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I just...

Feb 27, 2001, 10:05pm
you could try also reading the pk rules, which the Gate and all the other
AWCOM worlds follow. ;) or something like that.

Hey, complain all you want, but you're complaining to the wrong people.
Maybe Sea had no right to eject you, but it suuure must have felt darn good
to her.


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Any advice? I paid for my world renewal and it still isn't up

Feb 28, 2001, 8:21pm
You know Facter, just stick to run account, we all know who you are, no need
to change the name as apparently, it's not working for you. :) Just stick to
the run Facter run name, and whenever something is "official", just tag on a
AW Tech Support in the sig or something. :) I think this name change thing
is giving you more grey hair than you need.


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Mar 5, 2001, 10:49am
there's a difference? Apparently not.


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Hey people...

Mar 11, 2001, 12:18am
Welcome aboard, it's nice that we know a little about you. Most newbies are
usually more annoying, so you're a breath of fresh air. And experienced air
at that. Just don't fall into the same traps as the rest of us did to get
here. ;) You're in for the ride of your life.


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Hey people...

Mar 11, 2001, 3:53pm
I meant newbie in the sense at you're new here. You could be in AW from the
begining of time, and if it's your first time posting here, you're a newbie.
You'll have to stick around and see what I mean. :)


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My complaint about the news groups

Mar 11, 2001, 12:51pm
I agree with bitmaster, as always, on this. :) Just letting a fire die out
is the best way of preventing a flame war. But sometimes I feel like there
was never any big fires half of the time. Newsgroups will ALWAYS have their
pessimists and ego-trips. There's no such thing as a perfect newsgroup from
what I've seen. We each deal with different problems.

Sometimes it seems the "better half" (ie, the more experienced and
knowledgeable AWers of this newsgroup) are like the stressed out parents who
are afixiated with that black dot of mischief of the newsgroup and forget to
see that the rest of the paper is clean and white with a lot of helpful
information and debates. :)

Threads like these always seem to come out of left field a lot of time, but
it's better that they come out than never. Just look up above at the last
few days of posting, there IS a lot of useful information and maybe just one
or two "bad" posts, most of which are just entertaining hypothetical
situations (we're an idealistic bunch, we are. ;)). Yes, on certain weeks,
we have our downsides, but it's just like PMS (is that a bad comparison?),
we all have our mood swings.

There will always be egotistics, overly sensitives, angels, and harsh drill
seargents, but we can't run this newsgroup without one or the other. We just
have to let everyone "evolve" and mature. Anything new is scary, and no,
we're not neccesarily helping to lighten the fear, but we're not an
easy-going group to begin with. We strive for facts and information, not
socializing like in AW. But we DO respect people with the courage to jump
right into it and make mistakes, but to learn from it. I, for one, twitch at
the sight of a fellow teenager who can't accept that asking for asl in this
newsgroup is...rude? :) I go ballistic over some things, as everyone else
goes ballistic on other things, everyone can live through it. If people are
so anxious they can't POST to this newsgroup, trust me, if I stayed out of
this black hole called the community newsgroup and just watched from Earth,
I'd be a much happier man. ;)


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AW Needs a New GZ, anyone agree?

Mar 16, 2001, 10:36pm
Yeah, although historically and sentimentally important, it's nothing that
can't be moved and saved. :) I don't think anyone wants a HUGE change to the
gz, but a few modifications to get up to speed of 3.1 wouldn't hurt. :) It
is one of the more populated gz's and it really doesn't show AW all the


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Screw this..

Mar 17, 2001, 11:29pm
Lanezeri actually LISTENING to someone? doubt it, but if there was one thing
he could listen to, I'm thankful it's this. Now enough of your "I'm leaving"
"No I'm not, I changed my mind" "okay, this time, I'm sure of it" "wait, you
guys are too mean, I can't leave yet. I need to fight" threads. Just move
already or stay. Whatever harassment suits you best.


[View Quote] - HELP!

Mar 19, 2001, 9:53am
Get some advertising going inworld. :) There's a bunch of banner exchanges
for activeworlds, for example, the one that AWCC has. You can advertise in
gz's if you're lucky. Little things like that does add up. Of course, this
newsgroup does make a good forum since everyone looks for something to
criticize here. :) That should get you a handful of unique hits, but to
retain the people, you have to have some form of original content (which I
think you do, I only glanced). The best way to keep track of frequent
visitors is through a mailing list. :) Trackers can say whatever, they're
quite unreliable. Just stick to it, and don't let an oppurtunity to plug go.
:) You'll get hits as time evolves. Rome wasn't built in a day. :))


[View Quote] - HELP!

Mar 19, 2001, 8:10pm
nonono, you know in Activeworlds, how you can buy worlds? Well, you can also
buy galaxies or even universes, which are a collection of worlds. :) It uses
the same Activeworlds technology, except it's in another universe/server
than AW. Vectorscape and Outerworlds are still the same as Activeworlds,
they are just in a separate universe. :) You have to download a different
browser to see that universe though, but the browser is EXACTLY like the AW
browser, just a different logo, I believe.


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We're Live Again!

Mar 22, 2001, 9:55am
Btw, we're happy to hear comments on this thread or on the site. :) I'm
personally very glad to be back in the loop of, and I hope you
guys look forward to checking your news again. :))


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Fresh from the rumormill.

Mar 25, 2001, 11:20am
And where'd you hear this bit of controversy? From a tourist? Yes, AWCOM
stocks have been far from perfect, but even this is sorta hard to believe.
Although I'd like to say it is impossible, I doubt it isn't.


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just a little AW humor

Mar 24, 2001, 11:56am
Just stick to regular text format instead of HTML, you kill bandwith that
way, apparently. :) And don't spend hours on this newsgroup going for style
points next time, just post a link and be done with it. ;)

Sorta cute though. Don't quite understand how it was just made up on whim,
usually, comedy comes from a recent event, but maybe I'm just out of the
loop. :)


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just a little AW humor

Mar 24, 2001, 11:16pm
OMG, Agent Fox Mulder/Col Kink abducted the stupid bot! :)

In that case, we'll just throw a pretty Pokemon card into a pool of flames
and watch him forget about the bot and jump into the pretty fire to get that
beloved Charizard card. ;)


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Mar 25, 2001, 4:13pm
This would've been useful about a week or two back BEFORE lanezeri's
citizenship expired and he made the big dramatic exit. ;)


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help: looking for a world...

Mar 28, 2001, 9:55am
I always found !Friends to be a nice atmosphere. :) Island paradise if you
ask me. :)) It's privately owned however and building is allowed to only a
few people due to its size, but, tell Steller, the owner, of your situation
and if there's any land left, I'm sure she'll give you a plot of land to
build on. :))


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Trying to find a world for a retreat

Mar 28, 2001, 9:58am
You might want to try to put this in the previous thread under your post, it
helps a lot more keeping things on topic. :)

Anyways, this is Activeworlds, not Outerworlds. lol. we shun at the thought
of the other universes out there. :))


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How to get rid of the crEepy trolls?

Apr 3, 2001, 8:54am
That was always the way to deal with trolls, but of course, that would be
TOO traditional of this community newsgroup. :) We prefer running at it with
flames and burning down the whole newsgroup until the troll runs away. :)
Hey, it HAS worked, and land values are cheap anyways for rebuilding.


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How to get rid of the crEepy trolls?

Apr 3, 2001, 8:02pm
You'd be surprised how much this tactic works. But, it is an idealistic
suggestion (but hey, look who's talking. ;) ). Basically, an empty thread is
a disregarded thread. You see a header like "SUCK YO MOMMA" and ignore it,
the troll has nowhere to go. He hasn't gotten any attention, which is
usually the main idea behind those posts. But, people get easily annoyed and
must chime in their opinions. All it takes is one flame back to the troll
and the newsgroup is as good as becoming a wasteland.

Solution?: Don't respond to a troll thread, EVER. But, if you see that
someone has already maken the mistake, and the troll is really getting on
your nerves, the newsgroup is as good as trash, so enlist yourself in the
flame war.


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Letter from Lanezeri. . . He is still watching us!

Apr 5, 2001, 8:32pm
Well, he sure is doing a pretty pathetic job at it. Why doesn't he just
"sew" the guy and get it over with instead of all this talk?

Prolly because lawyers don't prosecute other people for 12 year olds. But
wouldn't it be funny if he tried? rotfl.


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Dear AWCom.

Apr 5, 2001, 8:29pm
If you haven't figured it out friend, JBell is excercing his witty sarcastic
personality to this wonderfully "bright" newsgroup. ;)

Personally JBell, ANYTHING to get the AW site to be changed would be well
accepted. ;)) jk


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Re: You can't even spell

Apr 5, 2001, 8:54pm
Heh, after your ego gets bruised, your bitter brigade at Leaf seems to just
vanish. Silly minor, you give other minors just as bad of names by going
into little immature and ignorant tirades, you do realiSe. ;)


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AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 7, 2001, 8:54pm
God, you guys can't get ANYTHING through your heads, now can you? A simple
post to advertise a new hosting service and makaveli (although spelled with
those annoying spaces for some reason) goes awall on a typo. Gosh, and I
thought Eep was bad. I mean, one personal vendetta turns into a side of wars
and friendships. Would you just MYOB and just let builderz fight his own
battle? I doubt he would need a newbie to come into the newsgroup and start
battling for him. Yes, you ARE a newbie if you are accusing JBell of bad
hosting and yet you don't even host worlds and prolly don't even know the
first thing ABOUT hosting worlds. And even more so if you admit you're
ignorant, which was really a laugh. :)) Whether even you actually know the
guy personally online is even a big question, as you just seem to fight for
the principles, even though you lack most of them. builderz and leaf can
fight their own battle, Jbell can host his own worlds, YOU can just keep
your mouth shut until there is actually something that concerns you, like
the rest of us. I mean, at least with builderz and leaf, they both have some
form of seniority and grown respect from the newsgroup. You just popped out
of nowhere looking for a fight from what I've seen.
Cries for attention will only get you a public whipping, boy.


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E-mail address

Apr 8, 2001, 11:32am
Will any of these help?

nornny at
nornny at
nornny at


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Active World's bait and switch operation

Apr 12, 2001, 6:59pm
Excuse me marcus for being so unprepared in my following statements, I
haven't read thoroughly the posts in this thread.

But you seem pretty anal over the fact that you're getting a citizenship or
multiple cits for a world. :) I'm assuming that the cit is not part of what
you're paying for, but rather just a "freebie" to entice more prospective
world owners. That free cit can't be transferred as a renewal to your cit
because for one, I doubt awcom has a way of doing that and if they did, it
would take more time than just handing one out. And two, the cit isn't for
you silly, it's for you to give to a friend, a tourist of your world, or for
an account used for building if you have a building team. When you're
getting multiple cits, you can prolly use it for all three reasons I
explained up there. :))

I guess the cit is just a kind gesture passed down in the AW social ladder.
:)) But what you're paying for is the world, I don't believe any of the
money you're using to pay is going for the citizenship(s) account. Just an
extra. :))

As for the bouncing from contact to contact thing, that's not what the cit
is usually used for, unless you're using it as a secret identity. :)
Usually, you put building privs, ps privs, and other world privs on that new
cit and you log in with a priviledge password to use it. :)) That's what
I've seen being done in other worlds.


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AWLD glub glub glub...

Apr 13, 2001, 9:15am
Well, apparently, AW may be solid, but I don't think they think they're
secure enough to invest any more extra money for better perks, especially
when the need is not really urgent yet. AW is still up there in the
cool-and-not-outdated-yet level. :) I mean, better perks may be good for
longstanding customers, but I'm thinking they need a larger influx of
newbies before they can blow off 2/3 of their money on tv advertisements and
new programmers.

Well, this makes sense in my mind, I don't think I'm wording it right
though. Basically, get more people to join, give them a gaining quarter or
at least decrease losses even more and they'll pay you back. I mean, AWCOM's
slowly going down the whole and you want more? Kinda selfish if you ask me.


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Whistling Plains Casino opens

Apr 17, 2001, 2:33pm
I'd also like to add he has a lot of bitterness in his hands too. You can
almost smell it from Tokyo.


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Whistling Plains Casino opens

Apr 19, 2001, 10:59am
God, are you on a mission to get the bad reputation out of people?
Apparently, resentment doesn't leave you too easily. Even Just In and
FriendPA are at least civil in this newsgroup, and DON'T BOTHER US WITH OFF
TOPIC REPLIES. Once again, you're not helping your friends, and you sure
aren't helping us. Say this with me, "WE DON'T CAAREEE". We just attend the
New Year's bash, everything else is the owner's business. So, keep it out of
the newsgroup, I can't believe a fight that happened months ago can still


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GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 16, 2001, 10:24am
God, you are SUCH a typical teenager. Someone tells you to stay out and you
must meddle inside. And NOW you're wondering what Gor is about. :)) I'm sure
the rest of the community can tell you. But please, keep your comments to
yourself. :) We don't need another Gor thread (or are you curious as to what
destruction that will cause too?)


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GorWorld....what is up with this world??

Apr 17, 2001, 4:16pm
Your gammar was kinda bad in this post jfk, I don't understand.

Are you somehow trying to relate Gorean's to KKK members, as in Ku Klux
Klan? If so, are you crazy? They're totally different.

Gor people don't discriminate people based on if people's screen names start
with uncapitalized letters. They don't even discriminate, really. They just
eject young users out of an adult world. And they practice domination
(sorta, not really, but I can't put a word on it) while the KKK practice
burning black people's home. No similarities, really. :))


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