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Great tool to help you build better!

Mar 2, 2004, 1:59pm
And it is our mind that chooses what to absorb and what not to absorb.
So there is even creativity in copying.

[View Quote] > I disagree with what you said about pictures messing up the natural creative
> process. Creativity is nothing without inspiration. If you have never seen
> a building in your life, then you would have no idea what to make on active
> worlds. It's the things we see in rl that are fed through our mind which
> develops our creative process.
[View Quote]

text SEQ files: cautions

Mar 2, 2004, 1:56pm
I also think this reply is irresponsible and rather silly. No matter how
much they like the SEQs nobody will be able to see them if they are
broken because they will crash the browser. If someone is not prepared
to test their SEQs they should stick to the normal ALPHAWORLD set.

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I'm gonna pop..

Mar 8, 2004, 6:33pm
jealous = Starfleet

[View Quote] > wannabeAWteen + wannabeAWgate = TeenGate
[View Quote]

I'm gonna pop..

Mar 17, 2004, 12:40pm
I'm a teen, I take offense to that :¬P

I was sure you were a teen too... wow, you're not a teen? I always
thought you were younger than me. I guess it's never good to assume things.

[View Quote] > Even a P-10/5 is better than a world associated with teens.
[View Quote]

Im gonna pop..

Mar 3, 2004, 8:32pm
Yea a great modeller like me!!!!!1111 ...What???

Don't leave KoL we love you.

[View Quote]

The Ongoing Virus Sending Attempt Dilemma

Mar 5, 2004, 10:17pm
Please be aware that it may be some kind of automatic virus. Some of
them DO look through the address books when they spoof the headers so
they can get valid stuff after the at

[View Quote]


Mar 8, 2004, 5:03pm
[View Quote] > bah I'm doing it again....

Making good points, you mean?

DSL Problems, Help!

Mar 8, 2004, 5:47pm
It'll most likely be a software issue. If it was something to do with
the DSL it's basically an all or nothing thing; either everything works
or nothing works.

If you have a firewall that could be interfering.

Are you hosting it yourself? This may seem like a very silly obvious
thing to ask but have you put your citizen number as Caretaker?

[View Quote] > I just purchased a world and have an Actiontec DSL modem. I can't click on
> anything in my world nor see anything that's not greyed out in world options
> but the world runs and is on the list but doesn't show me when I am in it.
> Anyway of fixing this problem?

AW 4.0

Mar 8, 2004, 4:59pm
AWI should team up with the Mozilla team. They do great work. They could
make the whole browser skinnable...

[View Quote]

AW 4.0

Mar 8, 2004, 5:44pm
Mozilla 1.6 is fiiine. I'm more excited about 1.7 than I am about Firefox.

[View Quote] > Nah, let Mozilla work on Firefox and Thunderbird.
[View Quote]

AW 4.0

Mar 17, 2004, 12:39pm
A lot of people who come on the net from non-English countries use
English net acronyms like AFK and LOL... if you look at postings on
Usenet for example that aren't in English.

[View Quote]

new list of stolen object passwords circulating

Mar 21, 2004, 4:44pm
So you are saying that OP owners should NOT have identical data in their
protected files?

Maybe there could be a tool to add a little random comment at the end of
rwx or cob files, if it's possible to comment those, or to add a line
that does nothing, if that's possible. That way, there would be no
unprotected file to compare it with!

[View Quote] > Passwords (or encryption elements) are relatively easy to obtain when
> you have identical data in protected and unprotected files.
[View Quote]

Another stupid email

Mar 21, 2004, 4:20pm
Mozilla can with a plugin.

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 21, 2004, 3:58pm
If it goes round our sun it's our planet right? To me, it doesn't even
matter if it's 1cm in diameter.

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I feel left out

Mar 21, 2004, 4:27pm
Why haven't I been getting any emails from "hackers" that think they're
1337 because they can get past a PHP script? AM I NOT COOL ENOUGH? ;_;

I feel left out

Mar 21, 2004, 10:04pm
I model. Ever been to VWTV?

[View Quote]

I feel left out

Mar 22, 2004, 4:03pm
TrueSpace 3, cos I'm poor.

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I feel left out

Mar 23, 2004, 3:57pm
Oh, I don't convert ^_^

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Re: Okay, what the heck?

Mar 21, 2004, 4:31pm

[View Quote] > Looks like I was right about this being M a t t. I just got another email
> with a ton of OP's and passwords for Mutation, AD&DRPG, AWTeen, America,
> Ashmore, England, France, Amigos3, Olympe, Tarosaki, Legenda, Brasil3d,
> Femzone, Taurius, AAWR, Russian, Spanish, Aeon and Vega worlds -______-
[View Quote]

Re: Okay, what the heck?

Mar 22, 2004, 4:19pm
Maybe he could get a job writing threat emails for a hacker group. ROFL

[View Quote] [View Quote]

AcgtiveWorlds Webring (on

Mar 25, 2004, 2:33pm
I own several worlds, but I'm too lazy to work on them.

[View Quote]

It takes too long to cache things recently...

Apr 2, 2004, 4:51pm
That doesn't make sense technically. I think you're imagining it really.

[View Quote] > Well, recently, since I've started slicing images for bday builds, I've
> started uploading the slices to amberlin/textures/bday.
> Now all the birthday images (as of a certain date) are all together and seem
> to load as fast as any other. I've seen others do similar arrangements. I
> think as along as you keep your images in a subfolder under Textures, it
> should be ok.
> --Barbara
[View Quote]

Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 12:24pm
Oh please listen to yourself.

Brainwashing in VR is very hard if not impossible.

And another thing, I think everyone who has any sense knows that you
don't gain some divine knowledge when you become a GK. (IMHO some GKs
don't have any knowledge at all but that's another matter.) GKs just
tell people about AW. It's not like some secret club. GKs are people who
volunteer to help the community. And I have no idea what you are going
on about with the suggestive speech, roleplay etc, but if you mean the
ads at GZ... I don't see how they can be filtered to only relevant people.

If you see an ad on TV for something that you couldn't get, is it the
maker of that ad's intention to tease you or brainwash you?

[View Quote]

Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 12:25pm
You suck! kthx

[View Quote] > nobody gives a flying shit about israel, if they're that dumb to blow up
> themselves then it's their own problem, hope they get nuked off the face of
> earth by the arabs, not kiddin.
[View Quote]

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Mar 30, 2004, 10:42am
The vote was nothing to do with AlphaWorld. 3 axis was enabled at the AW

Ferr, the vote was just to find out what the community wants. This was
made clear at the time. The amount of time and effort it would take to
implement the features have also been taken into consideration by AWI.

[View Quote]

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Mar 31, 2004, 12:47pm
AWI has three programmers.

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My Absence

Mar 30, 2004, 10:44am
1-2 weeks? That's not very good of them.

[View Quote] > Hi everyone..
> Im gonna be absent from AW for a while as my new ADSL line is gonna take
> about 1-2 weeks to be activated by Telstra!!!
> Also I have a new Email Address which is:
> rbirkinNOSPAM at (remove NoSpam...) It can also be added to MSN
> Messenger, please do.
> So keep in contact!
> Bye For Now.
> Ry
> #323710
> Visit Ocean City! Luxury in AW -
> AIM: RyAWU - ICQ: 256-319-414

<no subject>

Apr 2, 2004, 4:48pm
Are you sure?

[View Quote] > Aye - if everyone posted blanks there'd be less arguments!
> ~John
[View Quote]


Apr 2, 2004, 10:29am
You should think yourself lucky that it's only some spam virus spoofing
your address and not a real person.

But yea, report it to Yahoo not AWI.

[View Quote] > Just a note for everyone.
> If anyone ever gets and email from mpbarrow at it is a fake and
> you should report it to AWI with all the header info so they can track who
> it came from. I have my Outlook Express set to use that yahoo email
> address in my news post so that any spam anyone may decide to send me will
> be sent to my yahoo account and not my real ISP accounts.
> I NEVER use my yahoo email account to send email from except for one Hammond
> Organ news group that I subscribe to.
> Paul

VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 2, 2004, 10:26am
I don't know about you, but I get REALLY annoyed when I suddenly switch
from 2 hours ahead of VRT to a whole THREE hours ahead of VRT!

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