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Close the newsgroups (Community)
Close the newsgroups // Communitywizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)ukNov 5, 2002, 9:56pm
Personally the amount of trouble and allegations in these newsgroups which
seem to have poping in over the last few weeks I would welcome the Newsgroups been totally closed down. The only information I ever see is the odd thread about something interesting, the rest is a set of "I think they did that" or your a bigot etc. What sort of example is this newsgroup showing people that might want to join Activeworlds and thought "Hey I read the newgroup to see what the members think" I think aw would now be a better place if these newsgroups closed as it is causing grief, upset, and people throwing false allegations. elykNov 5, 2002, 10:02pm
wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)ukNov 5, 2002, 10:05pm
If anybody is interested in closing newsgroups perhaps email
abuse at When members have to close worlds and consider leaving aw in disgust of false allegations in these newsgroups after all the work they have done for aw its time for it to close it. [View Quote] modNov 5, 2002, 10:05pm
Bah, definitly not necessary, this ng has the potential to be such a great
thing . . . Just because a few people decide to never let anything go, it should not be shut down. You have free will, we all do. Most thread headings suggest the content of the thread, use that free will, and don't click on it. To have a whole NG shut down because you have to click on every thread, would be horrible, and just plain rediculous . . . -Mod [View Quote] daphneNov 5, 2002, 10:10pm
It'll die down, Wiz....... It always does... :o)
So,,, No one thinks we should have a "Design A Holiday Season Bingo World Contest"??? *S* [View Quote] tony mNov 5, 2002, 10:11pm
I'm behind the shutdown motion--but I would like to see them reopen in the future though.
[View Quote] >Personally the amount of trouble and allegations in these newsgroups which >seem to have poping in over the last few weeks I would welcome the >Newsgroups been totally closed down. > >The only information I ever see is the odd thread about something >interesting, the rest is a set of "I think they did that" or your a bigot >etc. > >What sort of example is this newsgroup showing people that might want to >join Activeworlds and thought "Hey I read the newgroup to see what the >members think" > > >I think aw would now be a better place if these newsgroups closed as it is >causing grief, upset, and people throwing false allegations. > > elykNov 5, 2002, 10:16pm
Why close them down.....this stuff happens all the time....and someone
always says "close them down" but I doubt it will happen. Most of this stuff is mainly debate. I admit, it does get pretty bad in here sometimes when ppl get angry and call names, but I do believe they have banned individuals before. Its just getting a little spicy, like I said, it will die down....and I'm sure another topic will come up. I'm sure Flagg knows when something is getting out of hand....believe me, there has been way worse than this in the newsgroups. [View Quote] wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)ukNov 5, 2002, 10:17pm
Yes, I remember words from a old 60's song that went something like "You
dont know what had till it was gone" [View Quote] brockNov 5, 2002, 10:18pm
We could always just have them cleared and start fresh, that sounds better
-- Brock - 308723 AW 3.4 Build: Heck who knows they shoot them out faster than a rabbit does baby rabbits. Brock at [View Quote] antigoneNov 5, 2002, 10:23pm
lol Daphne:)
Whats the prize? (s) Also...Tex and I will be in Boston nov 19th thru Dec 3rd...then Los Angelos Dec 20th thru Jan 6th. What all would need to be done to organize this? daphneNov 5, 2002, 10:42pm
1, it would take ppl willing to participate as contestants...
2, it would take a panel of judges.. 3, it would take a web page outlining what the requirements are when creating a Bingo world... (the bot, though good, can only "talk" to objects that are within it's range.. 4, it would take participants as contestants!! Oh.. I said that already!! LOL Prize??? Well, I could see about a prize I suppose but I kinda thought that the pride of winning such a contest and having your build put in an AW public world would be a really GREAT prize!!! Second prize (or call it a co-first prize) could also having the build duplicated in the other CitBingo world... If King Tex wanted to get the AWBingo worlds on this then we could really go to town with some cool builds in the Bingo worlds over the Holiday Season and the best builds going into AWBingo worlds too would just add to the co- first prizes ---> the prize called well-earned pride!!! A few more details would need to be worked out but this is pretty doable and to me, sounds like fun!!! :o) [View Quote] mrbruceNov 5, 2002, 11:01pm
Nah then we'd all have to go to AWdebate world :) I think people just need
to vent a little and discuss publicly their concerns, like we did when AW raised the prices and removed tourists It will all get worked eventually. My public apoligy goes out to anyone here who might be personally affected by anything I have posted in recent days, my intent is not to hurt anyone. Just protect. ;) MrBruce A1CTWorld at [View Quote] nornny11Nov 5, 2002, 11:24pm
Meh, let them tarnish some reputations, it's not mine. :) I'm happily
sitting back and enjoying the flame throwing, as many others are too. You have to realize, you're all in the heat of the moment (moment being days to weeks, of course) and you shouldn't be making such hasty decisions and indecisions. :) This community newsgroup has A LOT to offer. :) What I don't understand is, Eep creates a million of flame threads and he gets banned from the newsgroup. You guys create a million flame threads and all of the sudden the whole newsgroup has to be closed. lol. I mean, eventually, this will come to a point where no one would WANT to bother to post their idea for the 50,000th time and we'll get back to real matters. If not, there's always 3.4 in two months. You all worry too much about image. Loosen up guys, there are communities much worse than this. :) Embrace the infighting. What would we be without the community newsgroup, there's so much history and life in here to throw it all away on a few threads. -- From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG: "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely nothing! What a talent!" [View Quote] poseidonNov 5, 2002, 11:43pm
No kidding, heh. I mean, it's all rather ordinary in most newsgroups, isn't
it? Tech support NGs aside... But really, I personally look forward to signing on in the morning and reading both this Newsgroup, and the AWTeen Newsgroups for the reason that it makes me feel attached to the community, even if I am not signed in. Sure, the newsgroups get a bit crazy sometimes. Ok, very crazy - but the problems you see exploding here haven't all been sparked by things that have occurred in here. There is always an exception though. If you haven't noticed, most of the trouble starts IN world.. Not here! It is then the act of certain people bringing their problems into the newsgroups (and letters saying "to: so and so" - which really doesn't help the ratio of flaming posts to important posts) that spark heated flames, and personal battles. If people would only learn to keep their *personal* problems in world, or in e-mail, the newsgroups wouldn't be filled with such violent outburst - well not as much :) What I'm trying to say is that in a community, there is bound to be fighting. In a newsgroup, you cannot avoid it. Yet a majority of those problems begin outside of the newsgroup. Besides, whats a community if no one posts their *community* concerns about a big topic in our universe, on our main means of communication? Nothing, really. If people didn't air their true concerns to this newsgroup, it would show what a lack of community spirit we all have, which fortunately, is not true. Poseidon [View Quote] shredNov 6, 2002, 12:13am
The newsgroups would not need to be shut down if they were only monitored by AWC. However, since this is obviously not going to happen, I would suggest that AWC set up a vote in order for newsgroup participants to elect three or four fairly impartial regular users of the newsgroups to enforce the rules that were originally set by AWC in the Community Charter.
I am not suggesting moderation. That was tried once, and the experiment was a failure. AWC simply does not have the time nor the manpower to keep a regular watch on the newsgroups. Therefore, I suggest if a very small group of trusted newsgroup members were elected to the "monitor group" and given a strict set of guidelines that they must abide by, set by AWC, I think the problem would be mostly solved. [View Quote] count draculaNov 6, 2002, 3:37am
I am against closing the NGs down, because they actually can work as a
technical help in some occasions. Thay are actually a apart of the support package when you buy a world/universe. What comes to the discussions in the community group, it is only "normal" that now and then some bashing of some groups happens; has happened since I started to read the NGs (beginning of 1999?). This way of communication happens in most NGs I read. I think it is good that there is a place where ppl can both be creative (rare) and blow some steam about community issues. I do not think we need monitoring; I also belive Flagg actually monitor this NG, since some has been banned from here (I bet that is why he has been so busy and not sent the world to me I won in Bingo over 2 months ago). Drac wizard myrddin <Hippyring at rdescape(DOT)co(DOT)uk> kirjoitti viestissä:3dc868a5 at > Personally the amount of trouble and allegations in these newsgroups which > seem to have poping in over the last few weeks I would welcome the > Newsgroups been totally closed down. > > The only information I ever see is the odd thread about something > interesting, the rest is a set of "I think they did that" or your a bigot > etc. > > What sort of example is this newsgroup showing people that might want to > join Activeworlds and thought "Hey I read the newgroup to see what the > members think" > > > I think aw would now be a better place if these newsgroups closed as it is > causing grief, upset, and people throwing false allegations. > > > wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)ukNov 6, 2002, 6:57am
Yes I beleave Flagg is a extremely busy person these days and proberly does
not monitor the NG threads unlesss someone complains. But what I strongly object against is the one or two that seem to use the newgroup to project miss information only to discredit and try ruin reputations for their own self egotistic reasons. Then laugh in the face of the Community that they are perfect. [View Quote] linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)comNov 6, 2002, 8:10am
yes and ppl who SAY they are trying to "help" then you find out they are
traitors and you KNOW who you are (if its not you then don't waste time with posting) kerstinNov 6, 2002, 9:56am
I do hope that one qualification for moderator is that the person cannot be
one who is known to create havoc in this newsgroup, instigate flame wars, and keep flame wars going. The idea here, which you seem to have missed, is to reduce or eliminate those things, not keep them going as you do. [View Quote] binarybudNov 6, 2002, 11:10am
We KNOW who Wiz was talking about. I think you THREE need to go to your room for a while. You have no respect for others and for sure no respect for the people in these newsgroups.
[View Quote] wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)ukNov 6, 2002, 12:34pm
Yes I can see your well reason input there, at least I've seen no false
allegations to discredit people and try and remove them from aw. If this is respect its a bad day for aw. [View Quote] |