Ever wonder why? (Community)

Ever wonder why? // Community

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Nov 13, 2003, 7:02pm
Ever wonder why Alphaworld had easily a 100+ population DAILY back around
two years ago?One of the reasons are because that the GZ seemed great AT THE
TIME. Its seemes absolutely crap right now cause we all have 3.3/3.4/3.5. AW
needs to get someone to design a nice new GZ to get some of the population
back. It should show what you can do with AW (light effects, terrain,
skyboxes, etc.) and encourage tourists to register and by the way Alphaworld
doesn't have a History and never will.The old gz will always be there in


Nov 13, 2003, 10:10pm
I'll be the first to say aw and it's gz look like shit that was eaten by a
shit machine and then pooped out as it was too shitty for the shit machine,
but I don't think that's the reason.

Back "in the day" there were fewer worlds and more people. In recent
history even with tourists AW was full since tourists could build in AW
before they were inspired to register.

Now tourists have no reason to be in AW as they can't build, and there isn't
much chat at awgz these days anymore. They all hang out at gate.. which is
a pretty poor example of what can be done in active worlds. This of course
has a spiraling effect as alpha seems more and more dead and less and less
people have a reason to hang out as their friends are no there anymore

A new gz might increase the visitors for a few weeks as people come see it,
and I'm sure all the old "EVERYTHING IS HISTORY!!!! NO CHANGE EVER!!!" would
stir up some fun as they sat and whined at the new gz. Actualy all the old
folks complaining about change and all the new folks wanting to see the new
gz might inspire a renasaunce in alpha, combine that with tourist
building... who knows. But the old GZ certainly isn't the reason no one is
there, people used to hang out and chat in worse looking places (yellow for

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Nov 14, 2003, 2:04am
perhaps even an AW gz building contest. imagine the enormous numbers of
people that would participate, maybe even some fanatics renewing theis cits
just to get a shot at getting their creation displayed at the teleport point
of AW's flagship world


Nov 14, 2003, 3:29am
Why not just create a new world with all new models all new avatars and all
new GZ that will WOW and inspire the new comers?
That was my intentions when I became a world owner and opened it to the
public. This way you have the old world and the new world and people who
have been here longer can chose AW world or move on to the new world.
MrBruce at a1ct.com
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sw comit

Nov 14, 2003, 6:05am
lol that's a pretty good "speaking my mind" description there.

A new pretty looking GZ will only do so much. It needs to be functional and
updated regularly, at least to get the ball rolling... I get a kick out of
the teleport area they have at GZ now. I mean those places have been there
since the dawn of time. They're historic yes but not something you'd wanna
show off to new customers since those places look pretty bad by today's

Some suggestions that I can think of....we could get have like a hot spot of
the week for individual builds. AWI could give public communities a big
hand by sponsoring them at a "city area" at GZ. It'd need a simple
reactivation system to keep only active cities listed. As far as I know
only 2 cities in a world as big as California that seem to be active and
alive. Needs to be some kinda jump start to get things going again. All AW
really needs is an active caretaker, not a passive one that one does
something one a year X_X

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