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Website asking for AW password (eeps website)

May 12, 2001, 2:15pm
LOL - nice acronymn - never heard that one before - I know several
people to whom this applies (see topics below).

No Software Renderer?

May 22, 2001, 10:05pm
Good point. The only problem I get when attempting to run 3.1 on my
2.2 computer is that there's errors saying that there's not enough
video memory and AW can't resize the window. It's somewhat slower,
but I guess that's to be expected with lights and everything else
that's been added to 3.1.

Poll updated and Fixed...

May 27, 2001, 9:48pm
Yes - is still down. I tried getting to that site a few days ago
and it was down then too - it would be a shame if an informative website
like that just disappeared suddenly.


May 29, 2001, 12:01am
One important point that many fail to miss is that a GeForce 2 is not
the solution to all problems. I have a 1.5 GHZ Pentium 4 with 256 MB
of RAM and a GeForce 2, and there are times near AW GZ where my
framerate drops as low as 8 with my visibility set at 120 meters.

That's why I never understood why so many people want 200 meter
visibility - even the most powerful card on the market today can't
keep AW running at 30 frames per second in most areas, especially
around ground zeros. Even with a powerful card, the framerate can
drop at times.

Newsgroup Charter...

Jun 6, 2001, 8:44pm
Great idea. Now there'll finally be a place for all those off-topic posts
and Eep's flames.

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Aw 3.2

Aug 31, 2001, 7:32pm
Well then wing, you'll be in good company. I'm surprised that you would
insult Gand by saying that he isn't a "dedicated" or "good" modeler.

Sorry about that - I heard about this message on the Core newsgroup and
couldn't resist making at least one post about this unsubstantiated comment.
Anyway, when 3.2 is released, I'll have to take a look at it - as far as I
know, there's only one set of trees that has these transparency problems -
what would be bad is if all of the transparent signs, textured objects such
as pp00.rwx and other transparent objects in alphaworld would need to be

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Sep 6, 2001, 7:37pm
I left the newsgroup too, but came back to check it out. With Eep and
wing. filtered, the newsgroup is a pleasant place.

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Update to Objects d'AW

Sep 3, 2001, 5:03pm
Well, nobody said that you had to say you were a young teenager. You could
have said you were 100 and nobody would have known the difference :)

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Poll Topic: PPWs

Sep 10, 2001, 4:46pm
I don't see why it matters whether the author or someone else is the one
looking at the PPW's. Either way, there's a chance that the bot could use
the data for some nefarious purpose, as we've all seen with that stock quote
bot recently......

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locating property

Sep 11, 2001, 10:20am
There's two options:

1. You could download the Property Search Utility I made at and search a world for a
specific citizen number.

2. You could visit if you're searching for
property in AlphaWorld.

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AW SURVIVOR Challenge IV: Moon Marooned to continue

Sep 13, 2001, 10:14pm
I encourage everyone to take a look at
for important information on the AW SURVIVOR Challenge IV: Moon Marooned and
the AW History Tournament that will be held in AWTeen this weekend.

While it was fiercely debated whether or not to continue with the challenge,
it was finally decided that the best possible course of action was not to
disrupt prior plans because of the actions of terrorists who wished to do
exactly that. Hopefully, the events will offer some small relief from the
grim reality that daily life has become.

Those who are interested can visit
for more information on the events. All of the people involved with
planning, including AW staff members, will be present as usual, and all
challenges will be held as scheduled with the grand prize being a free
p-20/10 world. T-Shirts and citizenship extensions will also be offered.

I hope to see everyone at the challenge this Saturday, beginning at 12:30PM


Sep 14, 2001, 11:41am
Actually, Roland wasn't supposed to return until at least tomorrow or
Sunday, and by then, it looks like air travel will pretty much be back to

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Holy Guacamole -

Sep 25, 2001, 5:24pm
I was installing AW on my computer after I messed it up, and found that the
only version available at AW's download page was 3.2, so I assumed that they
had made it public. It turns out that Roland posted the version on the AW
website almost three hours before enabling it, so I couldn't log in to AW
for half the day because I couldn't find an old copy of 3.1 to download :)

Most people probably didn't notice that, but it's still interesting.

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*deletes 3.2*

Sep 25, 2001, 9:48pm
I haven't had any problems with midis - more likely than not your midi
driver is out of date. Check the Multimedia control panel and adjust the
settings there.

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*deletes 3.2*

Sep 26, 2001, 6:29pm
Hey, where's the "official" review of 3.2 on Guess someone's
getting lazy :)

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Mars & Meta having 3.2 problems

Sep 26, 2001, 6:27pm
I also have a GeForce 2 Ultra card, and noticed this problem yesterday when
I was looking through AWTeen's object yard to see if any objects needed to
be changed. When using Direct3D, some objects were invisible, but under
OpenGL they were fine. After discussing the problem with Mountain Myst, who
could see things fine, I investigated and found out that the problem was
twofold: first, when I installed 3.2, DirectX was corrupted in some way.
Second, Nvidia released version 21.8 of its Detonator drivers on September
10. I reinstalled DirectX 8a and upgraded the drivers and the problem was
solved. The new drivers are even faster than the old ones.


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Mars & Meta having 3.2 problems

Sep 27, 2001, 12:18am
Actually, with DirectX, I get framerates almost twice as high as OpenGL.
Using my GeForce 2 at AWTeen GZ with visibility set to 85 meters:

3.1: 10-12 fps
3.2 with directX: 20-22 fps
3.2 with OpenGL: 9-11fps

As you can see, using an Nvidia card, I get worse framerates with OpenGL
than I did even using 3.1.

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Mars & Meta having 3.2 problems

Sep 27, 2001, 12:29am
By the way, 200 meter visibility is most impressive when standing at AW GZ
(since it has a normal data limit, it's possible to set it to 200), and
panning around the entire immediate GZ chat range.

Don't try this unless you have at least a 1.5 GHz processor :)

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did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 26, 2001, 8:37pm
Well, Nornny, I'll have to disagree with you. I think the problem
isn't bugs - it's users. I myself haven't encountered a single bug
while using 3.2. Standing around GZ the other day, the most common
problems I saw were people who either didn't have directX 8 installed,
didn't have their video drivers up to date, were stuck in the software
renderer mode, or had incorrectly configured their connection
settings. All of them were able to solve their problems after a few
minutes of help - mostly because they didn't know that there was a way
to change video modes, or didn't know where to get their drivers, etc.
There's not much that can be done about that.

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3.2 - the version from hell

Sep 30, 2001, 9:37pm
[View Quote] You should look at Mauz's tips. She said that it has to do with your
sound card. I don't have problems with midis on any of the four or
five computers I use AW on (which have different operating systems and
configurations - some at home, others on campus), so it must be

: 2. Every 20-30 minutes AW would cause my computer to just stop, and
: without me doing anything. I would just be there building or
chatting away
: and within all of sudden, within 3 seconds, my computer is
rebooting. I
: blame this on my graphic card. I'm probably one of the only people
on AW
: with a white box graphic card, it's an ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB with
: latest drivers, with the exception of the beta drivers that are out.
: 3. Lighting. This is just an opinion, but I don't like the
: White light at brightness 10 makes 1 side of my avatar completely

I think this is a feature, not a bug - lol. Light at brightness 10
was supposed to make your avatar white. In the old version though,
bright lights didn't show up much, causing people to put insane values
for the brightness, such as 999999999999 (which I saw on a building I
was visiting the other day). People just need to adjust the values -
that's all.

: 3. Masking. This is covered in help, but yes, some masking was
: too. Particularly, the awd#m mask, which causes a transparent look
: things.
: 4. Lag. Even after going through all the settings and trying
: out, I do end up getting more lag in 3.2.

Are you sure you aren't stuck in the wrong video mode or have outdated
drivers? I notice a 100-125% increase in framerate with 3.2.

: 5. Recache bug(?). Not sure how to explain it, but here's what
seems to
: happen. I cache and download an area, then go elsewhere, and when I
: back, it's all gone and I either have to recache it or restart AW.

I noticed that too, but it isn't bad enough I'd consider it a bug -
more of an annoyance - there's probably a good reason for it.

: 6. Texture tags. If you texture a door object in 3.1, it would all
: textured. In 3.2, the frame of the door wouldn't be textured, but
is white
: instead. No one else has mentioned this, so I blame it on my
graphic card
: again.
: Anywho, I can't use 3.2 even if I wanted too cause of problem #2 ;_;
: My system specs:
: AMD t-bird 1.4 GHZ
: 384 MB SDRAM
: ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB w/ TV in and out
: Windows 98
: Audio Excel Wavetable 5.1 channel surround sound sound card using
: software which uses "Midiout" midi drivers
: DirectX 8.0a
: Computer is also a proxy server for the network, and is on a 56k

Aw is becoming more and more messed up every day...

Oct 4, 2001, 3:19pm
Though this post will start a flame war, I thought I should add the other
side of the debate to this topic.

This debate has been going on for years. If you do a newsgroup search,
you'll find posts on this topic that date back to the 2.2 days and before.
Also, it seems that the same people are always continuning this debate -
just look at the three people who posted to this thread. Goober, you've
always felt this way, and so has Trekker and to some extent Xel. While
you're entitled to your opinions, let me point out that people who oppose a
particular topic will always be more vocal than those who support it, simply
because those who think that something is great don't NEED to say anything -
they like things the way they are.

I don't see why people continue to argue about these 3D homepages. If you
like them, great - sign up for one today. If not, don't sign up. Unlike
browser improvements that affect everyone, you have a simple choice, and if
you refuse, nothing bad will happen to you. Personally, I think that 3D
homepages are a great idea for those people who (gasp!) have a less complete
understanding of computers than the posters in this thread do. When
something comes out that caters to newbies, everyone flames it immediately
without realizing that the majority of AW citizens aren't programmers and
don't know much about their computers.

Second, cybersex has nothing to do with AW. AW has, from day one, tried to
stop cybersex from occurring in its universe - look at its Conduct
Guidelines. This comment is completely unfounded and has nothing to do with
Trekker's argument.

And third, I don't see AW "going downhill" anytime soon. Sure, AW's stock
is in the dumps, but so is every other company's. Everyone here complained
for AW to take the opinions of its citizens into account when releasing new
browsers, and they have - look at the new Feature Vote site. Furthermore,
the release of 3.2 allows the 25% of users who couldn't fully participate in
the universe to do so now - I don't see how you see that as bad.

Recently, the tourists I've come across are more friendly and knowledgable
than ever. The caretakers of many worlds are finally dedicated to the
improvement of their worlds, whereas it seemed as if many worlds remained
dead before. If you'd like a list, I can provide you with the names of
dozens of citizens that prove just why AW is at least holding its own, if
not improving every day.

Please justify your arguments instead of simply stating that AW is going
"downhill" because you can't take advantage of a 3D homepage.

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People needed to tear something apart

Oct 11, 2001, 7:31pm
Hmmm, I knew that would get your attention. Seeing as how everyone here
likes to point out the problems with what everyone else does and says, I
figured this the perfect place to ask anyone if they'd like to preview
AWTeen's new website.

I spent the last few weeks working on the website on and off, and I finished
it last night. Nobody I telegrammed with the preview of the site was able
to find anything wrong (broken links, bad grammar, messed up pictures, etc),
but those people weren't the most knowledgable in HTML either.

The site is located at
I'll publish it to the main server after I see if anyone finds any problems
with it. Feel free to post comments, or more likely, flames.


People needed to tear something apart

Oct 11, 2001, 8:12pm
I should have clarified that in the beginning. Those who didn't look
closely at the last site wouldn't have noticed that most of the links were
broken, things weren't where they were supposed to be, etc. Whereas the
last site had just 11 pages, this site has 47.

I didn't worry about the design of the pages, because that's what people who
designed the site for the past few years concentrated on - and ignored the
content. Instead, I took the existing design, modified it for Frontpage for
easy updating, and started working on content. As you can see, you can find
just about anything you need on that site (at least I hope). If you have
suggestions, let me know and I'll add more pages.

I chose today to unveil the site because AWTeen was founded on October 11,
1998. It's a fitting anniversary "present."

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People needed to tear something apart

Oct 12, 2001, 10:45pm
I heard about netscape 4.7 not working - but other than starting from
scratch, I don't know what I can do about that.....

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People needed to tear something apart

Oct 13, 2001, 11:21am
MS sets the standards in EVERY field, lol, whether we like it or not. I
looked at some statistics showing that only 5% of the current web users use
netsape 4.76 anyway, and besides, you can't even set AW to call a netscape
window - that was removed in build 375. Most of our audience will be
viewing the site in IE, but I'll look into how I can fix this without having
to redesign the site using a different editor.

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People needed to tear something apart

Oct 13, 2001, 2:45pm
True, but maintaining a 50-page site with only notepad is a huge task. With
frontpage, I can modify the templates on all the pages at once to change,
say, the latest news section on the side or the links section on the top.
If I used notepad, I'd have to go into each file individually when a major
change is needed for the site.

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Microsoft & Madonna Go! Go! Go! Go!!!!!!!

Oct 16, 2001, 7:09pm
Since when isn't community moderated anymore? As far as I know, the charter
hasn't vanished.

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RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 6:22pm
How can you tell it doesn't contain a virus? There's no way to know for
sure, and worse yet, someone could pull a Radon and sneak in some code that
steals your PW if you tell AW to remember your password :)

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AW takes a dive (?)

Oct 25, 2001, 9:55am
Yes - last year I noticed that late October and early November were very
dead times.

But also, take a look at the time you posted this message - 1:54AM. There's
usually not that many people online at that time anyway.

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AW takes a dive (?)

Oct 26, 2001, 1:46pm
The numbers were never at 700 or 800. The record for AW's entire universe,
I believe, is about 720 according to Roland. That was an all-time high set
during the Cy Awards.

Sometimes on a Sunday night (which seems to be the busiest night) I see
around 620 people online, which seems to have remained constant.

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