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Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 22, 2002, 5:07am
Has anyone out there used Caligari's Truespace 5.1? If so can anyone tell me
how good it is in making objects for AW, are there any tutorials out there
for TS 5.1? It appears everyone I speak to in AW has made their objects with
Truespace 3, all the tutorials are for TS 3. TS 5.1 is set up differently
than TS 3, so its tough to follow any tutorials that define the buttons
layouts. Robbies site is ok but is missing links to the rest of his
tutorial, which again is for TS 3. All the Caligari tutorials I have found
are not helpful in using TS for AW objects.
Alot of links related to AW's RWX and object making are dead links, like
Grover's tutorials, which the site no longer excists, is there any help out
there anywhere that exsplains how to use TS 5.1 effectively for use in AW?
A1CTWorld at

Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 22, 2002, 7:26pm
i have been to before, his site has links that
are not under scored, examples are "adding/deleting faces", "prelighting
making avatars, pictures and signs". I have his tutorial in printed form but
the links after "uv projection and transparency" do not work.
I have a tutorial from Caligari, but as I said it does not help much with
making objects for AW as the program really was not intended for AW object
making in the first place.
I also have 3 D Studio max 4.0 and have found a tutorial for it written by
autodesk inc, but again, these tutorials do not focus on making objects for
AW, which are low in polys and file size. LOL the first object I created and
tried to render on an OP was 127 Mb big! It crashed my PC as soon as I got
with in 200 meters of it!
I am aware of classes out there, but I can not take the time to travel 500
miles for a class in New York if you get my meaning.
I purchased the two programs because they were the newest thing available at
the time and very exspensive!
waiting for suggestions.
A1CTWorld at

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Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 23, 2002, 10:17pm
Thank you robbie lol i made my first object a sphere called Mars.rwx, I
laugh because i made it ok and its file size is ok but it turned out to be a
transparent ball with the planet mars image on it. Not that I am trying to
spam here, but if you go to A!!CT and to the east of GZ at 4s 4e you will
see my first creation using TS 5.1.
I have found some of the suggestions here very helpful and I have visted
some links sent to me by people..thanks to you all...and Robbie i will print
the new pages of your tutorial when it is done :)

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Mr.Bruce appoligizes to all

Jan 22, 2003, 5:00pm
I am posting this to all to say as of 1/22/03 I became aware that my world
plus all its citizenships were fraudulantly renewed by FeNiX with a stolen
credit card. this resulted in the total loss of A!!CT and my attached
citizenship. Because of this my citizenship is marked FRAUD, I am presently
using another cit to post this to say I have been victumized by by what I
thought was a caring concerned person. In the process I lost everything,
A!!CT is gone all its citizenships is gone, all its builds are gone.
With post war preperations against Iraq financial situations in the USA are
bad and being that I did not expect this to happen to A!!CT, I can not renew
it now....or ever.
I still own 6 other legal worlds, but A!!CT is gone forever, because I
trusted someone who appeared honest and sincere with my investment.
I will probably get my citizenship back at 6.95 a month, but there is no
wayat this time with world situations as they are for me to renew A!!CT as a
P-130 world.
My appologies to all.
MrBruce former A!!CT owner.

Mr.Bruce appoligizes to all

Jan 22, 2003, 6:44pm
Being that FeNiX lives in Canada, this is taking forever to resolve, I have
been in contact with AW since my world A!!CT was shut down and showed as
"EXPIRED" 12/15/2002, it should have said 12/15/2003. then I find out my cit
is exspired as well as all my cits attached to A!!CT world and the worst is
to find out that my name says MrBruce FRAUD on everyones contact list. Its
been 3 hours and AW tells me they are still resolving this problem with
authorities in Canada.
It appears FeNiX (MrMike) used his Mom's credit card to access A!!CT's renew
world page and renewed A!!CT, now I am looked upon as a theif and a FRAUD
and I am very PISSED off at the fact that AW did this to me, when I am
infact a VICTUM here!!!!!
Anyone can go to the renew world url and type any world name and renew
anyones world. So as I see it if and when I finally talk with someone at AW
they will say either pay up the $1,319.00 or kiss A!!CT goodbye.
I may have been able to pay that money in Before A!!CT's December 15th 2002
renewal deadline back then, but now there is no way I can afford it now,
plus I paid $420 since its renewal to exspand it to a P-130, the user limit
of 150 was donated by AW, the paid for limit was 30 users. So that anwers
the question of why i paid for a 150 user limit rather than exspanding the
build limit.
Anyways A!!CT is gone and i seriously think parents should be held
accountable for their kids mistakes.
FeNiX's Mom has a right to be upset, but not so upset to have her kid of 15
arrested and a world owner like me at a total loss!
Luckily for me i still have 6 worlds left that I paid for out my own credit
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Mr.Bruce appoligizes to all

Jan 22, 2003, 10:03pm
I did the best I could do, I took what money I put into A!!CT in its P-130
exspansion and renewed it sorry to say its only a P-75 for now and
everything that was built past 75 to 130 is presently in limbo, or at least
until it can be exspanded back to a P-130.
Although I know FeNiX meant well by what he did and yes I realize he is a
kid, which in my own heart I can forgive him, I hope those whose builds are
presently in limbo feel the same way.
I got my cit back and a few others, and took over payment on a few others
that were attached to the world.
Let this be a lesson to the rest of you to be careful.
[View Quote]

A!!CT is back on-line!

Jan 23, 2003, 7:59am
Hes correct thats the way JP McCormick set it up, a P-73, he was the only
one available when I called AW about this issue and thats how JP set it up
with the amount of money i personally had invested in A!!CT's renewal, I
will gradually upgrade it as quickly as I can to the size it was before AW
shut it down and refunded the money to FeNiX's Mother's credit card company.
One last note, although what the kid did was bad, I think in his own heart
he loved AW so much he wanted to do something that counted, he had no money
obviously, so he used his Mother's Credit card. I really think in his own
way, he was just trying to show me how much he cared about my world. I only
wish his Mother felt the same way.
I think in the long run everything will back to normal, as the renewal and
exspansions were done by me this time and I can afford to do it a little at
a time.
Until the world is totally exspanded back out to 130 N E S W some builds
will be in limbo, but they are not lost, they are just on land that is not
authorized by AW for building.
A1CTWorld at
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A!!CT is back on-line!

Jan 24, 2003, 9:21am
Gezzz I would have at least offered to pay his Mom back the money to apply
to her credit if she had at least asked me rather than have my world and
attached citizenships disabled.
Although you would think I should be able to cover the full exspanse myself,
this came unexpectedly and sadly I was not prepared for it.
A!!CT is not a bad world, sadly I am aware that many do not like it, I've
been told its run by kids ect. But so is AWTeen (hence>>TEEN) and no one
says they HATE AWTeen.
But I have stated this before, perhaps if I was an unemployed adult I could
run A!!CT better, but I realize my free time is taken up by lifes other
hassles of working, sleeping, being a parent ect.
I am giving Rowey a chance at being CT in A!!CT to see if he can run it
better than me.
In the meantime as I said, my real life bills come first, but as I can, I
will gradually upgrade A!!CT to its former P-130 world size. I asked for
doantions in the past to help out a privately owned world in its renewal
costs, I was only looking for donations, FeNiX decided he wanted to renew
the whole thing!
heres a telegram I got from a friend sent to them from FeNiX (MrMike)
<Snip> MrBruce,
This is MrMiKe, or Mike. I have heard u got A!!CT, and I'm glad. I am
deeply sorry for the events and embarassments that has happened to u, A!!CT,
and other citizens of Active Worlds. I have left AW for maybe a 2-3 year
period. I will come back, but that is when I have my own creditcard, my own
money, and maybe my own house. I will make it up to u though. Your last post
in the News group I have heard from Gamecube, was absolutely right about me.
So, once again, I am deeply sorry, and I ask for yours and AW's
forgiveness.. you may contact me at rejdych_mike at bye..

Enough said.
A1CTWorld at


Jan 27, 2003, 3:27pm
Hello Community, just droping a line to say I have added more of the former
land back to A!!CT and more of the former builds have returned.
I sacrificed 2 or my worlds to add to A!!CT to gain back the public's builds
located between 73 N E S W and 90 N E S W.
In the effort I have closed two of my worlds to add to A!!CT, those worlds
are A!!!!!CT and A!!DISCO. I have also thru in additional money to get it up
to a P-90.
As the owner of A!!CT world I am calling out to anyone who wants to
financially help a Public building world to a fast recovery to click this
link and donate what they can.
A total of $780.00 is needed now to get A!!CT back to the P-130 size it once
was and for all the builds to reappear.
If you would like to help please click my Paypal account link below.
In addition, I grant co-ownership or world rights to those who contribute
significant amounts. The total sum of $780.00 grants you 1/4 co-ownership as
the other 3/4 have been covered by me.
Contact me or have anyone you know who is interested to contact me or
Or send Checks or Money Orders to Bruce Fontaine 175 Whipple Ave. Norwich,
CT. 06360 USA
MrBruce 327324 A!!CT World owner.


Jan 27, 2003, 3:50pm
Hmmm I detected an error witht at link try this one

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Tom (Flagg) is leaving AW

Jan 27, 2003, 3:30pm
Just a note, Tom (Flagg) is leaving AWI as of Febuary 6th 2003.
Another good AW personality is leaving :( He will be sadly missed.

What about Alpha World?

Feb 1, 2003, 9:31am
Ok, I have been silent long enough, my interpetation of what he is saying
about the name China is that the AWGate slightly resembles a China theme. I
think I am correct on this because I believe I have seen a older post made
about this issue.
Although I have spoken to many at AWI about Alpha Prime (AW world) allowing
tourists back in, it was made clear to me, that Alpha world will never be
graced with the presence of tourists.
Plus why bother, I tried to make up the difference of AW world's loss to the
tourists by opening up my world A!!CT to tourists and making it big enough
to acommidate their right to build.
The results have been hatered from citizens and other tourists alike by
repeated deletion of their builds, vandalism, telegrams to me and chat at
A!!CT's GZ about how A!!CT sucks ect.
So I understand what he (Yanst) is going on about although I am not
familiar with this person.
When I call out to the community saying my world (which is open to all as a
public build world) needs Financial help, everyone turns their back on ya.
I know not everyone is rich, I for one am not, I am just a person who
realizes you can't open a P-10 world to open build, there is not enough
land. So I wanted to do something cool for the community and at the same
time use my world to grant tourists a sense of what it is like if they
became a citizen. True some take advantage of the free ride, but they do not
stay long. But many have signed up as citizens to.
In closing, many have left AW universe in recent weeks to take advantage of
PeaceCity's giving out Universe rights to kids. The same ones I was
criticized for having as CareTakers in A!!CT, yes many have left A!!CT to go
to this PeaceCity universe and ya know what? I have not seen one person
criticise S at MY (not even once) for allowing teenagers to have control over
his universe. (go figure)
Another note, how am I expected to personally feel, when most posts from me
or about A!!CT world are blocked or ignored by most in AW? Or criticized?
Should I bother renewing this world again next December? Just a hint, I
don't think so, I think to some degree, A!!CT should have remained (EXPIRED)
Just my thoughts sorry I bored ya all
MrBruce A1CTWorld at
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what is meant by China

Feb 1, 2003, 9:35am
Ok, I have been silent long enough, my interpetation of what he is saying
about the name China is that the AWGate slightly resembles a China theme. I
think I am correct on this because I believe I have seen a older post made
about this issue.
Although I have spoken to many at AWI about Alpha Prime (AW world) allowing
tourists back in, it was made clear to me, that Alpha world will never be
graced with the presence of tourists.
Plus why bother, I tried to make up the difference of AW world's loss to the
tourists by opening up my world A!!CT to tourists and making it big enough
to acommidate their right to build.
The results have been hatered from citizens and other tourists alike by
repeated deletion of their builds, vandalism, telegrams to me and chat at
A!!CT's GZ about how A!!CT sucks ect.
So I understand what he (Yanst) is going on about although I am not
familiar with this person.
When I call out to the community saying my world (which is open to all as a
public build world) needs Financial help, everyone turns their back on ya.
I know not everyone is rich, I for one am not, I am just a person who
realizes you can't open a P-10 world to open build, there is not enough
land. So I wanted to do something cool for the community and at the same
time use my world to grant tourists a sense of what it is like if they
became a citizen. True some take advantage of the free ride, but they do not
stay long. But many have signed up as citizens to.
In closing, many have left AW universe in recent weeks to take advantage of
PeaceCity's giving out Universe rights to kids. The same ones I was
criticized for having as CareTakers in A!!CT, yes many have left A!!CT to go
to this PeaceCity universe and ya know what? I have not seen one person
criticise S at MY (not even once) for allowing teenagers to have control over
his universe. (go figure)
Another note, how am I expected to personally feel, when most posts from me
or about A!!CT world are blocked or ignored by most in AW? Or criticized?
Should I bother renewing this world again next December? Just a hint, I
don't think so, I think to some degree, A!!CT should have remained (EXPIRED)
Just my thoughts sorry I bored ya all
MrBruce A1CTWorld at

you think $6.95 for a cit is too much?

Feb 4, 2003, 7:27pm
Just posting here over the continued complaints over the price of "a"
I just took inventory of the citizenships I own and pay for a month, I
presently own these citizenships or support them, they are
,348037 and 347475. These cits total at $6.95 a month a total of $83.40! With
the recent problems with A!!CT renewal, we lost some of our world cits when
the world was reopened at a smaller size, thus to keep those cits active now
the following cits are added to the monthly fees. 337820,345144 and 346172
adding $20.85 more to the monthly exspense, totaling $104.25 a MONTH! So for
those who complain about a modest $110.00 a year for a citizenship, just
think I pay out about that much a month totaling $1,251.00 a year.
Its my decision to do this, but I just wanted some of you to realize there
people out here paying a whole lot more.
PS yes I do plan to downsize this cit loan thing sad to say so I can
concentrate on upgrading my world.
MrBruce A1CTWorld at

What is happening to AW?

Feb 6, 2003, 4:54pm
What is happening to the AW universe program? I am talking about the user
community. I have seen a drastic decline in the number of people logged into
AW. Where have they all gone? The Sims on line? Another universe? What has
happened to the number of people who used to post in these newsgroups?
I do not see the community support I used to see here, or even if someone
posts anything serious here, someone almost always changes the subject of
the post or comes out with some sarcastic response.
I have been with AW as a citizen for over 29 months now and I have never
seen it this grim here. I just looked at all the newgroups even the ones
from and I see very few new posts since Merry Christmas was
Does this not alarm anyone here? Our community is dying, wake up!

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 5:18pm
Ok I am sure all of you know who I am and what my goals are, I have posted
them many times here in the news groups and forums.
But for those who are unfamilar with me and my crusade here's a brief
Many who were concerned over the closing of (AW) Alpha World to tourist
access, made claims that without Alpha worlds openness to visiters, will
decrease the number of new citizens to AW.
I took these concerns to heart and desided that if AW Inc. was not going to
reopen Alpha world to tourists (which is their right to do so) why not open
a world of my own to replace it and give the toutists what AW Inc. refuses
to give them.
This is where A!!CT world comes in. A!!CT was once a semi private building
world. I have desided to exspand it and raise the user limits and in a sense
donate it to the AW community as a fully public open building world.
To add more pizazz, I aquired an object path (set up unlike the one AW
offers in AW World), yes we have those objects, but I also have purchased
many objects made by private modelers to make our path more interesting, we
alllow all action commands. We allow terrain editing and are running the
newer 3.4 type world server.
My love for AW as a program and my love for the AW Community has casued me
to invest alot of my recreation type funds into creating a world for all to
use world wide, no matter what the race, gender or ethnic background.
I have put my world A!!CT on the line, you could say I donated it to the AW
community for all to use and to subdue.
With all this in mind and I want to add that A!!CT is privately funded by
me, I would like to say I am a large company who chose to buy into Virtual
Reality (like Juno did) but I am not, I am just an ordinary working class
indivigual, who chooses to try to make a difference in a program I happen to
have a great intrest in (AW).
Now the point of this post, I as the owner of A!!CT call out to you the
community for financial backing and help, not criticism. I knock myself out
daily, trying to think of ways to generate income to make A!!CT a
self-supporting world. So far, most ideas I think of will not work. We can
not sell lots, that's not practical, no one would pay money for a lot.
Buying a universe or sol-server is not practical, No.1 I want to be a part
of the AW universe, No.2 from what I have seen, universes are not that
popular and each universe is sort of like owning a world, the more users you
want the more you pay, the more worlds you want in your universe, the more
you pay. But most importantly, I want my dream to be in the AW universe.
So I am calling out to all of you for help, whether its financial help, or
good solid suggestions on how to make A!!CT world pay for its self, NOT FOR
PROFIT, but just support its self and for the AW Community to please
realize, that I am one member of the AW community, who is financially trying
to give back the community, what it feels AW took away. But as a working
class person, I can not do this on my own. I can not change the price of
citizenships, but perhaps if you all work with me, perhaps we can all
generate enough regisitered citizens to convince AW .Inc to lower prices.
Remember, AW is a company, it is here to make a profit, we as a community
are their profit, if we can generate enough profit for them to function
comfortably, they can afford to lower prices.
This post is long enough and sorry for the size it is, if you have any
questions about what I am trying to say here please contact me and please
help support A!!CT World, to this day, it is still 40 co-ords shy of its
former P-130 world limit.
MrBruce A1CTWorld at

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 6:08pm
It has been suggested, but the only time privately owned worlds are allowed
teleports at the gate is if Mountain Myst selects it as "worlds to watch"
which is only good for one month. Plus I know if A!!CT got a teleport at the
gate, everyone would want one. case in point, I slipped by stating Flagg
raised A!!CT's user limit to 150 users when A!!CT was authorized to 30, of
course Tom did this to help me out, as you could exspect, everyone wanted a
free user limit increase, because I got one. Now AW will no longer do this
for me. Now I have to pay $50.00 for every 5 user increase. Sad to say for a
world that dragged many in from other chat programs and convinced them to
purchase a citizenship :(
But aside from that, we seriously need donations as I stated, A!!CT was a
P-130 until it was discovered FeNiX renewed it with using a credit card he
was not authorized to use. Although A!!CT is back, I was only able to
restore it back to a P-90, as many of you may not realize, there are builds
out past 90 N E S W which are stuck in limbo, until moeny is paid to AW to
reclaim this land. Sorry this was unexspectedand I was not prepaired for
this disaster. Tom quoted me a price of $780.00 to get A!!CT back out to the
former 130 N E S W co-ords it once was 2 weeks ago. I just recently paid
$50.00 to add 5 more users to allow 20 people in A!!CT at one time. As you
can see, world owning is very exspensive!!
MrBruce A!!CT World owner. A1CTWorld at
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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 6:22pm
Sorry I missed the part about mentioning A!!CT in open chat at the AWGate,
it's been tried many times, it's the damned Gatekeepers who threaten to
eject you if you advertise a paying community world at the gate. I have
argued this before that it seems certain people get away with it,
advertising their newyeareve parties or Valentine days dances, but if A!!CT
is mentioned it's considered spamming my world and the ones trying to get
the word out, are warned by the GKs they face ejections.
As I said A!!CT needs financial support and supporters do own a piece of the
world, depending how much they donate.
MrBruce A!!CT owner. A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 8:40pm
Good questions there maki and you deserve an answer, so here goes.
As a world owner and a avid chat program user (i.e. ICQ, MSN, Pordigy, AOL,
Yahoo ect. I visit many public chat rooms in these programs and speak often
about Activeworlds and what it is all about, I grab the rooms intrest by
mentioning the amazing capabilities of the AW software which is free to
download and use. I mention of course that I am a world owner in AW. I
instruct people where to download the software and once they enter the
AWGate to use the advanced mode, remove the webpage from the right panel,
resize the view window and chose the world tab and select A!!CT from the
Now we have visiters, i keep track of their names like anyone does, I listen
to their concerns over over jealious AWTeen nerds who come here just to
delete their hard work, I do what I can for them, some i bought citizenships
for out of greif over the AWTeen deleters. Others have had a sample of the
program and left over the deletion of their hard work (thanks AWTeen nerds)
others register, get a cit and telegram me saying things like "Thanks
MrBruce, thanks to you I have decided to get a cit, it was your inspiration
and concern that made em make up my mind to become a permanent member of AW"
This is not a cop out here, but I recently had to reformat my entire HD over
a stupid videocard issue concerning MS Direct X 9.0 I lost everything in the
process, prop-dumps, saved builds and all my chat texts. But there was the
proof you needed. I am not sure why i need to defend myself everytime i make
a post here, one such explanation hurt my world's user limit as I stated
earlier about how my world had a 150 user limit. I am not here to lie or
mislead anyone, so I am not sure why i am always being questioned. As for
other worlds bringing people into AW as citizens, I never said this was not
true, but up until A!!CT went to hell over the fraudulant credit card
renewal, you have to admit, that aside from Mutation world A!!CT was always
3rd or 4th on the list below AW or AWGate and we most of the time beat out
AWTeen. Now A!!CT is a has been, because we lost what made the world public,
land and user limits, once a world is full as A!!CT is now, you either lose
user intrest, or you keep deleting the builds to make more room. I hate
deleting anything, so the best policy is add more land (exspand) that's how
AW world and AWTeen started out, they were not always the size they are now,
but they are also owned by AW Inc.
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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 8:44pm
If its concerning an AW related product I do not see that as spamming. I am
a financial supporter of AW, the gate is owned by AW and it seems to me
certain world owners (no Names mentioned here) get to spam thier NewYearsEve
parties and Valentines dances held in thier privately owned worlds.
[View Quote]

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 9:09pm
I also want to add, it seems my request fo rhelp (like always) being
responded to by the community as ATTACKS, this is what I mean in all the
posts I post here, anything A!!CT is bad, just seems all of you think A!!CT
is a doanted freebie world that drains AW's resources. How much education do
you all need to realize its people like me whppu tour hard earned money into
AW .Inc bank account? It's concerned people like me who try to bring people
into AW and its the inconsiderate ones who post anti this and question that
with great hatered mind you, that makes anyone who visits here in AW quick
to leave. Trust me on that. I hear over 200 complaints a day about abusive
people in AW and how people are cancealing their cits! I must have 20 names
on my contacts that I have no idea why i have not seen these people on line
in months, some leave without telling everyone. I should not always have to
defend myself in a newsgroup, instead as a community, we should be working
together not against each other or hating A!!CT because you believe in
AWTeen or any other world. I mention AWTeen the most here, because (face it
folks) 95% of the telegrams, posts or emails about anti-A!!CT come from
members of AWTeen world and these are from citizens not tourists. if not for
people like me, with paying worlds like my, I am sure AW would be asking a
hell of alot more then $6.95 a month for a cit. think about it and instead
of hating me for what I am trying to do for thsi program, help me and show
me what a community is supposed to be...people helping each other and
sticking together.
MrBruce A1CTWorld at

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 10:18pm
Brant to the best of my knowlege and as I quote what Flagg said about his
first view of Alpha Prime (AW) "It was not the size it is now" I believe the
world owned by AW called GZ which displays Alpha Worlds origional GZ may in
all likely hood been the origional size at one time. But AW world has always
been a 32,720 for as long as I have been in AW. AWTeen is a different story
of course, because as you know it was upgraded last year, because it ran out
of space, as we all know once a world is full and no land is available for
new builders, they go elsewhere and the world's value goes down. As I stated
earlier, A!!CT as a P-90 is full, its either upgrade, or start deleting
abandoned builds, which I hate doing as any build no matter how stupid is
someones work of art and I respect that.
But please lets stick to a solution to my problem, for one and foremost,
getting A!!CT back out to the p-130 it was so the builds out there can
This request is not for my selfesh gains, as the owner of this world I am
looking out for the people who were nice enough to come here to AW and
abandon those old out of date instant messaging programs.
MrBruce A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 8, 2003, 12:29am
Hi, Just in, I in my own way try to do alot of the community, as much as I
would love to be a gatekeeper, running A!!CT and what is associated with it
takes up all of my free time. This would also explain why I would not be a
good canidate as a Peacekeeper either. I spend alot of time logged into AW
as AFK, as I am either at work, working on projects related to AW or
visiting other chat program rooms (as they are called) spreading the word of
AW. Although i can not seem to prove I do this other than bringing people
into the gate and exsplaining how they got here, but I enter chat rooms such
as AOL's over21 chat room, the connecticut chat room ect and I speak about a
world I own in AW and how cool the program is compared to just chat text in
a white box. I exspalin how this program allows you to build the coolest
things of their dreams.
Although I use A!!CT the most, it is my world and there i do not have to
worry about crossing another world owners rules, it is from there we suggest
the tourist enabled worlds. So you see Jut in most of my work in AW goes
unseen, because alot of what I do is to bring curious people into AW, in
order to do that. you have to go outside the program and advertise and try
to do it as word of mouth so as not to be accused of spamming.
What a citizen does from there, where they go, where they call thier home,
is no business of mine, even the cits I own all 15 of them are free to visit
any world and build where ever it is allowed.
And for that, I myself have been threatend with "MrBruce you spam your world
one more time here and you will be ejected"! this said to me by a Gatekeeper
and I only announced it once, I was mentioning a legit paintball tournament
where two worlds donated by AW were prizes to the people there, that was an
It was part of our one year anaversary!
[View Quote]

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 8, 2003, 10:59am
Maki I will be honest here, I typed 13 different posts to respond to what
you have said to me here and I deleted them. I honestly can not respond, you

[View Quote]

Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 8, 2003, 1:24pm
Its ok I do not any help from a bunch of one way people like you and don't
worry I won't bother bringing anymore victums into AW anymore. Anyone want
A!!CT? think you can do better contact me! And by the way I asked if anyoen
had any sugestions or wanted to help me out. thanks for nothing as I will
won't help this community anymore. you asses kick a guy when hes down! I
have no respect for any of you and don't want your cruddy pitty otherwise! I
have more respect for Bin laden than I do for you heatless people who call
themselves a community! Community hah!
You won't here me or my world here again, but the rest of you hipocrits can
spam your world events here. I will gladly look for another universe to move
my world to and grant you people goodbye. I will never do anything for this
universe again! No wonder so many have left!! I don't blame them either!
sign me :P
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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 10, 2003, 7:09am
It's Ok some of us spend time at the gate and see the spam on signs and chat
text. We understand you are special people ;)
[View Quote]


Feb 8, 2003, 1:32am
LOL AW world is a great world, my first builds are there at 372s and it goes
east to west from 9 east to 100 east, my builds are a little sandwiched
among older <not a citizen> builds, but mine are still there. once when AW
world crashed in August 2001 (August 15th to be exact) I opened a little
trial world called A1CT to consume my time, this same world eventually was
renamed A!!CT in November 2001. :)
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Ok just my opinion

Feb 9, 2003, 5:59pm
Too late you people have aggravated me enough. Call me what you want. I just
deleted A!!CT world and all its builds, why should I care? From what I have
seen here. you people here don't like me, fine i do not need to be here. why
spend another dime of my hard earned money on this crap universe full of
immature people who care nothing about anything but themselves?
This is how much I care all the builds in A!!CT are gone and so is A!!CT and
so am I. I really do not care anymore. I will call Rick Noll or JP on
Monday, its either I get a refund or they agree to move my money to another
universe. I have had it!!!!!!!
MrBruce A1CTWorld at
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Ok just my opinion

Feb 10, 2003, 12:24am
Sorry you are so misguided, it was MY money that ran that world, remember? I
guess I started all this by asking someone to either join as a co-owner or
offer assistance. So for a world no one contributed a dime to, I do not
think I was the one who was being selfesh, I made nothing on that world and
got NO SUPPORT either!
As I say, maybe if you were a caring community a 15 year old kid would not
have been the one to want to renew it.
There are adults out there, trouble is it is them who do not give a damn
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 5:49pm
you people have akingdom and blupearl you don't need me nor do I need you!
later much!

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