All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone! (General Discussion)

All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone! // General Discussion

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Aug 23, 2002, 3:17am
Attention Active Worlds! this day has come and now all active worlds lamers
and wannabe hackers and people with AWHACKS now got their Citizenships
disabled and are banned. so far 11 people... 15 more to go! soon aw will be
free from those unwanted hackers using awhack.

finally FREEDOM!
and note: goober king, please dont make a rude comment to this like you
always do to everyone elses.


Aug 23, 2002, 3:29am
Their citizenships are going to be banned? Oh, big deal. All they have to do is get another citizenship using someone elses credit card, a stolen account, a borrowed account...

And Goober King doesn't make rude comments. He makes smart-ass arguementative comments. There *is* a difference =P

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Aug 23, 2002, 3:39am
Uh freedom? What were they stopping you from doing?

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Aug 23, 2002, 7:42am
Yeah well they missed you, lamer.


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goober king

Aug 23, 2002, 9:51am
Looks like I don't have to make any such comments, as everyone else has
said pretty much everything I was going to. :)

[View Quote] > Their citizenships are going to be banned? Oh, big deal. All they have
> to do is get another citizenship using someone elses credit card, a
> stolen account, a borrowed account...
> And Goober King doesn't make rude comments. He makes smart-ass
> arguementative comments. There *is* a difference =P
[View Quote]
Goober King
Letting other people do his dirty work
robrod at


Aug 23, 2002, 10:09am
.... I though you were banned from posting. Why do you bring this trash
here? Its not necessary. The vast majority of people don't care about you
and your little "awhacks" friends. They weren't that annoying anymore, and
not that common. I bet you were the little dork who gave AWC those poor
citizens names. That's low.


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Aug 23, 2002, 10:13am
An identity claiming to be known as "goober king" <gooberking at> scribed the following <3D661C67.8060402 at>:

>Looks like I don't have to make any such comments, as everyone else has
>said pretty much everything I was going to. :)

Or so he says. ;)

(o o)
| Anduin (317281) |
| o The Gorean Scribe |
| o |
| o World: GorSJ (18+ Only) |


Aug 23, 2002, 1:00pm
::rolleyes:: Obviously if they're "lamers and wannabe hackers" then there
really shouldn't be any difference in AW, security-wise. Even if they
actually had the ability to figure out portions of AW's security, plenty of
other people also have that ability.


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Aug 23, 2002, 1:46pm
Wahoo! a good day for AW!!

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Aug 23, 2002, 2:12pm
LOL, very good point. :-P

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Aug 23, 2002, 3:20pm
heh, not like your gonna believe mp3 are you? No don't do that, here is the
true story. mp3 CLAIMS it was his doing getting cits disabled, but no it
wasn't him at all. It was him that had a doing in it though. These are words
straight from bills mouth. There has been a lot of fraud lately in the
company. This came about by the use of a cit generator. Now Mp3 Did have a
part in the cit generator, he was all bragging about it and such. Anyways,
AW was disabling the cits of anyone who was associated with certain ips.
Mine was one of those cits disabled. I got it back today. The thing was with
the cit generator, they also had the ability to log onto other peoples cits,
so some people may have gotten their cits disabled for no reason. So no, it
was not because of AWHack,. but be sure if you are caught using one like Mp3
your cit will be disabled. So Mp3 get the facts straight before you go
around bragging and posting things that are not true.

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strike rapier

Aug 23, 2002, 4:14pm
A few questions....

1. Arnt you banned from posting on the news groups?
2. How do you know there are 15 more people to go?
3. You wouldent know a AWHack if it jumped up and hit you, I spent most my time in AWTeen events tracking cracked software, and if I find it hard, im sure as hell you cant.
4. If AW dosent want to be hacked, it should be made so it cant be hacked by most of these people, most of which are not even 18 years old.
5. Where is Sleepy E to demo point 4 when you need him...

- Mark

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Aug 23, 2002, 5:03pm
They let him back in for some reason... O_o
Maybe Flagg just has time limits for bans that he thinks are not so serious.
*shrug* If he keeps this up, he'll be gone again in no time, I say.
- Syntax -

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Aug 23, 2002, 5:20pm
The only way i believe to "Get rid" of hackers, is to form a nice
relationship with them. Instead of banning them, or trying to stop them,
which will only make them mad, AW should try to contact them and work out
some sort of deal. Maybe even pay them to "hack" into AW, and point out the
holes. Hackers are not evil, and the "good hacker" position it being taken
by many companies, even Lego released documents on their micro
computer(called RCX), so that hackers could more easily manipulate it. The
results of such an action? Lego got more money from all teh hackers who
bought parts. Not bad eh? So a good relationship with hackers could benefit more cit stealing, no more "bad hackers", and with less disruption
to teh AW comunity, more people will stay, and this means more money for AW.
The cost of paying these hackers will be no fee at all for the benefits AW
will receive.

strike rapier

Aug 23, 2002, 5:33pm
Agreed, but I think Sleepy E is the only 1 quallified to get paid by AWC to hack it.

- Mark
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Aug 23, 2002, 5:39pm


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tony m

Aug 23, 2002, 8:50pm
AW will never be "free" of hackers (come to think of it, AW will much less be free of lamers...)

[View Quote] >Attention Active Worlds! this day has come and now all active worlds lamers
>and wannabe hackers and people with AWHACKS now got their Citizenships
>disabled and are banned. so far 11 people... 15 more to go! soon aw will be
>free from those unwanted hackers using awhack.
>finally FREEDOM!

Freedom from what?

>and note: goober king, please dont make a rude comment to this like you
>always do to everyone elses.

If you don't like Goober's comments, filter him. It's that simple.


Aug 23, 2002, 11:08pm
I will send a big news reply tommorow.. just you people wait. you'll see the

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goober king

Aug 24, 2002, 2:17am
Oh, the suspense is killing me! ;P

[View Quote] > I will send a big news reply tommorow.. just you people wait. you'll see the
> truth.
> -
[View Quote]
Goober King
This rude comment brought to you by the letters H and K.
robrod at


Aug 24, 2002, 2:58am
[View Quote] > Oh, the suspense is killing me! ;P
> --
> Goober King
> This rude comment brought to you by the letters H and K.
> robrod at


ncc 72897

Aug 24, 2002, 3:02am
ROTFLMFAO at "This rude comment brought to you by the letters H and K."


Aug 24, 2002, 3:17am
seriously dont make rude comments

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Aug 24, 2002, 3:32am
mp3 blurted:

> seriously dont make rude comments

give it a rest, it was funny :-)


tony m

Aug 24, 2002, 2:30pm
[View Quote] >seriously dont make rude comments

Seriously, figure out how filters work in your newsreader.
- TonyM.
"The only time Microsoft will ever make something that doesn't suck is when Microsoft makes a vacuum cleaner."


Aug 26, 2002, 2:35pm
*sigh* stereo-types... looky lookers...

and another thing...
me being banned from the news groups was only FOR ONE SMALL reason because
Goober made a smart-ass comment. and i got banned from cursing back at him.
no it wasnt Flagg who did it it was because i earned it back from Bill... a
deal he made with me.

You people just think im the worst kid, im 15, live in California HAVE A
LIFE besides the PC. go on aw sometimes like to get attention from saying i
have stuff which are totally fake cause my (ADD) i tend to love to get
attention cause most of the time i get made fun of when people are jealous
of me in real life... REAL LIFE... heard of it?
And mod, no and yes it was me who put your name On the list. you did create
an AWHACK and use it lots of times. I NEVER HAD A CITIZEN GENERATOR it was
all fake, all made up, a big fat lie. you people just love to believe every
lttle thing that is said. IM NOT A FREAKIN bad person at all. and deserve
100% to be in the newsgroups... if thats the case .. and banning me again
then ban every single person from the newsgroups for posting something
General... like Joe says un-nessesary, which what i did was something
General and important. im not a lamer, hacker, loser, wanabe, kid, moron, at
all. im an o-k kid. I just hate when someone says to everyone something that
they dont even the whole story about. yes it was me who put those 10 lamers
out of aw. they needed to be out. carrying viruses and sending them to
people, using sub7, AWhack, all those phony cracked browsers. its all KIDDIE
i apologized before and i will do it again, im sorry for what yo dont
believe or that you dont wanna know the truth and for what troubles and
excitement (at the same time) i put you people through. NO I shouldnt be
banned from aw nor newsgroups... i dont Fraud, and most of the people who i
chose to be banned also frauded $2000 worth of worlds... p50's....

and things for the people...

Joe: no i think you should be gone for waisting your time hacking Cyboria,
and peoples e-mails to get there passwords. if you dont know a story dont
comment it. unlesss you know the whole truth... not rumors. i dont know you,
you dont know me. drop it.... no more comments about me.

Mod: yes it was mainly people who used awhacks... and as bill said you can
be arrest for using awhacks its in the EULA.... and no Bill did not talk
with you.. about no cit generator... wanna know why lol i know this in
myself... because it was never invented...created even. i know your lieing
for a straight fact... your just mad cause your the one banned and disabled.

Robbie: another person, we were once enemies.... your a mayjor
lamer... bye... and you will be on the next list.

everyone else: im sorry

- Daniel Danino

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sw chris

Aug 26, 2002, 3:47pm
The issue is moot. Live and let it die. All of you... There is nothing
left to be gained from this thread of discussion.

SW Chris
Self-control is an admirable trait. Therefore, let this thread drop from the
top of the list.

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goober king

Aug 26, 2002, 6:25pm
Yeesh, it's like reading one of JFK2's posts...

A word to the wise: The beauty of the newsgroups is you can think things
through before you type them. You can easily sit back and think about
what you're going to type, and then type it once you've gotten it all
laid out. And even if it doesn't look right after you've typed it all
out, you can still go back and edit it before clicking that Send button.
Utilizing this philosophy would solve so many problems in here...

So, in other words, calm down, take a deep breath (and maybe a couple
pills), and CHILL.

And, btw, I make "rude" comments to everyone, not just you. It's called
being "cynical". Don't feel like you're being singled out or anything. :P

[View Quote] > *sigh* stereo-types... looky lookers...
<snips random rambling>

Goober King
Think first, type later...
robrod at

themask 13

Aug 27, 2002, 5:33am
well mp3. so you think the 'lamers' are gone i assume? Lol....So weird.
Listen, you know you've done it also. Hacked AW Browsers, and even
uniservers. Cmon, grow up.. woopdedoo look at me! im so 0wnage! i hax0red
AW! i 0wnz their azzez! woopdedoo! i got a uniserver! Woopdedoo! I GOT A
HACKED AW WORLD SERVER!! Hahah! .... Well, 'hacking' must have a reason
behind it. Oh and there are some hackers, maybe small ones, but i know a
few. Not like, "letz hax0r 4w s0me m0r3. Get some more 3r33to hax0red aw
servers. Wow, look im so uber jeet!

SW Chris: I agree also with you.

Tony M: yes, it might not unless AW goes further into the realationship
process with the hackers showing them holes in their software, ETC.

Strike Rapier: Is it just me or you like bragging about Sleepy E making him
your hax0r god?

Billybob: I totally agree Also.

Strike raiper (your post before sleepy e thing): Yes, on your 4th question,
about my prediction, i think 100% of hackers of aw, are totaly under 18
unless, their birthday was today, yesterday, or tomorrow of this post.

mod: Yes, ive known mp3 and seen a log one time, was AFK, but looked at the
screen in a world, which i will not say, actually saying, 'Yep the hack


Aug 29, 2002, 4:04am
Banning people just makes the mad
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Aug 29, 2002, 12:25pm
This thread is dead.

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