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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 5:18pm
I have to say a good programe went to hell!
A!!CT used Brant's paintball bot it ran fine most of the time, then on
Saturday May 4th it starts shutting down saying that "the objects for
frenzys and grenades is causing encroachment, make sure the field is in one
cit account"
My world uses a registry so there's no way there can be encroacments! Then
upon trying to restart the bot a forced upgrade is imposed, which wiped out
the original folder and the upgrade encounterd errors casuing the total loss
of the program from my HD.
The upgrade is 100% nothing but crashes, it totally stinks, it can't even
install its self before it encounters fatal errors!
Brant's paintball bot is removed from A!!CT and I will no longer risk my OS
over this buggy error infested program!
Some people just can't leave well enough alone

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 7:54pm
Sorry but the upgrade from 2.24 to 2.25 was not my decision, it did it
automatically even though I did not authorize an upgrade. Needless to say I
had to re-install the entire 2.24 program losing the score files as the
upgrade deleted them. the upgrade for one should only ask once if an upgrade
is wanted. I am not sure why it it upgraded it self automatically and
deleted all traces of 2.24 including the score files, but it did, all I did
was start the paintball.exe up and it did the rest.
[View Quote]

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 5:04pm
Ok appears to be alot of misunderstanding here, first A!!CT has had a
registry since September 2001, the field was built in March 2002, buy saying
my world has a registry is to say how can there be encroachment warnings
made by the bot, no one can build on my field as it is built in a cit
account, so how out of the blue could a frenzy power-up or grenade object be
resting on another person's registered object?
I am not sure why the up-grade deleted all the original files, but after the
up-grade crashed during its install and after it wiped out the original
files. I tried clicking on the paintball.exe icon and windows popped up an
error saying searching for Paintball.exe. it directed me to windows media
player shortcut. I did a file search for all the cabs or any part of
paintball, all that was left was an empty folder in C://Programfiles. As for
a backup I had not had time to back up the lastest game file as the bot
unexpectedly crashed, which is rare with my system, upon restart the
paintball.exe started with splash-screen and started installing an update
saying it was removing certian files, then poof it crashed my whole PC, I
had to hit reset to pull out of it.
As for why I cross-posted in Community, is because a crash like this, can
wipe out many none saved files on a PC, if they are not backed-up before the
crash. Your PC does not have a chance to save them to the Hard drive, I just
wanted others to be aware of this. Anyways I have found the original zip
file and reinstalled the bot, so far no errors to date, but it is 2.24
version I am running and since no one has played the game since its
re-install 24 hours ago I have no clue if works right. But this install says
nothing about encroachment as of yet, and nothing has been changed in the
playing field even the origional frenzy and grenade objects are still there
and work. So the big question is why did the bot keep shutting down saying
"Encroachment warning, tying to create frenzy powerups or grenades, this is
caused by another citizen's object being on the playing field" As I said
before with a registry there's no way another persons object can be in the
field, it's covered with my cit name. By the way 27 attemps were tried and
even a bot was used to detect if there was an object by another cit on the
field, it turned up none, but my cit number, but the bot kept shutting down
saying the same thing, this is the version 2.24 I have been using since
March, it was fine 80% of the time until
this up-grade was available.
Sorry to make so many people up-set over this issue, was just trying to
protect others from possible disaster.

[View Quote]

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 6, 2002, 1:07am
Sorry I was not using the Beta version, but the beta version is what was
trying to install its self over the original. Anyways the 2.24 none beta
version has been running 24+ hours now and I am happy to say no problems.
But keep in mind 2.24 is what I have been running all the long. I do not use
Beta programs on my Main Pc, I use a junky 233Mhz PC to test Beta on LOL.
OK Brant sorry to upset you with this post. Perhaps you can add a button
that says (please don't ask me again) concerning the upgrade to beta
version, when the splash screen appears, like windows programs ask. That
would be helpful.
[View Quote]

To all bot makers

Jul 13, 2002, 4:37pm
Hi, this is to all bot makers and publishers. If you have a bot you want put
on public display in my world A!!CT World, please contact me and I will add
a link to your site.
I do not like putting people's work on display without their approval.
Please contact me via telegram.
The bot center is located in A!!CT World at 8n 5w 0.0a 0
Thank you for your time.
MrBruce A!!CT World owner.

Need 3D StudioMax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 .Cab files

Oct 19, 2002, 4:46am
Hi does anyone have Discreet's 3D Studiomax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 If so can you
please contact me, I need the following .cab files. and
The disk I have is corrupted (scratched) on these files and are badly
Please contact me at A1CTWorld at or telegram me in AW.
Many thanks MrBruce.

Need 3D StudioMax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 .Cab files

Oct 19, 2002, 9:14pm
During the install, it found 3 files it could not copy to the Hard drive
they were each read and I was read presented with this warning: Error:c
Setup cannot copy file D:\3dsmax4/ The file is either damged
or unreadable media. I was allowed to skip file. Then the same happend with and
I was allowed to skip these files but eventually the install said it could
not continue with out these files and proceeded to uninstall its self. The
install read the rest of the disk however, because I watched it install
(read the file names as it installed) several times and compared the
contents of the CD by exploring it
3D Studiomax version 4 is no longer warrenteed because 3d studiomax 5.0 is
out at over a $2,000.00 price tag.
All I need is those 3 .cabs there are 9 .cabs altogether 2, 3 and 4 are the
only ones that fail to be read.
[View Quote]

Need 3D StudioMax 4.0, 4.2 or 5.0 .Cab files

Oct 20, 2002, 7:56am
Ok People thanks for the help. I tried a cleaning solution on disk No.1 and
it read through the scratch. Problem solved!
[View Quote]

how to render objects

Nov 16, 2002, 2:02pm
Can anyone out there give me a few tips on how to render objects from either
3D StudioMax or Caligari TS 5.1 to RWX. Also is it possible to change an
..rwx file back to editable form in either program? The tutorials and
directions don't have much at all concerning the .rwx format.

New Bot center

Nov 30, 2002, 5:06pm
Hi I am presently reconstructing a new bot center to replace the old one
that was deleted when we changed object path and hosting services.
It is located at a new location from the old one at 12N 1E in A!!CT world.
The reason for this post is to ask anyone who is a bot maker to come check
out the center, I have added links used in the old center, but I am not sure
if these links have been replaced with updated ones or are out of date or
dead. I also would like people who would like their creations showcased in
my bot center to contact me with url's to your sites and download links.
Thanks MrBruce
A1CTWorld at

Bingo Bot

May 28, 2003, 12:32am
There ya go folks, now finish the job and develope it, I'm sure John wont
mind, then release it as a finished product! Now thats what I call a
Community that works together as a TEAM! *S*
[View Quote]

Additional Tourist Avatars by Bot????

Jun 30, 2003, 12:56am
It may be a bug, but it has worked fine for us in our world and actually has
impressed alot of new-comers into evenually becoming registered citizens!
[View Quote]

Additional Tourist Avatars by Bot????

Jul 5, 2003, 11:44am
Yes but either way the tourists like it, so that's somewhat a plus!
[View Quote]

Brant please contact me!!!

Jun 20, 2003, 6:53pm
Brant contacting you is very difficult can you please touch base with me, so
I do not have to voice my bot problems in this forum?
Thank You.
A1CTWorld at

Brant please contact me!!!

Jun 22, 2003, 10:44pm
Brant I have brought my problem to your forum for shoemakervillage under
Ultimate Paintball, can you please read and contact me about my problem.

advertise your bots

Jun 20, 2003, 9:05pm
Just another reminder to all you bot makers, to please contact me about your
bot creations so they can be added to our bot center in A!!CT World at 12N
2E 275. If you lack a site for your bots, we have our own domain at where we can host your site (without annoying pop-up ads)
Contact me via AW under the name MrBruce or email my AOL account at

My Bingo Bot

Jun 24, 2003, 5:57pm
John I attempted to test your Bot, first when winzip attempted to extract
the zip file it came up with this error. Winzip error Bad CRC 47e77572
{should be 5f04aa9e} lastly, the zip contained an empty folder.
[View Quote]

Visual Basic 6 SDK?

Jun 22, 2003, 1:09pm
Brants bots use that DLL (no offense Brant)
but is this why Ive been having so many problems lately with his paintball
bot ?
[View Quote]

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 10:57pm
If you want to keep me posted on your bot updates please do, so I can keep
the signs in A!!CT's bot center up-to-date.
[View Quote]


Feb 14, 2002, 8:39pm
Hi this is MrBruce owner of A!!CT World. I am on the lookout for a bingo bot
that is totally functionalble, has no known trojans and has no bugs. I might
be willing to pay for the licensing of it, if it works. Anyone out there
know of one or has one?

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 5:18pm
I have to say a good programe went to hell!
A!!CT used Brant's paintball bot it ran fine most of the time, then on
Saturday May 4th it starts shutting down saying that "the objects for
frenzys and grenades is causing encroachment, make sure the field is in one
cit account"
My world uses a registry so there's no way there can be encroacments! Then
upon trying to restart the bot a forced upgrade is imposed, which wiped out
the original folder and the upgrade encounterd errors casuing the total loss
of the program from my HD.
The upgrade is 100% nothing but crashes, it totally stinks, it can't even
install its self before it encounters fatal errors!
Brant's paintball bot is removed from A!!CT and I will no longer risk my OS
over this buggy error infested program!
Some people just can't leave well enough alone

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 7:54pm
Sorry but the upgrade from 2.24 to 2.25 was not my decision, it did it
automatically even though I did not authorize an upgrade. Needless to say I
had to re-install the entire 2.24 program losing the score files as the
upgrade deleted them. the upgrade for one should only ask once if an upgrade
is wanted. I am not sure why it it upgraded it self automatically and
deleted all traces of 2.24 including the score files, but it did, all I did
was start the paintball.exe up and it did the rest.
[View Quote]

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 5:04pm
Ok appears to be alot of misunderstanding here, first A!!CT has had a
registry since September 2001, the field was built in March 2002, buy saying
my world has a registry is to say how can there be encroachment warnings
made by the bot, no one can build on my field as it is built in a cit
account, so how out of the blue could a frenzy power-up or grenade object be
resting on another person's registered object?
I am not sure why the up-grade deleted all the original files, but after the
up-grade crashed during its install and after it wiped out the original
files. I tried clicking on the paintball.exe icon and windows popped up an
error saying searching for Paintball.exe. it directed me to windows media
player shortcut. I did a file search for all the cabs or any part of
paintball, all that was left was an empty folder in C://Programfiles. As for
a backup I had not had time to back up the lastest game file as the bot
unexpectedly crashed, which is rare with my system, upon restart the
paintball.exe started with splash-screen and started installing an update
saying it was removing certian files, then poof it crashed my whole PC, I
had to hit reset to pull out of it.
As for why I cross-posted in Community, is because a crash like this, can
wipe out many none saved files on a PC, if they are not backed-up before the
crash. Your PC does not have a chance to save them to the Hard drive, I just
wanted others to be aware of this. Anyways I have found the original zip
file and reinstalled the bot, so far no errors to date, but it is 2.24
version I am running and since no one has played the game since its
re-install 24 hours ago I have no clue if works right. But this install says
nothing about encroachment as of yet, and nothing has been changed in the
playing field even the origional frenzy and grenade objects are still there
and work. So the big question is why did the bot keep shutting down saying
"Encroachment warning, tying to create frenzy powerups or grenades, this is
caused by another citizen's object being on the playing field" As I said
before with a registry there's no way another persons object can be in the
field, it's covered with my cit name. By the way 27 attemps were tried and
even a bot was used to detect if there was an object by another cit on the
field, it turned up none, but my cit number, but the bot kept shutting down
saying the same thing, this is the version 2.24 I have been using since
March, it was fine 80% of the time until
this up-grade was available.
Sorry to make so many people up-set over this issue, was just trying to
protect others from possible disaster.

[View Quote]

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 6, 2002, 1:07am
Sorry I was not using the Beta version, but the beta version is what was
trying to install its self over the original. Anyways the 2.24 none beta
version has been running 24+ hours now and I am happy to say no problems.
But keep in mind 2.24 is what I have been running all the long. I do not use
Beta programs on my Main Pc, I use a junky 233Mhz PC to test Beta on LOL.
OK Brant sorry to upset you with this post. Perhaps you can add a button
that says (please don't ask me again) concerning the upgrade to beta
version, when the splash screen appears, like windows programs ask. That
would be helpful.
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 7:43am
Ok I have ran into a slight problem with paintballbot
verson 3.0.
Brant I need to know how to obtain and install in the right placethe
following file AWSDKOCX.OCX. I had a problem with this file missing on my pc
once in the past and was never able to figure exactly where to put it.
The complete error I get is the following (Component 'AWSDKOCX.OCX or one of
it's dependencies not correctly registered: A file is missing or invalid)
That is the complete line I get, when I attemp to start the bot.
Be advise, any help you provide would be great!
Thank You!
MrBruce, A!!CT world owner

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 9:05am
Ok well, I have Windows ME and I ran into this problem months ago with
BillyBobs RPG Bot and I put the file in my windows system file folder and
that program still would not work.
I had Brant's Paintball 2.4 and it worked fine it did not ask for this OCX
I obviously need it for the bot to run, so I need to know exactly where to
download AWSDKOCX.OCX that will work with Windows ME and how and where to
install it so the Shoemakervillage 3.00 PaintballBot will find it and use it
correctly, without screwing up my OS.
I would really like some detailed info as shamefully I admit I am not that
knowlegeable about SDK or C++ or Visual Basic stuff. Being a world owner
does not allow time to study these things LOL.
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 3:11pm
Ok Brant I added awsdkocx5.ocx to my system folder as I was told to do by
grimble then I told the system to sort the folder by name and right next to
it is awsdkocx3.ocx! So there was a version of it in my Windows system
2.4 worked ok, but I want to run the 3.0 it has a better layout, even though
it is beta.
It appears that it would work if that error could be over come.
I added the awsdkocx5.ocx just the same to the same directory and left the
awsdkocx3.ocx as well.
Keep me informed Thanks!
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 3:40pm
One more thing, after adding the new awsdkocx5.ocx
I am still getting the same error at startup of the bot as I posted in my
first post, so that did not help either.
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 11:07pm
i found the application regsvr32.exe and click on it, but seen no where to
add it, ok question. Do I just copy and past it INTO the regsvr32.exe
because when i just click on it it says in a box with Exclamation point the
following>> NO DLL NAME SPECIFIED Useage: Regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:
Cmdline]] Dllname
/u- Unregister server
/s- Silent; display no message boxes
/c- Console output
/i- Call Dllinstall passing it an optional [cmdline]; when used with
/u calls dll uninstall
/n- do not call DllRegisterServer; this option must be used with /i
That's what I see when I double click Regsvr32 in my windows system folder.
Now what?
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 9, 2002, 2:07pm
Please read my new post Thank you.
[View Quote]

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