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Weird AW problem NEEDS fixed, please help

Dec 29, 2003, 12:29am
OK... I am missing telegrams

I get the "Operator: You have a telegram." message. However, the
telegram does not appear on my list. I thought it might be a 3.5 bug so
I went back to 3.4, still happens. I tried deleting all my grams, still

And no, it's not a console trick, it's happened in AWGate as well as
other worlds.

Weird AW problem NEEDS fixed, please help

Dec 29, 2003, 1:59pm
I just tried deleting my telegram files... I'll reply if I get the
problem again. Thanks :¬)

[View Quote]


Dec 31, 2003, 11:28am
Yea wasn't the tunnel exploit fixed a while ago?

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Dec 31, 2003, 11:39am
How do you know that all these recent "attacks" (heh) are by T h e O r
i g i n a l M a t t? There are plenty of lamers our there who would
look up to him (heh) and imitate him.

computer ID

Dec 31, 2003, 6:00pm
Well if you have a world that doesn't allow tourists, banning by
citnum's pretty well got it covered.

[View Quote]

Just a thought...

Dec 31, 2003, 6:00pm
People have no right to seek vengance for a rightful punishment.

[View Quote] > Have you heard of the golden rule?
> M A T T may be doing crap to us, but c'mon its the golden rule treat others
> like you would like to be treated, and u guys are mean towards him, so he
> strikes back, he says its cuz aw took his cit away, now that was the first
> thing, then the response he got from people for doing it, he doesn't want
> the attention he wants vengeance, I know the feeling, I don't act towards
> it, but still people on aw can be and are mean...not all of them...just
> some.
> This doesn't mean im m a t t's best friend, this is a thought that maybe you
> will all read and realize just how mean most of you are.
> My case being those of you who flame this post...

To All

Dec 31, 2003, 6:03pm
Someone should program a debugger where you can disable the run button
o_O I mean, not just because it might be a trojan, but some programs
with bugs could crash the comp etc...

[View Quote] > Hello you are recieving this because of recent events. Last night i was
> infected by a M a t t trojan, he used the passwords recieved including my aw
> one to try to send trojans to others, if anyone with my name tried
> contacting you in the past day, I apologize, it was not me, It was M A T T.
> If you need more info feel free to contact me back
> Moral of the story is not to press the run button by accident when examining
> a trojan in your debugger :P
> -Mod (the real one)

M A T T situation

Jan 15, 2004, 6:18pm
> (I will be leaving for good after I expire.)

I plan to renew.

Grover's Name Removed Near GZ

Jan 22, 2004, 7:22pm
That really pisses me off.

[View Quote] > Before the name was changed to Dr Phd, it was under princess leias name. Her
> webcams were built over where the name used to be.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 19, 2004, 2:36pm
No they are still leaning the three R's... reading, writing, and ritalin.

[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 19, 2004, 2:39pm
Wether or not America is the best country in the world is up to debate.
"Great anf *free* country"? Stop living in the past...

[View Quote] > Please understand it is part of this place we call america that most
> other countries residents want to come because the place they live is
> not as good or they are not treated with the same respect. Yet the
> children of America have the Ability to be good upstanding American
> Citizens, yet they chose to be gang bangers or bad children, because mom
> and dad have other things to do thatn to take care of the child they
> brought into this world, and it's because of many other influences that
> has brought this American to this time.
[View Quote]

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 22, 2004, 7:21pm
I'll have you know that (unfortunately) that's not a racist comment. The
craze has spread to the UK too, with 3,000 children in SCOTLAND on the

[View Quote]

AW Abuse

Jan 25, 2004, 12:13am
Excuse me but I used to be on 56k and I can say the downloads went
faster than I expected them to. Whenver I saw a world full of detailed
custom objects I always thought "This'll take a while to load"... no, I
just had to spend 5 minutes doing something else in another window while
I waited, or if there was enough people I would just focus on the chat.

[View Quote]

AW not a Product

Jan 26, 2004, 7:12pm
The "discussions" in AW GZ consist of you standing spouting this crap
while everyone else tries to debate with you (but you ignore them).

You say COMMUNITY MUST WIN and stuff, well, win against what? You're
passionate... for... what?...

[View Quote]

major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 27, 2004, 7:04pm
The TOS of those boards say:
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this
BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory,
*inaccurate*, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane,
sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or
otherwise violative of any law.

[View Quote]

can aw release a 3.5 screenshot?

Jan 27, 2004, 8:05pm
That would have required a world server update, remember, and AWI hasn't
done that. To AWI wrolds.

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can aw release a 3.5 screenshot?

Jan 27, 2004, 8:08pm
Same here.

Though the thing about the toolbar... it opens up exciting possiblities.
Custom toolbar skins can be used that are almost exactly like the old
one... also, custom buttons can be added that send out SDK events - but
it's really complicated.

[View Quote] > The floating tabs are such a pain in the ass I stopped using AW for about a
> week after getting the upgrade. The toolbar is also not improved, just
> "different" so I had to re-learn the buttons. Not a big deal, but why oh
> why did they waste time making new buttons and this stupid floating toolbar,
> most everyone I know on the beta now runs aw exactly like in that screen
> shot. If you maximise AW, the tabs panel gets in the way of the viewing
> area and puts your view off-center, very distracting. Before one could
> simply turn off and on the tabs panel if they didn't want it, I see no
> reason to make to float and no ability to "lock" it onto the side like
> before.

Another E-mail Virus... Mimail Variant

Jan 29, 2004, 7:40pm
Ohh that's the one that's gonna attack SCO ^_^

[View Quote] > Hehe, new e-mail virus. It's spreading like wildfire... my mom got it, and I
> slapped her hand when she almost opened it hehe. I moved it onto my linux
> computer and virus scanned it -- WORM_MIMAIL.R -- the new "MyDoom" Virus --
> W32/Mydoom at MM
> The e-mail I got it in had subject TEST, now body and an attached file
> and inside was TEXT.scr with a notepad icon. (Making it look like a
> text file.)
> a.. contains its own SMTP engine to construct outgoing messages
> a.. contains a backdoor component (see below)
> a.. contains a Denial of Service payload
> Subject: (Varies, such as)
> a.. Error
> b.. Status
> c.. Server Report
> d.. Mail Transaction Failed
> e.. Mail Delivery System
> f.. hello
> g.. hi
> Attachment: (varies [.bat, .exe, .pif, .cmd, .scr] - often arrives in a ZIP
> archive) (22,528 bytes)
> a.. examples (common names, but can be random)
> b.. doc.bat
> c..
> d..
> e..
> f.. text.pif
> g.. hello.cmd
> h.. body.scr
> i.. test.htm.pif
> j.. data.txt.exe
> k.. file.scr

It was a time of War.. Radio Wars..

Jan 30, 2004, 5:49pm
Also a lot of stations only play music and recorded DJs... AWRadio and
AWVR have live DJs so you can be informed of events as they happen.

[View Quote] > there is not many stations that is running 24/7 or at least every day,
> most stations run by people are only on when they feel like it, like
> mine. so actually the main ones are the one on every day, which is like
> awradio.
[View Quote]

IceFlare Ultimate Object Path

Jan 29, 2004, 7:39pm
Is that the royal we?

[View Quote] > We've moved to Stage 2 of our testing of The new IceFlare Object Path. It is
> already in place but currently in beta testing. We will keep you updated :)


Jan 30, 2004, 5:08pm
Is the British Broadcasting Corporation pretending the be the British
Government? I think you misinterpreted something somewhere :¬)

[View Quote] > Wondering if anyone got permission from Active Worlds for the use of their
> name in promoting these radio stations. I personally am sick of the spam and
> would rather just turn on my dvd player and chose my own music for the
> night. Also I will not click on any url's that the Immigration Officer has
> not recommended (meaning they are backed and/or accepted as being AW
> content). Why should anyone trust any so-called radio stations claiming to
> be Active Worlds. Surely someone is breaking some kind of law somewhere LOL
> sweets

Radio Stations Spamming at GZ areas

Jan 29, 2004, 7:36pm
First of all, don't let this reflect badly on the actual stations
themselves. (I'm not directing this at you Bit, just sharing my view
with everyone. Like I always do.) The stations are good for the community.

However, I do agree I DON'T wanna hear about them by telegram. As for
GZ... I think once every 15 minutes. BUT if the radio stations do cut
down on the spam I DON'T want to see anyone complaining at each posting
because of how frequent it was before. That would really piss me off.
Wait until they've said it about 3 times before deciding if it's too
frequent or not. I noticed IHNK got really mad at the ad being posted
ONCE... even though it wasn't even repeated for ages... for
adveritising, zero is too little, and once is enough.

[View Quote]


Jan 29, 2004, 7:45pm
Unless you use Internet Explorer, of course, with Microsoft Java VM

Look at the sleazy methods spyware companies use... so far only a few
viruses and trojans have caught up, but I shudder to think what'll
happen in the future.

But I don't use IE so ^_^

[View Quote] > It's just a CANT get viruses unless you DOWNLOAD a file.

$6.95 Too Much?

Jan 29, 2004, 7:41pm
Well said!

[View Quote] > And while your at it you need to ask.....what is a fair price for AWI to pay for:
> Lease on office space.
> Payroll for management, programmers, support people.
> Hardware maintenance/updating on servers and in-house PC's.
> Internet connection fees.
> Legal fees.
> I'm sure many people at AWI complain all the time about lack of funds to do projects they would like to do.
> Try running a technology company this day in age...;)
> my 2 cents
> Leo :)
[View Quote]

$6.95 Too Much?

Jan 29, 2004, 7:42pm
It's cheaper than VZones (and have you seen that place? lol!)

[View Quote] > I don't usually reply to The Lady's posts, but I actually think that
> $6.95 per month is pretty darn cheap compared to other VR programs. Last
> I checked, There and A Tale in the Desert as well as Second Life. Most
> people spend more than $6.95 a month for coffee alone, going to movies,
> and many other things.
> Builderz
[View Quote]

$6.95 Too Much?

Jan 30, 2004, 5:05pm asked me to use Internet Explorer, so I left.

[View Quote] > Exactly, Paul. : / I'm on a very limited income. I buy food and have a
> couple of monthly bills I pay.
> I can't afford to renew in February at the yearly rate. I don't have that
> much extra cash per month anymore.
> So should I pay monthly now? It galls me to have to pay extra for anything,
> when I know a cheaper option (yearly) is available.
> I've heard a lot of ppl from AW are going over to *sigh* My
> puter won't support that site. I only have a Pentium II.
> Go to DLP? Hardly anybody goes there. What's the point of a chat room when
> there's nobody to chat with?
> Same with CNW, although they do have a few more ppl there, and they are very
> friendly, too.
> So I guess I stay with AW at the monthly rate. I just hope things here
> improve.
> Tart Sugar
[View Quote]

3.5 is out

Jan 30, 2004, 4:56pm
sweets complained:

> a. more to learn, more confusion. Would rather they concentrated on making
> that huge bar uptop smaller to give more screen room.

"Classic" toolbar skin. Thankyou.

> b. geez there are only 4 to toggle. Too much work? LOL Unless this gives us
> views from different distances per view, see no use for this option either

Hey, it's a feature, you're not forced to use it.

> c. what about the ? people. This feature to save GK's trouble of people
> asking them to check if someone online and having to put on a list? No use
> for this option as we have the ones we care about on our personal lists and
> can add names to see if they are online or not.

"Note that this tab will NOT be supported in the main universe, but may
be used in other universes." Read it properly.

> d. Oh man confusion. You join me, no you join me, no I asked first, oh shoot
> both hit join at same time. Can see where this is going to lead LOL

It won't be like that, since, uh, they only want to get to one location...

> e. Oh yeah that is all we needed was more popups. Give me a break

The windows are children of the AW window, so they don't pop up over
other windows.

> f. have no idea (even as worldowner for over 3 yrs) what that even means
> haha

It means if you open them, and move them over to the side of the screen,
close them, then open them again they'll open where you last closed them.


Mess... age... set. Something mainly for universe owners.

> h. Downloads box is smaller, big deal, was already pretty small. How about
> that huge gigantic Objects box that takes up half of monitor when we build.

I don't think the object properties box is even double the size of what
it used to be...

> i. another eh?

This is also for universe owners. For example, a universe owner could
distribue AW with a "How to build" page on the hard drive. This page
could then be loaded from within the browser. A very good idea by AWI.

> j. Changed how? see h?

It has changed. They put in coloured columns like seen in world features.

> k. LOL that will help maybe for Gorean chat but what other use is it? sounds
> a bit AOL'ish or something. Typing I is alot faster than /me (especially as
> cannot locate the slash in dark half the time LOL)

AOL'ish? LOL! /me dates back to IRC, which predates the WWW even (if I'm
not mistaken). Also the output is not synonymous to "I", try actually
using it.

> l. Now that is a pain. If I want it off I turn it off. Why would I want it
> floating around infront of my viewing screen. Can tell you now will either
> stay left or not be on no matter what they do to it. Not impressed

I agree on this one actually, it should be optional.

> m. Kinda takes the fun out of getting to know someone when the L is already
> know LMAO Why not give us a space to put the notorious ASL info straight in
> and we can then stand and ignore each other for lack of anything to talk
> about.

The other cits don't get to see it dumbass. :¬P
It was probably missing from the address section of the registration screen.

> n. Never understood anyone coming to 3d and not leaving gestures on. Maybe
> time to get a better computer or go to Yahoo Chat. I thought with gestures
> off it did save space but what do I know anyway LOL

I never use gestures.

> o. Ummm forgive me if am wrong but without the tabs on the margin is right
> at the edge with 3.4, making longer lines and less scrolling.

You mean 3.5? It's like a few mm of margin space. I think it makes it
look better.

> p. Again eh?

I agree this should be optional as well. But look at this from AWI's
point of view. When it was possible for the AW browser to take up 99% of
the CPU time they must have felt they had to do something.

> q. I do not always want the same avatar, even if they are on the same path.
> I may want to be a body in one and a bird in another. I like the freedom to
> chose so this option is not for me either

Yea this should be optional.

> r. Do not use terrain

This comment sucks.

> s. Do not use water

This comment sucks.

> t. Hah if this is true it is the only 'plus' I can see so far of this
> update. Disconnections have been terrible since 3.4. Illegal operations for
> win98 and closing for xp. But I will have to see it to believe it. Aw has
> never been good at staying connected no matter how many updates and bug
> fixes they have done over the years.

They're trying. Isn't that enough? Even when they try to fix something
we've been complaining about, you complain.

> u. And then it Purges info you need? A log you may have to check a month
> from now to match IP's....Think I am misunderstanding something here as I
> would rather let the log log and know it will be there when needed. I don't
> even like that word 'Purge' horrible LOL

DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs.
DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs. DEBUG logs.

Debug logs log everything the browser does so you can see where the
problem is. Usually you only need the stuff right before the crash. If
not, hey! You can turn the option off! Wow!

> so call me old fashioned but until I am forced, I think I will stick with
> the 3.4 for now. At least until everyone else has stopped bitching and has
> figured it all out. So far from what I have read and heard, it is NOT what
> we need or want.
> sweets

AW Beta NG

Jan 30, 2004, 4:31pm
Wrong thread

[View Quote] > both users must be using the same version, if you have 522 build, it
> willnot work with 524, and the same for 495 or 3.4, so get the latest
> update for it and then you can use the invite functions, unless it is
> not enabled.
[View Quote]

AW 3.5 issue

Jan 30, 2004, 4:19pm
Left drag now rotates the object, right drag to move it.

I think

[View Quote] > You can't click and hold onto an object and drag it anymore. 3.5 now does
> this useless thing where it centers your mouse instead.

AW 3.5 Public Beta bug: No gestures DOES NOT resize it.

Jan 30, 2004, 4:16pm
Works for me. It might be to do with your Windows and how it renders the
3D space...

[View Quote]

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