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Help me find my AW build!!!

Jan 25, 2001, 9:45pm :)

If you know the general coords of the build, you MIGHT be able to find your
building with the maps. :) I just hope you built in a wide open area where
your build could be easily identified. :)


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Aint this funny..

Jan 28, 2001, 12:24pm
felix, two words: You're stupid...

Seriously, that didn't help, cuz now we ALL look as silly as he thinks we

Lanezeri, I believe the reason why you're seeing all these stupid posts is
because YOU started it. Let's see, you were THE first USWF dummie to walk
into these newsgroups to complain about your silly lil problems, and you
invited a whole MESS of newbies to join you. You evil evil man...

As for free hosting, hey, geocities and tripod exist, don't they? And wasn't
this ALL in the worldbuilders group? Why did you have to show your puny lil
face back here? *waves magical wand* Begone you idiot.


PS. Stupid people laugh at stupid discussions....STUPIDER people laugh at
smart discussions. You poor thing, you're as annoying as Agent Fox Mulder.

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Aint this funny..

Jan 29, 2001, 7:47pm
[View Quote] I never thought of things going to the wishlist "of importance." Something
along the lines of posting in beta would be more important, I would think.

And WHAT in the world made you think that this is a time to post senseless
bs about your life? I dunno, someone must've died and made you boss, I just
wish you died instead of someone else...

>no person
> hasn't posted nonsence in the NG before..

True, but most nonsense MAKES sense. :) Can you comprehend that? We fool
around, we don't bash unless we're provoked.

>Agent1 thinks he owns the damn
> thing.. but don't worry.. my cit expires in March so I won't be posting
> anymore cause I don't have 16 hours a day to waste in AW..

The lord does answer all prayers....

> it is a waste of
> time you do the same damn thing everyday.. "Let's go build a house!" I
> built over 30 houses since I joined and it is boring as hell.. so don't
> me I need a life because I don't need a life.. I have a job and I make
> good money so don't bitch at me.

Well, you REALLY have to have a nice life to be building houses all day.
Have you ever tried...chatting? Oh wait, no one likes your superior
personality, I forgot, silly me.
And what does money have to play with this equation? Is this another one of
your bling-bling states again, where you think that talking about how "good"
YOUR life is will make you the champion of a battle that has NOTHING to do
with lives? *shrug* Personally, I could use you around just to vent each



3.1 Open Beta Release?

Jan 29, 2001, 10:29pm
First, Roland picked out a list of his personal picks for beta testers. They
were the people who showed excellent bug reporting and actual beta testing
skills in previous versions. This is HIS interpretation though of who was a
good beta tester. :) Then, to fill up the first 25 slots, he added bets
testers on a first come first serve basis of just asking. :)

With the recent 25, he did the same, in an attempt to find the littler bugs
and get the wider range of system combos. :) You just had to show up at the
recent tech talk and ask, and he added you. :)


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3.1 Open Beta Release?

Jan 30, 2001, 9:45am
Not really. I've only gone to two tech talks in my day, since Tech Talks are
usually low key, even IF they are on a regular basis. :) But I believe it
starts somewhere around 8pm VRT, or at least that's when I come in. :) It's
located in the world TechTalk until AWUniv comes back, currently.


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When will Final Release be out then please?

Jan 28, 2001, 4:17pm
what the hell are you talking about?? *sigh* If you KNEW you used caps, why
don't you try to UNcapitalize everything. Learn to spell too.
YOU do not control when 3.1 will come out, and no matter how much you cry
and cry, you're not going to get it any sooner. So just quit it. Not just
complaining, but your whole text speech in general, cuz I can't understand
most of what you're saying. And maybe if you came to a tech talk every once
in a while, you might know what's going on. Apparently, you're just another
selfish consumer. puh.


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Formal Complaint Lodged To Flagg Against Broadway World & 2 of It's Owners

Jan 30, 2001, 6:16pm
Ack, not this again. :) Well, at least you admit your personality flaw and
can explain it. :)

If you guys hate Just In so much, just leave him alone. :) I mean, is it
really that bad to let him have the satisfaction of knowing he can take on
anyone and can do things for himself with you on HIS terms? I personally
don't mind the guy, he hasn't done anything to me, nor will he ever I don't
think. :) he been cordial to me whenever I needed him and incidents NOT
involving me but with him will not sway any feelings.

Anyways, back on task, sorry bout that. I didn't look at all the pics and
docs that chuck sent (I didn't even read this stupid thread because it
sounded so babyish, like those kids who goes crying to their mommies
whenever someone makes fun of them, but hey, i can't stand unread threads)
but I can say this. If ANYONE has become friends in AW for such a long time
(well, at least extensive enough so that you would be sharing a world or
working on one together), don't you guys discuss how you came into AW, why
you came in, and all that stuff? I'm aware of everyone I know in AW, good
points and bad, and it's all up to manipulating (of sorts) your friendship
so you only see the good points. :) No ones perfect, and Just In admits it.

Some people DO go into AW to create, not to just chat idly and create
friends. They try to create partners, alliances of sorts. :) I mean, finding
out how a person works is just as simple as inviting them over for a chat
and seeing whether and why they turned down the invite. :)

Things like these should never have happened in EITHER side, I think. You
guys all think you've made friends, yet you're out to kill when something is
done. I can understand getting mad, but live with it and go on, rather than
continuing on with the pain and deceit as you see the other side lie and try
to cover THEIR arses. Seriously, if you're in AW, you're gonna get hurt
sooner or later.


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Listen up

Jan 28, 2001, 4:19pm
True or False

This has nothing to do with the community: true.
You can barely understand what you're saying: true.
You're smart and aware of how to use your newsreader and newsgroups: FALSE!


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Listen up

Jan 29, 2001, 9:53am
Even worse, I would think. :)


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What is this VrUnited stuff?

Jan 30, 2001, 8:39pm
Hello, they're using NameZero, they're not going anywhere. ;) Not a single
threat yet. :)


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Jan 31, 2001, 6:18pm
Okay, you're just defending newbies and you made a newbieish mistake?

Fine, we were all newbies, but I wasn't EVER this dumb to resort to yelling.
That's dumb. D-U-M-B. If you knew ANYTHING about posting in the newsgroup,
you would know that. Newbies that don't do their homework don't deserve to
be here in my book, period, because its just what they'll be doing their
whole internet lifespan, jumping in without the parachute.


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I wonder.....

Feb 1, 2001, 9:46am
What are we? A chat?? We're not some Neopets BBS or anything, so quit with
these senseless things. That's child's play. You don't post useless, or "how
old is everyone" posts here. This is a MATURE newsgroup. Learn how to use
one, felix, cuz all of your posts are really pushing my patience, at least.


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New Virus!!!No Known Cure

Feb 3, 2001, 2:02pm
lol Ananas. :)

Col, you need to learn that most of us know when a virus is a virus. They're
not too hard to distinguish. And just because you posted in the newsgroup
does NOT mean we're all getting a virus. I don't know of any viruses that go
around through newsgroups, do you? If you knew so much about viruses, you
would know to email all the people you have emailed to lately and who are on
your address book, not to an AW-RELATED newsgroup. :)


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how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 7, 2001, 9:52am
Who needs to when you show such authority and dignity as Facter does. :)
He's like The artist formerly known as Prince, who can be distinguished as
just a symbol. :) Besides, it shows his down-to-earth side rahter than the
support side. It's all in the name. :)


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how incompetent can AWCI get? god damn...

Feb 7, 2001, 5:56pm
Well, there's some flaws to your Eep analysis, I think. :) btw, we should
really have an AWUniv class or something on Eepian Theory. You know,
analyzing Eep's point of view, his ideas, and such. It would make for a
great perspective opening in our usual same-ol AW cit minds. :) Just a
dream. :)

Anyways, back to Eep. I think Eep has more self esteem and confidence than
he can handle. His egotism is FAR beyond a lonely life. He's like Microsoft,
he KNOWS he can take over and get his thoughts out clearly (with bugs also,
coincidently) because he knows that the only response he'll get is "you're a
loser" or "close that mouth, young man" or "if you don't have anything nice
to say, don't say it" or my favorite, "YOU <beep> MOTHER <a misspelled
beep>." Even posts like this one, sorry J, we've seen the "low self esteem"
reasoning as many times as we hear twit out of Eep's mouth. :) I mean, Eep
has his answers down pat, to a point where you can expect it. But you really
can't DO anything about it. The dumb remarks are answered by smart and
threatening ones that the person is incapable of growing enough brain cells
to react correctly. The smart remarks are answered by dumb
trying-to-get-you-off-topic ones where, you can call him a child for saying
something like that, but in the end, you don't get ANY political or
intellectual satisfaction out of it.

I don't think Eep's intention here EVER was to gain a single ounce of
respect from any of us. basically, he can do without us (that's obvious), so
he'll say whatever he wants. It's your choice to respond or take offense,
but don't go complaining about his inferiority complex, because even IF he
has one, I doubt we can change Eep like we do the newbies.

So ends my report on Eep and why he is such a meanie. :)


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about the public release of 3.1 (for those who care to know the date)

Feb 7, 2001, 9:48am
If you went to the tech talk, Roland also announced it then. :) just FYI. :)


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Feb 7, 2001, 9:46am
COuld it be? A smart newbie? Praise the lord!

Anyways, you CAN'T clear all the messages that you get, you just don't read
them. At least, that's what I do. Usually, if you use Outlook, messages
disappear as time goes, but it's not like a hassle to your memory or
anything, I don't believe. Just read the most recent ones (you can check by
the date if you haven't figured it out already).

Btw, it's called a newsgroup, we're not a messageboard. ;P


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Feb 8, 2001, 9:45pm
you can be happy and not laugh. :) Especially online. There are better ways
to show that you're happy or think something is funny. The mood of a post
can depend on what you actually type, rather than just a lol, which is the
easy way out if you ask me.


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What would make good website features?

Feb 7, 2001, 5:42pm
In the end, you CAN find everything, but a good website doesn't make you go
searching around as much as AW users do, unless there is a purpose of
"getting lost" in the site.
Especially being a corporate site, the faster you can impress and navigate
your visitor around, the more registered users you get. Which for AW could
mean more income. A website does make a major impact.


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User dismissal vote

Feb 8, 2001, 9:43pm
Nornny 292538 stay. :)

Facter, if you've been around the newsgroup long, you'll know that Eep's
recent bits haven't even been close to bad. hehe. :)

Seriously though, Eep gets on everyone's nerve, but you just fed him fuel by
opening it and uncensoring it. And now, you're going back and deciding to
kick him out of our close knit group? The newsgroup would never have the
same dynamic.

I dunno, until recently, I've only seen you constantly start threads, but
before hand, it seemed you were quite reserved and quiet. Eep's been
mouthing off since forever and it's not really all that fair to give Eep the
boot when you haven't "come back" long enough.

We're all bitter, I can truly understand that, Eep can understand that. But
the whole principle of AW "filtering" out productive yet non-orthodox
newsgroup posters is just going to cause a split in our newsgroup. Eep is no
worse than a newbie, yet we don't kick them out. You're trying to change a
man that's never going to or want to change. What good will it do kicking
him out or letting him stay? I'm personally scared that even this post
defending him (in a way) will make people think less of me and eventually
cause my boot. We're not here to play Survivor, we're here to discuss,
debate, and argue, and you can't do that with the generally one-sidedness of
the community.


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User dismissal vote

Feb 8, 2001, 9:49pm
Your post brought up a thought. Has Eep EVER caused anyone to leave the

I'm just wondering. :) usually, I see people fighting to the bitter end with
Eep. He does stir up some rousing and unusual thoughts and actions from all
of us, good and bad. :)

And WHY hasn't Eep posted to this yet? I'm sure he's ready to retaliate.


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User dismissal vote

Feb 8, 2001, 10:29pm
[View Quote] slandering and defaming what? the newsgroup? That can be done without Eep.
;) Seriously, Eep hasn't abused anything by saying what he says. This
newsgroup is a mature one (at least I'd like to think) and it isn't and
never will be the place for 10 year olds who go buck wild at a hint of
wittiness or something insulting.
Everyone else can and HAS taken Eep, chocked him up, and then eventually
swallowed him.
> There is a newsgroup charter, he has broken it - the vote is cast, and, as
> community, I have done something totally new and given the decision up to
> *all of you*.

Of all decisions. :) If we seriously didn't want Eep, why would we even
bother voting, arguing, or just talking to him? I know you have a lot of
faith in the community Facter, show us some faith that WE can eliminate him
ourselves if we don't want him. There really was no need for you to step in
and take charge, although it is appreciated somewhat.
> No one here else has *ever* let you guys decide this kind of stuff for
> yourselves - I dont know why it is not seen in the manner as it is
> intended - as a democratic, representational way of dealing with a matter
> that just has no other good solution.

Good solution, just let him dig his own grave. We are all just as critical
as Eep, and even Eep can't take all of us. This group was never run under a
democratic, representational way, why should it be now? Each week we're
going to play a game of Survivor with another firebrander? It's coming from
a good place Facter, but it's not fitting to me. You've left us to let us do
and talk whatever about whatever we've felt like and we've done pretty well
on it. I mean, we're mostly on topic and we eat up everyone that doesn't.
We've been efficient enough to create assumed rules, to enforce them
(brutally), and just post along our merry way. Do you really lack a trust
in this group dynamic that if we wanted Eep out, we couldn't do it
ourselves? I mean, it'd be like an empty victory (and ironic one too) for

> End of...
> F.
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User dismissal vote

Feb 8, 2001, 10:32pm
We are talking about two different people because not everyone has met both
Eep's. :) It's just really two people in one physical shell named "Eep". :)


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User dismissal vote

Feb 9, 2001, 5:50pm
Your water broke and you're posting about Eep?!

Was this Eep incident what caused your water to break?! Cuz then we have a
defense that Eep even created life itself. :)

Either way, you prolly won't here this but we wish you THE best of luck. :)


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don't like to copy this to a new post.. but it proves a point i've long been trying to make..

Feb 9, 2001, 5:59pm
In response to your first post: People who are not confident in what they're
posting SHOULDN'T post at all in a newsgroup. Because if it's not Eep, it
will be another. And if you really have that low of self esteem, you need
some help. :) If you're not confident enough to defend every word you're
typing (like you are, btw), then you shouldn't post. Period. :)

In response to the second one: Personally, he's helped me. He's helped me to
better formulate my ideas when posting. His AW page does help you get a
sense of AW from another perspective. And technically, he is a genius that's
willing to share it to someone who can "prove" themselves to him. Cocky?
yes. Informative however? still yes. :)


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Vote to stop the vote

Feb 9, 2001, 6:02pm
how in the WORLD is this helping to stop the vote, I dunno. :) But I vote to
stop it (even though with this vote, I'm still contributing to the other
voting indirectly)


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Feb 9, 2001, 6:20pm
So, when you saw things not going in your way, you outed it? I betcha that
if the vote was towards Eep getting banned, you would've kept it going.

I'm sorry to say Facter, but there's no way of getting out of this one.
Every action you take is just another dig into your grave, whether good or
bad. Fortunately, I'm not so dramatical that i would leave the newsgroup or
lose respect for you. I understand in pride and mistakes. *glows* Seriously,
you're best to just let the posting die down and just stick to new helpful
topics all together.

THE biggest mistake that you made: You made us jump into that "third rail"
of the newsgroup. Eep may like to go head-first into a topic, but as Eep
already knows, we don't. :) And to throw us into a decision of such a
weighty and controversial (to the point of almost taboo) issue so quickly
was enough to make your brain melt.


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Feb 9, 2001, 6:22pm
I dunno, going through all previous posts and cutting and pasting all the
rude and insultery comments that Eep has made to him seems kinda
time-consuming. :) hehe.


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Did i miss something?

Feb 9, 2001, 6:32pm
Of ALL things to miss, it was this one.

Funny, it would've made you grow leaps and bounds reading everything, I
suggest you still do (just don't post to them, although this event took
place over a day period, most of it has gone WAY outdated already. :) Stick
to the first posting on the subject matter and the last, you'll get the
whole jist of things)).


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On a last note.

Feb 9, 2001, 6:35pm
Exactly, please post your replies. If there's anthing that can show us what
AWCOM is really all about (instead of all the stereotyping and ignorance
usually seen around here), it'd be replying with personal opinions and
subject matters. :)

Besides, Eep's toned down, WHAT do you have to be afraid of now if you stay
honest? Unless you're not being honest...


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