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New AW Host

Jun 28, 2003, 5:33am
Why bother, most of your path consists of objects from freebies world and
aw related objects which are all FREE, some of us buy our objects from
modlers, who agree not to share their work with people like you or others,
making one path unique from another. In order to offer modelers support like
this, we ourselves have to generate the funds to keep them going. If a path
service pays others for their time and work performed, it's only right that
the path service provider be compensated one way or another. Remember the
saying "If its free, you get what you pay for"
Path's use bandwidth, each time a person downloads a texture, object or
sound file, this uses bandwidth, which is not free, the trouble with alot of
people in this world is everyone wants something for nothing. We do not get
our website for nothing and since we pay, our pages do not annoy people with
annoying popup adds like alot of the ones i see used in aw from geocities
and tripod.
So say what you like, we pay for services and like your phone company and
internet provider does and yet you have to help pay their bills, by paying
them. Thats called staying in business, just like your citzenship payments
pay AW's bills, even though its us citizens who provide the program with
most of its entertainment.
[View Quote]

New AW Host

Jun 28, 2003, 7:55pm
Well your reply <snip> "and you dont see me making the people who use it
that's freaking stupid"
Implyes that those of us who do are infact "stupid" at latest count the
total of objects, the path we provide has over 200,000 models, this is not
counting the masks, .jpgs/textures, seqs, avatars and sound files that are
included. Too many models? Not really, sometimes its better to use one low
poly object to make a gazebo, and save on cell space, then to use 10 or more
cylander objs, to create the same effect, which uses cell space limts up
You do not get premium service for nothing.
Lastly, although we do provide all the free objects offered to aw users as a
curtesy to our customers, we also buy alot of objects from AW modelers,
because we support their efforts and their time spent on their work and in
order to afford to pay them, we have to pass that on to our users. In the
long run it allows us to our services better, which is not possible without
paying up for something.
If you can afford to provide your path for free, more power to you, but for
those of us who do are (quote) not stupid.
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A!!CT's Proposal results so far

Jun 28, 2003, 2:21am
Thanks for all your input, please read this whole page, the input we
received is listed near the end of the page. url is

A!!CT's Proposal results so far

Jun 28, 2003, 4:24pm
LOL at Brock - 308723 - DE (wanna-be) Leader, you're just jealious that all
you have is a world owned by AW (along with everyone else) named AWTeen and
that I neglected to include your origional input you submitted, hence>>>
Telegram from Brock, sent Wed Jun 18, 2003 8:59 PM:
Don't turn A!!CT into an RPG world heh, there are too many out there anyway,
that wouldn't attract intrest. what you should do is build a more higher
quality A!!CT, lose the newbieland image heh.

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Jul 1, 2003, 2:33am
: ) ConGrads!
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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 2, 2003, 10:56pm
M A T T seems like a commen AW word around here, hes been around a long
time, always wreaking havock in AW, always being banned.....but always
What is his obsession with AW and why AW?
What is his personal reasons for attcking this program?
I am posting this as an awareness thing, for those new to AW and for those
who forgot, every year M A T T looks for ways to get people to change their
emails addresses on thier cits to one he says to change it to. Please make
anyone you know aware of this, because it allows M A T T to retreave a
persons cit password in HIS email. Also he talks people into giving him
personal info promissing a world or another citizenship as a reward!
World owners you have the best means of making the new comers to AW aware of
M A T T and the tricks he plays on unsuspecting victums, please pass the
word on that M A T T is here!

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 2, 2003, 11:03pm
sorry for the crosspost i wanted to post seperately but thats how it came

Okay you can kill me now...

Jul 4, 2003, 7:57pm
Sad to see you go Wings, you and I have had many good chats and I will miss
you. I agree with you 100% also.
There are still some of us here continuing your crusade with our worlds,
BluPearl, Broadway, A!!CT, The Beans and a few other great worlds are still
here to carry your torch into the future, some allow public build for
tourists in place of AW World and some are great entertainment to the new
comers to AW (The tourists) Hats off to you and all the other great people
who have helped make AW a better place and thanks for showing you care. :)
All my best to you and yours......
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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 4, 2003, 8:08pm
Tell Robbie if hed like to make models for A!!CT I'd be more than happy to
cover the cost of his citizenship and in the mean time he can still
continue working on the other things he likes doing for others. Have him
contact me at A1CTWORLD at AOL.COM or MrBruce at A1CT.COM
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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 5, 2003, 5:55am
I believe you contradicted yourself there Maki, you said "no offense,
but......" if your too out of it to realise it, you did make an offensive
remark and displayed a sign of jealiousy perhaps? After that remark I
wouldn't make an offer to you anyways, because you never have anything
positive to say to anyone. Look, no one asked you to like me and personally
I dont care if you do : P
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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 5, 2003, 3:49pm
Sorry I should not respond to this but, I will, I try to do something nice
for someone and someone always has to come back with some crap against me
and you call me the 10 year old? Look most of my attakers are almost always
the ones who think paying a measley 6.95 a monthis gonna save aw, 6.95 a
month is pocket change to AW, its the universes and worlds over the size of
P-100 that puts a little weight in there, and seriously you call me a 10
year old for stating a fact? The kid never has any nice to say about
anything, kind of has to piss in everyones corn flakes all the time and you
call me a 10 year old?
I'll say the same thing to you, I dont care that you dont like me, I know
you don't, I dont care what you think period, I'm not here for your pleasure
nor do I have to listen to your immature cricism about what you think, if
you hate me or A!!CT fine then surely show it by not posting your assinine
opinions of what you think of everyone else, if want to improve anything,
improve your self and dont worry about me or my world or what I do and ma'am
I surely wont gave a rats ass about you either! I simply posted to Bowen to
have Robbie contact me, you nor maki was asked to reply, your name is not
Bowen nor is it Robbie but you both had to stick your nosy asses in
something that was not directed to you. I seriously think its your attitudes
that makes aw the losing battle it is. And here we talking about M A T T and
how hes destroying AW, at least Im making some effort besides sitting on my
ass in the NGs all day acting like its some chat room or something, if you
people prefer chating in this format over 3d chat then i suggest you use IRC
or ICQ.
The 10 year old is done now have a glorious day : )
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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 5, 2003, 5:09pm
Ok I'll accept that because we all have a little kid in us, it's what makes
us interesting, I took what you said the wrong way, but maki needs to
lighten up and stop pissing in the corn flakes all the time, diffinently
makes them soggy. Hehe, my bad and cant spell today either oh well sucks to
me me me.
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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 8, 2003, 12:49am
I have ran into difficult times, sure I have, but the major one that
happened 6 months ago was kind of unexpected.
I was basically asking for a co-owner in my call for help back then, most of
the successful worlds in AW, that are privately owned are paid for by more
then one person, if your knowledgeable about the people in AW, you yourself
should know several hundred worlds in AW are co-owned and financed by more
than one person. My major concern back than was the land we lost which
housed many builds owned by the people. If a world is renewed as a P-90 and
the day before it was a P-130, thats alot of builds that suddenly
Back then I took a deal on a card game (so to speak) and was dealt a bad
card, and that invloved someone electing to renewal without the card owners
permission. But after that, my quest continued to look for a co-owner or
Anyways, we got past that and I did that on my own, but its always nice to
share a good thing with other people.
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Jul 6, 2003, 3:31am
Be nice, seems to me their native language is not English and are doing the
best they can to say their say in English the best they can, but they have a
good point, shows like the satilite station Tech Tv or ZDTV has alot of
computer tech shows that showcase verious computer programs and websites. I
have yet to see AW there, but putting a bug in thier ear may make them log
in and do a program on it. A satilite station is pretty
much world wide, so one show would get alot of publicity.
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Jul 6, 2003, 11:25pm
Join the club, although your one of the ones who does not care for me and
basically it was in favor of a stupid reason that King Brian K did not like
me just for the reason that one of my worlds named A1CT origionally parted
his A1KingBrianK and A2KingBrianK worlds 2 years ago. I can say I get
attacked alot more than you do and get little appreciation from everyone in
the community. But you know what? Although I do stick up for myself here
occasionally, I realise that alot of what I do for AW is what I like doing,
making people happy with my money and time. If one person either it be a
tourist or a citizen has one second of happiness for all my efforts, then my
time and money spent is justified! : )
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awareness of m a t t

Jul 6, 2003, 11:31pm
LOL looks like my old post :)
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Xelagot 3.4 official release (with Trivia Bot)

Jul 7, 2003, 1:10am
YOU are the GREATEST!!!!! Thank you :)
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Xelagot 3.4 official release (with Trivia Bot)

Jul 8, 2003, 3:27pm
Richard none of us have anything against you, not even me, dispite your past
dislike for me. Alex has been around making bots alot longer than you, so he
has more of a name for himself as a bot maker, but I'm sure when he made his
first 4 versions of xelagot he was very little known and got very little
credit for his work.
Your bot is on display in A!!CT's bot center at 12n 2e 275, I have yet to
test your bot along with many others I have access to, because Im limited to
the number of bots I can run at one time and pretty much Zbot, Demeter and
Ultimate Paintball use up alot of my bot limit and PC power. So I can only
run a few other bots at one time.
My suggestion to you is keep up the good work, dont give up, if you enjoy
programming bots, stick with it, do like Alex did, and continue perfecting
your bot and making it better to meet the publics demands. Remember there
are alot of bots out there besides xelagot, just visit my bot center,
there's bots there made by people who get less thanks than you. But they
keep on going because they enjoy doing what they do....and hey...if they get
a pat on the back in the process, thats fine to.
Sooner or later it will all pay off, so dont give up!
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Getting the word out about AW

Jul 8, 2003, 3:06pm
Hi, just a few suggestions on how you can do your part to help get the word
out about AW.
A few of these were suggested in other threads, but were lost because of the
string of off topic posts applied to that thread.
Suggestion #1) Many of us have Cable TV or dish Tv and on the offering of
channels you'll find such super stations such as Tech TV and ZDTV (on our
local cable tv company, these stations are carried on a educational channel
allocated to our local High School, But I also see these stations offered as
primary stations on other cable systems). These stations carry programs
related to computer technology and software and are available practically
world-wide. If some of us make contact with these super stations and tell
them about the Active Worlds program, they very well could do s segment on
the program, providing free advertising for AW.
Suggestion #2) There are many magazines out there related to computers and
gaming. PC Magazine, PC World and Computing gaming World Magazines are out
there and have columns where the public can write in. Sending a letter to
one of their columns saying " I just found this really cool virtual 3d chat
program called, it is one of the coolest things I have
ever seen on the web...blah.... blah...blah.
These suggestions are a few ways of getting AW free publicty, on stations
and magazines most frequented by people who use a PC and enjoy using the
technology that AW is made of and could very well increase the publics'
awareness that AW does exsist.
Just remember, how many times you've read in these newsgroups how people
found AW by doing web searches looking for new chat programs or 3d related
programs. Imagine the increase if we can get a publication to do an article
on a world-wide satalite TV station, or a magazine related to computer and
3D gaming technology.

Getting the word out about AW

Jul 8, 2003, 6:09pm
If we all keep on trying the point will get across and by the way Brock, I
still see Tech Tv on my cable system, it has a number 7 with a circle around
it as a logo in the lower part of my screen which really is a T and ZDTV is
yet another satilite station available.
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Getting the word out about AW

Jul 8, 2003, 6:19pm
If everyone keeps sending in emails and letters to these programs and others
like it someday someone is gonna do a show on it, take my world on this, the
reason I's posting this suggestion, is to not give you all ideas, but also
if we ALL contact these publications, we better the chances of being
Keep in mine, 1000 recomendations speak louder than 1! So lets go people,
lets get busy and send those emails and letters out!
Try for starters, if anyone has the
emails for ZDTV or Tech TV please post those. If anyone has any other TV
related programs from other countries like the UK or France add those emails
too. Any magazines? post those too!

Getting the word out about AW

Jul 8, 2003, 6:27pm
Grrr I hate Out look Exspress, I always look over my posts for errors and
correct them but they always show up in the posted post.(Here is the
corrected post..... I hope)
If everyone keeps sending in emails and letters to these programs and others
like it, someday someone is gonna do a show on it, take my world on this,
reason I'm posting these suggestions, is to give you all ideas. Also
if we ALL contact these publications, we better the chances of being
Keep in mine, 1000 recomendations speak louder than 1! So lets go people,
lets get busy and send those emails and letters out!
Try for starters, if anyone has the
emails for ZDTV or Tech TV please post those. If anyone has any other TV
related programs from other countries like the UK, Canada or France add
those emails
too. Any magazines? post those too!

3.4 bots serious bug

Jul 10, 2003, 2:50am
LOL in the mean time the tourists in A!!CT are loving this bug, because they
are not stuck to the same avatar all the time.
To bad this "bug" can not be a regular feature that only a caretaker bot can

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Jul 11, 2003, 4:38pm
Pineriver and I had a talk recently about CTV, the trouble there was Taz
allowed his website to exspire, I was going to allow him to use,
but he told me he aquired his own website, so CTV should be back up and
running soon, sad to say though that there are 100s of TV screens in AW that
will need to be directed to the new URL. Pineriver told me the new url is and should be up and running soon.
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On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 11, 2003, 4:53pm
Looks to me like you'll be passing thru 12 miles south of me in New London
Connecticut, As I live in the city of Norwich. But by the looks of your
schedule, your train will not be stopping at that terminal. :(

Object makers please reframe from using caps!!

Jul 12, 2003, 11:50pm
Just a word about names people use for both textures and models. Some of us
have servers that are case sensetive, if you name a model Wall01 or Tree03
and zip it as such in object sets, some of us have to spend hours unzipping
those models and renaming the objects to all lowercase letters, because our
servers do not see Tree01 and tree01 as the same file name.
I've also noticed some objects named walk01.RWX the same problems result. A
windows server is not as case sensetive as a linex server.
I've also noticed alot of the Megapath and most of GandTech objects such as
the Borgs set are full of caps. A main reason for getting reason # 12152 or
reason # 7 server errors.

Object makers please reframe from using caps!!

Jul 13, 2003, 3:40pm
Thank you for your hint, I will look into my servers control panel.
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Object makers please reframe from using caps!!

Jul 13, 2003, 3:47pm
Whoops that's strange I thought I sent my reply yesterday, it just sent it
now as I logged back in.
and andras is right about his last reply which is not attached to this post,
also regarding someones response say rename the zip, I have tried renaming a
zipped object before and later unzipped it to find the rwx notepad file
inside is still named Walk01.RWX.

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Object makers please reframe from using caps!!

Jul 13, 2003, 4:19pm
aye aye captain.
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A!!CT looking for new host

Jul 14, 2003, 11:02pm
Hi we are looking for a new host someone who is NOT in DSL or has 1000
outages a day, no offense but our present host it seems does not want to
provide a suitable server for us and our world is crashing every 5 minutes
for as much a 3 hours at a time! It is also crashing our computers when the
bots we host to control the world find the world is not running. We can not
have this, this is not a normal and we have to find a host who is willing to
dump thier ISP if this is the case and provide something better. An ISP
should not be disconnecting every 5 minutes for 2 hours at a time and anyone
paying for such a service should request a refund, its also cuasing me to
host of fmy PC while their server is down for 3 hours and upsetting my
builders do to the prop being out of date!!
Please contact me.

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