two days, A days and B days, with different 84 minute classes for each day. So you see a class every other day. Weird messed up block scheduling...) A1 Semester 1 Phys Ed (might as well get it over with? lol. and it's always better to excercise in the morning, I heard, so you're more invigorated during the day, although you sometimes get all sweaty) Semester 2 - Study Hall, but i'll prolly sign up for Office Aide and enjoy the benefits of air conditioning, quietness, late arrival to school, and free phone calls, SCREW THE PAYPHONES!! GO COLLEGE RESUME!!! A2 French 3 Accelerated (accelerated is the fancy name for honors. lol. and my week down in Pennsylvania for French camp better pay off this year) A3 Band (ahh, the joys of having 4th lunch block. :/ ) A4 Advanced Placement/UCONN Chemistry (god, I paid 30 dollars and a heck of a lot of straight A-s for this college course in hopes that I won't have to go through the slow and painful death of college chemistry. instant credit. ;) Although, you need to pass the AP exam at the end of the year and 90% of the class drops out within the first month. Last year, the AP Chem class held 40 students at first, but after the summer reading was assigned, it slooped to 30, then after the first week, 15, and by the end of the year, there were only 6 kids who got the UCONN credit, 3 of whom got the AP credit. :/) For a Junior looking towards Ivy League, a pretty uneventful A day except the end. It's not like I could GET any decent electives (drafting, foods, CAD, whatever floats your boat) with the classes that fill up the other day (B Day). Band and French are one of those "committed electives" that you sometimes just have to choose. ;) Anyways, B Day... AP American History - Yay, a college class bright and early in the morning. Since 200 years is a lot to cover, we started sophmore year up until the Jackson era for this class. Anyone who "passed" the AP History part 1, gets to go to the REAL AP History and be able to take the AP test at the end of the year, if they last that long. God, I don't tihnk I can stay awake. The class is fun and challenging, but dear god, help us all. Pre Calculus/Trig Accelerated - yeesh, I'm not a math person. ;) American Humanities English Accelerated - reading AP Chemistry (again) - god, TWO periods of chemistry. how will I survive??!! That's 84 minutes each day of this stupid subject. lol Nornny [View Quote] Stupid Schools...Aug 18, 2001, 12:14pm
You're thinking COLLEGE college courses. This is college highschool
cooperative class. :) Basically, they teach you exactly the same materials as they do if you went to UCONN, but in high school, meaning there's a bit more time to let everything settle in your brain, instead of like 2 hours of chemistry with 100 other students. All we had to pay was 30 dollars to take the equivilant of two UCONN semester credits (forgot how many hours that is) in Chemistry. Didn't have to pay for the book or anything, just the actual class. :) Also, the class is an AP (advanced placement) course also, but the school district pays for us to take that test. Theoretically, you can skip UCONN chemistry 101 and 102 or something like that if you pass the high school class. :) Nornny [View Quote] Stupid Schools...Aug 18, 2001, 12:45pm
You mean, depending on what classes you have that semester or year, you have
shorter or longer school days? Wow. Our HALF DAYS aren't even as short as yours. lol. We have 4 classes every other day, each of them 84 minutes long. If you put all the classes together every day, it'd still be 42 minutes a class. :/ Third period has an extra 20 minutes to it to accomadate the 4 lunch blocks (although the time you spend in class is still only 84 minutes). The only exception is if you have no class during 1st period or last period, in which case, you can sign up for late arrival/early dismissal. For a school day to count, the school has to be in session from 7:40 (when school starts) til 12:00 (end of school on a half day, or maybe it was 12:30. one of those). Anyways, our regular school day goes until 7:40-2:05 as it is. Nornny [View Quote] Simple Game (Non-AW related)Aug 19, 2001, 9:10pm
Last time they tried a Monopoly game (in AW), Parker Brothers or Milton
Bradley or whoever the heck owns the game was threatening to sue if the game wasn't taken down. lol. I know yours is in VB, but just a heads up. :) Anyways, I dunno, don't stick to shoes as game pieces though. lol. ;) Nornny [View Quote] what happened to the survey threadAug 20, 2001, 5:39pm
umm...unless you swore, made a personal attack, or did something offensive,
most likely, you're just using Outlook Express, which takes out any unactive threads after an x amount of days from your viewing screen. It's without a doubt still there, you'll just need to reconfigure your reader to see it. :) Nornny [View Quote] Object totalAug 21, 2001, 10:39am
"You have built 9,062 objects in AlphaWorld." Not bad. :) Modest amount
considering the time I spend there. :) Nornny [View Quote] |