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MrBruce Thanks you all!

Jun 9, 2002, 2:05pm
Thank you all for your help with Shoemakervillage Pantball bot, I did was
said and the bot works GREAT! This is what the true vetrans of AW are all
Brant great work, I already have awsdkocx5.ocx registered in case your
upgrade requires it, but I am using awsdkocx4.ocx as you said your bot works
with it.
I take back my old post about your bot upgrade being full of errors! (shame
on MrBruce *hides head in shame*) I know who to turn to when I run into a
bind. By the way whats the best full name to use for a bot save file?
Usually I see *.bot any suggestions?
Thanks for your time!
MrBruce. A!!CT world owner

To all bot makers

Jul 13, 2002, 4:33pm
Hi if any of you have a bot you made want it on display in my world A!!CT in
my bot center, please conract me via telgram. I do not like adding bots or
links to bots in my bot center without the publisher's permission, but if
you want your bot to be put on public display please contact me.
By the way the bot center is located in A!!CT World at 8n 5w 0.0a 0
Thanks for your time.
MrBruce A!!CT World owner.

New Bot center

Nov 30, 2002, 5:06pm
Hi I am presently reconstructing a new bot center to replace the old one
that was deleted when we changed object path and hosting services.
It is located at a new location from the old one at 12N 1E in A!!CT world.
The reason for this post is to ask anyone who is a bot maker to come check
out the center, I have added links used in the old center, but I am not sure
if these links have been replaced with updated ones or are out of date or
dead. I also would like people who would like their creations showcased in
my bot center to contact me with url's to your sites and download links.
Thanks MrBruce
A1CTWorld at


May 8, 2003, 10:13pm
If you don't mind, I will add a download link of your bot to A!!CT's Bot
Center, where people can download it from. We will also test and use your
bot in A!!CT under CT rights and try out its features, which might very well
get you some publicity on your project/s.
Best regards
A!!CT World owner 327324 MrBruce.
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Brant please contact me!!!

Jun 20, 2003, 6:53pm
Brant contacting you is very difficult can you please touch base with me, so
I do not have to voice my bot problems in this forum?
Thank You.
A1CTWorld at

Brant please contact me!!!

Jun 22, 2003, 10:44pm
Brant I have brought my problem to your forum for shoemakervillage under
Ultimate Paintball, can you please read and contact me about my problem.

advertise your bots

Jun 20, 2003, 9:05pm
Just another reminder to all you bot makers, to please contact me about your
bot creations so they can be added to our bot center in A!!CT World at 12N
2E 275. If you lack a site for your bots, we have our own domain at where we can host your site (without annoying pop-up ads)
Contact me via AW under the name MrBruce or email my AOL account at

My Bingo Bot

Jun 24, 2003, 5:57pm
John I attempted to test your Bot, first when winzip attempted to extract
the zip file it came up with this error. Winzip error Bad CRC 47e77572
{should be 5f04aa9e} lastly, the zip contained an empty folder.
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XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 10:57pm
If you want to keep me posted on your bot updates please do, so I can keep
the signs in A!!CT's bot center up-to-date.
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3.4 bots serious bug

Jul 10, 2003, 2:54am
LOL in the mean time the tourists in A!!CT are loving this bug, because they
are not stuck to the same avatar all the time.
To bad this "bug" can not be a regular feature that only a caretaker bot can

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XeonBot Build 8 Released

Jul 31, 2003, 7:04am
Thanks Richard ; )
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Brants Ultimate Pb Bot is attacking me!!!

Aug 19, 2003, 11:30pm
Stop your whining and get a new PC it's that simple. Remember the NGs are
not a place to post your problems or complaints. :P
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Tourist enabled worlds

Feb 11, 2002, 12:24am
Right Now A!!CT world is open to all tourists and building- although I sadly
say that like before some jealious citizens have nothing better to do but
visit and hack away at some talented tourists builds just to be mean.
Trufully I have personally met more touble makers that have registered cits
then i have tourists. MrBruce A!!CT World Owner
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AFK add-on

Jun 22, 2002, 12:24am
LOL poor Cyclone, everyone seems to bust his stones ;-) or is it rocks?
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Sky coronas

Jul 3, 2003, 12:24am
Part of this is already being done in A!!CT, we have a night day cycle and a
sun and moon and stars at night. None of this is done using sky boxes or
back drops.
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Oct 28, 2003, 8:01am
try this is good for TS 3, 4,
5 and 6. Also try searching with search engines like use keyword
"True Space". You'd be surprised how many unknown tutorials there is out
there for TrueSpace.
Just be careful not to start building models with too many vertices or
polygons, the "object tool" button which looks like a white arrow, will
display the vertices info if you right click it, it also shows the objects
size (depth) (height) (width) and location, usually 0.000 in all boxes in
location will put it at 0 in the world center, it will also make your model
be centered on its axes in AW and not off center.
just a few tips from a person who is also still learning...good luck, have
fun and happy modeling!
MrBruce www.a1ctworld at
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A!!!!!BB World

Apr 27, 2002, 2:38pm
I agree with Dan KBK or King Brian K O has taking all his bingo won worlds
and named them using exclamation marks trying to get attention for world
hosting customers names like A!!, A!!!!!!!!, A!!!!!!A, A!!!!!!!B, A!!!!!!!C,
all are waste of space for a shotty hosting service that uses DSL and claims
it to be T-4 super wide band. KBK has a problem with worlds owned by us
because in September 2001, we opened a world called A1CT (now renamed A!!CT)
and it ended up parting his A1KingBrianK and A2KingBrianK worlds. I
personally think the guy is an A$$, to put it nicely, but we won't dwell
Also the only worlds actually owned by me are the following A!!!!!CT,
A!!DISCO, A!!CT, A!!CTHQ and A1CT (named after the old world)
As for A!!CT's GZ which i believe is the one in question, as a world owner,
I have decided to allow others access to changing GZ by using our PK cit and
although the builds or signs are in my name, the use of the Eminent Domain
feature allowed by PKs of A!!CT allows them to create objects in my name so
the world registry does not conflict with encroachment warnings.
As a world owner I am open to comments and suggestions and welcome any
complaints you can contact me at A1CTWorld at
A!!CT is a public build world alot like AW world except it allows tourist
entery and building. The only thing private in A!!CT is the access to the
Object Yard Worlds hosted by
If caps are offensive concider what aw browser looks like when it's first
installed, everything is sqaushed into a little window at the top center of
your screen, with "simple mode" option by default making signs hard to read
or see.
As many of A!!CT's visiters are new comers to AW we try to make things
easier for them to enjoy their first AW experience.
Also one last thing, that even KBK does not realize, by default AW installs
the AW browser with the worlds list displaying worlds by the number of
visiters, in most cases AW world is at top, with AWGate and AWteen right
below, it's the number of users in a world that push it to the top of list,
many new-comers have not yet learned about the "users" tab in the worlds
list yet, so KBK is wasting his time trying to compete with A!!CT.
Enough said MrBruce.
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Jun 14, 2002, 4:51am
Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in AW. He
has so far stolen two known cits please read the following grams.This
conversation took place at the AWGate.
Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
i unfortunately know who stole a few cits...including one of urs

Telegram from Travman, sent 26 minutes ago:
Aisley: oh my my
M a t t: YO
M a t t: WAZZZUP
Travman: (to M a t t) what
"AlexBor": u can only wisper if u r a citizen?
"SexyLady": wow
M a t t: remember me
Travman: in here
Aisley: I'm going to bed too. Night Everyone. Nice to meet you Travman.
Take care of yourself.
Travman: theres an option caretakers can change
Travman: u too, aisley
Travman: (to M a t t) of course
"AIexBor": hey lady, wanna cyber :D
"AlexBor": laila tov
M a t t: I stole this cit
M a t t: Stole 2 today
UsuL 2: good night {{{{{{{{{Aisley}}}}}}}}}
"AlexBor": jupiter stop it
Aisley: Lady.. just say no
Travman: (to M a t t) from who
Aisley: Night Usul :)
M a t t: TiffieBooBear
"SexyLady": maby later Alex
Aisley: Poor Usul... left to take care of these ummmm friendly folks
Travman: (to M a t t) why did u do that?
M a t t: cause I ain't paying shit
"AIexBor": i'm available now ;P
Travman: (to M a t t) ur gonna loose the cit though
M a t t: The other one I stole from MrBruce

Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
"AlexBor": sexylady i am not interested
"SexyLady": i know
M a t t: I'll just keep stealing them
"AlexBor": that's that little horny dog jupiter
"SexyLady": it was a joke
"AlexBor": or whoever it is
Aisley: Night Everyone :)
"Midnight Rider": Is there a certain time limit that this software can be
"AlexBor": oh
"AIexBor": nah, i wasj/k about me not being interested, lady
Travman: (to M a t t) you need to learn at least a few morals
"Sheik Yerbuti": Which is the real Alex Bore?
"AlexBor": i was so scared :-)(
Travman: (to M a t t) i know mine arent high....but still
M a t t: alright TPCircuit
"AIexBor": there is only one alexbor
Travman: (to M a t t) im not TPCircuit
"AlexBor": tnx UsUl ...
Telegram from Travman, sent 28 minutes ago:
all the ones from M a t t were whispers btw

M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.
He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
Details are sketchy at this time but M A T T is well known for this type of
activity and he is back. He come into A!!CT world just before my tourist
loan cit was stolen from its user. When approached he was in America world
with two citizens AdmiraL Red Dog cit number 348502 and Mike. o cit number
338620. I will not post the vulgar chat here as it contains vulgar profanity
used by both AdmiraL Red Dog and Mike. o
All three threatend to hack more cits and worlds.
I post this as a warning, heed it or make fun of it, but the AW hackers and
script kiddies are back, they will use a stolen cit to get it banned from
every world they can. Please warn people to NOT ACCEPT files in aw or emails
from possible AW related sites.
I personally have had worms sent to me on a junkie PC with virus protection
from email web addresses such as COF at when I sent an email
back to this address it came back there is no such address.
World owners and citizens have to be careful what you click on in aw, a link
on a harmless sign in a build can contain hidden scripts and links to sites
that can plant or download malicious code or activeX files.


Jun 14, 2002, 8:02pm
More info just came in. The cits were obviously telegrammed that they won a
prize of some sort and were told to change the email address contained in
the cits properties, once this was done M A T T tried logging into the cit,
not knowing the password he clicked I FORGOT and typed in his email address,
this caused the password to be emailed to him. Just posted this because
people of all ages should not do this nor accept files from unknown people!
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Jun 17, 2002, 7:42am
Also links on signs and chat line can lead to websites that can do damage on
PCs that are not protected. Perhaps java scripts can contain malicious
codes. Remember once you click a link it brings you outside the safety of
AW's browser.
Although I am not a hacker, cracker or script kiddie and do not know alot
about doing things like that, I know alot of password stealers can be hidden
on links! Lets get rael here, anything is possible. Although some say these
kids were stupid for doing what they were told, how many of us click links
in the chat line?
how about visiting a world ran by password stealers that have a link on
their welcome message, that leads to such a link?
As lioness e said a bingo world host gave the password to M A T T thinking
he was a host!
M A T T is here for popularity, just like Bin Laden is popular and many
other villians, that become famous for corrupting soceity.
Does M A T T really bother me? Nah, in fact the jerk just makes my world
more popular at his exspense!
As for him stealing my tourist cits goes, I just call AW and change the
password! It gives the folks at AW and myself a reason to say hello.:-)
I only posted the warning here, to warn those that do not take kindly to
these games. But here it is SUMMERTIME and SCHOOLS OUT! So here comes the
bored little pee-ons who need something to do with all their sparetime.
Are they spoiling my fun in AW? Nah they just make it more entertaining!
Thats my view...what's yours?
MrBruce A!!CT world owner-have a good day!

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<<<<<A1CT Bingo>>>>>

Jun 21, 2002, 9:34am
Although I won't release too much info, my plans to add the real bingo game
(like that ran in AWBINGO or Andor world) is still in the works for A!!CT
world. The reason I call it "real" is because it runs automatically without
any real caretaker control needed. I plan on closing a deal on the bot and
the objects that make up the cards within the next week. I will announce
here and on A!!CT world's immigration officer, when the bot will be ready
for a trial run.
Once the trial run has been successful and an attemp to allow tourists to
play has been attemped, the bot will be ran on scheduled days, that other
bingo games are not running.
I will accept donations for prizes, but some of my planned prizes are worlds
good for a year and citizenships! More on that once we get past the test
Keep up the good work Dan!
MrBruce......A!!CT world owner.
Email us A1CTWorld at
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A!!CT World Turns 1 years old celebration

Jul 13, 2002, 4:22pm
Hello AW community, please forgive my cross-posting, but I have several
subjects in this one post!
As some of you know my world A!!CT opened on August 17th 2001 as a 30 day
trial world called A1CT World.
I did not plan on it at the time, but I ended up keeping the world and
opened it up to the AW community as a public building and chat world.
A!!CT has expanded from a P-10/5 user world to a P-100/30 user world, has
tourist access and continues to offer it's self to the AW public community!
A!!CT World is about to turn one years old! And in celebration of this, I am
making public that I, as the owner of A!!CT and some of our members are
planning some events to show our appreciation to the community that has
helped us servive.
As of this posting, things are still in the works. We are still in the
planning stages and a complete schedule has not been put together yet.
The reason for this post is to announce my plans and ask the AW community
for suggestions and donations of prizes to help award in events.
I plan on scheduling this as a week long event consuming the week leading up
to or around the 17th of August. I plan to have games, community events,
awards, prizes, (such as worlds and citizenships) or anything that can be
I have plans of having multi-world events, either involving all my worlds or
including worlds owned by others.
Although this celebration is based on A!!CT world's first year as a world, I
want this celebration to be based on COMMUNITY, the celebration of "people"
in AW!
If you would like to donate time, suggestions, prizes or host an event
associated with this event, please contact me, either by telegram MrBruce,
or email me at A1CTWorld at or contact citizen Mayor Taz.
Please keep in mind, this is not a private event, but a public community
event where all are welcomed!
Thank you for your time, MrBruce A!!CT World owner.
A!!!!!CT, A!!DISCO, A!!CT, A!!CT2, A!!CTHQ, A!FUTURE and A1CT world owner.

Please submit all ideas for celebration by 12:00 midnight VRT

Jul 24, 2002, 10:33pm
Hi, just droping a line to say Thurdsay night 12:00AM VRT is the deadline to
submit any, events, ideas or suggestions to me for me to add then to A!!CT
World's one year birthday celebration.
I need time to piece together a schedule. A!!CT's birthday is August 17th
2002, which is a Saturday, we can make this a multi-day event if enough
things are thought up.
Please email me at A1CTWorld at ASAP with ideas or events we can come
up with. Games with bots are welcomed!
We are also accepting and welcome any donations for prizes, so please help
Please although this a world's birthday, let's just make this an all out AW
community event!
Thank you.
MrBruce and everyone from the A!!CT World Community.


Jul 31, 2002, 2:45pm
What is with all these AWORLD caused an error in RW_SOFT.DLL errors
lately...and how many of you are getting them?
Is anyone in beta aware of this problem?


Jul 31, 2002, 7:01pm
ok here's the last two entries from my Windows faultlog.
Date 07/28/2002 Time 22:48
AWORLD caused an invalid page fault in
module RW_SOFT.DLL at 0187:02828bd1.
EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=02828bd1 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=045d1188 SS=018f ESP=0073f9ac EBP=414a8b8d
ECX=045d1108 DS=018f ESI=045d1108 FS=4677
EDX=045d1188 ES=018f EDI=0503fdc0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
d8 65 18 d8 4c 24 5c d8 45 18 d9 45 14 d8 4b 14
Stack dump:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ff00000 00000000 00000000
Date 07/31/2002 Time 11:50
AWORLD caused an invalid page fault in
module RW_SOFT.DLL at 0187:028275f3.
EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=028275f3 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=00000000 SS=018f ESP=0073f9fc EBP=04a95978
ECX=04a94d90 DS=018f ESI=04a94d90 FS=3f67
EDX=00000000 ES=018f EDI=04ab22d4 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0f af 57 3c 8d 54 17 5c 89 54 24 04 8b d3 0f af
Stack dump:
04a959d4 0073fa34 818a8738 030846c8 d95984e0 04a95978 00000000 04a94d90
04ab22d4 027e20e9 04a95978 04ab22d4 04a94d90 00000000 0044bba0 04a95978
I don't seem to be the only one who is getting these errors! and they all
started with 3.3 build 419.
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Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 12:14am
I recently called AW via telephone on Friday, to discover that Noelle is no
longer with AW, what is going on up there in Newburyport Massachusettes? Why
are so many leaving?...yes I know most employees were part-time, but this is
A1CTWorld at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:06pm
I seen this in a post from Joeman and laughed when I seen my name in a
statement (refering this snip)
Goodbar king: Hows the weather?
ohhhmy: IM NOT JKF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!
mrbruce: Im now opening up a!!!!!!!!!!!!ct for another month! Fun and games
for all!
ohhhmy: IM NOT HIM!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! NOT MEE!!!!!!!!!
Goodbar king: We know its you...
ohhhmy: NO! NOt ME1 FfdsfLDSF! at
Goodbar king: Well, if its not you... Then, its a moron in a box.
Brant: Stop that.
MrMolEsTo at ImNotGoingToTell.MO! hahahahaha!! Its funny!!! at BEcause your going
to email, and nothing is going to happen!!! LOLOLOLLOLLL!!!

The part where it says mrbruce: Im now opening up a!!!!!!!!!!!!ct for
another month! Fun and games
for all!
Funny I do not remember being any part of a conversation like this before or
ever making that statement, I was just curious where that came from?
Lastley, My concerns about Noelle's leaving is that I do alot of business
with AW and I liked having people at the other end of the phone, who knew
who I was, and I felt it was a little more personal that way. But now I have
to get used to someone *new* every week it seems. My next Tom
(flagg) next to leave?
A1CTWorld at

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Aug 29, 2002, 2:34pm
Also some of the biggest world open to tourist building are America,
AWNewbie, AWTeen and A!!CT worlds. These worlds are all over 2000 meters in
size and have large user limits. Some worlds also save tourist builds using
bot programs.
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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 10, 2002, 6:39pm
Hello to all, I feel it best to cross post this announcment so everyone sees
As of September 17th 2002, MrBruce and his world A!!CT will stop using world
hosting and object path services from Heartfall.
This was a concideration back in March and was thought about since then.
MrBruce considered the building community in this discission and a public
vote was taken lasting 4 days. the vote was regarding keeping the services
of Heartfall or dropping them and losing all the builds in A!!CT world.
The voting results were as follows. Out of a total of 62 votes 38 said get
rid of Heartfall and find a better alternative. 24 said keep Heartfall.
Therefore the community feels it is best to lose all the builds and start
My major reasons for this dicision is based on the facts that I feel I was
being over charged for services. Being taken advantage of, based on the
facts that without their path my builders builds will be lost. Being
restricted from running my world the way I want to.
But the latest one being when a hoster has a website that lists prices and
in the price it states (COMMERCIAL WORLDS 32 user) $400.00 prepay and I am
sent a renewal email stating $575.00 a year! And I am told this is for
services (that anyone expects to come with their services at no extra fee).
Also KeithB and myself upgraded A!!CT from a P-50 to a P-90 in March 2002,
Heartfall charged us a total of $250.00 saying it was for the next six
months, if my math serves me correct $250.00 for six months equals $500.00
for 12, not $575.00!
So as the contract does my worlds association with
A!!CT world which was nominated for a CY this year will probably be
disqualified because someone has to pinch every penny they can to stay in
business and try to take out the little guy!
A!!CT world will close as of September 17th 2002, it will remain off line
until I place it on another server, most likely AW.coms server wich is
$199.00 a Year for any size world, no rules, no one telling you how to use
what is rightfully yours. My telephone campany does not pick and chose for
me who is allowed to use my phone. I do not expect a webmaster telling me
how to use what I bought and paid for either!
I do not have to fear threats any longer that a person hosting my bought and
paid for world and services is going to pull the plug on me because they do
not like someone, or adding ejections to my ejections list without my
Amivaliant owner of iCandy world was right, I only held back the truth for
fear of the lose of my builders builds in A!!CT world.
Now it does not matter, I can not be accused of slandering the webmaster, or
worry about threats of pulling the plug on my services! I speak the untold
truth for once and I did warn Heartfall that this day was coming.
I often hear bad things said about People at, I can honestly say that
people like Bill, Tom and Noelle have been the most helpful generous people
I have ever met!
Heartfall really did nothing speacial other than what should have been part
of the normal services. It was Heartfalls problems that they are over
paranoid over being hacked and had to do any special things to avoid this.
But my world and I got the blame so price increases could be justifyable.
Heartfall offered no discounts for the publicity they received for my using
their services. Instead they blamed everything bad on my world and I and
through that in my face instead of offering some kind of discount.
I was offered to buy 4 cobra helicopters which were oddly already on the
avatars list. I bought a skybox for $30.00 which oddly works in anyworld on
the path! And now without the path its vertually worthless.
Should I go on?
No I won't bother. Its time to move on. Besides A!!CT world needs a
change..AWTeen has pretty much made A!!CT a deserted world.
My Many appoligies to those who will lose their builds, because without
Heartfall's path, 47% of my worlds builds will be nothing but triangles! so
its not worth using a Prop-dump!
I will ramdonly bot copy builds and send people the files or move them
somewhere else, but there is no guarentees they will load!
As this post hits the web..I am sure I will get many telegrams from
InSaNiTy. Too late the damage is done! A dissatisfyed customer never has
anything good to say about a bad business and should not be expected!
Enough said!
MrBruce and the A!!CT world community.
A1CTWorld at

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 20, 2002, 5:47pm
In answer to insanity's statment about us advertising world hosting while
using their path.
He is wrong, what he is talking about is this, there were signs posted at
A!!CT's GZ made under the CT's name using eminent domain. These signs made
by citizen carl. stated "If you donate to A!!CT world to help keep it
running we will offer to host your world as a thank you"
On the signs there was different donation amounts and what size world and
user limit the donation would offer a doner. Although I was not the creater
of these signs, InSaNiTy world hoster, could not get it through his head
that anyone with Eminent Domain can alter or change anothers objects, so he
blaimed me for making the signs.
The signs do not say the path in A!!CT was part of the bargain, because NO
PATH was mentioned, just an offer to host a world based on donation size and
world size.
I do not consider what Carl did as abusing Heartfall's services.
He uses to make a profit. He uses his telephone to make a profit, AW
does not stop him from using their excistance on the web from making money,
nor does his telephone company, by which his telephone number is not listed
as a business number, it's under his real name, not heartfall.
He complains about AW not having a toll free 800 phone number, neither does
Finally, in no way is this being posted to spam my world, A!!CT had roughly
170 builds in it dating back to August 17th 2001, the public had a right to
know that what they built would soon be gone or severely altered.
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