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Trigger-Happy GK Tv

Jul 23, 2003, 10:57pm
Just a comment: Try going to ground zero at any AW-owned world and saying
the phrase ".exe" :)

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Trigger-Happy GK Tv

Jul 23, 2003, 10:58pm
Ah, apparently this was already discussed in another group.

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Thanks AW for the new beta.

Jan 30, 2004, 7:23pm
I agree. That's the best feature of 3.5. I can move it down to the right
side of the chat window on my 1280x1024 screen and I get a widescreen view
of AW.

Well done!

[View Quote]

Jan 31, 2004, 4:34pm
This message simply sounds like sour grapes. She hardly "blasted away"
anybody; she simply made a nicely worded request, even adding smiley faces
at the end. I don't see any accusations from her.

Instead, you reply back and slander her with accusations of "discrediting."

Next time, perhaps YOU should consider sending a personal E-Mail before
posting trash like this that will start yet another flame war.


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Cy Awards Nominations Open Saturday February 28:)

Feb 22, 2004, 9:57pm
Hi Alpha,

Forgive me for my ignorance, but the "Procedures" page as you pointed out
doesn't seem to distinguish between whether people who want to win awards
will have to nominate themselves, or whether anyone can nominate anyone else
for an award.

Will this year's nominations period follow the same procedure as last
year's, or has it reverted to the original method of nominations?


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Cy Awards Nominations Open Saturday February 28:)

Feb 23, 2004, 12:23am
Ah, good. I would never nominate myself for an award and I'm sure that
there are many others who either wouldn't feel right doing so. In addition,
I'm sure some people would miss the deadline and wouldn't be rewarded for
their hard work.

Good choice,


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Apologies to the People of Community NG

Feb 24, 2004, 11:44am
Ah, Brock - and I thought that I was finally able to unblock you from
telegrams. It takes a lot of guts to admit you were wrong. She finally
gets up the courage to apologize, and you treat her as if she's some lower
form of life.

I guess I won't be able to unblock anytime soon.

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beta 531 comment

Apr 12, 2004, 4:39pm
Again, this is beta software. I can understand not liking the change, but
not liking it because it's buggy isn't acceptable. Software doesn't fix

Instead of flooding the newsgroup saying that something "sucks because it
doesn't work," send an E-Mail to support at and tell them it
doesn't work!


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Major bug

Apr 12, 2004, 4:37pm
Hey KSG,

While I'm sure that the software has bugs, it's beta software and should be
treated as such. Don't call AW "stupid" because you've having trouble with
a beta build. Instead, send a bug report to support at so
that it can be fixed.

When world server build 29 destroyed all the property in my p-50 world and I
had to restore it from a week-old backup, losing lots of work in the
process, I decided I would never again test beta world server software. You
might want to take a similar approach if you have sensitive data.


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Apr 20, 2004, 1:11am
You can't? That sounds like it would be counter-productive...


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:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

[View Quote] -Sk8Freak (Jaguar Hahn)

CyAwards Transcript?

May 25, 2004, 1:58pm
Sounds great - please post the URL here for all to see!


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Article of interest

May 25, 2004, 2:11pm
Some people occassionally post articles that are of interest to the
community, so I thought that the following article might be interesting to

Note the companies that are referenced about a quarter way through the


Article of interest

Jun 3, 2004, 7:37pm
Another article of interest:


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May 27, 2004, 1:17am
Well, instead of buying this stuff, why not license the logo for merchandise
from AW and sell it instead? You could probably make a killing.

Better hurry before someone else gets the same idea,


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Windows Media Server

Jul 17, 2004, 11:26am
Hi everyone,

There's always people here posting about free world hosting or object path
hosting, so I'm wondering if someone is running a streaming media server and
would be willing to offer it for free or for pay.

If you just upload a movie to a website, then people who show up late will
be out of sync with everyone else. Furthermore, if someone crashes, the
movie will start over because there's no way to set the position within the
file through AW using the SDK. A streaming media server would ensure that
these problems are eliminated.

Can anyone help out?


Windows Media Server

Jul 17, 2004, 12:59pm
Hey builderz,

Well, I think the simpler solution to this problem is to simply include some
sort of command that allows a file to begin playing at a particular time. A
bot could easily update the sign object with the current time every second
or so without using the "set" command so that new users are in sync with
everyone else.

Let me know if and when you decide to offer this service.


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Windows Media Server

Jul 17, 2004, 1:51pm
Well, will you offer different configurations? First, is the $10 per month?
Second, I would need a ten-user stream, not a five-user one.


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Windows Media Server

Jul 18, 2004, 3:21pm
Hey builderz,

I was going to try to test this out, but I get a 404 error for the ASX file.


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Build Idea

Jul 18, 2004, 11:32pm
There already is one in Gulakon. Just go north to watch CBS live.


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Jul 23, 2004, 8:23am
Yes - whatever DID happen to that general.discussion newsgroup? Since it's
not around anymore, I guess that means that stuff goes here now.


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Jul 25, 2004, 10:07pm
Well, if you want the other side of the story, try


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[556] browser 3.6

Sep 10, 2004, 11:15am
Well, the problem with that is that no matter how strong the encryption is,
if someone uses a brute force attack to guess the password, they can still
access the file.

I remember using random passwords 30+ characters long in AWTeen in 2002, but
I would have to change them every month as some script kiddle discovered the


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*Waitin for Whatz NEW*...

Nov 24, 2004, 1:08pm
Actually, I haven't had Windows XP crash in a long time.

Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World!

Dec 11, 2004, 10:26pm
No need. Just go to AWTeen instead, which has terrain and better
objects anyway. And don't tell me only teens go there - I'm almost 22
and still visit all the time.


Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World!

Dec 12, 2004, 10:42pm
See, the problem with the world is simply its name. If it didn't have
that word "Teen" in it, most likely teens would congregate there, but
others would also feel safe entering.

And Daphne (may she rest in peace) was in her fifties when she helped
organize a number of events, so you certainly would by no means be the
most chronologically gifted person there :)

Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World!

Dec 12, 2004, 10:44pm
I remember this discussion from August 2000. At the time, a "discussion
area" was placed at 1300n 0e, and everyone posted signs there voting on
whether seekerbots should be allowed. Seekerbots won out by one vote.

It's interesting to see how, four and a half years later, time repeats :)

Three Years Later...

Jan 2, 2005, 6:34pm
On January 2, 2002, ENZO announced that Activeworlds was raising its
prices from $19.95 to the current scheme. I would venture that this
event was perhaps the single most important event of AW's history up to
this point.

I'm not going to pass judgement, but does anyone care to share their
thoughts on how AW has improved and how it has disappointed people since
this momentus decision? It would also be interesting if someone could
dredge up the original letter that was posted on

Got a Job? (Enzo?)

Jan 14, 2005, 3:43pm
I tried that in May. I didn't receive a reply, and took another offer.


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