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Killing my Processor

Jul 27, 2002, 12:10pm
AW has always used 100% processor power in order to get the highest
framerates possible. You'll find that most 3D games do the same.

Perhaps what you're referring to is that when you have AW in the foreground,
it grabs the CPU power that other applications running in the background
should be using. This is very annoying because bots slow down, music in
music players becomes garbled, etc.

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Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 11:21am
Actually, this is old news. I found this out more than a week and a half
ago. I didn't think it was that big a deal, so I didn't post it - maybe a
lot of people felt the same way :)

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Oct 20, 2002, 5:43pm
You know what would be interesting - if someone who had some knowledge of
how to query servers like through code could program
a bot that translates conversations - I wonder how accurate it would be :)

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Newsgroup Email Harvesting

Nov 4, 2002, 7:30pm

I agree that nobody should be sending unsolicited mail to your (or my)
address without permission. However, I've done some experiments in that I
created a new E-Mail address and didn't post it anywhere, and it still
received spam.

I don't worry about using spam reducing methods anymore because it takes too
much effort to get around the spammers. Sure, I could go around making up
fake addresses and spending hours getting my mail filters right and
unsubscribing to mailing lists, but in the end it's easier to simply press
delete. I get maybe 20 spam messages a day and it's easy enough to tell
which ones are spam. I just highlight the messages and delete them - it
takes maybe ten seconds.

Most spamming software can find ways around the methods that many people use
to avoid being harvested, and you'll probably still get spam no matter what
you do. Taking such steps only makes it very difficult for other newsgroup
members and for people you WANT to speak with to contact you.

Of course, you can do what you want in the end. But most likely, you'll end
up spending more time eliminating spam than it would take to simply delete
it in the first place.

Just a suggestion,


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aim features

Nov 27, 2002, 1:34am
Nothing. But this is the general.discussion newsgroup, so it doesn't have
to :)

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Console Message URL detection is not properly implemented...

Nov 29, 2002, 11:44am
Why not send an E-Mail to devteam at Young Shamus might not
be reading this newsgroup and this important post would be missed :)


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Beta Testers - A Request

Dec 17, 2002, 10:59am
Ahhh! We don't need any more commands! If Shamus keeps adding commands,
it'll be June until this build is released.

LOL - be careful what you wish for :)

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Beta Testers - A Request

Dec 17, 2002, 2:28pm
Well, I was going to say 2005 - 2004 is very soon ..... :)

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Beta Testers - A Request

Dec 17, 2002, 4:51pm
Nah, 3.5 will be in 2010, at this rate :)

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Dec 20, 2002, 12:21am
Well, having been seven years since I read the books, I don't remember much
of them. Actually, I spent the day watching the extended DVD version of the
Fellowship (yes, it was that long). The extended versions really bring out
a lot of things for people like me who either haven't read the books or have
forgotten them.


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Dec 20, 2002, 12:23am
I remember playing the video game as well back in 1995 when it came out for
the Super NES - it was actually pretty good, but pathetic by today's

Can't say I've seen the cartoons though :)

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3.4 advanced!

Dec 21, 2002, 3:03pm
lol Goober - and 3.4 isn't even released yet. I doubt you'll get many
volunteers unless 3.4 is released someday :(

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Tom (Flagg) is leaving AW

Jan 28, 2003, 10:03am
I disagree with this statement as well. There are many other AW employees
who are helpful. Mountain Myst, for example, always seems to be doing one
thing or another for the community. And while I and many others disagree
with ENZO's policies, he has been out and about a lot lately, attending
events and just popping in to say hi :)


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Feb 4, 2003, 11:04am
If it is, it won't be for long :)

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 9:57pm
Well, I think that AlphaWorld was always the size it is now. Can anyone
confirm this?

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Is it true?

Feb 10, 2003, 10:13am
The number of years until a copyright expires is 75 :)


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Anyone seen Bobby

Feb 28, 2003, 10:31pm
LOL. I couldn't have phrased my frustration better :)


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Recommendation for mail client?

Mar 3, 2003, 10:48pm
PocoMail is by far the best mail client there is. Go download it at

It lets you set up filters to screen out or sort just about anything, it
hasn't crashed for me in two years, it has an extremely intuitive interface
to find mail by a certain subject, date, or so on, and it can store its user
data on a network drive so that users of different identities don't always
have to use the same computer when logging in to read the same mail.

Because it doesn't work the way Outlook does, there aren't a lot of security
problems with it. Heck, if you use the feature, you can even set up
templates for how to display and print your mail! Most Email programs like
Netscape and Microsoft's software are oversimplified for newbies, but
PocoMail is written for someone who knows how to use a computer.

I wouldn't recommend anything else, especially to someone like you who knows
what he's doing, and I'm certainly not going to use Outlook again.


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Mar 23, 2003, 3:47pm
LOL - I agree :)


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3.4 my opinion for what it's worth

Apr 15, 2003, 5:23pm
I personally find that the new movement system is excellent. It's much
smoother and faster than the old system and is a big improvement.

Please, next time reconsider saying that others don't like the system. They
can post on their own if they don't like it. I certainly don't believe it
when you say that "90% of people I talked to don't like the new system."
Unless you hold a survey or give names, it doesn't make sense to post
unjustified comments.


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3.4 my opinion for what it's worth

Apr 15, 2003, 5:23pm
I personally find that the new movement system is excellent. It's much
smoother and faster than the old system and is a big improvement.

Please, next time reconsider saying that others don't like the system. They
can post on their own if they don't like it. I certainly don't believe it
when you say that "90% of people I talked to don't like the new system."
Unless you hold a survey or give names, it doesn't make sense to post
unjustified comments.


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3.4 my opinion for what it's worth

Apr 15, 2003, 5:23pm
I personally find that the new movement system is excellent. It's much
smoother and faster than the old system and is a big improvement.

Please, next time reconsider saying that others don't like the system. They
can post on their own if they don't like it. I certainly don't believe it
when you say that "90% of people I talked to don't like the new system."
Unless you hold a survey or give names, it doesn't make sense to post
unjustified comments.


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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 7, 2003, 10:29am
Well, that's not exactly true. Keep in mind that VB.NET and C++.NET compile
to the same code. While they used to be different, what you said isn't true


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Second Life goes gold Monday 23 June

Jun 18, 2003, 10:03am
After looking at the pictures they have on their site, I'm unimpressed with
Second Life, and I'm even more unimpressed with AW. Why? Because
everything that's in those pictures can be done with AW 3.4, if it were
released and if someone designs the right objects and uses all the new
features. The water there doesn't even look as impressive as AW's.

I would try it out to see for myself, but I can't find anywhere on their
site where they give some sort of tourist access - perhaps someone could
point out where I should go? Hopefully they won't require me to give them
my credit card number.


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Second Life goes gold Monday 23 June

Jun 19, 2003, 11:07am
They only accept Visa? That's some way to get people to join. What about
people like me who are satisfied with their Mastercards and Discovers and
don't need any more cards?


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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 10:58am
Well, if someone reported his hacking to the FBI, he'd get plenty of
publicity. Maybe he'd be happier then :)


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Poor virus scanning software

Jul 10, 2003, 8:24pm
Just wanted to spread a friendly reminder: many of the more recent viruses,
trojan horses, and other scum that's circulating around the Internet
nowadays don't forward themselves to others just by sending messages from
your E-Mail address; they fake others' E-Mail addresses as well. Most of
the addresses come from address books or are stored in text files read by
the virus.

However, many mail servers ignore this fact and send out messages each time
an E-Mail is apparently sent by you to the server. Take just one of these
such messages I've received today:

On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 06:08:26 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time),
[View Quote] These messages, I'm finding, can be worse than the viruses themselves,
because if a friend gets a virus that E-Mails itself as "you" to every
address ever found on his or her computer, you get a lot of return messages
when you don't even have a virus.

Perhaps Activeworlds and other companies should disable these auto-reply
mechanisms. Not only is bandwidth wasted in the transmission of the
viruses, but money's also being thrown out the door in useless reply


Help needed with graphics

Jul 12, 2003, 1:02pm

I'm having some difficulty modifying some graphics for a project I need to
have completed by Tuesday, July 15. I'd be willing to discuss some method
of repayment if accomplishing this task would take a long time, as I'm not a
graphic artist by any means.

The problem is this: take the AW SURVIVOR Challenge II: Frozen Desert logo
(which was originally held on March 10, 2001), and delete the AW background
in the logo and replace it with the picture of the duck, preferably cropped
and zoomed so that the duck is large enough so that you can see what it is.
The word "SURVIVOR" and the blue background need to be left unchanged.

All of the necessary files are available at I also put a Paint Shop Pro image up
there that I created with a trial version in 2001. The trial has long since
expired and I can't afford to purchase Paint Shop Pro for this task; plus, I
don't even know whether the PSP image is the same as the JPEG. The ideal
resolution for the graphic is 720 by 480, but I realize that would be
difficult to accomplish if the PSP image isn't the same as the JPEG.

Hopefully someone will be willing to tackle this difficult task :)


Help needed with graphics

Jul 12, 2003, 5:08pm
Thanks everyone for your help. I'm sorry for the confusion about the PSP
image - it was there to help people out if it were the same as the JPEG
image, because that was the one that I was looking to get "duckified."

The images that everyone provided will be great to put in the video I'm
making that's a spoof on the SURVIVOR intro, featuring 26 co-workers. The
funny part is that there's a pond near there, and the ducks are always
bothering everyone.

If the video's small enough, maybe I'll post it here to show how I was able
to use the pictures :)

Thanks again,


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