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For those who cared A!!CT and MrBruce bid you fairwell!

Nov 15, 2003, 10:58pm
Just to clear some confusion up, my complaint was why was a certain persons
world advertised in the universe immigration officer for their halloween
This ruined our event which was given little of no recogonition at all!!
If for what I spend here on Activeworlds does not warrant me any special
rights it should not warrrant them any rights either!!
I have nothing against the world owner who got the special universe
announcement Halloween day, But as I said my money is real too!!!

Tourist building in Alphaworld

Nov 14, 2003, 3:30am
Why not just create a new world with all new models all new avatars and all
new GZ that will WOW and inspire the new comers?
That was my intentions when I became a world owner and opened it to the
public. This way you have the old world and the new world and people who
have been here longer can chose AW world or move on to the new world.
MrBruce at

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Tourist building in Alphaworld

Nov 14, 2003, 5:46am
True, but I think AW should offer the new comers a whole new setting, AW
world can hold the history and still allow building by us oldtimers and the
new world should be open to tourists and everyone for building.
When I first came to AW in 1998 as a tourist, I was impressed beyond words
that this techknowlogy was possible.
But now I realise, what once wowed me is old techknowlogy.
I have to admit, i was impressed with New AW's models, that was a good
start, but that is all gone now.
I have ideas and goals, but sadly those take alot of money, but if I ever
had even half the land AW world has, you'd be amazed at what I could do.
You are right however about A!!CT's limtations of land available, we have
the path, we have the whole structure needed, we also have builds that are
impossible to make anywhere else....we just do not have the land or the
financial backing to make it work.
MrBruce at
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Ever wonder why?

Nov 14, 2003, 3:29am
Why not just create a new world with all new models all new avatars and all
new GZ that will WOW and inspire the new comers?
That was my intentions when I became a world owner and opened it to the
public. This way you have the old world and the new world and people who
have been here longer can chose AW world or move on to the new world.
MrBruce at
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Message to TENGEL

Nov 16, 2003, 12:06am
Tengel if your not going to host our worlds or fix your server, the least
you can do is stop worrying about AMERICA World for 5 seconds and send us
the damned Propdumps Attributes and Terrain data. For Christ sakes enough is
enough and some of those worlds are not even mine and you have me blocked
out of the server and never answer anyones emails or telegrams!!
Your server problems do not seem to affect Ashmore and Pata do they?
So fine I have moved my worlds now be considerate and send me the data for
the worlds.

Message to TENGEL

Nov 16, 2003, 12:34pm
well its just weve be denyed access for 3 weeks now since October 15th and
as i said there was worlds running off it that were not my worlds and no one
was telling me what was going on so i could tell the other world owners what
was going on.There are ways to call a friend and have them telegram me dont
you think? Problem solved i got in and got my data and transfered my worlds
and the other ones not owned by me to a differnt server.
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Message to TENGEL

Nov 16, 2003, 10:55pm
No actually I didnt know, interesting you knew, but I, as someone who had 12
worlds running off his server should have been told something dont you
think??? You would want that same respect to, I am sure of.
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Message to TENGEL

Nov 16, 2003, 10:59pm
Yes and we tried numorous things, emails, telegrams since October 15th and
no replies.
This was done as a last resort, its November 15, a month later. I think I
was more than patient waiting 30 days before I posted this as a last resort.
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Message to TENGEL

Nov 16, 2003, 11:01pm
Read my reply to jstone, it answer your question.
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Rate Active Worlds (the universe we are in now and the software we use) on a scale 1-100. (100 is best)

Nov 17, 2003, 5:18pm
Being that I'm one of AW's highest paying customers and one of Aw's largest
contributers who got nothing in return for my time and money spent here I
rate the whole program a big fat 0.
I'm not blind to what's going on here and I think AWI should start realising
that I'm not some stupid 5 year old who doesn't know what's going on here
with the favortism!!
A lot of you may not agree with me or calll me a cry baby, but if it was
your money and you knew what I knew you'd be a little upset as well.
You all seem to be more intelligent than me (or so you claim), you figure it
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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 4:21am
<snip> I
> guess u r just jealouse. so bite me!
<end of snip>
And you call yourself a mature person that's supposed to be better than me?
Give me a break. sad you will never out do me in anything you do, if I was
to run America world for one month youd need to beg AWI for a free user
limit increase.
I could do better with my world if it was not limited in size, perhaps you
all should step aside and let someone who knows what they are doing run
things a bit and if i had what you all got for free the things I could do
for AWI. I still do not see your world out doing A!!CT world, so NO WERE NOT
Just a little screwed over that I put money you only dream of into this
program so people like you can criticsize me and get a P-500 for free, go
figure. Some of us know the secrets around here and its sad someone like you
is allowed what you have after the BS you threw in my face over the years.
Trust me we know none of you has the $10,000 to put into this program,
because if you were that well off you'd get yourself a new personality and
an education to know when you've been told off and realise it. So spare us
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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 4:28am
You just dont care to mention A!!CT here but you know maybe if you visted it
and everyone stoped calling it a tourist or kiddie world you might just meet
alot of adults that come here to. Just because they are not all pearched at
GZ saying I'm an over 21 adult does not mean there are not on the outskirts
in thier selfmade communities.
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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 6:37am
she had beeter say YES because I know for a fact her smelly arse would be
lying and lies can ruin AW's image rather quickly!!
I have paid out upwards of over $8000.00 to AWI alone and this poor excuse
of a welfare case gets a free world and has the nerve to step on me with
anti-MrBruce and anti A!!CT crap? Hmmmm? Sorry Ciena your crap has come
around to bite you in the booboo, told you long ago, what comes around ,
goes around!! You lose and anyone who lies for you to cover it up.
By the way I have all my bank statements from 2001 to present as proof of
all the charges made in the name to my credit card as PROOF
of what welfare I didnt get here!!

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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 6:48am
One last thing, ahem.... Jetta Lewis is listed as America World's owner.

Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 7:21am
You call Newfoundland a 'one world' Galaxy server a universe? Its an
equivient of a P-50 world and allows 50 citizens. it costs $1,995.00. Then
we have a world in the AW universe that costs 25,000.00 depending on how may
users it allows and I bet its 100 user mininum. AWI charges $50.00 for every
5 allowed in a world. A!!CT's limit is 25 I paid out $200.00 for that, plus
69.95 for tourist access, plus 1,949.50. Plus I own 9 other worlds all paid
And I am wrong to feel pissed off and ripped off.
Ciena you are a trouble maker and I told you that long ago, you messed with
me and posts regarding decent events held in my worlds and now the dog bites
you in the arse.
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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 8:08am
This is my last post about this issue.
A!!CT is privately owned, its owned by me. A!!CT is unlike most private
worlds in AW which are merely a display of the world owners builds and
A!!CT is open to all, tourists included, we do not alienate anyone.Some
worlds hate new comers so bad they do not want tourists in their worlds!
A!!CT's entire land out side of 20 N E S W is open to the public for
A!!CT allows all building commands, create move and rotate are included.
We treat all people fairly, we do not ban people just because we do not like
them or for 'personal' reasons!!
We have water, we have clouds, we have a moon and a sun that travels across
the sky every 24 hours, they rise and set. We have night and day and weather
We allow tourists and citizens alike to edit A!!CT's terrain.
We allow public bots and we allow users here to hold any events they want
and will even include them in our world announcements.
Our object path has over 201,756 models, 265,975 textures. We make alot of
our own models and add over 500 to 1000 new ones a month, not retextured
versions of the same thing over and over again!!
A!!CT's outer boundries have oceans and beaches.
All present AW 3.4 features are successfully enabled in A!!CT.
We host many bot games and some are action related games none of you have
the talent to reproduce, such as our photon /phaser shooting game that works
anywhere in A!!CT.
We have an accurate updated bot download and info center.
We have arcade games that actually work with over 300 games.
We have tourist friendly building schools that teach tourists proper
building ediqutte and about being polite when visiting new worlds that allow
them access.
We treat new comers with respect and like it or not A!!CT is proud to
annouce to date we have encouraged 164 citizens to register as citizens
since 2001!
A few that honestly could not afford citizenships I have purchased them one
so as to lessen the amount freeloaders a bit and a few have passed the cits
back to me once they could afford their own.
We have worked with many who came to AW not knowing what this was all about
and who happened to venture into our world.
A!!CT and all its associated worlds are non-profit worlds, we make nothing
off this stuff to help renew it with.
Our only bad points are we are subject to an outragious renewal fee and and
limited to a world size of 130 and user limit of 25.
For a world of this type, A!!CT is within the top 5 on the worlds list if
not 1st or 3rd.
A!!CT world has been one of the few sucessful worlds, its downfall is it
will expire on December 16th 2003 at 8:27 PM EST.
You people take a breath, be fair and think sensibly, why let a successful
thing die, while flops are allowed to survive?

Bingo in America

Nov 21, 2003, 4:39am
I wasnt the one who said you did, all I was stating was Jetta Lewis is
listed as America worlds owner.
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Bingo in America

Nov 21, 2003, 4:53am
Ciena your name is very familar to me and a few others who also brought to
my attention the same, as the one who posted anti A!!CT remarks when ever we
or I posted an event or public notice for A!!CT World.
I love constructive criticism, but at times you were right there everytime
critisizing our posts or attacking us and putting us down.
I believe I have successfully stayed out of the NGs for some time now, so
there's no way my news reader goes back far enough to grasp one of your
anti-A!!CT or Anti-MrBruce posts to show you as proof.
I never came to AW or created A!!CT to make enemies, or get bashed by
jealous people who regret I have what I have, but none if came to me free. I
paid alot of money I could have spent selfeshly on my self, instead of
buying a large world from AW (which supports AW) and opening this world up
for you and everyone to use freely.
Yes, A!!CT World's size sux, since its a P-130 and small for a public build
world setting, But I did this all because I have a love for all people and
at my exspense I looked to bring a little happiness to all.

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Bingo in America

Nov 22, 2003, 6:44am
Well I have nothing against DLP I pay for a citizenship there with the same
name i have here, its called MrBruce. But i forgot my DLP cit number, but i
do not have time to go there much as i cant run two AW type browsers at
once. But I like DLP. : )
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Nov 21, 2003, 4:24am
As owner of A!!CT I just want to say, I personally do not have anyhting
against anyone in AW, If people make jokes about me I laugh. But when it
gets to far, I will defend myself.
I have nothing against America world or Jetta Lewis, I have a world and that
world is full of builds that were not built by me. At our last world scan we
found 378 different cit numbers on the builds in A!!CT, this does not count
tourist builds which all show as cit number 0. But as a world owner full of
other people's builds I am very concerned that all their hard work is about
to vanish forever.
Our path was custom made, therefore saving and reloading most builds into
another world wont work, its no different then us trying to save A!!CT's
prodump when we dumped Heartfall as a path and hosting service. We had no
choice but to start all over again back then.
But this time, there will be no A!!CT to rebuild, its a really tough time in
my life financially right now and basicly I have been doing this alone
financially all along, but with $700.00 to my name and slow downs at work
and a world with 25 days left before it expires, at a renewal fee of
$2000.00 Theres no way A!!CT will servive another month.
And turthfully it is not my wish for it to die, I do not want it to die and
all the hard work of everyone to go kaput!
Yes, I know thats the risks people take building in privately owned worlds.
But A!!CT world should be looked at upon differently then most, it was my
world, but in many senses, I gave it to you all to use freely as if it was
your own.
Keep the dream alive, donate to A!!CT and stick up for it and you will reap
the benefits of it someday.
Details north of GZ A!!CT World.
MrBruce A!!CT world owner.

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AW needs incentives for world owners

Nov 22, 2003, 5:03am
I think you should all look at the revenue we bring AWI by opening our
worlds up to their public and entertaining them.
The points you are all missing out on is...we citizens pay for our worlds,
now depending on what we allow in our worlds to the general public depends
on the owner. Some worlds are closed to everyone but a small group of
people, some are open but the worlds theme is based on the owners builds,
alot of worlds are like this type, such as Blupearl and Broadway just to
name a few, but these worlds also supply entertainment to AW's customers.
Then there are a few worlds like A!!CT and TheBeans where the world is open
to all and so is all the land.
Now look at it from my personal point of view, I pay $2000.00 to AWI for
A!!CT World alone, my world is fully open to all and it provides a service
not only to me, but to AWI as well! I posted in another post how many new
comers to AW (who visted A!!CT) who truthfully became paying citizens
because A!!CT World inspired them to do so. Eventually these citizens also
buy worlds because they tought world owning was cool based on what they
learned from A!!CT World. Now AWI has made alot of money at my exspense. Im
the one paying to make AWI money, if you think about it realistically here,
so AWI is making a bundle of fof me, by No.1 Being a citizen in AW. No. 2 by
being not only a one world owner, but a 9 world owner. A!!CT is my most
exspnsive world valued at $2000.00 A!!CTOY2 world is our P-40 object yard
world with tourist access. Now if my worlds inspire many new citizens in aw
and those citizens buy worlds from AWI, where am I making anything from this
to keep my worlds running? I can not charge for land, who would be stupid to
buy land in a virtual world when they can build for free elsewhere? I cant
sell worlds or citizens, so how can I make money to keep paying for my world
each year? What can I sell to help pay for my world? That's what has stumped
me for years. We cant run lotteries, we cant sell raffle tickets, how can
this be done over the web and done to assure people its not a rigged game or
a ripe off? We can't.
But we continue to make money for AWI. True there's AW World and AWTeen, but
lets be honest here, do new comers get the 24 hour support and help and
incentive they need to be encouraged to become citizens?
We have doine this in A!!CT and I am sure others in AW have done the same.
A!!CT is expiring because it can no longer support its self, its bankrupt! I
made A!!CT a world like no other open, public build world in AW (not that I
am discrediting anyone elses world) But I have put alot into it and got no
support at all.
AWI needs to think this over seriously, if A!!CT inspired 149 tourists to
register with our puney little under sized p-130 world, imagine what we
could do if A!!CT was a P-500 ----P-1000. Our land is 97 % used up and I
hate destroying anyones work to make more room for newer builders, its like
wiping Alpha world of its citizen builds, it pisses people off!!!
So thas where A!!CT stands today, it is 25 days away from expiring, my cit
expires 16 hours before A!!CT world does on the same day, I wont even be a
cit when A!!CT dies :( Think about it liek mature un jealious adults here,
can you honestly say A!!CT has not made AW any income besides what I paid
for it? And lastly, what about the people and the communities of A!!CT who
have made it their home and have to watch all their hard work go poof into
the void? Even furrucio has builds in A!!CT that will be gone forever afetr
December 16 2003. Keep the dream alive donate and support A!!CT World and we
will continue to work hard to make it all worth while :)
MrBruce A!!CT World owner
MrBruce at
A1CTWorld at

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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 22, 2003, 6:58am
E N Z O you need to show us you are the smart businessman your credentials
show you are on the AW website. I know your a smart bussiness man Rick but
sometimes you need to read what 'we' your members say to you. We snicker and
chat behind your back about ideas on how to make you richer and help your
program servive. We are just citizens who pay a bill to you each month or
year. But we also listen to our fellow citizen's complaints, suggestions and
We all want AW to servive and in return, so does your companies profits.
We have spoken many times on the telephone and had good conversations, I
know you have a heart and a desire to servive, as we all in AW have a heart
and a desire for you to servive.
Please work with us Rick, its your company, but its our favorite passtime
where we bring our friends to chat and learn new educational things.
you know how to contact me Rick, feel free to do so.
MrBruce A!!CT world's owner.
MrBruce at

E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 22, 2003, 7:20pm
No.1 Brock no where in my post is there a mention of A!!CT world. No.2 Im
trying to make sense about your statment about unpaid citizenships below.
I'm not aware of AW giving out free citizenships, besides maybe a cit
exstention in AWBingo.
No.3 This post had nothing to do with A!!CT at all, so maybe you should get
off the anti MrBruce and Anti A!!CT jealiousy rant you seem to be allowed to
rant on about all the time.
No.4 As a business you need to accept some lossses to make some rewarding
gains. Stores do it all the time and survive.
Wake up Brock, we are losing our fellow citizens quicker than you think.
Tell me brock, how many of the names on your present contacts list are
attached to actual valid citizenships?
I do not have to list my contact list to you, but since the price increase
in Febuary 2002, I believe I have had to remove a good 25 names that I know
for sure are gone for sure, the rest I have no clue.
Where is TacoGuy and ATACO world? I can tell you, he and ATACO left AW
because of the high pricing and I can go on and on with a list a mile long.
This was not the case (at this intensity) before the high price increases.
My message to you Brock is this, you need to put a little more into AW's
income besides the price of your citizenship to tell me off, if your
citzenship is supposed to be so valuable to AWI, guess what dude? I pay out
the price equiviant of your citizenship 25 times a month and own 9 fully
paid for worlds besides.
If AW would prefer to keep your cit income over the money I have invested in
AW, then more power to them.
You have a right to your opinion, but opinions like yours can hurt business
more than they will ever help.
If you went to a McDonalds and the manager allowed a person standing in line
to verbally abuse you and refuse to do anything about it, I'm sure you'd
walk out and take your business somewhere else....thats is if you have any
self respect for yourself at all.
MrBruce at

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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 22, 2003, 11:01pm
OK, I will try harder, but work with me if you can, I do mean the best for
all of us. :)
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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 22, 2003, 11:06pm
True, but then there are the ones here in AW who do a lot and use alot of
their time. True they do it because they want to, but as a whole, this post
is about asking E N Z O to please listen to all of us, not just me. We all
want the samething in the end....and that is for AW to servive as a company.
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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 24, 2003, 12:19am
He will listen, but he's thinking like a businessman and he may know things
we dont know, but at the same time, we as citizens are seeing telegram after
telegram from our friends saying they are leaving AW and leaving forwarding
email addresses to contact them at, so we see a dying community.
True Activeworlds never intended to create a community out of this program,
it was us the users of this program who created that....but what
Activeworlds did create was a program that we could build our communities
upon, like a foundation to a house.
But we as the paying financial supporters of Activeworlds.Inc see this
foundation curmbling little by little.......eventually, the house will
collapse and will our community collapse and fall beside it.
MrBruce at
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E N Z O wake up your citizenships R dying, we are trying to save your ship!!

Nov 25, 2003, 2:38am
You mean the ones owned by AWI like AWRPG? Comeon what about us who pay for
our worlds? We cant compete with worlds that have unilimted space and user
limits. Its the paying customers worlds that are dying out here, because we
can not offer anything more then what our wallets allows us. I know of alot
of worlds that got priced right out of the universe. Nova was one of them
and I know of a few others that are facing possible closure (Not counting my
world) Its just not my place to advertise other peoples' hardships here.
So if we all close our worlds and demand a refund all that will be left is
AWI owned worlds, think of the revenue AW will lose when all their world
sales come to an end and all there is left is the monthly/yearly renewal of
a citizenship left.
I think world sales make up alot of AW's income. Universes are the same way,
even the most popular ones, are not all that popular compared to the AW
Spiral Matrix is empty most of the time, I see PeaceCity is dead and I think
DLP and OW are barely serviving.
Just my opinion....MrBruce.
MrBruce at
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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 24, 2003, 7:09am
Its true, it has to be my world A!!CT they are talking about I'm sure,
because it's true thats what InSaNiTy tried to con out of me, not to mention
all the greif I put up with him worrying someone from my world was going to
hack his path, it was a nightmare doing business with him. Thats just my
opinion, but its true. Not trying to bust anyones butt here. hes also great
for adding ejections to your world for people he doesnt personally like,
whether you approve of it or not.
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Stupid Kid Email

Nov 25, 2003, 2:44am
The kid in question I'm sure is the notorius villain whose name I mentioned
once before in here which got me an email from Mountain Myst saying if I
posted his name in AW again my worlds and cits will be suspended. Now you
think of who they are fighting for in that email you recieved...HINTS its a
HIM and HIS name begins with M and its 4 letters spaced apart like this M *
* * Got the hint yet?
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Stupid Kid Email

Nov 25, 2003, 11:43am
It's appearent we all got this because a certain few got all your email
addresses thru this news server, My real AW related email address is never
stated here and I never get email concerning AW antics there except for
billing at activeworlds emails.
Trust me I know who the gang consists of and I already know what they plan
to do.
It's already been stated many times before. But I will give you a run down
of a few things.
1) They hate Bill Hoover.
2) They will wipe a few worlds most likely (AWRPG) (AW WORLD) (AWTEEN) or
(MUTATION) May be the next to get wipped. But deffinatly a few private
worlds with be victum of this.
3) They have some unknown hard core password cracker in use because they can
crack a paths password rather easily it appears and are capable of taking
over the CT status of a world by stealing the PPW of the citizen with CT
Now my purpose of posting this is not to cause trouble or an alarm, its to
make an awareness.
Play it safe and you'll be safe, use your head and you'll be less vulnerable
to attacks on your own stuff.
Lastly, if any of you think I'm in with these people to know so much, no I'm
not, but I have eyes that see and read and I also pay attention and over
hear things with my eyes on the screen.
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