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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 7:38pm
Childish? Why spend $1,319.00 on a program where you are not allowed to say
anything about the product you bought from the owners of this newsgroup?
I have said enough I deleted all the world database of A!!CT so I am not
spamming anymore face it my friend there is NO A!!CT to spam about anymore.
All your communitys hard work *POOF* deleted... gone!
And like you people don't care about about me, you can only expect me to not
care about you...don't worry as a paying customer E N Z O is going to get an
earfull about this on monday! I will ask him if I deserved the BS I got
thrown at me when I asked the community for help.
In fact he already knows a little already!
Enough said My removal of my world from your universe speaks for its self!
Alas another world and 20 citizens bite the dust :P
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 7:50pm
Sorry been there done that before. I do not want to be here anymore where I
am not wanted. I am not here for pitty either, this community showed me it's
true colors, its hatred, it's jealiousy. All my hard work went to hell. I
will never ask another person to come here from another chat program ever!
You people have no idea what you lost!
And another thing you can not hold me responsible for what NCC 71854 says
about anti American stuff, he is his own person, I am not a controler and I
am not going to be held accountable for his actions and I think it childish
for you all to think so.
Don't worry though, Rick Noll will hear about all of this and I will direct
him to the abuse I got from the community in this newsgroup and ask him if
he feels I should have been subject to the abuse I was subject to here!
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 9:04pm
I will say this one more time and only once, I can not be held responsible
for the way NCC 71854 handles himself, he is his own person, he is a 26 year
old adult who is not my responsiblity. But yet you speak as if I have a hand
puppet here where I can control what he says.
Maybe the same example is perhaps I should blame you for what he says, its
your fault for not controling him when I am not.
Use your commen sense here will ya? You already got what you wanted, what
more do ya want?
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 9:12pm
No, you have my greedy ex-hosting service to blame for the last world
deletion, which was put to a public vote, the community voted to wipe the
world and start over. Had my ex-hosting company charged me what he posted as
his service rates instead of taking advantage of me and charging $175.00
more, there would have been no deletion. If you do not know the facts do not
And just to let you know, this is the last time it will be deleted and I am
not kidding!
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 11:41pm
You value your cit account? I hope so because your posts are the first to be
brought to E N Z O's attention wise-ass, you can't remove what you aready
posted, I will be sure he contacts you first for harrassment in a public
I know AW a little better than you do smarty! Better think before you type,
it might just cost you your citizenship! and you do not have to read what I
type either unless someone is pointing a gun to your head and controling
you, like you people exspect me to do to NCC 71854.
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 11:47pm
Just this one last time I will waste my time on you, people like YOU are the
major reason many have left AW and many more will leave very soon, you can
count on that!
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 11:53pm
your so quick to answer every post aren't you. You must just sit there
waiting, is your life going to be that dull without me hmmm?
Grow up, reporting you to AW for abuse is not a threat, its part of their
TOS. Little do you know! Go away little child and play with your dolls, I do
not need to impress you or anyone like you, you do a good job of hanging
your own ass here.
The day E N Z O contacts you about abusive usage of the NGs you won't so
quick to respond next time.
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 11:58pm
You need to calm your jets a little too, your going overboard here and
actually making things worse, so please you to think before you speak as E N
Z O will be reading these posts at my request and I will not be hold
responible with who gets banned from either here or AW universe in the
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 10, 2003, 12:11am
I read your post and will think about what you said here. It was to my
understanding the the newsgroups were intended for news and topics related
to AW. I just want one question answered here. If speaking about an AW.Inc
related world is considered spam, and you are correct on this, then why does
no one say these things when BluePearl is advertised in all the NGs by
OneSummer and cross-posted and even posted on news.// in all
catagories including A!!CT's own message board?
Don't believe me go to news.// and look for AW.A1CT. A!!CT's NGs.
Why may I ask is a announcment for a Broadway worlds NewYearsEve party
posted there, by who else OneSummer!
You didn't complain then did you?
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 12:37am
I am just posting to let you know I read this. Sorry its easy for you not to
understand how it is to be at my end of this mess. Most of my problems were
casued by my ex-hosting service, after we dumped that problem, the next was
as you already know the credit card thing.
You all seem to like Tom (Flagg) well during a phone conversation with him
last week, he suggested I call out for a financial helper, a world co-owner
and/or ask the community for suggestions on how we could make a world pay
for it's self and try posting it in their public forums.
I took his advice and this is the result MAYHAM!
Maybe I was a little long winded on my first post, but being that I do not
know who is reading it, I chose to give a little insite as to why I was
looking for a co-owner or possible suggestions.
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 12:49am
You mean NCC 71854? Well I said it before I will say it again, I do not
agree with his actions! He may be angry but he is going about it the wrong
way with attacking people with violence. I did all I could do, I told him to
knok it off!
I am not his parent or guardian, all I can do is give advice to cool it with
the violent threats.
I do hope he listens.
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 12:55am
NCC 71854 Thanks, but if I say your hurting issues here more than helping
you got to believe me. You attacked America with words of violence, America
has been attacked already with violence many times. True maybe our Goverment
needs a damned good ass kickin'. But just remember there are people here in
America from all walks of life, who innocently died in the world trade
center, they were civilians not members of any army, they were people from
your country as well, they died at the hands of the al'quida or what ever
their name is, just remember that.
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 1:04am
Sorry NCC i have to agree, so if you support me as you say you do, stop with
the anti-American stuff remember I am an American, A!!CT the world you
defend was based on a U.S state called Connecticut.
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 1:18am
I do not agree with his actions and his misunderstanding about a mention I
made in another post about Bin Laden. When i typed that post, it was not
wroded as i thought and i sent it before making sure it said what I meant it
to say.
I later tried to clear that post up in another post, but like usual things
were going crazy with NCC and it got lost in the shuffle.
Do I agree with his use of violent words agaisnt America? No, I think he has
to realize we can not control our Government anymore than he can.
He does have a right to be angry, but I DO NOT agree with his use of
violence in a public newsgroup!
I know he sees these posts I make, its up to him if he wants to clam down,
rethink and at least appoligize for insulting all Americans becasue he does
not like the U.S. Government.
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 1:20am
I can not keep up with this post
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 6:51am
I think you misunderstood what i said please re-read it and realize I was
talking about NCC has a right to be angry, NOT bin laden
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Dues Ex Machina

Feb 10, 2003, 6:52am
I think you misunderstood what i said please re-read it and realize I was
talking about NCC has a right to be angry, NOT bin laden
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Feb 10, 2003, 7:01am
Please re-read that post you are refering to I was talking about NCC 71854
in that post and said he has a right to be angry, because he was being
attacked verbally in the newsgroups. As for my mention of Bin Laden, I was
refering to a post I made in another thread, that I worded incorrectly and
was taken the wrong way. I was so upset over the crap the punks were saying
about me spamming my world in the newsgroups I typed it hastedly and sent it
without editing it.
But it kind of kind out like I was saying I was all for what Bin Laden did,
it was supposed to refer to me as the WTC and I was being attacked as the
WTC was.
Yes its amazing how a simple mis-typed thread can cause so much trouble,
specially here!
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Feb 10, 2003, 7:05am
Grrr these NGs are not working right for some reason, they double post and
jumble what i seen as ok text.
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OK my last post

Feb 10, 2003, 7:34am
You will all post about it soon enough, so let me beat you to the punch
And please read carefully!
Out of respect for all the ones who built in my world, I have brought it
back, but with one big difference, I have given A!!CT to WhiteStar who is a
very 3d talented adult and to Mayor Taz, who donated his TAZ! world a few
weeks back.
I have stepped down as acting owner and after a long talk with WhiteStar via
telephone have desided he would be a great canidate to run the world.
Please respect him and not reflect any anger you have against me or NCC
71854 towards him as he had nothing to do with what we said or posted.
If you are not understanding me here, for the sake of my worlds builds and
it's builders, I am stepping down, I will only be an adviser to WhiteStar if
he asks for assisitance.
Please also be advised that WhiteStar does not use a cit owned by me.

You may have noticed...

Feb 10, 2003, 7:42pm
Thank you E N Z O ! :)
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Free Turdor styled house/shop

Mar 2, 2003, 1:30pm
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful object set with us world owners, we
do appreaciate your generosity Wiz!
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The Game

Mar 28, 2003, 1:27pm
Hey give the guy a break at least someone is trying to make AW a more
intresting program to attract new users, who just might happen to find his
this program doing news searches. Truely seems like everyone wants this and
wants that concerning the increase of new blood into aw and maybe lower
prices, but everyone here criticizes anyone who tries and those who
criticize seem to do nothing to bring in NEW paying customers.
People who constantly post about AW's sad future and the lack of newcomers
can do something on thier part too to increase the population into AW, one
thing is to stop criticisizing anyone who posts anything positive or
entertaining in AW in this news reader.
Also keep in mind that there are people out there who read these news
readers, who found them through a webseach. There are aslo members of other
3d chat programs who frequintly read this news group, but never come here to
the AW universe, becasue they basically say same old sh*t there, no need to
pay any sum of money to be a cit there.
Think about it!
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The Game

Mar 29, 2003, 4:44am
Hmmm? I have not posted once since January, do you have a life outside the
newsgroups? Seems your always replying to somebody with your negativity,
exactly the reason for my post, if you want to fight go join the service and
fight in Iraq. :P
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Beta 3.4 [479] [BUG] Problem with create picture?

Apr 15, 2003, 11:38am
Yes, freebie sites like Geocities do not work with 3.4 we noticed this back
when the 3.4 beta was first started, it has something to do with the way AW
identifies its self to your webhost Geocities. Geocities do not intend
themselves from being used as a public free download site ofr the public,
just think everytime someone visits your world they download off that free
server, it was never meant to be, so now that AW's browser identifies its
self differently, free sites like Geocities and Tripod block out AW from
downloading off their site. It's best now everyone gets a webpage from a
paid for service.
I am sure someone can exsplain this better, but those of us who have been
beta testers from the beginning noticed this right from the beginning and
there's nothing we can do about it.
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( Whitestar) Yes Mr Bruce will probly shutdown A!!CT Agian go on have another tantrum

Apr 25, 2003, 1:57am
you are a complete ass
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( Whitestar) Yes Mr Bruce will probly shutdown A!!CT Agian go on have another tantrum

Apr 25, 2003, 2:09am
i would swar your name was King Bluemax he did the same crap before you and
AKINGDOM is dead! So ass keep up your anti shit and we can talk with aw
about it ok, this childish shit from a grown adult really pisses me off,
specially from a bum who hasn't paid shit to have so much say, let it be
said fool you never gave A!!CT a dime of your chump change! LOSER!
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Yes Mr. Bruce will shutdown A!!CT Again Mr. Bruce grow up

Apr 25, 2003, 2:00am
and once was not enough you post twice, good reason why your banned, thsi is
how you act, good luck, only babies post anti crap in the NGs beecher. :P
looks to me like you can't get your way with what you paid nothing towards
so you psot like a few of the other freeloaders who lived off my wealth and
paid 0.00 nada zilch! you used me you f*cking bum!
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OK the truth, Whitestar is wrong!

Apr 25, 2003, 7:06pm
COMMUNITY: First off its not my fault or intention for A!!CT's problems to
be a part of your newsgroup, its my stupidity for listening to people who
seem like concerned mature adults to help take some of the burden off of me,
so I am not doing one thosand things at once! I certainly hate typing which
is why i perfer staying to myself, to own a world with its own path is more
work then any of you realize,I can not do everything at everyones whim. The
object path is the biggest bitch because alot of the doanted objects were
altered by the donaters, editing a 200 object set is very time consuming
when the textures have a combination upper and lower case letters in them,
my server is case sensitive and its very annoying and very time consuming.
Whitestar wants me to get rid of Defiance, but with the getting rid of
Defiance also involves losing his object path and whitestar does not
understand this, yes maybe I need to get rid of Defiance (I admit that
goddamn it) but when his path is gone, so are the objects he created.
Whitestar thinks i can just screw everyones build up without giving it a
I want to be truthful here, i hate aw and i really am miserable here, A!!CT
has been nothing but a nightmare since i had Heartfall path hosting as a
host and InSaNiTy played ejection God with my world and hassled me over who
was allowed in his object yards and the crap here in AW never seems to end.
People come to me saying they can help, i listen to them and say look I am
really over whelmed here with having to do everything myself so yes i could
use the help. So OK here I
am again wasting my time not getting those textures fixed, again posting and
typoing another fricking post, becasue someone who offered to help me is
complaining about me and my world A!!CT and its sucky management.
It seems all these helpers do to me and my world is go eject happy, i have a
world that has average 20 people in it that drops to 5 within weeks, half
the people are in the ejections list.
Im caught in the middel of being bot person, object path designer and
Moderater trainer, everything is on me and then on top of that, I have to
play judge over a dispute between a CT who is eject happy and a victum who
says they were wrongly ejected.
A!!CT mostly makes the news over CTs ejecting people out of my world, one i
bought and paid for A!!CT and the fact that as (the credit card holder) for
A!!CT I am not advised as to why the person is ejected or the details. If i
feel fit to remove a ban or ejection I am threatend by the CT they will
leave and start a world of their own to compete with and destroy my world.
That is the reasons the following people came to A!!CT, became a CT and left
A!!CT to open their own worlds (but not without posting my name and world in
these Goddamned newsgroups saying MrBruce is this ..MrBruce is that ...I am
opening my own world where things will not be like MrBruce or A!!CT, MrBruce
is a bad world owner come to ***** world instead
I am sick of this bullshit folks and its mainly from GROWN ADULTS who want
nothing but POWER!
KeithB did this to me and opened A11NY, Rick did this to me and opened
A!!!!!BB, King BlueMax did this to me and opened AKINGDOM, Rowey did this to
me and deleted 90% of A!!CT's GZ before I had AW disable his cit. Now
Whitestar does the same thing to me over Defiance!
What is wrong with the people here?
Why am i always in the lime light defending myself, I came here to have fun
and provide something for everyone.
Whitestar came to my world when i told him i was sick of people doing to me
just what he just what he did to me. I put my trust in him, i believed in
him.......he says i should have booted defiance long ago, does he have any
idea how long it takes to rebuild a suitable path to repalce defiances? I
think not.
I am angry that instead of fixing MY path i am here wasting my fucking time
defending myself again and yes i am pissed!
My world has had nothing but bad raps since it coem to be and i get the
blame for it all, i try my best i put my trust into people who say they want
to help and look what i get.
Whitestar this is a message to you, you complained about A!!CT being too
open and free to do what you wanted, so i gave you A1CT so you had totoal
control over that world, I told you was buying my own server at with my own path but it was going to take time to put
together. %0% of the objects were freebies with tons of errors in the
scripts, resulting in hours of unzippping editing and rezipping and renaming
to remove capital letters like some idiot who named a wall Wall01.RWX on my
server (which is case sensitive) a person has to type Wall01.RWX not
wall01.rwx for the object to load. That takes time and till its done my path
can not fully repalce Defiance's path, lets be logical here!
Your causing me great un-needed stress here mr whitestar because you claim
its taking me too long to finish, you made a commercial business deal
promiss with me 4 months ago, whats taking you so long? I have an excuse, I
have only had my own server less than 3 weeks and it should not be expected
to be ready yet!
So for some unknown reason, you abandon the project in A1CT claiming it was
over Defiance, I call you a coward, because you never told me anything, if i
had not gone to A1CT and seen the message you left on the immigration
officer, i would not have known you walked out on me to start your own
I feel you used me, yes until i used defiances object password my path was
unprotected and you were able to downlaod off it freely to steal objects,
once defiance shared his apssword with me, i started zipping my objects with
his password to protect them, thats when you could not longer downlaod them
and what were your intentions? You moved the builds from A1CT to AWTeen
using a bot, you used a bot to copy A!!CT world's entire landscape, why? to
move it to AWTeen or your world you plan to open?
I feel you used me, in 4 months I, nor A!!CT world has received anything
from you, but promisses not kept and an ejection list a mile long!
Had you had some money invested in A!!CT I would have seen your right to do
so, but you paid nothing, you used me, you used my world and path to get a
status symble for yourself, to open your own world and compete with me, just
like all the others did to me.
But you know what Whitestar? Those who did that to me and have worlds,
failed to do what their posted claimed they would do. A!!CT still tops the
worlds of those who were A!!CTs past CTs, you know why? because 90% of AWs
citizens are on the ban lists.
In closing and i am not going to waste my time editing this shit, I never
brought A!!CT to AW to be power hungry or to play God, I do not care who
builds there or comes there, its a free world and I DO NOT like others who
are not owners to do it either!
A!!CT according to AW records has TWO real owners who have paid for A!!CT.
Those are Mayor Taz and MrBruce. Defiance is only an object path owner.
Mr Whitestar its not me that failed you or A!!CT, i was doing my best, it
was you who walked out on not only me (someone who did nothing to you) but
you also walked out on A!!CTs community and if our frienship was so thin
that a smuck like defiance could end it, then it was never really a true
friendship anyways was it?
End of discussion I have a Path to work on and your actions made you look
just as bad as defiance!
You want to act mature contact me, otherwise to avoid you copying any more
builds in A!!CT your banned, you seem to be one to get the last word in so i
am sure I will hear something negative from you soon.
Thank you for your time!

OK the truth, Whitestar is wrong!

Apr 25, 2003, 11:12pm
I really do not care it is not me that brings this shit into the NGs or my
world name. funny how you blame me, yet whitestar brought this shit here in
the first place like they all do. You exspect me to grow up then tell the
assholes who come here to bring my world and it'd business into this NGs. I
did not bring this shit here, why don't you speak to people like King
Bluemax and Whitestar who like little Kids in a mans body have to run here
to start shit. plain and simple!
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