Tom (Flagg) is leaving AW (General Discussion)

Tom (Flagg) is leaving AW // General Discussion

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Jan 27, 2003, 3:30pm
Just a note, Tom (Flagg) is leaving AWI as of Febuary 6th 2003.
Another good AW personality is leaving :( He will be sadly missed.


Jan 27, 2003, 4:50pm
whats up with everyone leaving? what cant aw affoard to hire staff anymore
or something?

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Jan 27, 2003, 5:02pm
We'll miss you tom.

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goober king

Jan 27, 2003, 6:16pm
Well, there goes the last bastion of community support in AW (with the
possible exception of Mountain Myst). Now AWI will lock itself in its
ivory tower and we'll never hear from them again, except when they have
to raise prices some more. :(

Farewell, Flagg...

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Another one bites the dust
gooberking at


Jan 27, 2003, 8:49pm
Flagg is leaving?! No! AW just isn't AW without Flagg being around. Besides the possible exception of Roland, Flagg has been the most active AWI figure in the community. Those two, along with Facter (though short-lived), always seemed to answer every telegram and e-mail no matter how many they got or how busy they were. They went the extra mile.

'tis a sad day for Active Worlds.

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Jan 27, 2003, 8:52pm
"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at> wrote in news:3e356cb0$1

> Just a note, Tom (Flagg) is leaving AWI as of Febuary 6th 2003.
> Another good AW personality is leaving :( He will be sadly missed.

DOH! That's crap :-((



Jan 27, 2003, 9:11pm
[View Quote]
Wow...hay Tom, good luck bro :)


strike rapier

Jan 27, 2003, 9:12pm
Its a really pitty to see you leave Tom, keep up the amazing work for
whatever you go onto later on in life. Dont forget to stick around the

- Mark

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Jan 27, 2003, 10:01pm
I would have to disagree with you on that, Shred. I've e-mailed and
tgrammed Flagg about a world I won as part of Newsgroup Survivor a few
months ago and have still never received a reply. Personal thoughts
aside, I am sorry to hear about Flagg leaving AWI. I wonder what will
happen to all of the Flagg worlds now...


[View Quote] *snip*
>Those two, along with Facter (though short-lived), always seemed to answer every telegram and e-mail no matter how many they got or how busy they were. They went the extra mile.

pc hamster

Jan 27, 2003, 10:16pm
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] I'd also throw in Noelle as well. She too was ALWAYS helpful whenever she

> 'tis a sad day for Active Worlds.

True, but I'm sure someone else will step up to the plate to take Flagg's
place (even if it's ENZO himself). :-)

Cheers for now :-)

Patrick Cook
pchamster at
Denver, Colorado


Jan 27, 2003, 11:50pm
*smack* Didn't they ever tell you not to speak ill of the dead? ;-)

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sw chris

Jan 28, 2003, 3:18am
Bye Flagg! Happy traaaaaails toooo Yooooou! Untiiiiil we meeeeeet


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Jan 28, 2003, 3:20am
Truly is a shame to see a company lose the foundation that holds it
together!! One can only hope that someone steps up and makes the effort that
Tom did! There were many times that I sat here angry at no response from AW
when I sent emails but when I took the time to call in during business hours
I always got action and an explination as to why I had not heard from
anyone. As understaffed as AW is one has to wonder what is happening to the
future of AW when you see Tom leaving. I know that he was down to working
part time and I assume that is why we are losing him. Everyone needs a full
time income unless independantly wealthy...LOL *that of which we all wish we

Please know Tom that you will be missed big time and I am sure that I can
speak for many when I say that we hope we will still get to see you in the
community!! Good luck in your endevors what ever they may be!!!


Jan 28, 2003, 4:45am
*nods in disbelief* fine... goodbye...

We will miss you Tom. You know it. Hopefully you will stick around and
visit as I know many would like you to.


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count dracula

Jan 28, 2003, 7:28am
It takes about 4 months to get a world one win. When one finally got the
world, they give the wrong password for it, so I giess one is waiting
another 4 months now to get that sorted out; of course when that password
problem some day is sorted out, the world has expired and needs to be
renewed to start.

builderz <sawran at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3E35C838.C9D2A8C at
> I would have to disagree with you on that, Shred. I've e-mailed and
> tgrammed Flagg about a world I won as part of Newsgroup Survivor a few
> months ago and have still never received a reply. Personal thoughts
> aside, I am sorry to hear about Flagg leaving AWI. I wonder what will
> happen to all of the Flagg worlds now...
> -Builderz
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Jan 28, 2003, 10:03am
I disagree with this statement as well. There are many other AW employees
who are helpful. Mountain Myst, for example, always seems to be doing one
thing or another for the community. And while I and many others disagree
with ENZO's policies, he has been out and about a lot lately, attending
events and just popping in to say hi :)


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Jan 28, 2003, 10:32am
*shrugs* One can only speak of one's own experiences. I have not had any contact with Mountain Myst, and I've rarely spoken with E N Z O. He's a few years late, in my opinion.

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Jan 28, 2003, 4:02pm
I am quite a newbie, relatively spoken, but I know that some
of the good "old" guys are still arround now and then.

Facter isn't gone either. Let's hope that Flagg will stay in
AW too.

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Jan 28, 2003, 8:43pm
I know that he's still here (how can you miss him? =)). I only meant to say that he is no longer employed by AWI, Inc. We've lost our "inside man", our ambassador sent into Goober's metaphorical ivory tower. It was hoped that HamFon was going to fill that role when he first started with AWI, but unfortunately he, too was silenced by the confines of the great ivory tower.

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Jan 29, 2003, 6:53pm
I stand corrected. Flagg saw my post and cleared up the issue (I got the
world) promptly.


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Jan 30, 2003, 4:32pm
I don't understand why E N Z O isn't around more. Don't understand why
another AWI person is leaving. Don't understand why AW Gate looks like
China. Don't understand why a lot of what happens in AW does. Don't know
how people can fix it. But I strongly feel someone does know, and just
isn't saying so. I feel they have an obligation to say how we can fix it,
but they aren't. Frustrating.

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strike rapier

Jan 30, 2003, 4:57pm
E N Z O has just got back from Holiday, No idea, AWGate dosent look like
china, yarda yarda

- Mark
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d a n

Jan 30, 2003, 5:03pm
Agreed :| who will run the citizenship project scheme now?

D a n

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