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Open letter: To m a t t or whoever

Nov 30, 2003, 12:34pm
I'll say to you like you said to me in community WHO CARES?!?! Maybe he'll
mail bomb your email like he did mine!

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Awwww, Man!!!!!

Dec 22, 2003, 1:36am
Although my cit is expired I can still post, my question is how does it
feel? Or should I ask, is this just a publicity scam?
Former MrBruce--gladly expired.
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shut up you all

Dec 22, 2003, 2:24am
But Ep0ch wasnt it me who was under the same attck you are claiming to be
under at this time? Remeber the incident in Spiral Matrix where everyone was
laughing at M A T T email bombing my email server?
It appeared to me that you were BEST friends with M A T T and the chat text
posted from SM even showed everyone who read it just that!
If you haven't gotten my point yet, how deos it feel to be on the shitty
side of the stick?
As for me leaving AW, I did this by choice, not because of financial
difficulties, if I was able to afford 21 cits for 2 years, I could surley
afford to renew my own.
It was my choice to leave.
MrBruce........ former aw citizen.

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shut up you all

Dec 22, 2003, 3:13am
I am gone!
I just couldn't resist a little payback to a few people pulling a little
scam on you all. If you cant see for yourself then Jesus H Christ better
help you :P
Trust me, these kids are all the best of friends outside this newsgroup.
This is just a publicity stunt they are pulling and it's not my posts enzo
will be deleting :P
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Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 17, 2002, 9:51pm
This is a public notice that citizen Cyclone citizen number 340396 has been
banned from A!!CT World and all worlds owned by MrBruce.
Reasons are as follows; has repeatedly used bots for purpose of obtaining
rights not allowed or issued to him, has used bots for the purpose of
deleting others property, has used bots to steal and obtain passwords and
priv passwords.
Has lied to and harrassed all members and builders of A!!CT world. He knows
all the tricks to get around world ejections, ejections are useless on this
Uses another citizenship called Jim Raynor cit number 312953 to hinder
detection and is owner of Crazybot world, where bot scripts are posted that
contain hacker codes.
This post is being issued as a public alert to the community and world
owners about this 13 year old terror, He is banned from A!!!!!CT, A!!CT,
A!!DISCO and A1CT, but he should be banned from AW's universe all together,
as he is nothing but pure trouble!
MrBruce A!!CT world owner.

Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 9:46pm
Proof is valid world server logs logging his cit# 340396 as the citizen
doing the deleting and where. Also a world citizen has sent me their AW chat
log which was recorded during the deletion period and Cyclone was in this
chat acting like he was helping to find the culprit, which was a supposed
tourist named "DELETE" Cyclone was too stupid to realize that the world
server logs track deletions.
He also came into A!!CT Wednesday night under his other citizenship #312953
and renamed it John Tims hoping I would not know it was him.
I feel bad for the kid, but I have to consider the many times he has done
stupid things and was forgiven and yet this time he hurt many people who
spent hours building, only to see the builds deleted right before their
eyes! Another thing he ruined, was the semi open bot rights that were
allowed in A!!CT world, now those rights have been suspended for everyone
except me.
If you all need proof, I will ask InSaNiTy of to post the
world log for A!!CT for Sunday April 14 2002, which proves my accusations.
I've seen it and it clearly proves he's guilty.
PS yes the Pks have both the world log in question and the chat log.
MrBruce A!!CT World owner.
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Someone doing AWC's advertising for them?

Apr 26, 2002, 9:39pm
Makes me very proud of A1CTtourist5 he came to A!!CT as a tourist and
applied to me for one of our cit loans at A1CTCITIZEN at AOL.COM He has been
liked so much by our A!!CT community that Ihave gave him unlimited continued
use of the cit. By the way we use A1CTtourist as name because a cit can't be
called A!!CTtourist5.
MrBruce A!!CT World Owner.
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Come the TheBeans world a new public building World which is really cool it isn't another A1CT clone

Apr 27, 2002, 1:55pm
Cool Carlbanks. Too bad AW does not allow tourists to join you and your new
community, as it has been brought to my attention that no one is being
offered the option of making their worlds available for tourists.
Congratulations on your new world! ;-)
MrBruce A!!!!!CT, A!!DISCO, A!!CT and A1CT World owner.
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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 5:18pm
I have to say a good programe went to hell!
A!!CT used Brant's paintball bot it ran fine most of the time, then on
Saturday May 4th it starts shutting down saying that "the objects for
frenzys and grenades is causing encroachment, make sure the field is in one
cit account"
My world uses a registry so there's no way there can be encroacments! Then
upon trying to restart the bot a forced upgrade is imposed, which wiped out
the original folder and the upgrade encounterd errors casuing the total loss
of the program from my HD.
The upgrade is 100% nothing but crashes, it totally stinks, it can't even
install its self before it encounters fatal errors!
Brant's paintball bot is removed from A!!CT and I will no longer risk my OS
over this buggy error infested program!
Some people just can't leave well enough alone

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 7:54pm
Sorry but the upgrade from 2.24 to 2.25 was not my decision, it did it
automatically even though I did not authorize an upgrade. Needless to say I
had to re-install the entire 2.24 program losing the score files as the
upgrade deleted them. the upgrade for one should only ask once if an upgrade
is wanted. I am not sure why it it upgraded it self automatically and
deleted all traces of 2.24 including the score files, but it did, all I did
was start the paintball.exe up and it did the rest.
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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 5:04pm
Ok appears to be alot of misunderstanding here, first A!!CT has had a
registry since September 2001, the field was built in March 2002, buy saying
my world has a registry is to say how can there be encroachment warnings
made by the bot, no one can build on my field as it is built in a cit
account, so how out of the blue could a frenzy power-up or grenade object be
resting on another person's registered object?
I am not sure why the up-grade deleted all the original files, but after the
up-grade crashed during its install and after it wiped out the original
files. I tried clicking on the paintball.exe icon and windows popped up an
error saying searching for Paintball.exe. it directed me to windows media
player shortcut. I did a file search for all the cabs or any part of
paintball, all that was left was an empty folder in C://Programfiles. As for
a backup I had not had time to back up the lastest game file as the bot
unexpectedly crashed, which is rare with my system, upon restart the
paintball.exe started with splash-screen and started installing an update
saying it was removing certian files, then poof it crashed my whole PC, I
had to hit reset to pull out of it.
As for why I cross-posted in Community, is because a crash like this, can
wipe out many none saved files on a PC, if they are not backed-up before the
crash. Your PC does not have a chance to save them to the Hard drive, I just
wanted others to be aware of this. Anyways I have found the original zip
file and reinstalled the bot, so far no errors to date, but it is 2.24
version I am running and since no one has played the game since its
re-install 24 hours ago I have no clue if works right. But this install says
nothing about encroachment as of yet, and nothing has been changed in the
playing field even the origional frenzy and grenade objects are still there
and work. So the big question is why did the bot keep shutting down saying
"Encroachment warning, tying to create frenzy powerups or grenades, this is
caused by another citizen's object being on the playing field" As I said
before with a registry there's no way another persons object can be in the
field, it's covered with my cit name. By the way 27 attemps were tried and
even a bot was used to detect if there was an object by another cit on the
field, it turned up none, but my cit number, but the bot kept shutting down
saying the same thing, this is the version 2.24 I have been using since
March, it was fine 80% of the time until
this up-grade was available.
Sorry to make so many people up-set over this issue, was just trying to
protect others from possible disaster.

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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 6, 2002, 1:07am
Sorry I was not using the Beta version, but the beta version is what was
trying to install its self over the original. Anyways the 2.24 none beta
version has been running 24+ hours now and I am happy to say no problems.
But keep in mind 2.24 is what I have been running all the long. I do not use
Beta programs on my Main Pc, I use a junky 233Mhz PC to test Beta on LOL.
OK Brant sorry to upset you with this post. Perhaps you can add a button
that says (please don't ask me again) concerning the upgrade to beta
version, when the splash screen appears, like windows programs ask. That
would be helpful.
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Weebette (1958 - 2002)

Jun 8, 2002, 8:00am
Sorry to hear anything like this, even though I am not familar with this
person, however any lose to the member community affects us all. My
sympathies to those close to the departed.
MrBruce, A!!CT world owner.
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Jun 14, 2002, 4:51am
Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in AW. He
has so far stolen two known cits please read the following grams.This
conversation took place at the AWGate.
Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
i unfortunately know who stole a few cits...including one of urs

Telegram from Travman, sent 26 minutes ago:
Aisley: oh my my
M a t t: YO
M a t t: WAZZZUP
Travman: (to M a t t) what
"AlexBor": u can only wisper if u r a citizen?
"SexyLady": wow
M a t t: remember me
Travman: in here
Aisley: I'm going to bed too. Night Everyone. Nice to meet you Travman.
Take care of yourself.
Travman: theres an option caretakers can change
Travman: u too, aisley
Travman: (to M a t t) of course
"AIexBor": hey lady, wanna cyber :D
"AlexBor": laila tov
M a t t: I stole this cit
M a t t: Stole 2 today
UsuL 2: good night {{{{{{{{{Aisley}}}}}}}}}
"AlexBor": jupiter stop it
Aisley: Lady.. just say no
Travman: (to M a t t) from who
Aisley: Night Usul :)
M a t t: TiffieBooBear
"SexyLady": maby later Alex
Aisley: Poor Usul... left to take care of these ummmm friendly folks
Travman: (to M a t t) why did u do that?
M a t t: cause I ain't paying shit
"AIexBor": i'm available now ;P
Travman: (to M a t t) ur gonna loose the cit though
M a t t: The other one I stole from MrBruce

Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
"AlexBor": sexylady i am not interested
"SexyLady": i know
M a t t: I'll just keep stealing them
"AlexBor": that's that little horny dog jupiter
"SexyLady": it was a joke
"AlexBor": or whoever it is
Aisley: Night Everyone :)
"Midnight Rider": Is there a certain time limit that this software can be
"AlexBor": oh
"AIexBor": nah, i wasj/k about me not being interested, lady
Travman: (to M a t t) you need to learn at least a few morals
"Sheik Yerbuti": Which is the real Alex Bore?
"AlexBor": i was so scared :-)(
Travman: (to M a t t) i know mine arent high....but still
M a t t: alright TPCircuit
"AIexBor": there is only one alexbor
Travman: (to M a t t) im not TPCircuit
"AlexBor": tnx UsUl ...
Telegram from Travman, sent 28 minutes ago:
all the ones from M a t t were whispers btw

M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.
He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
Details are sketchy at this time but M A T T is well known for this type of
activity and he is back. He come into A!!CT world just before my tourist
loan cit was stolen from its user. When approached he was in America world
with two citizens AdmiraL Red Dog cit number 348502 and Mike. o cit number
338620. I will not post the vulgar chat here as it contains vulgar profanity
used by both AdmiraL Red Dog and Mike. o
All three threatend to hack more cits and worlds.
I post this as a warning, heed it or make fun of it, but the AW hackers and
script kiddies are back, they will use a stolen cit to get it banned from
every world they can. Please warn people to NOT ACCEPT files in aw or emails
from possible AW related sites.
I personally have had worms sent to me on a junkie PC with virus protection
from email web addresses such as COF at when I sent an email
back to this address it came back there is no such address.
World owners and citizens have to be careful what you click on in aw, a link
on a harmless sign in a build can contain hidden scripts and links to sites
that can plant or download malicious code or activeX files.


Jun 14, 2002, 8:02pm
More info just came in. The cits were obviously telegrammed that they won a
prize of some sort and were told to change the email address contained in
the cits properties, once this was done M A T T tried logging into the cit,
not knowing the password he clicked I FORGOT and typed in his email address,
this caused the password to be emailed to him. Just posted this because
people of all ages should not do this nor accept files from unknown people!
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Jun 17, 2002, 7:42am
Also links on signs and chat line can lead to websites that can do damage on
PCs that are not protected. Perhaps java scripts can contain malicious
codes. Remember once you click a link it brings you outside the safety of
AW's browser.
Although I am not a hacker, cracker or script kiddie and do not know alot
about doing things like that, I know alot of password stealers can be hidden
on links! Lets get rael here, anything is possible. Although some say these
kids were stupid for doing what they were told, how many of us click links
in the chat line?
how about visiting a world ran by password stealers that have a link on
their welcome message, that leads to such a link?
As lioness e said a bingo world host gave the password to M A T T thinking
he was a host!
M A T T is here for popularity, just like Bin Laden is popular and many
other villians, that become famous for corrupting soceity.
Does M A T T really bother me? Nah, in fact the jerk just makes my world
more popular at his exspense!
As for him stealing my tourist cits goes, I just call AW and change the
password! It gives the folks at AW and myself a reason to say hello.:-)
I only posted the warning here, to warn those that do not take kindly to
these games. But here it is SUMMERTIME and SCHOOLS OUT! So here comes the
bored little pee-ons who need something to do with all their sparetime.
Are they spoiling my fun in AW? Nah they just make it more entertaining!
Thats my view...what's yours?
MrBruce A!!CT world owner-have a good day!

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A!!CT to close for unknow period of time

Jun 30, 2002, 10:14pm
As world owner of A!!CT World I make this public announcement to those
concerned. A!!CT World will close starting Saturday July 6th at 12:00AM VRT.
A!!CT is also cancealing it's cit loan program, those who are using loaned
cits owned by me and A!!CT World, will be given the option of taking over
the cits that are not 'world' cits. Noelle at said these cits can be
transfered being that they are not world cits.
These cits will be posted later once I figure out which cit numbers I pay
for off of my credit card account.
It will be determined when the next payment is do on each, I will give each
user of these cits the option of taking over the payments on them, if that
option is declined, the cits will be allowed to expire.
MrBruce A!!CT World owner
A1CTWorld at

MrBruce Gives A!!CT another chance

Jul 6, 2002, 2:26am
Hi, I will not explain here why I was shutting A!!CT world down, besides the
fact that we wanted to enable terrain under the excisting builds.
A!!CT World has closed at it's scheduled time of 12:00AM VRT Friday night.
Many people protested my willing to close A!!CT World for good, because of
rude obnoxious jealous people who go around giving you a bad name.
I don't ask for nothing, all my worlds are bought and paid for, some are
open build, some are tourist enabled, I loan out 11 cits bought and paid for
and charged to me every month. LOL people complain about the price of one
cit, those 11 cits are not world cits either.
I am a very generous person, I like AW and I like most people and feel that
some on AW dislike me, but I am not quite sure why.
Are there people that are jealous of me or are they just people who pick and
choose, like clicks?
Anyways I want to make two points here. No.1) I am not here to compete with
any world owners, I just want to provide a world or group of worlds for
people to enjoy! A!!CT is a "G" rated world. "G" rated means General
admission, this is a family world and I feel a family includes children,
therefore my world (although critisized for its allowing kids) will allow
Point No.2) If you come to A!!CT and don't like it there, there are 1200
other worlds out there, don't go around like a "Brat" and spread rumors
about me or my worlds.
This was done by two people who sucked off my generosity, then persauded
people to leave by creating false rumors.
When my builders leave and tell me they were told bad things about me, it
makes me wonder if people have minds of their own. But it also makes me
realize how adults complain about kids in AW, yet they infact are more
immature than the kids.
For one, so what if we allow kids in A!!CT, we are not child molesters nor
will we tolorate phediphiles in A!!CT if it is known they are one.
Also I feel if i kid is home and safe in front of the PC in a clean chat
program, I may just be keeping that kid off the streets and out of jail!
I try to the best of my ability to make A!!CT world a safe world for all, I
think I do pretty good for a one man show! Yes I ask for help, but I don't
need adults who pulled the crap the last two did to me.
I have been temped so many times to post the slanderous telegrams and chat
of the people who cause problems and then they say it's not 'them', it's you
MrBruce.that brings it onto yourself. I dislike people who never admit they
are wrong!
At the overwhelming reqeust of the builders of A!!CT, I have agreed only to
close A!!CT until we have the terrain worked in under the present builds.
Then I will see what happens, hopefully the PKs will put these two people
(who I will not name) in their place. It also sickens me when 3rd parties
say "But the slanderous "person" loves A!!CT world"! Right my point is if
you love don't destroy it with rumors!
My point here is this (as I am not going to slander the "slanderous people"
here) A!!CT has been given a second chance for AW citizens to populate,
build and call a part of their lives, use it..don't abuse it, use it...or
lose it.
enough said
Watch for the new and improved A!!CT Worlds grand re-opening to be
A!!CT world owner MrBruce.

MrBruce Gives A!!CT another chance

Jul 6, 2002, 3:55pm
I will answer several questions directed at me all in one response.
First I want to say that many of the tourists who come to A!!CT world do
infact become citizens.
The pride of A!!CT world is the fact that not only are tourists welcomed,
but the pride of A!!CT world is that we save those dreams via Hamfon's
A tourists' biggest turn off is to come to AW and find they can build
something really cool, the turn off is to find its been deleted! All their
hard work and imaginations is wiped out by some jealous idiot! To me this
would piss me off and I would say OK I am not welcomed here and since I am
not welcomed here I am leaving!
The thing the AW community does not realize is when a tourist builds their
first build, it means alot to them, it's like having your first car, or your
first baby, it gets taken away from you and how do you feel?
Also by dealing with tourists on a daily basis, I know that the thought of
your first build can be saved using a bot and if its deleted, adds security
and confidence in this program, knowing your first build can be rebuilt in
seconds, or transfered to your NEW citizen account!
What you as citizens do not realize is that 7 out of 10 tourist who built in
A!!CT are now citizens, the other 3 left, because their build was deleted
before it could be bot copied. All I see is signs at their build site saying
my "build has been deleted again I won't be back"!
Perhaps I should keep some type of public record to show the results.
Perhaps I should ask tourists who have joined citizenship if they mind me
making it public to show that it does work
I can name most of them but I would prefer their approval first.
Also, I MUST stress, it is NOT the tourists who are a problem to me, it is
actual registered CITIZENS who are my biggest problem. I watch citizens who
are so stupid that they enter A!!CT at GZ as a citizen and switch to a
tourist, then they go around swearing, cursing and deleting tourist builds.
Its CITIZENS who come to A!!CT GZ and switch to a tourist and swear causing
Zbot to eject them for using profanity.
How many posts must I make to get the point accross to this community that
the biggest problems are not with toutists, it's with actual registered
Citizens who hide behind tourist mode and give tourists a bad name.
A!!CT world is very good with keeping logs, the world log keeps track of
every dekameter of A!!CT, the bots log the rest, including entery and chat.
I also want to say that I was going to close A!!CT for good, because of TWO
CITIZENS whose names I will not post here, but their names are known.
Now that the PKs are involved hopefully these citizens will either grow up
or leave AW, because they give citizens a bad name! But the tourists are not
the problem! I find most TOURISTS to be polite and curtious, who just want a
little tour of the program.
Please people make them feel welcomed, AW depends on their immigration to
My point is this, if your anti-aw, instead of ruining it, just leave! Why
waste your time creating AW-TERRORIST groups?
I welcome all questions and comments and suggestions, if nothing else, I
want to help make AW as well as A!!CT the best progam on the web!
Please watch for A!!CT's grand re-opening and keep in mind that as of August
17 2002 A!!CT will be 1 year old, it started out as a 30 day trial world and
was purchased as a P-20 10 user world on September 16 and Heartfall joined
as my OP and host. I just want to say for the most part InSaNiTy and has helped to make A!!CT a great world!
You can also contact me personally at A1CTWorld at
MrBruce A!!CT World owner
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MrBruce Gives A!!CT another chance

Jul 9, 2002, 9:00pm
Thank you PC hamster, you made a good point. By the way, the problem was
solved, as I stated earlier, the AW Pks were on the case. I have yet to post
that I have reopened A!!CT on Saturday, because many have asked me not to
close it. I like feed-back, comments and suggestions and yours was very
welcomed :-) Life goes on and so does AW. I am a very opened minded person,
if any of you have any suggestions, comments or ideas please feel free to
contact me at A1CTWorld at or contact me via telegram. I am trying to
make my 'main world' A!!CT something everyone can enjoy, tourists included
MrBruce A!!CT World owner.
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A!!CT World Turns 1 years old celebration

Jul 13, 2002, 4:22pm
Hello AW community, please forgive my cross-posting, but I have several
subjects in this one post!
As some of you know my world A!!CT opened on August 17th 2001 as a 30 day
trial world called A1CT World.
I did not plan on it at the time, but I ended up keeping the world and
opened it up to the AW community as a public building and chat world.
A!!CT has expanded from a P-10/5 user world to a P-100/30 user world, has
tourist access and continues to offer it's self to the AW public community!
A!!CT World is about to turn one years old! And in celebration of this, I am
making public that I, as the owner of A!!CT and some of our members are
planning some events to show our appreciation to the community that has
helped us servive.
As of this posting, things are still in the works. We are still in the
planning stages and a complete schedule has not been put together yet.
The reason for this post is to announce my plans and ask the AW community
for suggestions and donations of prizes to help award in events.
I plan on scheduling this as a week long event consuming the week leading up
to or around the 17th of August. I plan to have games, community events,
awards, prizes, (such as worlds and citizenships) or anything that can be
I have plans of having multi-world events, either involving all my worlds or
including worlds owned by others.
Although this celebration is based on A!!CT world's first year as a world, I
want this celebration to be based on COMMUNITY, the celebration of "people"
in AW!
If you would like to donate time, suggestions, prizes or host an event
associated with this event, please contact me, either by telegram MrBruce,
or email me at A1CTWorld at or contact citizen Mayor Taz.
Please keep in mind, this is not a private event, but a public community
event where all are welcomed!
Thank you for your time, MrBruce A!!CT World owner.
A!!!!!CT, A!!DISCO, A!!CT, A!!CT2, A!!CTHQ, A!FUTURE and A1CT world owner.

Please submit all ideas for celebration by 12:00 midnight VRT

Jul 24, 2002, 10:33pm
Hi, just droping a line to say Thurdsay night 12:00AM VRT is the deadline to
submit any, events, ideas or suggestions to me for me to add then to A!!CT
World's one year birthday celebration.
I need time to piece together a schedule. A!!CT's birthday is August 17th
2002, which is a Saturday, we can make this a multi-day event if enough
things are thought up.
Please email me at A1CTWorld at ASAP with ideas or events we can come
up with. Games with bots are welcomed!
We are also accepting and welcome any donations for prizes, so please help
Please although this a world's birthday, let's just make this an all out AW
community event!
Thank you.
MrBruce and everyone from the A!!CT World Community.

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 12:14am
I recently called AW via telephone on Friday, to discover that Noelle is no
longer with AW, what is going on up there in Newburyport Massachusettes? Why
are so many leaving?...yes I know most employees were part-time, but this is
A1CTWorld at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:06pm
I seen this in a post from Joeman and laughed when I seen my name in a
statement (refering this snip)
Goodbar king: Hows the weather?
ohhhmy: IM NOT JKF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!
mrbruce: Im now opening up a!!!!!!!!!!!!ct for another month! Fun and games
for all!
ohhhmy: IM NOT HIM!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! NOT MEE!!!!!!!!!
Goodbar king: We know its you...
ohhhmy: NO! NOt ME1 FfdsfLDSF! at
Goodbar king: Well, if its not you... Then, its a moron in a box.
Brant: Stop that.
MrMolEsTo at ImNotGoingToTell.MO! hahahahaha!! Its funny!!! at BEcause your going
to email, and nothing is going to happen!!! LOLOLOLLOLLL!!!

The part where it says mrbruce: Im now opening up a!!!!!!!!!!!!ct for
another month! Fun and games
for all!
Funny I do not remember being any part of a conversation like this before or
ever making that statement, I was just curious where that came from?
Lastley, My concerns about Noelle's leaving is that I do alot of business
with AW and I liked having people at the other end of the phone, who knew
who I was, and I felt it was a little more personal that way. But now I have
to get used to someone *new* every week it seems. My next Tom
(flagg) next to leave?
A1CTWorld at

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Aug 13, 2002, 10:45pm
Hello community, this is just a reminder to all to attend A!!CT Worlds first
birthday celebration, we will make it worth your while!
We have two worlds to give away, a P-10 5 users good for 6 months + free
hosting from AW with world name of your choice!
A P-20 5 user world good for 6 months + free hosting from AW, with world
name of your choice!
We have numerous citizenships to give away and for those who are citizens,
we can extend your cit for another 365 days!
Why miss out? This whole event starts on Saturday morning, August 17th at
12:00 AM VRT and ends at 12:00 AM VRT on Monday morning August 19th.
So you have a whole 48 hours to celebrate!
Although this is A!!CT's birthday celebration, I want you all to know our
real celebration is about the great people I have found in AW! Therefore our
celebration is based on people in the AW community!
The following worlds will be participating in this celebration to date.
A!!!!!CT world, A!!DISCO, A!!CT and lugia world.
For our schedule, please see this months aw newsletter and look for A!!CT'S
birthday celebration.
Hope to see you all there!
MrBruce A!!CT World owner.

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 10, 2002, 6:39pm
Hello to all, I feel it best to cross post this announcment so everyone sees
As of September 17th 2002, MrBruce and his world A!!CT will stop using world
hosting and object path services from Heartfall.
This was a concideration back in March and was thought about since then.
MrBruce considered the building community in this discission and a public
vote was taken lasting 4 days. the vote was regarding keeping the services
of Heartfall or dropping them and losing all the builds in A!!CT world.
The voting results were as follows. Out of a total of 62 votes 38 said get
rid of Heartfall and find a better alternative. 24 said keep Heartfall.
Therefore the community feels it is best to lose all the builds and start
My major reasons for this dicision is based on the facts that I feel I was
being over charged for services. Being taken advantage of, based on the
facts that without their path my builders builds will be lost. Being
restricted from running my world the way I want to.
But the latest one being when a hoster has a website that lists prices and
in the price it states (COMMERCIAL WORLDS 32 user) $400.00 prepay and I am
sent a renewal email stating $575.00 a year! And I am told this is for
services (that anyone expects to come with their services at no extra fee).
Also KeithB and myself upgraded A!!CT from a P-50 to a P-90 in March 2002,
Heartfall charged us a total of $250.00 saying it was for the next six
months, if my math serves me correct $250.00 for six months equals $500.00
for 12, not $575.00!
So as the contract does my worlds association with
A!!CT world which was nominated for a CY this year will probably be
disqualified because someone has to pinch every penny they can to stay in
business and try to take out the little guy!
A!!CT world will close as of September 17th 2002, it will remain off line
until I place it on another server, most likely AW.coms server wich is
$199.00 a Year for any size world, no rules, no one telling you how to use
what is rightfully yours. My telephone campany does not pick and chose for
me who is allowed to use my phone. I do not expect a webmaster telling me
how to use what I bought and paid for either!
I do not have to fear threats any longer that a person hosting my bought and
paid for world and services is going to pull the plug on me because they do
not like someone, or adding ejections to my ejections list without my
Amivaliant owner of iCandy world was right, I only held back the truth for
fear of the lose of my builders builds in A!!CT world.
Now it does not matter, I can not be accused of slandering the webmaster, or
worry about threats of pulling the plug on my services! I speak the untold
truth for once and I did warn Heartfall that this day was coming.
I often hear bad things said about People at, I can honestly say that
people like Bill, Tom and Noelle have been the most helpful generous people
I have ever met!
Heartfall really did nothing speacial other than what should have been part
of the normal services. It was Heartfalls problems that they are over
paranoid over being hacked and had to do any special things to avoid this.
But my world and I got the blame so price increases could be justifyable.
Heartfall offered no discounts for the publicity they received for my using
their services. Instead they blamed everything bad on my world and I and
through that in my face instead of offering some kind of discount.
I was offered to buy 4 cobra helicopters which were oddly already on the
avatars list. I bought a skybox for $30.00 which oddly works in anyworld on
the path! And now without the path its vertually worthless.
Should I go on?
No I won't bother. Its time to move on. Besides A!!CT world needs a
change..AWTeen has pretty much made A!!CT a deserted world.
My Many appoligies to those who will lose their builds, because without
Heartfall's path, 47% of my worlds builds will be nothing but triangles! so
its not worth using a Prop-dump!
I will ramdonly bot copy builds and send people the files or move them
somewhere else, but there is no guarentees they will load!
As this post hits the web..I am sure I will get many telegrams from
InSaNiTy. Too late the damage is done! A dissatisfyed customer never has
anything good to say about a bad business and should not be expected!
Enough said!
MrBruce and the A!!CT world community.
A1CTWorld at

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 20, 2002, 5:47pm
In answer to insanity's statment about us advertising world hosting while
using their path.
He is wrong, what he is talking about is this, there were signs posted at
A!!CT's GZ made under the CT's name using eminent domain. These signs made
by citizen carl. stated "If you donate to A!!CT world to help keep it
running we will offer to host your world as a thank you"
On the signs there was different donation amounts and what size world and
user limit the donation would offer a doner. Although I was not the creater
of these signs, InSaNiTy world hoster, could not get it through his head
that anyone with Eminent Domain can alter or change anothers objects, so he
blaimed me for making the signs.
The signs do not say the path in A!!CT was part of the bargain, because NO
PATH was mentioned, just an offer to host a world based on donation size and
world size.
I do not consider what Carl did as abusing Heartfall's services.
He uses to make a profit. He uses his telephone to make a profit, AW
does not stop him from using their excistance on the web from making money,
nor does his telephone company, by which his telephone number is not listed
as a business number, it's under his real name, not heartfall.
He complains about AW not having a toll free 800 phone number, neither does
Finally, in no way is this being posted to spam my world, A!!CT had roughly
170 builds in it dating back to August 17th 2001, the public had a right to
know that what they built would soon be gone or severely altered.
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 4, 2002, 7:30pm
LOL as I said in my origional post..I said "InSaNiTy please be smart and do
NOT relpy to this post so that you will not be flamed".
Having done a years business with Heartfall I CAN speak out.
I realize that instead of insanity replying, he did what he does best, he
drags his users into it by asking them to fight his battles for him. How do
I know this? Because when amivalent first posted against Heartfall, which I
knew nothing about, he grammed me and asked me to post against amivalant.
And in another past situation which I knew nothing about he did the same.
Also again I will mention the sky box which I paid $30.00 for which is no
longer usable! King BlueMax you mentioned in your post that we are friends.
Hmmm actually you put a knife in my back talking about personal lives. Shall
I speak about how a grown man in his 30's (YOU King Bluemax) who lives at
his parent's home with his wife and kid and pays NO RENT, NO BILLS?
I could go on with your person life just to let you know how it feels. you
call yourself a "Friend"? Hah!
By the way you can have my sky box seeing how's you like Heartfall so much.
its available on the path you use the sky name is hfspcskya1ct Notice the
HF and A1CT in the name. it is yours to keep King Bluemax and shove it where
the sun does not shine!
You have the nerve to say you are my friend when you stick up for a rip off
artist who No.1 offered to sell me those 4 helicopters for $50.00 which are
available on your av list free of charge?
You stick by a rip off artist who puts a website on public display which
clearly lists his prices for different sized worlds and lists COMMERCIAL
WORLDS at $300.00 a year with path included and he sends me a bill stating I
have to pay $575.00 a year?
And Carolann your another guilty party for posted at the request of Isanity,
flmaklr, host or whatever name he is using lately. you expecting a discount?
Don't count on it!
Also in all my calls to heartfall NO ONE but Lars ever anwsered the phone
there. Also Lars compalins about AW not having a toll free number, well
neither does Heartfall!
Point here is I posted to tell the builders of my world their builds were
hitting the trash can and why, they had that right to know. You never built
in my world and had no right blasting me in any post!
If your happy with your service with Heartfall fine I am happy for you, but
you really had no business responding to me or my post, it was MY MONEY, MY
And I personaly do not care who you are or what you can have done to me, you
had no business responding to me in the manner that you did.
You Carolann are just a puppet of Heartfall just like that freeloader King
BlueMax, who can afford to pay the piper, because the bum does not work, but
has his Mom and Stepdad support him and his wife and kid! Like King so
himself yes we both live with in 2 miles of each other, so yes I do know
I work for a living 13 hours a day to be exact and pay my own way plus
support 3 kids!
As for insanity's charity websites, those events happend long ago and are
not current! Notice the pic of him with Chuck Norris, even the copy right on
the sites are OLD!
I informed the public of what was happening with my world and their builds,
I had a right to do that and speak the TRUTH, I get busted on for it, now
you can bet I am going to bust back!
One last thing, Johnny B you are so right to say what you said about the
post from that "ASS" King BlueMax. He went way over board and didn't even
spell the name of his favorite hosting service right! He put hearfall LOL
But also understand he was under the direction of insanity to post, just
like I was when I was a Heartfall customer, being dragged into his battles
not knowing the whole story.
Thanks insanity you just ended a REAL life friendship!
Enough time wasted on this issue I have a world to run!
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 6:12am
Carolann if you are not a builder of A!!CT or a customer of
then you had absolutly no reason at all to post to my post.
For one thing the personal attacks from King Bluemax are under the Community
news group and were uncalled for.
As for you Carolann you just posted that you are NOT a user of Heartfall,
never have been a user and admit you do not know Lars Wyka, so my post
against you was who are you to voice an opinion in this mater especially in
favor of Heartfall?
Heartfall always says the anti-Heartfall people are people who have NEVER
used their services. THAT IS A LIE people, kerstin and myself DID use
Heartfall, I used them for a year, not because I was happy but because he
like with Kerstin would not provide a refund and I paid him a year in
The whole issue about Heartfall here is free advertising for his services
and how good they are. But no one is allowed to say the oppisite here.
A!!CT is and always was a FREE non-profit world, any money donated went to
Heartfall or AW, NOT ME.
I think before people speak out, they should read the whole thread here and
realize that parts of it are scattered about under different headings or was
renamed to suit Insanity's topic needs.
You want proof I have it, but if I post it to satisfy your needs you will
complain about the band-width used to post insanitys lies written in his own
worlds. No, why bother so you can say I edited the truth to make my
so-called lies look good?. I won't bother!
As a business like AW, Insanity needs to accept critism just like he expects
AW to accept it. Believe me I know how he speaks badly about AW, I have
proof of all his lies.
King you make yourself look stupid because some of us read the post you made
under community where you speak about my personal life, now you lie here by
saying you didn't.
Before anyone posts any ferther try reading the whole thread and if you want
to avoid being in my shoes, take my adivce do not make the same mistake I
did. If you want to use Heartfall use it in a private build world only, this
way you can drop service quitley and do not have to explain to anyone why
you did.
I learned one lesson here, as you all pester me. this moves me closer to
letting A!!CT expire. As I am really seeing what kind of people AW is all
about. But remember one thing people, it is AW who suffers the loss not you
or me!
Although I ask for donations, remember one thing, no matter how you look at
it I have contributed at least 85% of the cost of the world size and up
grades. I only asked as a public build world, that people give something
back to me that I paid to provided for them!
If I pay the $1,300.00 renewal fee to renew A!!CT in December and I provide
90% of the world space to the public, should I not ask for some type of
compsation in return?
But also remember as you push me out of AW, I support the program your using
right now, when I leave, thanks to your generous support of Heartfall's
ripping me off, $1,300.00 for A!!CT plus all my worlds will expire, along
with the 10 cits I support monthly at 6.95 a month each.
Thats a total of $3,475.00 that AW can count on not receiving and when AW
folds you can all go back to using ICQ!
Heartfall gives nothing for nothing, they are 150% profit, well guess
what...he didn't get my $575.00 did he?
It also seems strange that only two people support Heartfall here, he claims
he has 1000 happy users, I only see 2 posting in his favor and won't you
feel awful when I use up your band width providing emails and telegrams
providing proof that I speak the truth.
It is you people who start the hate in AW, as a happy customer has the right
to promot Heartfall and why they are happy, an unhappy user has the right to
say the oppisite!
This all started because King Bluemax brought my personal life into it, this
is why Johnny b posted what he did, all King Bluemax had to do was say he
was happy with the service, that's all that was needed, he started this hate
war by bringing my off line personal business and life into it.
Did I say anything about Lar's home life? No I did not.
Have fun posting anything you want about me, I really don't care!
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 6:57am
Lastly you all seem to forget for some reason, that I allowed public
building in A!!CT since its start in September 2001. I made my decision
public only because it was only right to inform any or all builders of my
world what was about to happen.
If AW went off line permantly with out a word would you not be upset?
I only attacked you Carolann because you posted against me saying I have the
right to advertise my world and use alot of bandwidth doing so...I only
posted my decision to drop heartfall because as I said 100 times here so
far, my world had builds owned by at least 400 builders, they had a public
right to know what was going on and why.
Your name got brought into this because you attacked me by saying what you
said in favor of King Bluemax's post to boast about Heartfall's good
charicter and to be little me.
Had you really been a humane person, you would have said it's a shame a
real-life friendship ended, so a service that personally ripped me off can
If I asked you to go to King Bluemax's world and ask him to type the name of
a sky box I bought and paid for into his sky box. I bet it would load, why
should my sky box load in any ones world? ferther more InSaNiTy never sent
me the file for it. So again, you buy something from him that only works as
long as you keep his path services.
This in my opinion is being dishonest, I once heard bad rumors about the
service in the past, at one point I actually disagreed with the bad air
against Heartfall, then suddenly I become a victum and now I am a believer
based on my own personal experiences, not on the opinion of others.
But I stress here again I WAS A USER OF HEARTFALL.COM therefore I can post
about it's charicter and I realize the more this thread grows, and the more
I get attacked fro dropping his services, the more I AM GLAD I AM NOT A
Carolann one last thing..I do not know do not know do not
know Lars, you do not know King Bluemax, although you are part of the AW
community, my posts were intended for the builders of my now renewed world.
That messae was meant for them..many of them are builders of other worlds,
they needed toknow what was about to happen..this is a news group....the
deletion of over 726,753 objects used by 500+ builders was news and the
public had a right to know, thats what this news group is all about..public
announcements when it concerns a vast number of people.
Although A!!CT is not AW world, it was ran like one, exception was I allowed
special commands, and speacial objects rights, allowing the use of create
move and rotate commands. Yes I know community, AWTeen allows the same, I am
aware of this!
So Carolann my point is our attacks on each other are pointless. But again
if you never used Heartfall then your opinion about their services is
And King Bluemax's slander against me and my personal home life was also
uncalled for.

[View Quote]

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