Aw is becoming more and more messed up every day... (Community)

Aw is becoming more and more messed up every day... // Community

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Oct 4, 2001, 2:42am
It may be just me but I look at AW now and see that half of the good
smart, and happy people are now gone. AW has turned into a place where
it seems to be more worthwhile to put out a version that half the things
don't work, so they can do a thing called '3D Home Pages' which isn't
nothing more than a trial world. Has the Active Worlds staff become more
loving of money than the citizens that occupy it??

Or is it that they just dont care enoughf to make shure everything is
working and people are happy. It seems to me that they are more occupyed
with money than making shure that people are happy and having fun in
there Trial Worlds aka. - 3D Home Pages, and just getting more juno
people on. Like we need them, all they want is a place to have cyber
sex. Nowadays I cant pop into my world and have a tourest come by and
ask if I wanna 'cyber'. In real life I wouldent mind; But I come to
Active Worlds to have some fun and hang with my homeis and do something
instead of homework.

So im asking is it just me or has ActiveWorlds changed?


PS: I know im gonna get yelled at for this but oh well....

TrekkerX - CEO

goober king

Oct 4, 2001, 3:36am
Sad to say, Trekker, but it's just you. AW has been like this for as
long as AWC has owned it. You've just finally, after months and years of
seeing it in action, come to realize what most of the rest of the
disgruntled regulars (Eep, KAH, myself, et al) have come to believe. I'm
sure that, as time goes by, more people will wake up to what's
happening. The only question is, even if we were to somehow muster a
majority opinion on the matter, would it do any good? (see Citizen's
Union debacle as an example :P)

[View Quote] > It may be just me but I look at AW now and see that half of the good
> smart, and happy people are now gone. AW has turned into a place where
> it seems to be more worthwhile to put out a version that half the things
> don't work, so they can do a thing called '3D Home Pages' which isn't
> nothing more than a trial world. Has the Active Worlds staff become more
> loving of money than the citizens that occupy it??
> Or is it that they just dont care enoughf to make shure everything is
> working and people are happy. It seems to me that they are more occupyed
> with money than making shure that people are happy and having fun in
> there Trial Worlds aka. - 3D Home Pages, and just getting more juno
> people on. Like we need them, all they want is a place to have cyber
> sex. Nowadays I cant pop into my world and have a tourest come by and
> ask if I wanna 'cyber'. In real life I wouldent mind; But I come to
> Active Worlds to have some fun and hang with my homeis and do something
> instead of homework.
> So im asking is it just me or has ActiveWorlds changed?
> --
> PS: I know im gonna get yelled at for this but oh well....
> --
> TrekkerX - CEO
> Commatron

Goober King
He just can't let it go...
rar1 at


Oct 4, 2001, 4:53am
AW has been going down the tubes and into the dumpster for years. "3D homepages" are simply AWC's latest marketing attempt that will most definitely fail. Why? Because it's false advertising. Trial worlds AREN'T homepages, 3D or otherwise. Homepages are HTML-scripted text pages displayed in web browsers. AW worlds are not. Rick, JP, and all those other putz "directors" (clueless idiots would be a better label) are simply so out of touch with AW that they just do NOT know how to market or manage it at all. I don't know what it's going to take to clue these idiots into what AW REALLY is (and can become), but I've been trying for YEARS without success. One can only do so much with ineptness before it's essentually pointless and futile...

[View Quote] > It may be just me but I look at AW now and see that half of the good
> smart, and happy people are now gone. AW has turned into a place where
> it seems to be more worthwhile to put out a version that half the things
> don't work, so they can do a thing called '3D Home Pages' which isn't
> nothing more than a trial world. Has the Active Worlds staff become more
> loving of money than the citizens that occupy it??
> Or is it that they just dont care enoughf to make shure everything is
> working and people are happy. It seems to me that they are more occupyed
> with money than making shure that people are happy and having fun in
> there Trial Worlds aka. - 3D Home Pages, and just getting more juno
> people on. Like we need them, all they want is a place to have cyber
> sex. Nowadays I cant pop into my world and have a tourest come by and
> ask if I wanna 'cyber'. In real life I wouldent mind; But I come to
> Active Worlds to have some fun and hang with my homeis and do something
> instead of homework.
> So im asking is it just me or has ActiveWorlds changed?


Oct 4, 2001, 9:16am
How come everyone uses the same complaint? Be original!


PS. *sudden thought* oh wait, everyones complaining about the same thing,
cause its still true :(

[View Quote]


Oct 4, 2001, 3:19pm
Though this post will start a flame war, I thought I should add the other
side of the debate to this topic.

This debate has been going on for years. If you do a newsgroup search,
you'll find posts on this topic that date back to the 2.2 days and before.
Also, it seems that the same people are always continuning this debate -
just look at the three people who posted to this thread. Goober, you've
always felt this way, and so has Trekker and to some extent Xel. While
you're entitled to your opinions, let me point out that people who oppose a
particular topic will always be more vocal than those who support it, simply
because those who think that something is great don't NEED to say anything -
they like things the way they are.

I don't see why people continue to argue about these 3D homepages. If you
like them, great - sign up for one today. If not, don't sign up. Unlike
browser improvements that affect everyone, you have a simple choice, and if
you refuse, nothing bad will happen to you. Personally, I think that 3D
homepages are a great idea for those people who (gasp!) have a less complete
understanding of computers than the posters in this thread do. When
something comes out that caters to newbies, everyone flames it immediately
without realizing that the majority of AW citizens aren't programmers and
don't know much about their computers.

Second, cybersex has nothing to do with AW. AW has, from day one, tried to
stop cybersex from occurring in its universe - look at its Conduct
Guidelines. This comment is completely unfounded and has nothing to do with
Trekker's argument.

And third, I don't see AW "going downhill" anytime soon. Sure, AW's stock
is in the dumps, but so is every other company's. Everyone here complained
for AW to take the opinions of its citizens into account when releasing new
browsers, and they have - look at the new Feature Vote site. Furthermore,
the release of 3.2 allows the 25% of users who couldn't fully participate in
the universe to do so now - I don't see how you see that as bad.

Recently, the tourists I've come across are more friendly and knowledgable
than ever. The caretakers of many worlds are finally dedicated to the
improvement of their worlds, whereas it seemed as if many worlds remained
dead before. If you'd like a list, I can provide you with the names of
dozens of citizens that prove just why AW is at least holding its own, if
not improving every day.

Please justify your arguments instead of simply stating that AW is going
"downhill" because you can't take advantage of a 3D homepage.

[View Quote]


Oct 4, 2001, 4:13pm
Well said!!! Thanks,

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Oct 4, 2001, 5:42pm
I totally agree with you Brant :-)


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Oct 4, 2001, 5:48pm
Congrats Brant, well said:))


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sw chris

Oct 4, 2001, 5:51pm
Is it just me, or have some of our long-time optimists become cynics? :( I
hate to see that happen.

Brant, well said. I think those who do support a particular topic should be
more vocal. It adds support to the cause.

AWDebate and Citizens Union were essentially the same idea wrapped up in
different wrapping paper. When and if that world opens, it's going to make
a great addition.

Ever since I've come here, I've seen nothing but improvement in the way
Active Worlds handles the development of its community. However, all of you
whining about how the community has gone downhill (and maybe I count myself
in this category), let's do something about it! AWC can't do everything.

Programming wise, like eep has said, things seem to have stagnated a bit
("seem" is a key word here). With the addition of a second programmer,
hopefully more things will get done so they can concentrate more on fixing
the existing bugs as well as continually developing the software to attract
more customers (Business 101).
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

[View Quote]


Oct 4, 2001, 7:16pm
3D homepages are nice, but the name is stupid, they're worlds, not
homepages. they could've found a better name like 3D homeworlds or
something. And these nice additions won't change the fact that the leaders
of the AWC aren't really as competent as they should be... just look at
Facter, he defended them to the last second, but he obviously wasn't too
happy about them himself... but he's a nice, loyal guy, and he helped them.
too bad they obviously didn't do much to return the favor, we could've
needed Facter, he was very good at his job, but now he's gone :-((


[View Quote]


Oct 4, 2001, 7:16pm
3D homepages are nice, but the name is stupid, they're worlds, not
homepages. they could've found a better name like 3D homeworlds or
something. And these nice additions won't change the fact that the leaders
of the AWC aren't really as competent as they should be... just look at
Facter, he defended them to the last second, but he obviously wasn't too
happy about them himself... but he's a nice, loyal guy, and he helped them.
too bad they obviously didn't do much to return the favor, we could've
needed Facter, he was very good at his job, but now he's gone :-((


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sw comit

Oct 4, 2001, 8:44pm
[View Quote]
You said pop ^_^


Oct 4, 2001, 9:59pm

[View Quote] [View Quote] --
TrekkerX - CEO


Oct 5, 2001, 11:29am
[View Quote] [View Quote] And that justifies in lying to them and leading them to believe worlds are something they're not? Open your fucking eyes, Brant...

Uh huh...yet AWC allows all those cybersex-latent gor worlds run rampant. Shut up, hypocrite!

No, once again you fail to look into things before making yourself look like an ignorant fool. AWLD has been floundering near or under $1 for a LONG time now--MUCH longer than this latest "recession"-prone market.

Oh and Andras, you're not helping by mindlessing agreeing with this twit, either.

Oh, sure, it LOOKS like AWC is starting to care more about what its users want, but until ANYTHING is implemented BECAUSE of the feature vote I won't be bending over backwards and sucking off AWC like YOU seem to be doing, lemming.

> Furthermore,

Fully? Relative to what? AW 3.2 does NOT look the same as 3.1. Perhaps you missed all the lighting bugs and other problems?? Or do you only use AW to mindlessly chat in and don't ever do any REAL work with it? Figures...

Bahahahaha! That's funny...gee, and all this happened since 3.2's release, eh?? Shut the fuck up, you ignorant toad. You know NOT what you babble about.

Open your fucking eyes and read up on why AW (start with is and HAS been going downhill for YEARS, newbie.

sw chris

Oct 5, 2001, 2:19pm
Nobody can justify their arguements if they don't happen to agree with you,
eep. We all know that.
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

[View Quote]


Oct 5, 2001, 3:49pm
Geeze, eep!!!

You are getting ruder and cruder and harder to diaper every year!!! Want a
little salt to go with all that pepper on your tongue??? :o\

*hugs you don't want*

[View Quote]


Oct 7, 2001, 5:08pm
Trekkerx, don't take it bad, but I lurk through aw for now a certain time
and your words reminds me the well known speech : how sweet was the past...
I do remember some "happy" few like Pharao and others that were quite
annoying... remember ?
I prefer to think that today worth yesterday and better build what we want
better than complain about dead yesterdays...
A bit "Here and now" philosophy but by these days we all better watch at our


"trekkerx" <troop2 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3BBBE7D8.ADB63160 at
> It may be just me but I look at AW now and see that half of the good
> smart, and happy people are now gone. AW has turned into a place where
> it seems to be more worthwhile to put out a version that half the things
> don't work, so they can do a thing called '3D Home Pages' which isn't
> nothing more than a trial world. Has the Active Worlds staff become more
> loving of money than the citizens that occupy it??
> Or is it that they just dont care enoughf to make shure everything is
> working and people are happy. It seems to me that they are more occupyed
> with money than making shure that people are happy and having fun in
> there Trial Worlds aka. - 3D Home Pages, and just getting more juno
> people on. Like we need them, all they want is a place to have cyber
> sex. Nowadays I cant pop into my world and have a tourest come by and
> ask if I wanna 'cyber'. In real life I wouldent mind; But I come to
> Active Worlds to have some fun and hang with my homeis and do something
> instead of homework.
> So im asking is it just me or has ActiveWorlds changed?
> --
> PS: I know im gonna get yelled at for this but oh well....
> --
> TrekkerX - CEO
> Commatron

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