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resizing the browser

Jul 13, 2001, 4:05pm
hit maximize button twice.. that always works for me..

[View Quote]

All you people posting in HTML with Outlook...

Jul 15, 2001, 12:10pm


Jul 20, 2001, 2:07pm
[View Quote] It's the "User-Agent" value.

> PS. there was an encroaching prob with xsign.rwx I think, that's why
> took it down (at least he sayd so)

AWCI took it down, and Facter wasn't notified.

ActiveWorlds Beta Program

Jul 21, 2001, 10:30pm
Don't you people read the FAQ? It says you can't ask at all to be in 3.2

[View Quote]

News Reader Software?

Jul 21, 2001, 6:59am
I have a copy of FreeAgent somewhere.. either on my PC or my mom's. If
you want it, I'll zip it and email it to you =P [unless someone has a

[View Quote]

News Reader Software?

Jul 21, 2001, 7:29am
ahh, there. upgraded mine. gee I love how it can't view HTML posts,
and how you have to double-click messages to actually view it =)

[View Quote] >You find everything on
>FAgent is
[View Quote]

Re: 8.3 [was: objects with "#" in them unrecognized?]

Jul 21, 2001, 3:17am
get yourself out of that cold dark cave.

[View Quote]


Jul 24, 2001, 4:20pm
testing.. don't mind me.

- Tony M.

CY at AW GZ?!

Jul 31, 2001, 11:03pm
haven't you discovered the filter option by now? i believe its
Messages -> Block Sender

[View Quote] >Oh god you get dumber with every post.. we know who it is.. Dennis14 told
>us.. I really think AW needs IQ limit to join.. I think that was the best
>idea anyone had.. I remember seeing it..

- Tony M.

AW Webbrowser

Aug 2, 2001, 5:03pm
please do not post HTML when you crosspost to wishlist, beta, bots,
community & worldbuilders

On 2 Aug 2001 04:55:45 -0400, "simba1" <shaun.okeefe at>
[View Quote] >This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- Tony M.

2.0 Broswe

Aug 7, 2001, 10:26pm
*downloads* hmmmmmmmmmmm

On 7 Aug 2001 18:33:59 -0400, "brandon" <brandon at>
[View Quote] >i joined a friend who was in the X_files world....well i decided ot look at
>the website and what do yah now it says download the 2.0 browser. So i did
>just for the heck of it even though i knew it wouldnt let me in cause it was
>to old and the splash-screen had Circle Of Fire on it......i dont know WHY
>the heck they still have it there but but maybe they just forgot about it
>- Brandon
>(website coming soon)
>World: A'Dude
>Co-owned world: Safira

"Void" world

Aug 25, 2001, 2:04am
... so what's up with this world? By the looks of it, it hasn't been
updated in a good couple of years.. hell, even one of the teleports
look old.

Modem Problems

Aug 30, 2001, 12:39am
cable & DSL are not available in every single last part of the world,
not even in all parts of the USA. take me for instance, my mom tried
to get DSL a couple months ago, but the apartment wiring is all messed
up. nobody in my entire complex can get DSL. also, DSL/cable does not
come cheap in some areas as well.. prices are rising like cake as it's

On 29 Aug 2001 21:32:03 -0400, "internal affairs" <biginsey at>
[View Quote] >Just get a cable modem or DSL cheapo.

Issues and Trolls and Stonedeafs, Oh my!

Sep 2, 2001, 7:06pm
[View Quote] That's exactly what I love to do, seeing FreeAgent's ignore thread is
way funky.


Sep 11, 2001, 9:24pm

Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 16, 2001, 6:56pm
Using the link KAH has been so kind to provide,,
your website has been reported for defamation. enjoy.

On 16 Sep 2001 11:39:38 -0400, "jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at>
[View Quote] >Ohhh.... I'm going to mention it here...
>If any of you would like to launch your own PROTEST about AW's Memorial
>World being in the wrong hands...
>HERE is the URL you can read and write your protest to...
>ENJOY... All of you who read this NGS please read it and make your LOUD

For the nostalgic and old AW people

Sep 16, 2001, 3:21am
I was bored, so I decided to fetch 2.0 and post its offline help files

nice little trip down memory lane, is it not? =)

- tony

thank you

Sep 19, 2001, 12:49am
a mis-sent email perhaps? =D

On 18 Sep 2001 21:01:38 -0400, "internal affairs" <biginsey at>
[View Quote] >OK what? Here we go again. People starting threads where we have no idea
>what they're talking about.

Microsocks High Quality Socks

Sep 22, 2001, 12:30am


Sep 22, 2001, 5:36am
test (seeing if my sig. will show up now)

- Tony M.


Sep 22, 2001, 5:41am

[View Quote] >test (seeing if my sig. will show up now)
>- Tony M.

- Tony M (fldmshl2013 at


Sep 22, 2001, 3:10pm

[View Quote] >Sig separator should be: dash dash space newline

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

Grand Opening of the Stuff-X eStore

Sep 26, 2001, 11:08pm
hey man... don't diss cows...

*watches a stampede of cows trample IA*

.... moo?

[View Quote] >Just because you live in the middle of nowhere and get a DSL connection
>doesn't mean you can take it out on a city-boy like me. It's not fair that
>you live with cows.

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at


Oct 1, 2001, 9:16pm
you upload JPGs to the path, correct.

AW takes them and turns them into special RAS files that RenderWare (AW's 3D engine) recognizes. this makes it harder for someone to hop
around stealing textures (though backdrops can still be stolen... duh!)

if you really find a texture & fall in love with it & stuff, ask the world owner for it. simple.

[View Quote] >I'm a texture creator, mainly for our world, Sirocco, and in past have used
>textures from all over to develop our own exotic mixes. It still seems to
>be the case that you need to upload world textures as .jpg files (and bdrops
>are still .bmp even if everything else in the Textures folder is .ras), but
>I assume the changing happens on the AW end automatically.

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

Life imprisonment for hacking crimes

Oct 2, 2001, 9:26pm
The only way I cold understand this law is if government computers are involved. Otherwise... pfft!

[View Quote] >The U.S. Congress is currently debating a law that would consider
>"individuals suspected of causing minimal damage to networked
>computers" as terrorists, subjecting them to penalties as harsh as
>life imprisonment. This law would designate those who create even
>relatively harmless viruses and trojan horses as terrorists and
>subject them to these penalties.
>In other words, if this law is passed, those who continue to spread
>these childish fake "Stock Quote Bots" and other trojan horses could
>find themselves up against stricter penalties than a simple ISP
>account closure should the proper authorities be notified.
>Take a look at the full article at

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

AW Servers was down?

Oct 6, 2001, 6:01am
i didn't know. *NEWS*groups. =)

[View Quote] >oh come you really need to announce this? im sure everyone on at
>that time knew about it and theres nothing we can do abotu it, it happens.
>so just wait until its back on then get alogn with your business

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

AW Servers was down?

Oct 7, 2001, 1:42am
yes, i really need to know. there was a 2nd outage too, while i was online.

[View Quote] >do you really need to know? if you weren't on at that time them you dont
>need to know and anyone on at the time can figure it out....god

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

AW Servers was down?

Oct 7, 2001, 1:52am
i wanted to know. so i found out.

[View Quote] >well you didnt need to knwo if your werent there and if you were then you
>already knwo abotu it no need to announce it

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

Re: I know what a gnome is (was Re: Please stop)

Oct 6, 2001, 6:00am
the gnome who travelled the world?

[View Quote] >It's what President Bush was for the first few months in office according to
>Time magazine - then he took a big trip around the world. Now what shall we
>call him?
>AW Explorer

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

New Cozmo-X Website

Oct 7, 2001, 1:57am

[View Quote] >I've got the new front page for the Cozmo-X website pretty much done. I just
>want you to know that this is not final and most of the links do not work
>yet. Alls i want is some feedback if you don't mind on how the layout and
>colors look The template is the very top and bottom so that part will appear
>on every page, the middle is the content, and all the pages will most likely
>have the same color scheme.
>If your wondering, Cozmo-X has been in existance for 3 or more months now
>under a few other names. This name is final. We primarily do hosting and
>bots. But i added a few extra things on the site.
>There is:
>Hosting - Worlds, Object Path leasing, and others. I will not realease the
>price yet.
>News - AW news, website news, any other news and articles.
>Bots - I am in the middle of several programming projects right nwo whitch i
>will not discuss. This would be where the primary place for distributing my
>bots, scripts, and any other bot related things.
>Downloads - Lists of usefull programs like activeworlds utilities, RWX
>utilities, bots, and other programs.
>Listings - Lists of all AW sites (i'll try hehe), bot sites, object sites,
>and other sites put into categories of use.
>Reviews - I hope to write reviews for a lot of things like bots, new
>programs, services, etc.
>Forums - I'm working on this one but it will proboly be a little later on
>until its done. Here you'll be abel to post comments, feedback, and whatever
>else you want.
>So thats what i've gotten so far. The names will most likeley change later
>on and i'm hoping to get my domain name up and running after i've completed
> (for now)
>- Cozmo Of Cozmo-X
>World: A'Dude

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at

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