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Bugs Bugs Bugs

Jan 30, 2004, 4:17pm
The point of a public beta is that, all the serious bugs have been
worked out, so it basically works, and it's time to widen the range of
testers to catch all the smaller bugs.

[View Quote] > Where ever i look on AW 3.5 there is a bug, and yes i do know it is beta but
> there is simply too many bugs they could of atleast fixed a few before
> releace


Jan 30, 2004, 5:02pm

Maybe instead of bitching to each other you could try emailing AWI about
making the features you don't like optional. How do you even know that
they're *not* planning to do that?

Lives and you

Jan 31, 2004, 8:34pm
I wouldn't send it out knowing I was getting it back 10 times...
annoying :¬/

[View Quote]

Lives and you

Feb 4, 2004, 2:48pm
[View Quote] What?...

And just being annoyed with chain letters doesn't make people stupid,

duping in 3.5

Feb 1, 2004, 3:07pm
For me it shows as Jan 1 1970 O_O

[View Quote]

Regarding Tourist Building in AlphaWorld

Feb 3, 2004, 2:32pm
Don't forget tourists now actually have to change their browser settings
just to get into AlphaWorld... what a stupid idea that was...

[View Quote] > Here's how I see it: In AlphaWorld, it takes longer for people to discover
> a tourist town. Therefore, tourists have a longer amount of time to make a
> larger town and establish more stuff. Then, when the deleters come along,
> they are *extremely* frustrated that they got their huge down deleted, so
> they want to prevent it by subscribing. This is not the case in other
> worlds, because they can't build enough stuff (in time before the deleters
> come) to be as affected enough by getting their building deleted to
> subscribe. If you were a tourist, and you just got little builds deleted,
> you would assume that that's all AW can offer. If you establish a large
> tourist town in AlphaWorld, you will see what it is like to have a
> mini-community, and you will be even *more* eager to subscribe if you have
> such a creation, like a mini-community, deleted.

Regarding Tourist Building in AlphaWorld

Feb 4, 2004, 2:50pm
Or swap those words around... in a lab rat... just imagine waking up to
find some crazy scientist switched your body with a rat's.

[View Quote] > Seiya your brain ought to be in a rat lab for experimentation.

The VWTV Network

Feb 3, 2004, 2:30pm
We did have that at one time... remember the first big TV boom?

Kinda like how yeast will drown themselves in alcohol...

[View Quote]

The VWTV Network

Feb 3, 2004, 2:37pm
I dunno I'm pretty sure this concerns the community.

[View Quote] > grrr....
> --
> Ry
> Citizen#: 323710
[View Quote]

Need advice

Feb 4, 2004, 2:53pm
I can think of two possibilites:
One - he's trying to teleport to "AlphaWorld"
Two - he's looking for AW on the worlds list. You have to restart your
browser after changing your rating for it to affect the worlds list.

[View Quote] > Actually........ after we changed it to PG, he tried changing it to R and
> still couldn't get in.
[View Quote]

Need advice

Feb 4, 2004, 5:02pm
I thought he only had to log off then log back in again to get the
worlds list to update... so I dunno what's wrong, sorry

[View Quote]

Is the newsletter gone?

Feb 6, 2004, 3:32pm
"Jimmy, I thought you said you destroyed that pornography collection..."
"No mom! It's the school newspaper! Honest!"

[View Quote]

Group Building

Feb 5, 2004, 3:14pm
I'd love too but I'm too busy with VWTV, sorry.

[View Quote] > We're a group of builders that have been building for birthdays and themed
> projects for quite some time now. We'd like to invite citizens to join our
> group of builders and have a good time with us! We've got so many plans for
> the future including a project on Mars with Veger who is adding new objects
> to the Mars Object Path as I'm typing this. tunablues is working on a movie
> themed park , and I'm planning a spring/Easter themed build area, there's
> going to be a "what is your favorite book" build and so many more themes.
> It's all so fun and working with such creative builders is inspiring !
> Please join us wont' you?

Group Building

Feb 8, 2004, 8:29pm
Not if it was under a PPW, say someone built the birthday site and asked
this great builder to get under their PPW and build the GZ for them.

[View Quote] > Anyone can click on the build to see WHO DONE IT.

Group Building

Feb 8, 2004, 8:34pm
I don't see how her builder's supply yard can be completely selfish :¬)
Yes, the challenge of building a good object yard would be a selfish one
- but as for keeping it up to date, well, not much for the self can
really be taken out of that.

[View Quote] > :o) Well, I hardly meant to insult you, Lara, but you already know that..
> *G*
> I know that doing and teaching is a win-win situation... If I didn't get
> something out of it for mysef I would not have done all the things for AW
> and it's users that I have accomplished over the years...
> I used to grab a tourist now and then to show them the basics of building...
> I had even created a "subdivision"of sorts to take them to an area they
> could learn in... I used to go to Juno Dome or the Gate and every tourist
> I grabbed for a little "hands on building" ended up a citizen... :o) I took
> pleasure in both the teaching and in the fact that I helped further AW's
> population...
> If it wasn't for The Real Pops and Andras, I might not have learned a good
> deal of what I do know about building and how the browser sees what you put
> down as objects... So, in my turn, I was taught also... I passed much of
> that on to others even before AWSchool came into being, just like so many
> before me had shared their knowledge...
> How about we replace the word "selfless" with "generous"??? Would you admit
> to that??? After all, your building supply yard is the most famous one in
> AW and, as far as I know, you work diligently to keep it up to date.. :o)
> *hugs*
> Daphne
[View Quote]

Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 8, 2004, 8:06pm
Yes I think many people get confused with Christianity calling Wicca
devil worship. It has to be explained carefully it seems...

Wiccans do not believe in the devil. And this is not what Christianity
is trying to say when it calls Wicca devil worship! And neither should
it be taken in a condemning context. Look at it from the point of view
of the Cristian belief for a second. Since Christianity says wicca's
gods are false, then worshipping one of Wicca's gods is worshipping the
devil - from the Christian point of view.

Now anyone who tries to call Wiccans evil because of this is wrong. From
Christianity's point of view, Wiccans are *misled* and are actually
worshipping the devil, albeit with the best of intentions. A lot of
people, Christians and Wiccans, twist this round the wrong way ("Wiccans
are evil!" "Christians are persecuting us!") which can only be harmful.

At our Christian youth group we were taught about Wicca. We were *not*
told that it is evil. We were told about the Christian point of view -
that Wicca's gods must be false. We were also told about how Lucifer
(the devil) used to be the angel of light - and thus he can create
pretty lightshows and make himself seem like a god. We were told of
ex-Wiccans now Christians who had listened to the Christian point of
view and thought about it seriously. And the goal was not to tell us
that Wicca is evil, but to tell us the REAL Christian belief, that
Wiccans have been misled by Lucifer.

So sweets, from your "Kind of like what your Jesus was talking about,
isn't it?" you obviously seem very hurt. I just want to set the record
straight about what Christianity is supposed to be saying. "Devil
worship" should not be used to say that Wicca is evil, and people that
persecute ANY religion are wrong in doing so. Christianity says that
Wiccans are being misled by Lucifer, and it does not, and should not,
say any more than that.

It also annoys me when I see the argument that "Wiccans do not believe
in the devil therefore calling Wicca devil worship cannot be true", for
one of two reasons. Either a Wiccan has not properly examined the
Christian point of view, or a Christian has not properly studied the
Christian point of view.


[View Quote]

Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 8, 2004, 8:11pm
The Lady, while you have the best of intentions I have to say this is
very unrealistic of you.

The Bible is often interpreted as "Christianity good, everything else
bad" and many people hold and represent this view.

However, people aren't exactly going to turn round and start praising
God on AW. God/alcohol does not equate to good/bad in the real world.

In simple words, it's pointless trying to use a Bible verse like this
one on non-Christians. They do not see God as the automatic good.

If in your view people who aren't praising the Lord are evil then please
never talk to me again.

[View Quote] > "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with
> the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18).

Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 9, 2004, 2:24pm
Yes I understand sweets, and it wasn't just to you it was to everyone.
These thoughts have been swirling around in my head for a while.
Christianity only calls Wicca devil worship because it has to explain
supernatural things that aren't down to God to be down to the devil.
People interpret this as Wiccans automatically having to be evil, which
is of course, wrong. It's just a different belief system, and I would
guess (correct me if I'm wrong though) that Wiccans would have some way
of explaining the origin of Christian beliefs.

The history of it all and what religion is the right one is not what I
was discussing. Yes it was ignorance of the Bible's true message that
led to witch hunts. I do not even have to say it was ignorance of the
Wiccan religion - it was ignorance of the Bible's true message, which is

The thing is, Christianity does call peaceful Wiccans devil worshippers,
because it cannot logically call them anything else. They are
worshipping a supernatural force that is not the Christian God... so in
the Christian belief they can only be worshipping Lucifer. But as I
said, that doesn't make Wiccans evil, but misguided by evil forces.

So don't think of Christians who persecute Wiccans as ignoarant of
Wicca. Think of them as ignorant of Christianity. Because the most
they're supposed to do is spread the Christian message.

[View Quote]

AW Radio Station Questions

Feb 9, 2004, 4:39pm
I don't think the industry should care so much as the individual
artists. The RIAA act as if a sound recording is this huge effort... not
really. The people who put the effort in is the people being recorded -
they should decide what rights their fans have.

[View Quote] > umm whats the diffrence if a shop plays local radio then if it plays
> individual songs? its going to be played anyways. i think they (the
> industry) should not care so much if it is not being sold or used in a
> movie or something. if they want to play it let them play it. and does a
> little shop have to play the same as a big gigantic store?
[View Quote]

AWUNIV Contest?

Feb 9, 2004, 4:35pm
Amazingly, he could. You haven't seen *anything* in the newsgroups :¬P

[View Quote] [View Quote]

someone is using my name

Feb 14, 2004, 6:10pm
Hopefully the mods there will ban that account, and their IP. Don't let
this reflect on the forums as a whole; once the moderators find out who
it is they'll surely deal with it.

[View Quote]

Cy Awards Nominations Open Saturday February 28:)

Feb 25, 2004, 8:49pm
They've already seen some of it if they watch VWTV.

But you're right, it is awesome, and don't worry, I intend to keep it a
surprise for them all.

[View Quote] > just wait till you all see the new world, its teh awsomeness


Feb 24, 2004, 9:51pm
Brock can never compare.

[View Quote] > The allmighty Bowen :P
> --
> Signed,
> TheMask
> :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
> Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.
[View Quote]

Tourist build restriction radius for alphaworld

Feb 24, 2004, 8:54pm
[View Quote] Okay, so AWI have the statistics.

But statistics are only good if you actually run the experiment. AWI
haven't tried allowing tourist building in AlphaWorld under the new
regimen of tourists only being able to build in some world. Hence, they
do not have the adequate statisticts to make a decision based on them,
so your point is invalid.

> In my opinion AW's pricing structure is much better than its competitors
> which I have visited. Because I registered as a citizen after building
> in AlphaWorld, I think that incentive to register might be enhanced by
> AlphaWorld building but I'm not quite sure it would make too much of a
> difference.

I know I registered BECAUSE of a joint tourist-citizen town I joined.

> I think most tourists simply are kids and can't afford to
> register a cit, and AlphaWorld building won't change that either way.

Kids with parents who *can* afford a cit and may just use money (instead
of ritalin) to keep them quiet?

Tourist build restriction radius for alphaworld

Feb 25, 2004, 8:47pm
It would be near impossible for people to not be able to abuse the
system. All in all it would probably end up being abused more than
encouraging people to buy cits.

A really great idea if it would work, but it's just not technically
possible without some way to get around it. The only way is for people
to provide their credit card details, but even then they can get a new
credit card. And AWI already do the credit card detail free week so...

[View Quote] > I don't know anything about servers, but I do know marketing. I think C P
> has the right idea.
> Give tourists who want to build a "Temporary Visa". One that they would have
> to give a valid email address for to register. You know, get a pw for it in
> the mail. They would also get a temporary Cit number, perhaps something like
> T101101.
> That way, they could build for X amount of days without fear of their build
> being deleted right away. At the end of X amount of days their Visa would
> expire and their builds would then be like any other "normal" tourist
> build - subject to deletion.
> Now - how AWI implements this idea and works out the bugs is THEIR problem.
> heh heh heh
> Tart Sugar
> I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
[View Quote]

Apologies to the People of Community NG

Feb 24, 2004, 9:50pm

[View Quote] > stifle yourself brant.
[View Quote]

The Passion of The Christ: Out now in theaters. Pick up a ticket

Feb 25, 2004, 8:45pm
What about the Scientologists?

[View Quote]

Flying Seqs added to Alphaworld

Mar 2, 2004, 2:02pm
It's how the Japanese do it in their weird anime shows, and look how
many fans of anime there are o_O

[View Quote] > Pardon me, but that is the dumbest looking "fly" Seqs I have ever seen. 90%
> of the time I am in 3rd View and when I see my av look like a witch without
> a broom it makes me sick....guess its back to birdie if it doesn't change..
> HarvesMoon
[View Quote]

Flying Seqs added to Alphaworld

Mar 2, 2004, 2:09pm
OK, AWI aren't going to replace the flying SEQs. They just aren't.

And how many different styles of flying can you have anyway? I don't
think the flying is very feminine or masculine either way.

There is, however, hope for the... uh... rough guess, five? people that
don't like the new SEQs. EDIT YOUR CACHE.

[View Quote] > The whole this is, we should have been given the freedom to choose.
> Regarding the brick texture, it would have been very easy to add a new
> texture to the OP. Instead they chose to replace. It was saddening to see
> an old cache of Alpha World (where I could walk around gz approx 1996) and
> see the difference in textures. New and improved is fine, just don't
> replace. They go to much trouble keeping our builds backed up, seems they
> would go to just as much trouble preserving them as the builder intended for
> it to be seen. It's pretty simple logic.
> Regarding flying, kids, men and women don't all fly alike. I know, I'm a
> woman! I don't like my legs spread out. Sort of like riding a horse, if I
> had a dress on I'd ride side saddle. Again, we should be given the freedom
> to choose. Maybe have Jenna's legs spreadable and Alicia flying with her
> legs closed. I really don't know how men want to fly, but they should be
> given their freedom to choose too. And the kids? They'd probably go for
> something pretty cool, but give them the freedom to choose.
> The Lady
> "Three year member of the Protest Fat Bricks brigade."
[View Quote]

Great tool to help you build better!

Mar 2, 2004, 1:58pm
Actually Brock=Elite was meant to be a comedy... Brock said he was elite
then other people insulted him and said he wasn't elite.

I dunno, I think we only had one episode of it.

[View Quote] > also, baro, brock once made a show in VWTV called "Brock = Elite" So, what
> you rescribed in the last sentence fits the description of Brock perfectly.
> Know what's really sad? He thinks it's great that he is this way.
[View Quote]

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