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ejection bug

Aug 2, 2002, 12:19pm
goober's the unofficial moderator of the NGs now

[View Quote] >Ugh. Both of you need a time-out. :P


Aug 4, 2002, 2:52pm
I can't make any sense out of it at all..

[View Quote] >arg i had to read that like 5 times to understand what the hell he said :/

Teleportation - Flitting all over the place?

Aug 8, 2002, 4:58am
As large as AlphaWorld is, do you honestly expect people to walk for 3+ hours on end just to find their place?

[View Quote] >Question. Does "flitting all over the place all the time" spoil the
>simulation fo reality achieved in Alpha World?

Re: aw_world_object_password SDK call?

Aug 8, 2002, 8:45pm

Good one Andras.

[View Quote] >There is one special occasion it gives the password out:
>If my bot logs in with my user credentials I get Eep's secret stuff all the time. There is no other user affected tho :( It could be some hardcoded access to Eep's credentials when I use my regular user name/pw/ppw! I don't even have to go to Hole to get it!!!
>Hope This Helps,
>P.S. I would really appretiate if Eep wouldn't stick his dirty nose into any security related stuff within AW. He just can't comprehend the topic at all!!

Re: Backup bot wanted

Aug 10, 2002, 2:17pm
[View Quote] >[...] I don't get how the AW world server manages to read from such a file
>without taking forever lol

That's why you don't see AlphaWorld rebooting very often, if at all... :P

Re: Bug in security update?

Aug 15, 2002, 6:54pm
You've got the most fascinating typoes i've seen in a while. :)

[View Quote] >*LOL* Bind boggling

All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!

Aug 23, 2002, 8:50pm
AW will never be "free" of hackers (come to think of it, AW will much less be free of lamers...)

[View Quote] >Attention Active Worlds! this day has come and now all active worlds lamers
>and wannabe hackers and people with AWHACKS now got their Citizenships
>disabled and are banned. so far 11 people... 15 more to go! soon aw will be
>free from those unwanted hackers using awhack.
>finally FREEDOM!

Freedom from what?

>and note: goober king, please dont make a rude comment to this like you
>always do to everyone elses.

If you don't like Goober's comments, filter him. It's that simple.

All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!

Aug 24, 2002, 2:30pm
[View Quote] >seriously dont make rude comments

Seriously, figure out how filters work in your newsreader.
- TonyM.
"The only time Microsoft will ever make something that doesn't suck is when Microsoft makes a vacuum cleaner."


Aug 28, 2002, 8:55pm
I tried to email AW about this; have yet to receive any response.

[View Quote] >I'm sure this is an old topic, but I wasn't reading the boards at the time.
>Why were tourists removed from AlphaWorld? [...]

<no subject>

Aug 29, 2002, 11:00am
Ever heard of email?

[View Quote] >Ananas, you have many things, friends and more. Be grateful of what you got,
>and what you do in return.

<no subject>

Aug 29, 2002, 10:29pm
[View Quote] >omg, ever heard of, Wrong Reply? stupid idiots

That's fine if you made a mistake; name-calling isn't necessary.

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 11:19am
[View Quote] >Personally, I think it's annoying when I have to scroll through a days worth of discussion to get to your sig quote. (likes reading them me)
>So Netscape does that you say? hehe...silly, silly Netscape.

FreeAgent does the same thing.

> As for it getting in the way, I don't think 3 lines of minimal text will hurt anything. ;-)

(I told you Agent does the same thing...)

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 9:13pm
[View Quote] >"tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at> wrote in
>news:moqumu0uk5mb37cl79b1k3jqavprsvs25a at
>But FreeAgent puts the reply in the right spot (under the quoting), right?

No, it will put it on the bottom of the entire message. I don't have control over placement [if I let Agent do it].

>That fixes the entire problem. BTW your signature delim is wrong, it should
>be dash dash space "-- ".

.... *cough*USENETGEEK*cough*


I see you don't even have your signature delimeter...

Re: Newsgroup Switch (Was: Re: lame ghettolife)

Aug 31, 2002, 11:45pm
[View Quote] >
>In XNews you don't even need to use a dropdown :-D

Same here with FreeAgent; I just select "Followup-To" in a listbox and set the value.

to daphne

Sep 1, 2002, 11:49am
[View Quote] >Ladies and Gentleman,

Eep has a point here; Linn's post belongs more in email/telegrams than it does in a newsgroup.

to daphne

Sep 2, 2002, 2:00am
[View Quote] >oh sorry agent i thought that was pointed to eep guess you missed that

Incased you somehow missed it, this is a public forum; anybody is free to reply to anybody's post.

Re: For your listening pleasure...:

Sep 6, 2002, 9:21pm
what the hell... let's see if we can translate this... correct me anywhere i could be wrong:

[View Quote] >Emezeeng... Deed yuoo ectooelly 'reed' my pust. Um de hur de hur de hur...???

"Amazing, did you actually 'read' my post. [incomprehensable]???"

>I deedn't veesh tu 'creete-a a spece' unyvhere-a... Vhet I seeed. Bork bork bork!.. und I'l try und meke-a it cleerer fur yuu. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!.. ves:

"I didn't wish to 'create a space' anywhere... What I said. [incomprehensable] [...] and I'll try and make it clearer for you. [incomprehensable]:"

>(My Netscepe-a shoos a 'blunk' spece-a betveee 'OORT' und 'beekerstreet'. Ieezeer plece-a zee 'et' (ebufe-a zee noomber 2) vhere-a zee blunk spece-a is (essoomeeng it's blunk fur yuoo) OoR seemply 'cupy/peste'... Zee 'et' symbul's zeere-a... I joost cun't see-a it fur sume-a reesun. Bork bork bork!..

"My Netscape [incomprehensable] space between 'OORT' and 'beekerstreet'[?]. [Incomprehensable] place a [incomprehensable] [...] or simply 'copy/paste', [incomprehensable] [...] symbols there... I just can't see it for some reason. [incomprehensable]

>Meybe-a it's sumetheeng scrooy oon my system... Leeke-a I cere-a... NOT... :-) )

"Maybe it's something screwy on my system... Like I care... NOT... :-) )"

Object path protection

Sep 11, 2002, 12:20am
[View Quote] >who the fuck let you back here anyway

If you don't like him, filter him. It's simple.


Sep 8, 2002, 6:22pm
[View Quote] >It won't take two months to convert textures using a batch tool.

You'd have a problem if you decide to do another batch conversion after 60days

[View Quote]

Re: Taking bets..

Sep 10, 2002, 12:35am
[View Quote] >he expects everyone to have the message people are replying to attached.. guess he doesnt know how to tell what those littlle +'s and -'s are for

My newsreader does not have plus signs or minus signs for in-thread tracking ( Please don't assume everybody uses OE or an OE-lookalike.

Bandwidth usage (was Re: Taking bets..)

Sep 10, 2002, 11:07am
[View Quote] >It's a waste of bandwidth.

HTML messages waste more bandwidth than quoting what you're replying to.


Sep 18, 2002, 11:19am
[View Quote] >Which brings us to now. Since I doubt is going to be generous
>enough to simply drop the domain, we're in the process of trying to
>decide on a new domain name for AWNews. Possible suggestions include
>domains like and If any of you has a suggestion
>you think would be a) easy to remember, and b) has something to do with
>"AWNews", feel free to post it here and we'll consider it.

"" makes sense to me.

WinXP Professional Recycle Bin Question

Sep 25, 2002, 8:59pm
[View Quote] >Alright, this got weirder.
>I haven't done anything since I posted this and some how the recycle bin
>icon is still shown as being full (has a paper thing in it) but when I
>explore it, it is empty and it won't let me empty it (option is greyed out).

This is an old Windows bug; just throw something in there and empty it.

Fwd: We Should All Celebrate My Return From The Hospital

Sep 25, 2002, 9:01pm
[View Quote] >Welcome back, JFK! Good to hear that they threated you well there. :-))

I dunno, being tHreated doesn't sound very nice ;)

A couple questions.

Oct 1, 2002, 9:55pm
[View Quote] >U little coprolite, i have no 'Jerk Manual' its called proper English and Grammar, i thought school might have done u some good..

You're one to talk, seeing as your spelling, grammar, and capitalization could use some work.

>and whats with asking simple questions and wasting people's time?

Who's to say asking questions is a waste of time? If you don't like his post, simply filter it and move on.

Re: Posting in the newsgroup

Oct 3, 2002, 12:52am
Why are you replying to a message over 3 years old?

[View Quote] >Wonder if that is how Andras's newsgroup was bourne(d). Don't think he
>requires this info in order to post. I agree we shouldn't have to enter Cit
>Name and password in order to post. And would it really matter anyway? AW
>knows who we are, whether we use our real citizen name or not.
>I do feel sorry for tourists, they've been wronged. Cute little UPS man
>suits, gray words with the cute little " " around their heads. Hands behind
>their back looking non-threatening. Innocent to the makings of a mere
>pp01.rwx .........yeah, I miss them. : | I enjoy helping them, but not to
>be a cit of China.
>November 15, 1999

Tony M.

Fun for all programmers!

Oct 5, 2002, 8:22pm
And just how are we supposed to use this DLL without any kind of documentation?

[View Quote] >Sorry..

Fun for all programmers!

Oct 6, 2002, 1:00am
[View Quote] >Lmao! Same as you would any other.
>Projects>References>encryption lib>ok

Um, I don't use Visual Basic/Visual C++, or any Microsoft programming software--it's a silly assumption to make that everybody else does.

Does anyone else think that...

Oct 8, 2002, 12:21am
[View Quote] >Why does it even need to be a roman name? Alpha, beta, etc all gets boring after a while, its a island, create a new name for it, how did Britain and Hawaii get their names? No idea for eather, but my point is that it should be origional.

I thought Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc. were from the Greek alphabet...

Evvvilll Software Corporation (HTML!!!)

Oct 11, 2002, 8:43pm
[View Quote] >Well, hey, they are :-)) Just take a look at Windows. It's horribly
>unstable, and in reality it's just a shell for DOS (don't tell me that it
>isn't the case for XP, it is, they've just become better at hiding it).

I thought XP was NT-based, and thus doesn't use a DOS-based kernel like the 9X series?

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