Grover's Name Removed Near GZ (Community)

Grover's Name Removed Near GZ // Community

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Jan 16, 2004, 9:11am
Ok, perhaps I'm late in noticing this, but has anyone else noticed that
Grover's name build has been torn down from AW GZ? From what I heard he
gave his cit away a while back and it was passed down again. I can
understand someone using that cit and such, but who has the nerve to tear
down something that has been well known in AW for such a long time? Bah...


Jan 16, 2004, 10:26am
I honestly say I can remember, Ive toured AW GZ alot but never can remember
Its really sad though, to loose something thats been there for so long, as
you say.


Citizen#: 323710
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tart sugar

Jan 16, 2004, 12:49pm
O M G ! ! ! ! ! It's true. >: /
I was just at AW GZ and Grover's account now has the name Dr Ph.D on it.
ARGH!!!!!!!!! :*( <sniffle>

Tart Sugar

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sw chris

Jan 16, 2004, 2:27pm
AWHS should have appropriated that build. What can you say? Maybe it's
still up at AWGZ world? :)


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Jan 16, 2004, 7:05pm
I know, the moment i first found out of grover's missing citizenship i was
outraged, and i knew something like this would happen, but no one listened
to me. Watch all of the historic grover builds just disappear, one by one.



IceFlare Network

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Jan 16, 2004, 7:34pm
Who was grover? I think I remember that name from a long time ago.


Jan 16, 2004, 7:47pm
grover came to AlphaWorld in 1995 as one of the original testers of
AlphaWorld back when it was ran by Ron & Danny. But then Circle of Fire
bought it....and things were good until 2002 when Mr. Noll announced a new
pricing plan to pay for their program because they did not realize that word
of mouth would be enough to keep the users coming in. Oh....i've seemed to
roll away from the subject. I shall end this post here.


P.S. - Protag....forever.....


Jan 16, 2004, 7:56pm
has anyone asked the new owner to leave the builds?

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Jan 16, 2004, 10:41pm
Maybe Dr Phd is Grover with different name his cit # is 43 that is pretty
low and probably was beta tester when it first came out
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Jan 16, 2004, 11:47pm
He was a beta tester, and no it isnt grover, grover left and gave his cit



IceFlare Network

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Jan 20, 2004, 1:34am
Before the name was changed to Dr Phd, it was under princess leias name. Her
webcams were built over where the name used to be.

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Jan 21, 2004, 2:23am
I just checked AWGZ world and it has Dr Phd name on it there also
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Jan 22, 2004, 12:31am
no the point was that AWGZ world would at least have the builds intact,
becuase thats all that is important hisoricly

[View Quote] > I just checked AWGZ world and it has Dr Phd name on it there also
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Jan 22, 2004, 7:22pm
That really pisses me off.

[View Quote] > Before the name was changed to Dr Phd, it was under princess leias name. Her
> webcams were built over where the name used to be.
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