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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 12:04pm
:) I think so too, but I believe a roast deserves a PIG and that PIG roasted
themselves' for sure!
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 6, 2002, 2:32am
here it is s*ithead and by the way yes i typoed on the number it was meant
to be 300 check your spealling while your reading this. Here's your whole
flam against me and my personal life Shane, it makes intresting reading!
Hi all,
I've never been big on going to the trouble of posting in the
newsgroups but after reviewing the opinions of so many especially Bruce, I
felt the need to express a few of my own opinions on some of the
aforementioned topics. Bruce, I could have saved this for a telephone
conversation but I fell since you seem to be so public about so many of the
experiences you've had in AW that I would address you directly in this forum
as you seem to feel it should be used as a tool for hammering on the heads
of those who have tirelessly adapted to your ever changing view of what you
were trying to accomplish in this world of yours. I et me start by telling
the group that I've known Mr. Bruce for over a decade now personally, as we
live in the same town and in the past shared a common interest in CB Radio.
I remember when I first showed him the AW Plugin, and only a few months
later he purchased A1CT and his world was born. He surprised me with a
telegram and an invitation to this new world of his and I built an "embassy"
in there almost instantly. I must admit Bruce your world grew fast and had
amassed quite a following. Shortly thereafter I decided that I would like to
be a part of this world and contributed $60.00 to an upgrade. I liked A!!CT
because of the wonderful objects in the WCOL Path. I must have spent 300
hours building and strolling through the path looking around at all of the
great objects in the path. Over time Bruce and I had several discussions
about the future of this world and was willing at one point to pay the
reasonable hosting bill in its entirety. Later on I contributed again to the
world, around $200.00, to bring its size up too P100. Unlike the majority of
the users in there I was more than willing to help out financially as I know
you personally and we had discussed the limitations on your ability to
finance the entire thing alone and some of the kids weren't able to help
because of their own financial limitations. Now that I've got that out of
the way on to the real issues at hand. I once asked what are you trying to
accomplish here? Your answers never made any sense. Are you concerned with
the kids, wanting to give them a place to hang out that is a safe
environment? Do you want to become a respected world owner? What is it you
were trying to accomplish? No Good answer still. For anything to go the way
you want it too you need to have a plan. I offered up several, but lets
review what you do in here most of the time and also where some of the money
trouble that has arisen has come from. First, and I'm only repeating your
own words here, the majority of your time according to you was spent
rebuilding tourist builds, a noble task and a big job and it was almost
impossible to ever complete. You also told me one of you biggest concerns
was the position in the world list and how many people were in your world at
any time and how to get more.You also said that you liked to upgrade the
size of the world because it allowed for making smaller payments at a single
time and extended the expiation of the world, which does make sense but only
with the approach that you can pay the big bill next year when it comes in
all at once. On the subject of money, you once told me that you paid for at
least ten citizens, which in my opinion indicates that even when there are
14 people in your world at any time you are paying for most of them to be
there. If you cannot afford the commitments that you make then spend the
money more wisely and don't blame others for your funding mismanagement.
Some of the younger people in your world are very responsible and greatly
impartial, or better put, mature enough to maintain the responsibility and
generous consideration you have giving them. Others are not so nice, some
have been downright rotten. I also want to include in this post, prior to
your rebuttal, that I deleted all of my builds in your world and receded
into my own because after contributing financially and offering to assist in
several other ventures to better your world, you remove my ed rights, for
straightening a road with minimal of impact to older unfinished builds,
allowed children to accuse me of things like turning a build around (which I
see as impossible), and participate in their ranting like a child, and
finally make several decisions on running the world without asking my
opinion or even including me at all. It was right then that I decided to
upsize my world because as I had told you prior I wasn't about to contribute
if I wasn't going to be a part of the whole thing. Bruce, I like you, You
are a decent guy but I think that you need to look at the facts and see them
for what they are. You are running on a budget, your plan changes every
other day, and If your goal is to have 20 users in your world all the time
don't pay ten to be there or else you've only accomplished half of your
goal. To conclude my ridiculous post I want to say a few things in defense
of my Excellent World Host, Heartfall, I was included in some of the
arguments that Insanity has had with you , and you had told me about a few
of the others. In most cases he was right. You may disagree as some of the
kids will as well, as they are young and easily influenced by others
opinions. I'm not 100% sure what Insanity will think of my opinions and was
in no way influenced by him in them. And once again they all come from what
you have told me. One was that you constantly handed out passes to the path
without referring the users to the sign up page. Including one of my
builders who I told to go to the signup page and they told me not to worry
as you had given them the pass. If your builders don't want to identify
themselves with an email address? my question is why? Second, I recall
several uncalled for comments made by you to others about insanity that
probably caused him grief at some point or another. And being that kids are
easily influenced, sometimes do things that are inappropriate to try to
gain your admiration. Third, You often when upgrading your user limit or
world size didn't bother to tell Insanity until after the fact, which also
was told to me by you. If you increase the user limit you also increase the
bot limit and this is extra bandwidth. which is money. If you had been more
cooperative with him you may have had a better experience. I am probably one
of the people you mentioned in your post that learned about Heartfall from
A!!CT and I'm glad that I did. My world has never had any problems, and
Insanity has done everything I asked him too in a timely and respective
manner, when I upgraded my user limit I told him in advance and he was
prepared, happy and helpful. He told you time and time again what he
expected from you and you repeatedly distorted it and changed it. You babble
on about how you were told that all of the objects that were the same I the
path would load which I really think any intelligent individual who
understands an OP would know better and I've never been told by him that the
path will load if it changed and I have a tough time believing that he said
that to you in the exact context that you repeat it constantly, or that if
you did misunderstand him that he didn't clearly explain it again when
asked. I know you, and how you operate, on and off of AW so maybe I'm at an
advantage as to what is really going on, you speak before you think Its too
bad that you would hammer someone because of your own shortcomings, and
financial difficulty, but maybe all of us that tried to help you financially
would have been more willing to work with you if you were willing to
compromise a bit on some of your absurd positions. The only thing that
Insanity said too me about your changing paths was that he was very upset
for the kids who enjoyed the path and that they feel so discontented, He,
being an adult of reasonable intellect is not littered with selfish
undertones of playing god. And for you to insinuate that insanity is not
willing to give a little to others, look at some of the charitable things
he has done with his life at the Heartfall website, like his earthquake aid,
he has given a lot more to better others than you ever have, Heartfall is
not some big corporation that is bathing in money, he does this because he
has a genuine interest in making AW better and preserving it. These kids
treat you like a role model and you teach them to hold grudges and distort
truth. Maybe If they knew you in the real world they would see why you put
so much into AW, I'm sure you will bark at the moon now that once again the
truth is on the table, too bad, but someone needs to point it out, I also
will note that Insanity was courteous and wished everyone well even after
you got into attacking him which is a clear indicator of who is the
responsible adult. It truly is too bad for all of those who enjoyed the path
and the many objects in it. Also I'm sure if a trusted source approached
Insanity with a copyright free object he would be happy to add it to the
path. He is a great guy as well as an excellent world host, who is more than
willing to work with those who are willing to work with him. You on the
other hand are miserable from the tiring trouble you repeatedly put yourself
through to do all this and the part that gets me is you have no reason,
purpose, or cause. It seems more like an addiction than entertainment. Maybe
you need to sit back and slow down, get back to having a good time instead
of being so worried about such trivial things, Its all fun, its VIRTUAL
reality, not reality.So stop playing Peter Pan and Get A Grip LOL. To all
those who loved the objects in the path I invite you to build in AKingdom,
It has a 15 User Limit and is a P50, and it will be for a long time because
I've budgeted it that way and that's what I can afford, its not a free for
all for all of the troublemakers, and I'm not into working at managing it
till my head explodes, but if you like to build and are tired of worrying
about whether or not your stuff will be around in a year I've got some space
for you to use the wonderful objects that you like, come and see it. One
last note, if you do create you own OP please keep some statistics on how it
measures up to WCOL. Id be interested if it will have the reliability and
bandwidth I've come to expect, 99.9% ,which I see as conservative
considering I've had 100% reliability with Heartfall, My connection never
drops off in my world, ever, I've not even enjoyed that reliability with AW
Hosted worlds. Good Luck. With both your OP and the world license renewal
fees. Its too bad Bruce, you should have thought this all out more
objectively. In the end AW Teen will still be there so I suppose the kids
wont be totally lost. I'm sure some of the kids will respond aggressively to
this post but I hope all those who read it understand that the unedited
truth is a reality unlike AW. I wish you the best, and Id still back you up
in a jam but I cannot agree with you on your AW related opinions when they
are so single sided and jaded by your illusions. Take care all, and have a
great day.

King Bluemax (321028)

There it is stupid you post and you forget what you said LOL Are you sure
your note InSaNiTy #2?
[View Quote]

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 7, 2002, 3:33pm
This is my last post on this issue as I am sick of defending my self over
No.1 I had a right to post to the public that I was dropping Heartfall as
hosting and path.
No.2 I had a right to say why I made this decision.
No.3 Heartfall is in a sense a company that provides services. That company
is owned and operated by InSaNiTy.
No.4 It is InSaNiTy himself who decided to charge me $175.00 over what his
website quotes as $400.00
No.5 It was InSaNiTy who spoke to me about a sky box and it was InSaNiTy who
sold me this sky box for $30.00
No.6 It was InSaNiTy who tried to sell me 4 Cobra attack helicopters for
$50.00 (Those 4 helicopters were already available on the public av list!)
I posted what I had to post and in return King BlueMax posts his good points
about Heartfall, but in the process under several posts talks about me and
my credibility, such as how I give out passwords blindly. He also spoke
about how I did Heartfall and the people who tried to help me 'wrong'. That
is the attack I am talking about.
King Bluemax could have said I like Heartfall because......Instead, he
attacked me and in a sense stated that because I am such a careless person I
deserve to be over charged, he also spammed his world by saying "COME TO
blah..... He not only spammed his world as being better than mine, he also
advertised Heartfall produtions in the process!
The snip of King Bluemax's that I copied and pasted was just the beginning
of the attack, as I said in an earlier post, read the whole thread.
Because of his post I get attacked by others saying they are tired of me
spamming my world A!!CT, I did not spam, I merely posted an announcement to
all those who have built in my world, that I would be dropping Heartfall.
Those who understand paths like Heartfall's, also understand no two paths
have 100% of all the same objects. Therefore the likely hood of builds
owned by people other than myself will obviously be greatly affected. Which
was the case here, I tried several paths using the last prop-dump InSaNiTy
sent me. During a 2 day test we loaded the prop-dump, all we seen was over
100 black triangles (non-rendering objects) to every square meter!
It came to the point, that I had no choice but to remove the prop-dump and
start fresh.
The point that upsets me is a hosting service inflates it's prices and I get
attacked, does this make sense? I am the victum here.... not InSaNiTy.
He played the ole price and demand crap with me, he figured if he inflatted
my renewal price for my world, I would gladly pay it, so as not to lose the
respect of my builders! Ok, let's say I paid it, what would it be next
year...$700.00? So yes, I feel I was being taken advantage of!
Legally I could report him for running a scam. He posts prices on his
website and then charges what he wants, when he feels in the need of some
extra cash. Like I said in an earlier post, it's like when a store
advertises cucumbers 3 for a $1.00 but at the register they charge you
$10.00 saying if you want it bad enough you pay the price, that to me is
false advertising and is illegal! Some here may say...thats the American
way, but I am here to say I am not the idiot who needs it that much!
I do not know what will be said in response to this post and truthfully I am
tired of explaining my self...InSaNiTy you took advantage of me and tried to
do it again, you lost a customer in your attemps to make some extra cash. I
know you were desperate for money because you told me you had medical bills
to pay and needed to sell sky boxs, avatars and such to meet those bill
payments...but you also intended to charge me more to help pay those bills,
had you charged me what you post on your website, I would have gladly paid
it. Instead you lost a customer and a very unhappy one at that! It was not
just the lose of my hard work, it was also the lose of hundreds of citizens
hard work and King Bluemax you yourself know A!!CT had builds owned by at
least 200 citizens. You scanned the world many times and commented on that
to me, well tahnks to InSaNiTy's price scam, those builds are lost forever
and yes I lost many people's respect, because this decision has wipped out
what many have worked very hard on. As a business with HEART in it's name
(hence Heartfall) does InSaNiTy really show that he has a heart? Tell that
to the real losers here...the aw community builders!
Right now I host my own world, have my own path and I only have to answer
to myself. Therefore I will NOT respond to any more posts in this thread,
believe what you want..but I have a right to NOT get ripped off by a
My final post on this issue MrBruce
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beta tester login

Sep 14, 2002, 1:37pm
Just a quick question, I have been approved to be a beta tester i have 3.4
beta build 429. which Bill activated on Friday september 13, trouble is I
can not post in the beta newsgroups as of yet. Is this because Bill forgot
to activate my account in the Beta newsgroups or am I forgetting to do
something here?

2 Days left till A!!CT World closes

Sep 14, 2002, 8:27pm
This is a reminder that there is less than two days left till A!!CT world
closes. It will restart, but be closed to the public until several tests are
We will try using the origional prop-dump to see how bad things look using a
new path. If we feel the clean up is too much trouble(removing the
non-rendering objects) we will reset A!!CT world and start over.
The roads leaving GZ will be better aligned with 0N 0E 0S 0W as with before
when they were origionally off center. It was never foreseen that A!!CT
would ever be bigger than a P-10 world when GZ was origionally set up, but
now that it is a P-100 it makes better sense to have things a little bit
MrBruce said recently "I am offically announcing that as owner of A!!CT
world, I will chose the best options for all. keep in mind A!!CT is
privately owned and not a public build world owned by Activeworlds. Most
private world owners do not allow public building space in their worlds and
no income is generated from the exsistance of A!!CT World".
Besides while A!!CT was hosted by World_hosting at we were NOT
allowed to do anything to help raise money to keep A!!CT going, because
Heartfall claimed we were using their services to make money! Yet here
Heartfall uses AW's services to make money, this never made sense to me and
never will!
With Heartfall gone, now maybe we can do more to help generate some sort of
income to keep the costs of running A!!CT in the GREEN!
Keep in mind that no matter what, it does cost money to keep A!!CT world
We will accept community donations, for a world that is provided free of
charge to all-donations can be sent using Paypal-MrBruce's account name is
MrBruce406969 at those who help will receive special public
MrBruce's name has been used by permission in this post.
Many thanks from the A!!CT building community.


Sep 18, 2002, 5:44pm
Hello all, just wanted to say A!!CT world is open but presently we are doing
tests using the prop-dump sent to me from Heartfall.
As to be expected A!!CT is a mess with triangles from the non-rendering
objects lost from the loss of Heartfall's path.
As I posted in my last post I expected InSaNiTy to pop up somewhere and
protest my post and so he did under the name 'host'.
Anyways I am not going to make this a long thread by stating anything here
about the service, which I could say the object path was what made it
worthwhile. But I think the renewal fee was way out of the league. I would
have kept the path and cancealed hosting, but the trouble I have had with
Heartfall was concerning their path.
I must say I expected some sort of discount, being that the Heartfall name
was made popular by my running a public world where people had the
oppertunity to use the objects, not only see them as with other worlds that
may be using the same path.
I can think off hand of 4 customers Heartfall gained because of my
references. In this business it should be one hand washing the
helping the other to succede.
It was my wish to pormote Heartfall, however instead of any gratitude, My
world was accused of attracting path hackers and the bad of AW, how can I
purchase hosting from someone who talks about a person who only wants to
porvide something AW, AWTeen and AWnewbie provide.
Truth is Heartfall uses AW to make money, without AW Heartfall has no need
for world hosting or path and yet I looked at my world as a free place to
come build, chat and do things that are not allowed in AW world, like
special commands and objects.
Some of what host (InSaNiTy) said in his rebuttle was not true, but for the
sake of band-width I will not copy and paste any evidence here.
I will just say life moves on and so does A!!CT world.
As for financial burdens....I am providing the community with something
really cool at my exspense...I am only asking others to help out and be an
active part of a growing community!
A!!CT world owner MrBruce
P.S. InSaNiTy be smart. before you get roasted--reframe from replying to
this post...just a word of advice :)

CYs OK so who won?

Oct 27, 2002, 1:22pm
I do not see anything on the Cy website or anywhere for that matter
regarding who the winners were, some of us do have lives outside Aw and
couldn't be at the CY ceremony to know who won, so lets have it, who won?

CYs OK so who won?

Oct 28, 2002, 8:04am
Thank you Mauz for the info, congradulations to all the winners and to all
those who lost (including myself) we will always have next year, so hang in
there! :)
MrBruce (A!!CT World owner)
[View Quote]


Nov 3, 2002, 1:27am
I think the whole point here was about a GOR world being accepted for a CY
award. Sadly I agree, I have visited one such Gor world and was shocked at
how Women of all people like being SEX SLAVES to both men and other women!
Yes I was asked my age and although I was 40 at the time I lied and said I
was 36 just to be funny! What if I was really14 or 12?
As owner of a "G" rated world, I have had sex slaves from one of the Gor
worlds come into my world, I believe they said they were from GorVernA
world, while visiting my world, they used this sick roll playing in my world
and were quickly ejected, using names such as the ones they use in the Gor
worlds, plus calling each other "SLAVE" and "MASTER". Kids do not need to
hear this!
This is what a great progarm like AW is tarnished with! Isn't there enough
SEX on the web and emails available to kids without AW being a part of it?
I will post this under a new thread as well.
MrBruce Anti-Gor
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Nov 3, 2002, 12:18pm
Got bugs? call an exterminator...LOL J/K :P
A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]

Close the newsgroups

Nov 5, 2002, 11:01pm
Nah then we'd all have to go to AWdebate world :) I think people just need
to vent a little and discuss publicly their concerns, like we did when AW
raised the prices and removed tourists
It will all get worked eventually. My public apoligy goes out to anyone here
who might be personally affected by anything I have posted in recent days,
my intent is not to hurt anyone. Just protect. ;)
A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]

MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 6, 2002, 10:06pm
This is to inform the Community that as of November 5 th 2002 A1CT world
will be allowed to expire, shortly following on December 29th A!!!!!CT world
will be allowed to expire. It is not clear at this moment what will happen
to A!!CT world which expires December 15th 2002, but more than likely it it
will be allowed to expire. As my citizenship presently states> Immigration
Officer: Warning: your citizenship expires in 29 days. To extend your
citizenship, press the Renew button in the toolbar.. I doubt I will. "G"
rated worlds (other than AWTEEN have no place in AW) and neither do I! you
can count 7 worlds of mine out of here and all of my money as well. All cits
owned and paid for by me will be closed in the coming weeks.
As a paying CommunitY member, I would rather put my money in something where
people listen like mature adults.
MrBruce former world owner-former AW citizen.
A1CTWorld at

MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 6, 2002, 11:05pm
I will quickly answer this as I have to head to work, 6 of my 7 worlds were
used as public "G" rated tourist enabled public build worlds. The 7th was
used by Xes as a public build world until he decided to showcase his own
creations there. That is why I posted here. I know no one cares about a
closed building world expiring, but most of my worlds all above P-20 size
were public building worlds.
Temper tantrums? No not at all, I just learned what means the most here in
the last year I was a world owner here. I care not to go into it, but I do
no this, I have been the most criticsized person in AW since my first month
of world owning. A!!CT is the most hated world and I listen to criticism
everyday from the community for running a "G" rated public build world. My
worlds generated money for AW too, what you all think AW donated this stuff
to me? Well think what you want...someoen gets a taste of what I have been
putting up with for a year and they get their way, trouble is my world never
did anything to hurt anyone, we actually made citizens out of a minimum of
150 tourists if not more, we actually went out of our way to convince people
to register. All I ever got was flames and critism! We never corrupted the
minds of anyone, we never discriminated against any race or culture (within
reason) we never banned adults or childern who acted civilized. We never
allowed content above the "G" rating of our world. We have a bot called Zbot
which is in global mode and ejects automatically when certain vulgor or
abusive worlds are used.
We try to have public events allowing all citizens to particpate in, we get
critisized that we are spaming our world. But it's ok for anyone else to
post their private worlds' events here!
Its OK for the community to post ANTI-A!!CT world or ANTI-MrBruce posts
which are personal attacks on ME! But its not OK for me to be a concerned AW
citizen about issues that affect us as a community! You all fail to forget I
pay AW's bills here to!
So be it, you want me out of here..My money goes to. I can spend my money on
a new computer or something. My 7 worlds plus 17 of my $6.95 cits are out of
Wasted enough of my time on this. Its AW's loss not mine!
MrBruce former AW citizen.
[View Quote]

MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 4:37pm
Please read my final post dated 11/7/2002 entitled To the Community-part1

MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 9, 2002, 7:17am
I just want to say at the request and presisitance of many, I have agreed to
drop in and and read these posts. Your points are taken into consideration
and I want to thank those who posted positive things, I also want to thank
JerMe for hosting my world A!!CT and donating he's server to us. I hope he
does not mind me mentioning that.
All I can say is I will think things thru, thats all I can say. I am not
here looking for pity, I just want the AW universe to get orgainized and
A1CTWorld at

I'm out of this war zone

Nov 9, 2002, 6:30am
As I was asked by many to at lest come here and view what responses my post
has generated concerning my getting out of AW. I decided to read what was
left of the newsgroups that enzo has not deleted. I understand your
disstress more than you realize. But the problem here is this, the community
has spoken, they said what they wanted (or at least I tired) concerning the
CY awards. Nothing we say is good enough.
I tried to be unbiased here and listen to the community and weigh the pros
and cons. I tooked carefully at the wording of the posts to see who was for
one thing or another.
I carefully tore each post apart here and restructured it as many ways I
The results are 98% want the CY completely "G" rated. 2% want it "G" thru
Here is your answer and its easy to see, if people stopped looking at their
contact lists so much, they'd see what is going on in the universe. Try
using the worlds list once in a while and set it to USERS so the worlds
display top to bottom according to how many are in each world.
Now as you look at this list scroll down it to look for worlds that are well
know "ADULT R or X" rated worlds. I see 12 worlds. I also see at the time of
this post 1152 worlds running in the AW universe if my math serves me well
here 1152-12=1140. You are trying to tell me that 12 worlds have the right
to change the whole universe?
Whats going to end up haapening here, before all is said and done anyone
entering AW as a new-comer is going to need mommy/daddy's approval to enter
AW, to verify Mommy/Daddy's age a credit card is going to have to be we go again back to Febuary 2002 where a credit card is needed
to enter AW. How many people do youthink like using their credit cards on
the internet just to satisfy a KID?
THINK>>>>THINK>>>THINK! even just for age verification and to help their
child keep from seeing adult materials, there are very few that will risk
their credit card numbers being stolen to please a kid! This is deemed an
adult website now technozeus, it contains adult materials. I did not know
catering to ones sexual pleasures was so important here. But I guess it is.
If AW took a vote and every citizen in AW voted (and this is the best way) I
believe you will find the majority of the people here can live without sex
in Activeworlds. But still we will cater to a few 12 worlds out of 1152!
Sad...sad...and pitiful!
MrBruce A!!CT world= CommuniTy hence CT get it yet? A!!CT-A!!-CT=CommuniTy
A!!CY might be mistaken for the CYs so it's CT. Figured I'd answer that long
asked question. :P
A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]

I'm out of this war zone

Nov 9, 2002, 6:43am
I just want to say at the request and presisitance of many, I have agreed to
drop in and and read these posts. Your points are taken into consideration
and I want to thank those who posted positive things, I also want to thank
JerMe for hosting my world A!!CT and donating he's server to us. I hope he
does not mind me mentioning that.
All I can say is I will think things thru, thats all I can say. I am not
here looking for pity, I just want the AW universe to get orgainized and
A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]

Looking for HYMERHOFF's old house.

Nov 9, 2002, 11:13am
Hopefully it will still work, it reqires the cit name and cit PPW to work.
If Caitif's cit number is not the one he/she built with, then chances are
his/her builds say <not a citizen> when right clicked. So I am not sure if
the database would find the builds he's/she's looking for. As of yet I have
not found anyone who has found their builds using a newer and different cit.
Finally is it in AW world? He/she never stated what world they were in.
Good luck!
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Many Thanks To Fenix

Nov 16, 2002, 8:18am
I just want to extend my Gratitude to 3 outstanding citizens in AW, their
names are JerMe for Hosting A!!CT world and A!!CT2 world at no cost to me.
To FeNiX for paying the whole renew fee of $1,309.95 with tourist access for
A!!CT World, which will be here for another year!
To NCC 71854 for putting together a unique object path for A!!CT, which I
intend to continue help to add objects to.
Also to all the others who have helped to keep A!!CT world up and running.
It is my intent to upgrade A!!CT world within the next few weeks, beyond its
present P-100 status (2000X2000).
It is the intent of A!!CT world and it's CommunitY to live up to its theme,
which is a Community building world, hence the name A!!CT, the CT stands for
Just to answer a widely asked question while I am on the subject here, CT
was chosen because A!!CY would have been mistaken for a CY world.
Again thanks to all from <me> MrBruce :)
questions/comments email A1CTWorld at

Many Thanks To Fenix

Nov 16, 2002, 2:16pm
Very good observation and you are correct, origionally when A!!CT was named
A1CT world the CT stood for Connecticut, the state I live in, but as A1CT
continued to grow in size and citizens, I realized the world was more of a
Community world, than it was a Connecticut chatroom. So when A1CT was
renamed A!!CT, the CT stood for Community with out using the "Y" which would
have been confused as a CY related world.
LOL the origional name I picked was AWCT, but as we all know, that one was
not possible.
A1CTWorld at
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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 27, 2002, 3:23pm
Can't remove people who are not posting, I rarely post in beta because for
one I know what is an actual bug and what is a new feature that we have to
get used to, which is what beta is all about trying the new features and
seeing if they respond correctly.
Also there is no sense posting the same bug 20 times.
I just want E N Z O, young shamus and Bill to know that they are doing a
great job with this release and I want to say to the impatient AW program
users that GOOD things come to those who wait!
So as a Beta tester I just want to encourage people who are not familar with
the new 3.4 verson of AW to hang in there, you will be impressed! Specially
if you are a Sims owner! I upgraded the Sims to "Livin' Large" and lost
interest when I seen all the cool features AW has to offer.
MrBruce Cit# 327324
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Public build world requesting donated objects

Nov 26, 2002, 3:15pm
Hi all, If any of you modlers out there have any fairly decent objects you'd
like to put to public use please contact me.
They will be used in our public build world A!!CT, credit will be given to
anyone who donates anything.
You can get ideas of what we lack for objects by visiting A!!CT World at 50S
50W or visiting our second object yard in A!!CT2 World, Both worlds are
tourist enabled.
You can contact me in AW or at A1CTWorld at or MrBruce at
MrBruce Cit # 327324

Expanding world Needs volunteers

Nov 28, 2002, 5:14pm
Hi all, as owner of A!!CT and it's associated worlds, I am putting out an
all points bulletin that I am looking for AW citizen volunteers to help out
and become a part of a growing community.
A!!CT World has been renewed and soon will be upgrading from a P-100 to a
P-130, the user limit will be 100 users.
I am looking for mature adults to be head of my world's PK and GK programs,
you will pretty much be acting on your own most of the time. You will be in
charge of organizing and establishing the program and keeping track of who
is screened and who is accepted into the programs.
I am also looking for people to help as building teachers.
I am also looking for serious people with bot knowlege, to maintain a
current bot infomation center, one that contains links to all available bot
I am interested in someone who has the ability to build bots and has strong
knowlege of C++ and visual basic programming.
I am also looking for serious people to help maintain A!!CT's personal
object yards. This involves co-ordinating objects into catergories and
organizing things to make them user friendly.
I am also interested in having someone on board who is great with textures,
space will be provided for a textures yard.
Let's face it folks A!!CT is here to stay, why not be a part of a growing
world that tries hard to bring new members into AW by pampering them?
Intrested? or need more info? Contact MrBruce or email me at
A1CTworld at or MrBruce at today for a better AW tomorrow.

Expanding world Needs volunteers

Nov 28, 2002, 8:59pm
I was refering to I want a mature adult to handle the PK and GK programs. My
experience with the last program was everyone wanted to be a PK leader but
once they were elected, they were hardly on line or available because Mommy
took thier PC rights away from them for getting a B- in school. Sorry I
didn't mean that to defend anyone, but electing a kid who is still in school
is not a good idea.
An Adult does not have to answer to anyone but them selves. The other jobs
are open to trust worthly indiviguals of any age above 13.
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Expanding world Needs volunteers

Nov 29, 2002, 12:13am
It was the wise words of many who convinced me to hang in there, I did not
realize at the time of my post that my world meant that much to people, but
one such person named FeNiX proved that loud and clear! :) I can not say who
or why on the user limit, but I am only paying for the building limit, not
the user limit.
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Expanding world Needs volunteers

Nov 29, 2002, 12:29am
LOL well keep in mind we have also successsfully brought in over 278 new
citizens this year (that I am actually aware of) there may be others who
joined thanks to my world, but if they did, they never told me they were
influenced by my world to sign up. I personally drag alot of people in from
other chat programs, ICQ, AOL, MSN, prodigy and a few EA gaming rooms.
I have tried other Unies, but I have faced ejections at the mere mention of
AW universe :)
That's why my world is so full of tourists all the time, if we all did this
(helped promote AW), we'd see more new features added more often.
Although I do admit 3 out of 5 buy a cit, but if we all worked together, we
could see AW world's GZ back up to the old 30 people again :)
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Expanding world Needs volunteers

Nov 30, 2002, 6:07am
Well I am not trying to discriminate against anyone, but as many of you do
not realize that most of the former Pks in my world were origionally kids
and I was widely criticsized for that and reminded often of the age
requirement of the Pks in the AW owned worlds.
I have nothing against kids being a PK or GK, But I am at least looking for
an adult leader.
Like the boy scouts or girl scouts have adults as leaders. I did not think
my post would be looked upon as me being for one age group or the other. I
was just saying that I would like an adult to be the over see-er of the
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I Have Expanded A!!CT World for all to enjoy!

Dec 5, 2002, 2:59pm
Just a note to all. I have expanded A!!CT world to a P-130 world (2600X2600)
for all to enjoy. A!!CT's user limit is 150 people. A!!CT is also a public
build world-building is open to all and tourist enabled.
We plan a very big celebration to be announced very shortly in honer of this
exspansion and the renewal of A!!CT world for another year.
I am still looking for donaters of objects, I also plan to purchase some if
prices are reasonable.(remember we (FeNiX and I) donated a world to the
public, we are asking people to donate objects if they can.
Thanks--MrBruce- A!!CT World owner.
A1CTWorld at

I Have Expanded A!!CT World for all to enjoy!

Dec 5, 2002, 6:06pm
The user limit was 30, but many times it was not enough to host events, we
recently had a wedding held in A!!CT and many invited guests were left out
because of the the limit being reached-the user limit was a donation to us
and is greatly appreciated. It helps when someone wants a place to hold an
event and they know they are not restircted by the worlds user limit.
Although AW (Alphaworld) surfices for most events, I am working on making
the object path in A!!CT a thing to behold as I am attempting to create a
path that AW world sadly lacks.
But please keep in mind, that A!!CT unlike AW world is a world that helps
pay the bills at AW by paying for the land we allow the public to build on.
One last thought, I have considered buying a universe, however I like the AW
universe to much and do not think Universes can successfully compete with
the AW universe, so I am not even going to try.
I recently received an email form someone asking me about supporting the
AWEDU universe, this may be a consideration I am seriously thinking about.
But lets not get of the subject of my asking for doantions of objects for
public use in my world, my goal here is to try to get more people from other
chat programs to sample AW. Which by the way if you all want to see more
upgrades like the one which will soon be released, we need to get more
people to register, you can easily do this by adding links to aw to your
home pages in your chat programs. I use AOL, MSN, PORDIGY, ICQ and IRCQ to
name a few, I have 7 profiles in AOL alone each cotaining a brief
discription of AW and links to the main and download pages of AW. As a world
owner I also put my world's name as a place to visit in the discription. You
can do this to and remember if more users were to sign up for AW,
maybe...(not promissing anything)....just maybe AW will lower the prices of
MrBruce A!!CT World owner
A1CTWorld at
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I Have Expanded A!!CT World for all to enjoy!

Dec 6, 2002, 5:06pm
Yes I know the world well, it is DsEden :) But DsEden is also owned by two
financially well off people, it also helps pay the bills at AW. ;)
But as I have said many times since I opened A!!CT world, as its popularity
increases, so will it's world size, someone else in this post again
mentioned a universe, as much as I should be putting money into a universe,
I have yet to see any one of them have a user base as large as AW
universe's. I never see more than 45 people in either OW or DLP universes
( no pun intended here) so I think a universe is a waste of money.
A1CTWorld at
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