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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 9:12pm
No, you have my greedy ex-hosting service to blame for the last world
deletion, which was put to a public vote, the community voted to wipe the
world and start over. Had my ex-hosting company charged me what he posted as
his service rates instead of taking advantage of me and charging $175.00
more, there would have been no deletion. If you do not know the facts do not
And just to let you know, this is the last time it will be deleted and I am
not kidding!
[View Quote]

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 10, 2003, 12:11am
I read your post and will think about what you said here. It was to my
understanding the the newsgroups were intended for news and topics related
to AW. I just want one question answered here. If speaking about an AW.Inc
related world is considered spam, and you are correct on this, then why does
no one say these things when BluePearl is advertised in all the NGs by
OneSummer and cross-posted and even posted on news.// in all
catagories including A!!CT's own message board?
Don't believe me go to news.// and look for AW.A1CT. A!!CT's NGs.
Why may I ask is a announcment for a Broadway worlds NewYearsEve party
posted there, by who else OneSummer!
You didn't complain then did you?
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Feb 19, 2003, 5:50am
LOL Good one! =)
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New Video

Mar 30, 2003, 8:20am
Again you did a great job Pine, you like always are very talented, yes I
think he should be up for a Cy award, he has done many other videos, which I
still have saved away because those were the beginning of his never ending
[View Quote]

CNN's review on AW

Mar 31, 2003, 4:53pm
Check this old review out I found from CNN

OK the truth whitestar is wrong

Apr 25, 2003, 7:20pm
COMMUNITY: First off its not my fault or intention for A!!CT's problems to
be a part of your newsgroup, its my stupidity for listening to people who
seem like concerned mature adults to help take some of the burden off of me,
so I am not doing one thosand things at once! I certainly hate typing which
is why i perfer staying to myself, to own a world with its own path is more
work then any of you realize,I can not do everything at everyones whim. The
object path is the biggest bitch because alot of the doanted objects were
altered by the donaters, editing a 200 object set is very time consuming
when the textures have a combination upper and lower case letters in them,
my server is case sensitive and its very annoying and very time consuming.
Whitestar wants me to get rid of Defiance, but with the getting rid of
Defiance also involves losing his object path and whitestar does not
understand this, yes maybe I need to get rid of Defiance (I admit that
goddamn it) but when his path is gone, so are the objects he created.
Whitestar thinks i can just screw everyones build up without giving it a
I want to be truthful here, i hate aw and i really am miserable here, A!!CT
has been nothing but a nightmare since i had Heartfall path hosting as a
host and InSaNiTy played ejection God with my world and hassled me over who
was allowed in his object yards and the crap here in AW never seems to end.
People come to me saying they can help, i listen to them and say look I am
really over whelmed here with having to do everything myself so yes i could
use the help. So OK here I
am again wasting my time not getting those textures fixed, again posting and
typoing another fricking post, becasue someone who offered to help me is
complaining about me and my world A!!CT and its sucky management.
It seems all these helpers do to me and my world is go eject happy, i have a
world that has average 20 people in it that drops to 5 within weeks, half
the people are in the ejections list.
Im caught in the middel of being bot person, object path designer and
Moderater trainer, everything is on me and then on top of that, I have to
play judge over a dispute between a CT who is eject happy and a victum who
says they were wrongly ejected.
A!!CT mostly makes the news over CTs ejecting people out of my world, one i
bought and paid for A!!CT and the fact that as (the credit card holder) for
A!!CT I am not advised as to why the person is ejected or the details. If i
feel fit to remove a ban or ejection I am threatend by the CT they will
leave and start a world of their own to compete with and destroy my world.
That is the reasons the following people came to A!!CT, became a CT and left
A!!CT to open their own worlds (but not without posting my name and world in
these Goddamned newsgroups saying MrBruce is this ..MrBruce is that ...I am
opening my own world where things will not be like MrBruce or A!!CT, MrBruce
is a bad world owner come to ***** world instead
I am sick of this bullshit folks and its mainly from GROWN ADULTS who want
nothing but POWER!
KeithB did this to me and opened A11NY, Rick did this to me and opened
A!!!!!BB, King BlueMax did this to me and opened AKINGDOM, Rowey did this to
me and deleted 90% of A!!CT's GZ before I had AW disable his cit. Now
Whitestar does the same thing to me over Defiance!
What is wrong with the people here?
Why am i always in the lime light defending myself, I came here to have fun
and provide something for everyone.
Whitestar came to my world when i told him i was sick of people doing to me
just what he just what he did to me. I put my trust in him, i believed in
him.......he says i should have booted defiance long ago, does he have any
idea how long it takes to rebuild a suitable path to repalce defiances? I
think not.
I am angry that instead of fixing MY path i am here wasting my fucking time
defending myself again and yes i am pissed!
My world has had nothing but bad raps since it coem to be and i get the
blame for it all, i try my best i put my trust into people who say they want
to help and look what i get.
Whitestar this is a message to you, you complained about A!!CT being too
open and free to do what you wanted, so i gave you A1CT so you had totoal
control over that world, I told you was buying my own server at with my own path but it was going to take time to put
together. %0% of the objects were freebies with tons of errors in the
scripts, resulting in hours of unzippping editing and rezipping and renaming
to remove capital letters like some idiot who named a wall Wall01.RWX on my
server (which is case sensitive) a person has to type Wall01.RWX not
wall01.rwx for the object to load. That takes time and till its done my path
can not fully repalce Defiance's path, lets be logical here!
Your causing me great un-needed stress here mr whitestar because you claim
its taking me too long to finish, you made a commercial business deal
promiss with me 4 months ago, whats taking you so long? I have an excuse, I
have only had my own server less than 3 weeks and it should not be expected
to be ready yet!
So for some unknown reason, you abandon the project in A1CT claiming it was
over Defiance, I call you a coward, because you never told me anything, if i
had not gone to A1CT and seen the message you left on the immigration
officer, i would not have known you walked out on me to start your own
I feel you used me, yes until i used defiances object password my path was
unprotected and you were able to downlaod off it freely to steal objects,
once defiance shared his apssword with me, i started zipping my objects with
his password to protect them, thats when you could not longer downlaod them
and what were your intentions? You moved the builds from A1CT to AWTeen
using a bot, you used a bot to copy A!!CT world's entire landscape, why? to
move it to AWTeen or your world you plan to open?
I feel you used me, in 4 months I, nor A!!CT world has received anything
from you, but promisses not kept and an ejection list a mile long!
Had you had some money invested in A!!CT I would have seen your right to do
so, but you paid nothing, you used me, you used my world and path to get a
status symble for yourself, to open your own world and compete with me, just
like all the others did to me.
But you know what Whitestar? Those who did that to me and have worlds,
failed to do what their posted claimed they would do. A!!CT still tops the
worlds of those who were A!!CTs past CTs, you know why? because 90% of AWs
citizens are on the ban lists.
In closing and i am not going to waste my time editing this shit, I never
brought A!!CT to AW to be power hungry or to play God, I do not care who
builds there or comes there, its a free world and I DO NOT like others who
are not owners to do it either!
A!!CT according to AW records has TWO real owners who have paid for A!!CT.
Those are Mayor Taz and MrBruce. Defiance is only an object path owner.
Mr Whitestar its not me that failed you or A!!CT, i was doing my best, it
was you who walked out on not only me (someone who did nothing to you) but
you also walked out on A!!CTs community and if our frienship was so thin
that a smuck like defiance could end it, then it was never really a true
friendship anyways was it?
End of discussion I have a Path to work on and your actions made you look
just as bad as defiance!
You want to act mature contact me, otherwise to avoid you copying any more
builds in A!!CT your banned, you seem to be one to get the last word in so i
am sure I will hear something negative from you soon.
Thank you for your time!

Message to Bill and YS CRASH!

May 5, 2003, 4:56am
Is there anything you guys can do with the software to put an end to the
crashes? Take your pick its either aworld.exe, AW_3d3.DLL or AW_3d8.DLL that
causes some errors. I know you guys want a log, but the crashes sometimes
take place after the log is 3 Gb big! Sorry guys my PC studders when
opening a notepad file that big!
Yesterday I was in A!!CTOY2 world and I was running 3d mode without T&L and
Defiance was running 3d mode with T&L enabled, we both crashed at the same
time, mine was that damned aw_3d3.dll again, his was aw_3d8.dll that
crashed. How can two people in different parts of the "REAL world" crash at
the same time?
When I too was using 3d mode with T&L enabled it was always aw_3d8.dll that
Guys I have been with AW for 4 years now and never seen crashes like these!
3.3 was very stable, 3.2 never crashed!
I have tried 6 diffferent video cards all made by various manufactuers from
Voodoo to ATI to Diamond to Gforce4 cards, what gives with all the crashes?
Is it world server issues? browser issues? What gives?
Its not just my PC I know people running 3 Gb dual processors with 2Gb of
ram and they are crashing worse than me!
Here's all the info I can provide (sorry the log from AW is always to big to

Date 05/05/2003 Time 02:24
AWORLD caused an invalid page fault in
module AWORLD.EXE at 0197:00459e2e.
EAX=00000000 CS=0197 EIP=00459e2e EFLGS=00010206
EBX=055e0620 SS=019f ESP=0076fbd0 EBP=055e7eb0
ECX=055e2af0 DS=019f ESI=004be9be FS=1d67
EDX=00000000 ES=019f EDI=004dd7ed GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 48 08 51 e8 29 70 fd ff 53 89 44 24 20 e8 4f
Stack dump:
055e2af0 004dd7e4 004be9be 055e7eb0 00000000 00000001 004be9c8 00457633
00000000 055e2ef0 055e065c 00000000 bff45801 0043cbe0 055e7eb0 05e18310
Date 05/05/2003 Time 02:26
AWORLD caused an invalid page fault in
module AWORLD.EXE at 0197:00459e2e.
EAX=00000000 CS=0197 EIP=00459e2e EFLGS=00010202
EBX=058416b0 SS=019f ESP=0076fa4c EBP=0585c240
ECX=05841670 DS=019f ESI=004be9be FS=1d67
EDX=00000000 ES=019f EDI=004dd7ed GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 48 08 51 e8 29 70 fd ff 53 89 44 24 20 e8 4f
Stack dump:

MS Windows ME (4.90. build 3000)
DirectX 8.1 (
Video card: ATI Radeon 7000 PCI
Video Memory: 64 Mb DDR
Sound card: Creative SBLive!
Driver: Emu10k1.VxD
Total system memory:SDram PC-100 256 Mb
AW Browser mode Direct 3D mode with T&L enabled.

Message to Bill and YS CRASH!

May 5, 2003, 4:40pm
Briefly, I only crossposted into general.discussion because as you well
know, beta is also "open beta" and none of the open beta testers can post in
the beta newsgroups, it is an issue we are all facing, that is why I
2nd yes I could email him personally, but then it comes across as ONE issue,
ONE case, that is not the case, this involves serveral citizens.
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Message to Bill and YS CRASH!

May 5, 2003, 5:23pm
No YS we were out at 0n 250e the object limit stops at 0n 40E, we were
no-where near any objects to render.
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New Models and Sprites

May 11, 2003, 1:54pm
Brock, you never know when to quite ; ) that's why your finally banned from
A!!CT, mainly for using bots to destroy tourist builds, fine example of AW
community you are! Ha, now I'm guilty of a personal attack and you know
what? It doesn't make me look and feel any smarter! So I'm not sure what you
get out of it! ; /
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New Models and Sprites

May 12, 2003, 1:04am
and i won't tell only one i have a cit there and outerworlds under the name
MrBruce with 3 numbers in each cit instead of 6 : )
In fact i have a cit in most english speaking universes and galaservers too
: ) Its nice to visit other parts of cyberspace there's nice people out
there to!
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.wav files?

May 11, 2003, 1:45pm
Which bot are you using?
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May 11, 2003, 10:46pm
We also have them the whole set. plus some additions that people came up to
enhance the set.
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May 12, 2003, 12:47am
I have 17 of his sets won't name them all here, but i have the whole set in
a zip file on my hard drive if you want them let me know thru telegram, I
got them for free and willing to pass them on for free ; )
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Windows Media player headache

May 30, 2003, 10:15pm
Ok I know I not going to get a helpful answer here cant find one on Media
Players website anywhere and cant find a solution because it involves to
many possabilities.
My problem is using Windows Media Player 9 series to play CDs, every time i
insert a Music CD-ROM I get an error this is the error (WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER
NO matter what I do the player shuts down it never switches to analog mode
and i get the following error out of the MORE INFO tab
0xC00D11F8: Cannot play the CD using digital playback
Windows Media Player could not play the CD using digital playback. The
Player has automatically switched the CD-ROM drive to analog playback. To
switch back to digital CD playback, use the Devices tab.

To switch to digital CD playback

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab.
Double-click the CD-ROM drive, and then in the Playback area, click Digital.
Error ID = 0xC00D11F8, Condition ID = 0x00000000

OK I try that and I find the enable digital playback is greyed out and not
checkable, but yet my Memorex 48X is digital capable and even has a
digital cable connected to the mother board.
My Bios is new and was recently upgraded, aside from that in the past I was
able to play CDROMs into either windows media player or Real Player, Now I
MS Windows ME (4.90. build 3000)
DirectX 8.1 (
Video card: ATI Radeon 7000 PCI
Video Memory 64 Mb DDR
Sound card: Creative SBLive!
Driver: Emu10k1.VxD
Total system memory:SDram PC-100 256 Mb
BIOS date: 2002
Any suggeations would be appreciated as im stumped!

Windows Media player headache

May 30, 2003, 10:58pm
Correction the Digital cable is connected to my soundcards digital connecter
(Not the motherboard) That was a typo.
Problem still not solved.

Windows Media player headache

May 30, 2003, 11:54pm
Is there a problem with the software? If so I will uninstall it and go for
an older version, I know windows media player 9 is for windows XP, but it
was offered to me as an Windows ME update.
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Windows Media player headache

May 31, 2003, 1:14am
Crappy is right there's no uninstall option in add or remove programs,
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AWEC Spring Into Summer Party

Jun 6, 2003, 10:23pm
As always, you people ROCK! ; )
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Odd ng occurances...

Jun 11, 2003, 2:43pm
LOL I had that error problem once, when I was not on the beta team and tried
to post to the beta newsgroup, the error message is in your OutLook Exspress
cache and will remain there until you delete it, it's been a while since I
got that but I think if you go to TOOLs and MAINTENANCE you will find a way
to delete the error message.
Sorry cant be a little more helpful, but it's been a while since I had to do
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needs help with CDROM headache

Jun 22, 2003, 8:09am
OK agian I'm asking for any help at all. Problem can not copy any music
cdrom tracks to my hard drive under any player (examples realone player,
windows media player) I have tried everything its just not happening, its as
if i have a copy protection program in my system, i dont care what format it
ends up as wav, mp3 anything, the minute i click the copy cd to hard drive i
get all kinds of errors some saying crap about cant play in digital
switching to analog click OK to play analog, again another error, i have
tried rippers no go error your cdrom is locked by another program. WHICH
At one time i used realjukebox and it copied cd's fine when it played them,
now theres no realjukebox, and i no longer have it on my PC, my CDrom does
have a digital output cable hooked up to my sound blaster live sound card, i
have windows ME with windows media player 9 and subscrition version of
realone player. Been in every program related to CD audio i can find to find
what one has my cdrom locked. Went to windows configuration untility and
clicked CDROM it will not let me select DIGITAL (the box is greyed out) Been
to windows media player 9's website looking for codecs theres nothing that
it does not already have. I have been through and through soundblaster live
and tried everything in its settings for digital. I have tried to find a way
to tell windows media player 9 to copy the tracks as .wav files and do not
attemp to play digital, cant find that anywhere within the program. point is
i can no longer copy music cds to my hard drive any more, like as if some
copy right protection scheme has blocked me from doing it and locked my
player, but for the life of me i can not find what program did it. i have
freeRIP ripper, forget it it starts and says i have no cdrom attached to my
system and/or that the device is locked by another program. My cdrom a
memorex 48X cdrom, it has both the IDE and digital cables hooked up.
Anyone have a clue as to whats going on, or know of a good forum i can write
to for advice? forget media players newsgroup, all i see there is questions
but no answers.

needs help with CDROM headache

Jun 22, 2003, 12:56pm
[View Quote] Well I have adaptecs's Easy CD Creater 4 Deluxe and a ACER CDRW 8x4x32 for
burning CDs and it works fine. But my problem is related to my CDROM and
attempting to save a music CD to a folder on my hard drive. As soon as I
through a music CDROM in my player windows media player 9 starts up and
throws an errors at me saying it can not read the cd in digital mode and
gives two options (click CANCEL to retry digital mode) or (click OK to
switch the player to analog) Either way it pops another error saying the
same thing with a DETAILS button, I click that and it tells me to go to the
confguration untility and select the CDROM drive click properties and
uncheck DIGITAL play-back. I go there and guess what, not only is is
unchecked, but it's greyed out as well, so according to that, its not set up
to play cd music in digital mode. I have a subscription version of realone
player, i try using that and it too throws errors at me saying it can not
copy the CD to my hard drive and offers to look for a solution from its
website, it can show all the tracks and even show info on the group the
music is recorded by, but says it cnt copy the tracks.
My biggest headaches here are there can be a large number of reasons for
these failures, system BIOS, Motherboard chipsets, OS, software, drivers and
finally the hardware. My FIC motherboard has a newer BIOS version, because I
flashed it not long ago, my chipset software is the latest i can find from
V/A and my CDROM really does not require anything other than mscdx because
its just a generic CDROM made by Memorex.
Ive had this motherboard a while now, and was able to use realjukebox to
copy the tracks from a music CD to my hard drive, I had to reformat my hard
drive a while back because of a problem DirectX 9.1 caused in my systems
video and I lost everything. I have recently tried looking for the program
from real neatworks and its no longer available.
I have thought of purchasing MUSICMATCH for 9.95 a month which claims it can
ripp CDROMs to MP3 or .wav ect, but I see no point in it if (like my
purchased verion of realone player) it's gonna throw errors at me that it
cant do this, because of this digital error or that the player is locked.
I really do not want to have to find a PC tech to figure out whats going on
here. But it seems to me if i put in a store bought copy of CD and click
save tracks to hard drive while playing it, it should do so, like it used
to. So Im here asking anyone who knows a solution to tell me or at lest
direct me to a good messageboard thats frequanted by many where I might find
a solution. By the way, lol, once you have windows media player 9 series
installed on your PC, theres no getting it off, I upgraded from windows ME's
default WMP8 and there's no getting rid of 9, believe me, i tried.

needs help with CDROM headache

Jun 22, 2003, 3:33pm
> Apparently you're trying to read a data cd like a music cd. Maybe.
> --
> --Bowen--

Yes, the Cds I'm talking about are regular Music CDs. Ok here's an example,
I am trying to copy Inner Circle's "Bad Boys" CD to the "My Music" folder
on my computer, or at least a couple of tracks from it. In the past
realjukebox from Real networks (the makers of Realplayer 8) actually copied
the entire CD to my computer so i could play the songs again later without
the use of the CD. Now it seems i can no longer do this. I can not remember
if i had Win 98 SE at that time, because its been a while since i tried
saving music to my hard drive.
But to no avail, I can not even play a Music CD with Windows Media Player 9
series and RealOne Player will play it but refuses to save the tracks to my
computer in any format, .wav .midi or MP3.
Btw, no I do not have a DVD on this system, just one CDROM and one CDRW.

needs help with CDROM headache

Jun 22, 2003, 11:17pm
OK People I found out what i needed to know, i took time to throughly read
my EASY CD CREATER 4 DELUXE owners manual and found it is the program that
took control of my CDROM, but at the same time, I found out it has a ripper
all included which can extract CD Music formats to .WAV and even MP3. It
allowed me to save the tracks I needed right off the Music CD right onto my
hard drive.
That problem is solved, now I'm gonna go to windows media player 9.0 and
uncheck all its default settings related to playing music discs because it


Jun 28, 2003, 7:14am
Hopefully its not in your bot files, altough i have norton anti-virus which
is updated regularly, theres always those small ones that are not publisized
enough for anti-virus programs to recognize.
I know I have gotton over 50 trojans and viruses from programs I downloaded
from KaZaA, alot of them are those damned W32.HLLP.EXE or W32. (something or
another) fortunately for me Norton snagged them as they were still
[View Quote]


Jun 28, 2003, 8:02am
Please don't, I didn't ask anyone to anyways : D
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Jun 28, 2003, 5:14pm
Also try these free sites for online scanning recomended by PC World
magazine and
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Jun 28, 2003, 5:48pm
Also I might ad two more things, always have windows show file exstentsions
for know file types because this allows you to see if that aw.jpg image you
are about to click on is not in fact an aw.jpg.exe file instead, which is an
executable. And for you silly AOL users who get those emails supposedly from
AOL saying your billing status is incorrect and your account will be
terminated if you do not reply by clicking a certain link and it says it's
from so and so at AOL Billing Team. This is a fake and can be simply
revealed by hovering your mouse over the link, 100% of the time, the link is
not to AOL at all, but an X-rated trojan related website that runs scripts,
or one that attemps you fool you into submitting your credit card number to
a bogus AOL website! Most AOL emails are sent with a BLUE icon and never ask
you to click a link to submit personal billing info.
[View Quote]

aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 1, 2003, 2:55am
I think we've been trying that with A!!CT, (since no one else cares), but
then again, all we meet is critism and people who do not give a damn, true
we do not own aw, or the aw owned worlds, but those of us who own large
worlds, like mine, who try to revive AW get nothing but attacks and idiots
from AWTeen world who attemp to destroy anything good that those of us that
do care try to do!
You want new blood in AW, you have to make NEW BLOOD welcomed, having a
bunch of punk asses from AWTeen going around harrasing and terrorizing a
tourist and deleting their build while they are in the mists of building
their creations, maybe be funny to the fuc*ing jerk and his goonie friends,
but its trash like this that makes people LEAVE! NOT buy a citizen! Stop
complaining and wake the fuc* up and stop depending on E N Z O to make AW
I found AW Via word of mouth, had the person who told me about AW been a
tourist instead of a citizen, im sure they would have been one of the goonie
gangs victums and said to me "this program sucks dont download it"!
Cant AW's community do more than trash and harrass and terrorize its future?
For one i think whispers should be disabled in AWTeen and a world chat
monitor installed and monitored by AW Inc.
lastly Lord perception this not intended to be an attack on you personally,
i just posted off your post.
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