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OK the truth, Whitestar is wrong!

Apr 25, 2003, 11:16pm
I am just a sucker for a suckers story, but no more. A!!CT has two CTs two
Owners Mayor Taz and myself and we hardly EVER use eject unless we really
have to. But we do not eject just fro the sake of having power over people
who happen to blink the wrong way.
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OK the truth, Whitestar is wrong!

Apr 25, 2003, 11:37pm
Brock I am here to defend myself, as I said before, why are you not posting
the same advice to Whitestar who brought this crap here in the first place?
hmmm why not brock? Look down a few posts, don't see you telling Whitestar
the same thing. Just like they need a headline to attack me in, I need one
to defend myself in. Plain and simple, maybe if people keep my business out
of here, so will I.
Lastly, funny how you always attack me here and put me down, but your not
banned from my world and you infact have a build there not far from GZ.
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What Citizens Want

May 1, 2003, 8:28am
I am not sure why I am responding to this post, but by chance someone will
listen, I respond to this post with facts that I know.
Being the owner of a big world here in AW for close to 21 months, I have had
alot of contact with the staff at AW.
I too was hurt when AW totally banned tourist entry to AW all together and
after a month of protesting, we convinced AW to reallow toursts back.
Trouble was, they were locked in at the gate. It took a few of us concerned
world owners to shell out $60.00 USD to give them some room to breath by
opening our privately owned worlds to them.
I have asked all the members of management at AW about removing the
restrictions on tourists, all have told me the same thing over and over
again. Tourists use up band-width, numbers show that when AW allowed
tourists free access, yes the universe numbers were high, sometimes hitting
300 people, with the most in AW world. But out of those numbers, most were
According to Tom (FLAGG) AW made more money when tourists were totally
banned from AW altogether, then they did, or have since tourists were
allowed back in.
Also it still stands that many could not afford AW when it was $19.95 a
year, because most are teenagers who can not afford AW, or can not use a
credit card. The same goes now, but prices are higher.
But whats worse, is the punks in AW who get great pleasure out of dystroying
a tourist's hard work and discouraging them from even considering a
citizenship, its those people who hurt AW the most and to think they say
they like AW...hmmmm shakes my head in wonder.
My tourist enabled world was mercilessly was striped of tourist builds
daily! No wonder AW is dying who cares to stick around when 5 hours of hard
work and creation are wiped out by some punk in 30 seconds.
Just a real life point here, my son PSXferarri started out as a tourist, all
his work was destroyed by some punk and the time I bought him a cit, he lost
any fether interest.

Please lay off the personals?

May 6, 2003, 5:08pm
I say Bravo E N Z O! But they'll never learn, sometimes these people attack
the ones who are trying to be the most helpful even though they be not be
doing it to EVERYONE's approval.
But it seems to me it's the same people over and over again.
MrBruce 327324.
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Please lay off the personals?

May 6, 2003, 10:56pm
Yes I read it and he's great with a misleading "?" at the end two lines, but
the points that made the point was <snip #1> There have been numerous
threads lately involving personal attacks on at
least one of our citizens. <snip #2> Personal attacks will not be tolerated
and will be deleted when found. <snip #3> At least three late threads are
now deleted... please do not start them up
again or continue them. If this continues we may have no choice but to
block posters or close the NG.
Your point is (I guess) that your saying I misread it as something serious,
when he was indeed minmicking the woman who people here were attacking? I
know E N Z O better than that. He was warning you all to block someone if
your not approving of thier way of posting and not attack them with
un-needed insults.

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Please lay off the personals?

May 7, 2003, 6:44pm
Here's my post again so you use it as a reference. And YOU tell me where you
see ONE name mentioned that makes it a PERSONAL attack. And after you read
it get a dictionary and look up the word PERSONAL! And look at his heading I
see the word PERSONAL there don't you?
<snip> I say Bravo E N Z O! But they'll never learn, sometimes these people
the ones who are trying to be the most helpful, even though they may not be
doing it to EVERYONE's approval.
But it seems to me it's the same people over and over again.
MrBruce 327324.

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A!!CT Bingo

May 8, 2003, 9:53pm
LOL at Brock your so funny! = )
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E N Z O, why was my Bingo Bot removed?

May 11, 2003, 8:59am
I see it and downloaded it, hope you dont mind but we have a link to your
bot in A!!CT's Bot Center located at 12N 1E. I just link everyone to have
exsposure for their work. : )
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^Tourists & Newsgroup^

May 12, 2003, 10:36pm
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May Newsletter?

May 20, 2003, 4:32am
I find it strange no one has asked this (unless I missed something) but
what ever happend to the AW newsletter for the month of May?

A!!CT World and myself thanks you all!

Jun 5, 2003, 10:58pm
Just a quick line to say Thank you for voting for A!!CT World as "world of
the month", we did not win first place this month, but being a nominee still
means just as much!
Again Thank You!
MrBruce and the A!!CT World Community.

New Alpha World

Jun 6, 2003, 10:21pm
Always remember good things come to those who wait. Be patient my friend,
newaw world is worth the wait : )
MrBruce "assigned tester for AW 3.4 Beta"
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Jun 10, 2003, 12:57pm
It might have to do with how much RAM your system has available for the bots
to run, it may also be you're missing a required .DLL, next time a bot
crashes try going to your windows folder and look for faultlog.txt, it's
usually in the directory as a note pad file. Open it, in that text is every
windows system crash, you exsperienced since you installed your OS, the last
few entries will tell you what dll or program crashed your PC. MicroSoft has
a knowlegeBase website that can help you determine why your getting this
or try the mircosoft news groups at lastly try technet
from microsoft This should help you
discover and correct your problem. If the links do not rap around please
copy and paste them.
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 3:15pm
Regarding that post made by The Lady, I know it's tough to police children
in AW and all, but what happens when supposed grown mature adults act worse
then the kids?
I won't mention any names here, but it's a shame to see a 40+ year old
adult, acting more immature than most teenagers! What example is this adult
setting not only for AW's youth, but for his very own daughter?
The culprit will know who HE is just by reading this post, but for a grown
man to go around disgusing himself as his daughter by changing his cit name
to hers and adding a period to the end of the name and doing this for the
sole purpose to bash and bad mouth a world and its owner, is just too much!
Or to log in as a tourist named "The One" and hang out at the AW gate and
for hours say don't go to a particular world because.............blah blah
But the real shocker was when this ADULT changes his cit name to MrBruce
Sucks, when it didn't take me long to call AW and have this jerks cit
Of course he calls AW and they give him his cit back, 4 hours later!
Or when this adult goes to AWTeen and tries to form a Gang (comprised of
teenagers) to go and vandalize a world, by finding flaws in its GZ or
deleting tourist builds!
What kind of example does this adult set not only for AW Inc and it's
on-line youth, but his very own daughter in real life! A Grown man going
around persuading kids to do what is wrong!
I don't go around AW bothering other people and I surely do not need this
piss poor example of a grown DEVORCED man, bothering me and ruining AW's
reputation, I use the word devorced loudly here, because obviously his wife
was a victum of his childish flaws and left him.
My message to this immature loser is this, you're not hurting me mister!
Your hurting the image of AW and you're setting a very bad example for your
teenage daughter and impersonating her and hiding behind her name and stupid
tourist names to bash a world and it's owner, makes every one you try to
stand for look bad!
You know who you are I wont use your name here like you did mine in your
childish post stating I will close my yourself and anyone you
really care for a favor....GROW UP and get A LIFE!

Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 3:37pm
NO pay closer attention, my post is not exactly on the same subjuct as The
Lady's. Please READ things more closely before you respond :P
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 5:44pm
Its not Rossy and Rossy is not a 40+ year old adult, my post is about ADULTS
who act like kids, The Lady's post was generally about KIDS in aw.
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 6:02pm
I can not believe a bunch of educated adults missed the point here and make
it so people have to post 17Gb posts to make a point clear here, it was a
pun, like hello wake up, its not just kids here that are trouble makers,
it's a jerk who is 40 something years old acting worse than the kids talked
about in The Lady's NG post, my point is, in english for you all to
understand is if you think what the kids are doing in AW is shocking...what
about a grown adult who is worse. My point about him being DEVORCED is I bet
if his wife was in AW she'd say "I agree that's why I left the guy".
As for what I post here, no one forces you all to read anything and by
complaining about posts here is the same as saying someone forced you at gun
point to read stupid posts like mine or anyones for that matter.
And as i mentioned in my post that (ok it was regarding personal attacks
against me and A!!CT) fine your right...but it makes better since to speak
about my personal belongings rather then post about something that does not
belong to me. But as a whole this jerk is giving AW the bad image here not
me, not A!!CT and thats my...... duh.....point....or did i speak spanish
when I typed it and no one understands.
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 6:26pm
Like in the case of Whitestar cit # 350723 (who IS the subject of this post)
who hides behind the name Digigurl.(< note the period at the end) and
disgraces his daughter Digigurl by mascrading as her and goes around
claiming to be her and spreading bad trash, or logging as a tourist at the
AWgate to do the same, or changes his name to MrBruce Sucks or going to
AWTeen and gathering a group of kids together and influences them to go to a
world and destroy it. I believe that person like this is classified as a
terrorist and and a bad influence should be banned, because his conduct
actually hurts AW.
The Lady's post as I understand it, was about kids in AW having an impact on
adults, my post is about the impact of an adult on children in AW.
The proof is there, many of our attackers admitted to me they did it because
the above named person suggested it and to meet his approval those kids did
just what he asked of them!
Does this adult meet your approval? he doesn't meet mine, maybe it's me now,
but who will it be next, or who else is it he's doing this too?
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 7:55pm
Ok I could have named this thread "Persuasion of Children?...What about
Persuasion of Adults?" But figured that heading was too long and I tried to
keep it short.
I am no journalist, and dont claim to be one, (if I was I'd be working for
the New York times or Time magazine.
You all took this as MYpersonal baggage, again to be a good journalist, you
need to use your head and try to follow what someone is actually saying in a
post, I could give a rats ass about MrBruce or A!!CT, its AW I'm concerned
about and how the influence of some adults here in AW have on kids to ruin
AW and how it IS ruining AW, (not MrBruce, not A!!CT) I do realise that
without either AW will still be here tomorrow. I only used my name as an
example of proof, like the woman says "if this is happening present proof it
is happening" That I did, but its not me the guy is hurting with his conduct
its AW and if hes doing this to me, who else is he personally doing this to?
And his conduct at the AWgate hiding as a tourist to throw personal attacks
not only proves he's a coward, but a very poor example to set on new comers
at the AWGate, as to what kind of people are allowed here. You want this
kind of man around your kids as a leader? Or teaching them how to conduct
themselves? Think about it and call me in the morning.
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 8:15pm
But with all the problems already present in AW, do we need an adult to go
around making it worse by going to the kids in AW and saying "hey go to such
a such world and delete this or do that"?
Trust me if the guy had a job as a teacher in a school, or was employed by a
daycare center, he'd surely be fired on the spot for this kind of conduct!
Kids have enough violence and corruption in their lives without a grown man
influening them to do more! (In the USA thats considered child abuse!)
Lastly, I presented not only proof, examples of proof, but I finally made
you all aware who the guilty culprit is by posting his idenity, so you can
all watch out for him and just so you all know, when I called AW Inc via the
telephone and they seen the name that was on his cit, they had the proof
they needed and decided it was best to disable his cit. So the proof is
against him, he just doesn't know when to quit and grow up!
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 12, 2003, 5:13pm
Sorry about that Goob, I guess since I was being telegrammed so much about
who it was and if I had proof, then I should make everyone aware who it is,
so everyone can watch out for him, I later decided to do so, he's been at
this for a while now, moderaters at the AWGate have sent me IP addresses of
a tourist who sits at the AWGate doing what I posted earlier, the IP sadly
matchs his IP which we have records of when he was a CT in one of my worlds,
he also got the surprise of his life when he logged into my world as a
tourist named "The One" shortly after AW disabled his cit and I snuck up on
him on an invisible avatar.
Defiance: "The ONe" = white
Defiance: u there? It's White's IP he's at 2n 35e IP:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(Teleports to 2n 35e)
MrBruce: its ok the name will be different soon whitestar
MrBruce: no mrbruce sucks in A!!CT
"The One": jackass
(ejects "The One")
I wont post his IP address here, but it was a perfect match, to the one sent
to me for this trouble maker at the AWGate and hes been exsposed and needs
to get a life! Because it's not me hes hurting with his conduct.

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Jun 13, 2003, 10:09pm
LOL your just jealious :P
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AW Festival 2003 - "Diversity"

Jun 12, 2003, 10:28pm
We need more GREAT people like you two! Mind if we make clones? :) just
letting you know I think what you people are doing is great! Keep up the
good work!
MrBruce-----(just voicing his appreciation to a fine bunch of people!)
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To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 18, 2003, 9:48pm
Please click this link and read our proposal plan for A!!CT World.


To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 19, 2003, 5:50am
None taken sw comit. No, we would no doubt save a full propdump of the world
to CDROM first. Of course that would save all builds at once. If a full wipe
was done all the builds can be restored and we also minus all the defects
and eyesores and maybe end up with an improved design upon reload.
The bad part about AW world is when you run into someone elses old outdated
build thats nothing but ground cover which has <not a citizen> on it and you
have no choice but to live next to it.
Keep in mind though, I said things will be thought thru thoughly and no
matter what, if new attemps fail to be improvments, I will always have a
recent backup of everything to return things back to normal like it was
never changed in the first place.
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To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 19, 2003, 2:54pm
Thank you for your input, it will be considered along with all the other
great replys I have receieved :)
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AW Picture

Jun 28, 2003, 7:36am
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Jun 23, 2003, 6:09pm
Yeah I noticed this to when I logged in, its like everything was reset and
all the posts are marked unread again.
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Jun 24, 2003, 5:15pm
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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 5:27pm
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