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mrbruce // User Search

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Dec 1, 2003, 2:52am
Are you sure thats starfleet? right now with the way AW is hackable are you
sure I'm MrBruce? I may not be, nor ever was. IPs? How do you even know this
IP was ever MrBruce?
Fact is right now certain people have cause alot of stress because of other
people and hey why not, as I see it A!!CT was on top of the worlds list up
with the big boys. This causes jealousy with other world owners who want
their worlds to be just as popular, so thats when they start their crap!
A!!CT is not looking to be in any popularity contests here, but it seems
were always being forced into it, by being attacked by PIONS who want A!!CT
to dies, so their world will be popular.
Trust me I know, I just dont reveal to you all my telegrams, emails ect.
MrBruce or am I?

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Dec 1, 2003, 2:53pm
I do not like when anyone gets out of control, but there are times I have to
sit back and let people vent. Starfleet rarely goes off unless hes be pushed
to far.
Hes come a long way, but even when I fired him once, he never came back and
destroyed A!!CT world and its builds.
He hurt me, not my builders and he and I have worked that out.
I trusted Mayor Taz, I was wrong.
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Dec 1, 2003, 4:14pm
Im only one person, I cant do everything and even before starfleet came to
A!!CT, there was InSaNiTy who casued alot of kaos...remember?
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Dec 1, 2003, 1:47am
You want to wakeup today are you gonna be brain dead all your life.
Where did I attack your universe smart guy? You mean because I chose not to
edit a chat log and not remove your welcome to Spiral Matrix IO
Your posting here just proves your guilt.
But I will mention Spiral Matrix now, since you brought it into the spot
light here.
You harbor web criminals in your universe for one.
That act out against Active worlds by stealing their customers object
passwords, not just A!!CT's but all the paths related to AW.
They steal citizenships of memebers of Activeworlds.
They wipe worlds and peoples hard work, not just A!!CT, many worlds not
related to A!!CT have been wiped.
Call it on echomencer, we will both be in comfernce with Rick Noll and JP
McCormick and Law suits will apply.
You openly admit like an idiot that you harbor M A T T in your universe, a
person who has costed AW $1000.00 of dollars in lost money.
I think I can convince them that your moeny for your universe is not cost
effective, to their daily loses.
A!!CT was destroyed by illegal acts.
I personally will see to it Spiral Matrix is LEAGALLY shut down, in a court
of law.
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Dec 1, 2003, 2:22am
NO im not going to play post search here, you are harboring criminals, you
are action to a lawsuite, you do not know me or what money I have and
lawyers usual dont care about that part, because when I win, they win.
This is not a threat or bluff.
Peaple in AW have bad opinions of me because they DO NOT know what I'm being
put through here but trust me my friend its sunday night, when Activeworlds
opens for business tomorrow morning, the whole story and truth will be
revealed to them!
You all can think what you want bad about me here, but if it was you and no
one as a community wanted to listen to truth and facts or if it was your
stuff. Youd think differently and stop calling me a cry baby. Because maybe
there is something to cry about.
Im leaving AW regardless, its this crap why i'm leaving!!
Trust me many more will leave. A!!CT wis destroyed, the ones who did it did
not hurt me, they hurt active worlds!
Just one last note..A!!CT world consisted of only 2% of my personal builds,
98% of the builds there were made by the public.
If you have any Heart in your sole at all, think of those 98% who just came
back to find their builds gone forever.
Dont balme me for being a terrible world owner, I try to run my world
respectfully, its jealous Pions who have to come around and start trouble
and run anti-a!!ct posts and AWNEWS articals that start trouble and people
from other worlds who come to act out acts of terroistism to discourage
others from even wanting to be in this program.
One last note, A!!CT and 12 other worlds were destroyed, I would never in my
wildest dreams, ever wish that to happen to Spiral Matrix!
Mayor Taz is a criminal, I assure you he will be banned from the AW universe
as of tomorrow. Dont harbor him, because you will be an assessory to his

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Dec 1, 2003, 2:27am
Maybe it doesnt, but this criminal is guilty of hacking AW related software,
which also licenses Spiral Matrix's software.
Therefore its up to aw to act and being that its their software and hes
being harbored there they can act.
This goes beyond anything to do with A!!CT.
Upto now M A T T never really did anything to A!!CT.
His crimes were against AW its self.
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Dec 1, 2003, 6:31am
Ep0ch, are you that stuipd or what? I know AWI very well, in fact they know
my voice when I call there on the phone. Maybe Ep0ch, just maybe I know more
about AW and its personal then you think I do and it might just be that I
know what e n z o likes and dislikes.
Bill Hoover is a code writter for AWI Spiral Matrix is AWI software. If Bill
Hoover or e n z o does not want M A T T or you in any of their software to
hack their main AW universe, its their choice to do so.
Ep0ch you didn't use your head when you first posted here to start apart of
this NGs fude, how can I expect you to use your head now?
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Dec 1, 2003, 6:45am
How did they get all the passwords you were entrusted with Taz? Dont blame
Bluelaser5000, he never had my PPWs or world server passwords to access the
Man you guys dont think before you post,all of you that were in that chat
log are here to cover up what? Come on any idiot that believes I posted an
edited chat log that size 57 Kb needs their heads examined. And the more
you guys post trying to cover it up, the more you look like what I claim you
are, liers, hackers and in general ANTI- AW, theives! And Taz this all
happened because I told you for bring to the attention of every one that the
posters IP was indeed mine.
It doesnt matter if you all know I was in fact TheTruthIsHere, M A T T and
you did your damage. Now I'm going to do mine legally.
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Dec 1, 2003, 7:04am
Echo read the chat again, M A T T clearly states you know who he is and that
you allow him there, you don't have to scrool very far down, he mentions you
by your name, so it is clear that it is you that he claims allows him there
Say what you want. You lose because you went on the defensive side once you
saw a post contained a chat log displaying Welcome to Spiral Matrix.
The post had nothing to do with you personally or Spiral Matrix until you
posted your post.
In a court of law thats admission of some type of guilt, because you
instantly jumped to defend yourself when YOU were NOT in anyway under attack
The Truth Is Here was posted to show the community who the hackers are and
what they were doing and saying.
Before you go to court with me sonny boy, consult a Lawyer, because right
now your digging yourself a bigger whole with your posts and so is your
friends who are posting here to lie to the community because they got caught
in the act.
One last thing...Did MrBruce lie to the community that he was the poster and
that he was not in your universe? YES I DID. But knowing what would happen
once I posted it, I tried to hide my identity to avoid what M A T T ended up
doing to me. I was just too stupid to think before I posted the next post
because M A T T had my PC all messed up wih his attacks on it so I had no
way of changeing my IP without redialing in.
So Yes I lied, but I had to to try to protect my investments and you know
what echo, Im not stupid am I? Because he did just what I knew he would do.
And I think now everyone here (who is civialized) understands why I lied.
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Dec 1, 2003, 7:09am
Lets let E N Z O deside that. Hey have you all doctored up all your chat
logs so it makes us swear and lie in them and edit out all the wrong things
you guys said?
By the way an expert can tell a doctered up chat log. just a little
education for ya Ep0ch.
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Dec 1, 2003, 8:44am
Thank You very much, you are an angel !! The chat text clearly shows this to
be true. You do not have to read very far down to see M A T T stating the
owner of Spirail Matrix lets him hang out there as long as he does nothing
to that universe! it was also stated by others present there.
Ehco brought this Law suit against himself by posted a rebuttle when no
where in the chat post was Spirial Matrix a party of this claim. Now Echo
opened his mouth and put his foot in it, by jumping the gun and posting I
put MrBruce on permanent ban in SM!! when I did not violate any of the rules
there. Its his universe, but his stupidity to post that post and put me on
perm eject clearly in any legal eyes shows is hes hiding the truth.
Yes, I am in contact with a Lawyer, and money? Who needs money when the
person you sue pays your attournies for you, we all know an attourney gets
their cut out of the winnings and to me its worth it!
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Dec 1, 2003, 8:52am
You shall find out all about M A T T real soon and how he cut your throat,
either your the lier or M A T T and a few others or, but they are members of
your universe!
Enough about this....its time for AW to get involved and being that your
using their software, your bound to their terms, ignorance is no excuse!
You read the Eula before you bought your universe right?
I hope so.
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Dec 1, 2003, 3:00pm
Then ask echo why hes so fired up about sueing me? Because I posted a post
of unedited chat from his universe?
Maybe you should talk to him.
Then I will call off my lawyers. He suffered no losses, and lost no members
to his community, no have no clue what losses we have encured because of
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Dec 1, 2003, 3:18pm
You are absolutly wrong, because you read what you wanted to read, I dont
give a damn if I m banned from his universe, the fact remains bud, he banned
me for going after my attackers who were in his universe hacking ME!!
Echo's only peeve here is that the chat txt came from his universe and hes
on the defensive side about it, if anyone sent a chat from A!!CT world
claiming sally called them a bum, I certainy would not ban that person for
using their chat txt from in my world as evidence. Thats like atatcking the
victum here Dm!
Again I did nothing wrong while i was there, it was them who was attacking
my email server with 10000 fuckyou emails.
Again for the last time for echo to ban me for that reason and not them,
shows everyone here who is the guilty party is.
So dm mercury when M A T T attacks YOUR email server with 20000 "**** you"
emails, don't go alooking because echo will ban YOU not M A T T.

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Dec 1, 2003, 4:38pm
Mod lets start at the beginning here, all i did was post a fricken post
showing all of you what kind of people the ones chatting in a chat text were
saying and doing and I have the proof that it was not just talk. those
people are the same people in AW such as Ep0ch, Anthony ect ect. If i edited
out all the spiral mextrix quotes I might as well added a few M A T T: I
hacked Mods computer. Ep0ch: Yeah so did I hahaaha.
I delibratly left the text UNEDITED and undoctored so no one could lie and
say it was a fake doctored version.
Does AWI threaten to sue if you post a chat text that starts out with
Welcome to Alpha World, the biggest world in cyberspace?
If echo wants to sue me for that let him go ahead, because he was NOT
accused by ME in any way shape or form, nor did I ever say his universe was
a hacked one or say that the intent of the post was to ruin his universe!
he's the one who drew that absurd conclusion, so stop sucking up to him. He
was wrong!
So he chose to post that I was banned from there and was only there to start
trouble for him, but fails to read a chat text from his own universe and
fails to realise by reading it that the people in his universe are guilty of
a crime.
By the way, dont think for a minute that M A T T can not read this new
forum, he was quoted things that were newly posted as you can plainly see in
that chat text.
Point here is if M A T T and those others were not there bothering me via
attacking my mail server, I would never have gone there in the first place.
Now that Echo has read that chat, instead of posting "Thanks MrBruce for
pointing out this matter to me it will be looked into", he instead posts a
threat involving law suits! So sorry read more closely before you post.
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Dec 1, 2003, 4:52pm
For the last time Kah he treatend me first with the lawsuit, or are you that
"oneway" and "blind" to see past your hatred towards me to see the truth?
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Dec 2, 2003, 8:15am
You really are an idiot arent you Ep0ch?
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Dec 2, 2003, 8:33am
LOL you are an idiot, geese I thought you were just an actoing like your
idiot Ep0ch, I've seen your Chat log and why dont you post it? Please do I
want everyone to see how mean I was too you by allowing you CT rights for 2
minutes to see the immigration offiers announcement to prove to you that
A!!CT was not renewed and no where in there DID I disrespect you, I just
asked you to post a public apology to me in the NGs. Ok you posted. But you
used what another person said to you against me. Im no ones master nor is
anyone my slave. Definition: You cant hold me responsible for the acts or
words of another person, he did nothing to you psyically, or did damage to
your property.
How many emails can a server hold before it fills to capacity or deletes
important emails? You hahahaha laughed while M A T T admitted to email
bombing me 5000 then 500, then 5000 emails and yes Ep0ch you immature little
pion you he did email 10,500 emails of profanity and worthless crap to me.
so laugh on little boy.
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OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 1, 2003, 7:21am
Yes Mongo but you you know how long it takes to rebuild a P-130 world, plus
several other?
Also why should anyone have to rebuild their world every 5 seconds?
Yes we have back ups but they are never right to the second when the backups
involve a open build world. To be current, I would have to do a back up
every 5 seconds.
Why cant AW just ban these losers and disable their citizenships. And keep
them off my back?
I may be setting a bad example here with my attitude and langue latey, but
if it was you and AWI was closed for 4 days do to a Holiday, you'd be going
off the shrt end too.
Never fails, M A T T always does his dirty work on the weekends or holidays
when he knows AW will be closed a few days.
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OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 1, 2003, 7:25am
Ep0ch you never miss an oppertunity to poke jibs at me or A!!CT do you?
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OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 2, 2003, 8:40am
I was not snooping, I went there because these clowns were emil bombing my
business email server with 10,500 F----You emails and other stupid garbage
emails to fill up my mailserver and cause deletion of important mail. Youd
done the same thing had it been your email server that was being email
bombed 10,500 times by a kid hanging out there. One of ones hanging out
there with him told me so in an AOL instant messenger program thats why I
went there in the first palce.
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rude email proved fake

Dec 2, 2003, 8:42am
You mean MA T T!
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Dec 2, 2003, 10:13am
Immigration Officer: Sorry, you are not allowed to enter "a!!ct"
[Customs Aide]: Welcome, (EDITED). For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see
Immigration Officer: Yawn
..VS Jonno e: avenger owner
Mayor Taz: hi aw
Jim Raynor: Sexy.
..VS Jonno e: Worth a try =]
MileHigh: So guys... what ya gonna do next... you guys kicked the shit out
of bluelaser and nexafag
Jim Raynor: ;) Mile.
Slm Shdy: Man this Immigration officer is off da hook!
Rossyboy: Hi!
Jim Raynor: I'm just gonna do everyone a favor.
Jim Raynor: and ban you
MileHigh: Shut the fuck up maybe?
MileHigh: lol
M a t t: Not if I ban you first Jim Lamer
Slm Shdy: LOL
Slm Shdy: Hi M a t t
Rossyboy: Hi M a t t
Mayor Taz: already done matt
Mayor Taz: lmao
MileHigh: So whats gonna happen next?
Rossyboy: or peron claiming to be matt
Confederate.: Nice job Taz
if any1 bans any1 ill ban them
MileHigh: Its matt... trust me
Mayor Taz: jim is zell
M a t t: I was through with AW until Bruce hurt some of my friends in the
Confederate.: I can guarentee its Matt
MileHigh: Matt knows how to do this shit if anybody does.
Rossyboy: delete all those ejections O_O
Mayor Taz: itsmatt trust me
Rossyboy: and will someone please put a ground in here
Immigration Officer: Why eddedfd
Immigration Officer: Hey "Kain" did you know that a credit card is not
required to register Active Worlds? You can also register by mail. For more
information go to the Help menu and select Registration.
Immigration Officer: Everyone yell FUCK BRUCE or be ejected
..VS Jonno e: haha
Rossyboy: you can't eject people with the PPW on though
"Stefan": that was my line in Myra :)
CitGoin2Expire: fuck the world
Confederate.: How about a big fuck AW
Rossyboy: no
Rossyboy: AW rules
CitGoin2Expire: naw
Immigration Officer: While we're waiting for MrBruce...Please tune into
Comedy Central for "REVENGE OF THE NERDS"
CitGoin2Expire: lol
Confederate.: AW rules
Confederate.: Wow thats a good one
"eddedfd": matt!!
CitGoin2Expire: btw this is someone else on a 2nd cit
Rossyboy: Confed worlds like A!!CT are like, the exception
Calpantera: I'll get this straightened out as soon as JP is through with
pounding my ass
"eddedfd": lol
"Stefan": lol
Confederate.: A!!CT is worse then AW ill give you that
Rossyboy: why'd you guys have to do this anyway? :¬D
MileHigh: It was my home... kinda
"eddedfd": matt whisper me if you want more desruction
M a t t: Rossy, it was all because of the Truth Is Here post
MileHigh: What do you guys plan to do with this hellhole?
Rossyboy: MrBruce is bound to have a backup.
CitGoin2Expire: nobody cared about this world.. and now its hacked.. we are
like.. ... ... lol
Confederate.: Where is the homo Bruce anyway ?
Rossyboy: he'll get power back MileHigh
M a t t: A!!CTOY2 and A!!CTRPG have also suffered
CitGoin2Expire: nobody cares
Rossyboy: exactly
Rossyboy: nobody cares

352838 = CitGoin2Expire

Emails sent were not from me!

Dec 4, 2003, 7:43am
Any emails any of you have recieved from MrBruce at please be aware
these are fakes. please check the headers of those emails carefully as you
obviously see they do not contain a valid header.
MrBruce at is only a recieving address which forwards the mail to
another inbox on, it is not capable of sending mail out. Those
emails are a fake!

Emails sent were not from me!

Dec 6, 2003, 3:26am
Yeah because at this presnt time JP McCormick and Rick Noll have all his
inteligence wrapped up in several chat logs from numorous people and its
only a matter of time before his cit gets zapped. Its been done before, just
a warning to you. Keep on keeping on and you'll find yourself back to being
a tourist again Ep0ch, you are the major cause this all started in the first
place. A!!CT would have quitiely disappeared had you not started all this
and its been quite the last few days, so why are you restarting it all
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The post "E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!" deleted

Dec 6, 2003, 3:36am
That post was started by me not screb.
In recent days, I have talked to both Rick Noll and JP McCormick via the
telephone. According to both, AW makes out well with word of mouth
advertising and search engines. I suggested TV advertising, both have told
me its been tried and is not cost effective, theres no way they can recoup
their fees for such a 30
minute spot on television. the advertsing fees out weigh the gains.
Both have also told me that for every one citizenship that expires, two new
ones immigrate in their place.
I hope neither Rick or JP mind me sharing that with you.
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Looking for former Andor owner Xena

Dec 13, 2003, 7:49pm
Have her contact me, her cit account and email adress are no longer valid.
A1CTWorld at

Looking for former Andor owner Xena

Dec 15, 2003, 10:01am
Is there any reason why no one wants to tell Xena I need to speak with her?
Come on obviously someone knows her email address and can send her mine to
contact me, or is there certain controling people here who do not want me to
make contact with her?
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Immigration Officer: WARNING! Your citizenship expires tomorrow! To extend your citizenship, press the Renew button in the toolbar.

Dec 15, 2003, 12:11am
The time has come to say goodbye.
To all those who have been helpful: I say thank you.
To all those who were my friends: I say good bye.
To all those who disliked me: I'm am sorry we never got to know each other
and be friends.
To all those who hated me: I am sorry I made you think that way.
I wish you all in AW peace and happiness!
Citizen 327324 MrBruce former A!!CT World owner.

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