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shred // User SearchRe: bots & user/world counts (was Re: Forwarded Post)Dec 19, 2000, 6:34pm
Syzygy, or Dennette, was working for AW at a time. I'm not sure, but if he
had AWLD's rights he could have had a bot check their citezen/world database. [View Quote] SDK terrain errorJun 6, 2006, 7:53pm
Lister Version 1Aug 22, 2002, 1:18pm
Ananas already said what I'm going to say, but just in case you didn't understand it, I'm going to spell it out for you.
Not everyone can get broadband. Take the very small effort required to be polite and considerate of others. Learn about newsgroup policies. Be efficient. For the love of all that is holy, post binaries in binary groups. Keep the rest as plain-text as possible. Logical, eh? One example of basic newsgroup rules: [View Quote] Lister Version 1Aug 26, 2002, 12:09pm
It is inefficient and unnecessary to post such large files in a non-binary group.
This type of argument has been made many times in newsgroups, and each time it's been crushed. See further posts in this thread. [View Quote] Lister Version 1Aug 26, 2002, 1:18pm
I would imagine that it could, but sometimes attachments can be useful for small files. It would be good if the news server would disallow attachments only over a specified size limit instead of totally getting rid of them.
Followup to general.discussion [View Quote] 2 new botsSep 11, 2002, 4:23pm
This was posted by Baron in Community:
The 132 chars limit can be changed with a simple registry modification as you'll notice in this post, your text won't wrap. HKCU\Identities\GUID\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\News\Message Plain Character Line Wrap can be set to any value, I set it to 7fff (32767 chars). Of course under \5.0\Mail\ you can do the same for e-mail wrapping. As for the updates frequent visits to (which are a must, OE user or not) conveniently take care of everything. [View Quote] use a bot to add commands to objects!Oct 9, 2002, 12:35am
Here's an idea: you can add commands to objects by placing the commands in the action field of the object and then having the bot respond to clicks on that object. This is very simple to do with Magsbot. Just add this row to the Magsbot behavior table:
Active Event Action On OBJECTCLICK at asn[i,ipos["~",$atr[object_action]]] DO $tail[$atr[object_action], at i+1] With the above line in the behavior table and the bot running in global mode in your world, it will respond to any command or sequence of commands in the Magsbot command language that you place in the action field of an object, tagged with the ~, like this: create texture theblus1.jpg; activate noise thund3.wav; ~SAY "Hey, don't touch that!"; at a= at avsession; FACE at faceav[ at a]; MOVETO at avz[ at a]+100 at avx[ at a]+100 at avy[ at a]; FACE at faceav[ at a]; GESTURE 3 The Magsbot commands should be added after any standard AW commands. The above example would cause the bot to speak, face toward and move to the person who clicked on the object, then perform seq #3. This is only a very simple could make the bot create or delete or change objects, make world announcements, start new bot instances, or nearly anything you can think of. And since the commands are not being added to the behavior table, you can have an unlimited number of them without creating any lag in the bot...the actions only take place when an object is clicked, and the code comes from the object itself! For even more complex actions (that might not fit in an object's action field), you could place the code in a Magsbot custom button and just use the CLICKBTN command to run the code in response to a click on the object. -Magine You can download Magsbot here: use a bot to add commands to objects!Oct 9, 2002, 12:49am
[View Quote]
Then you think incorrectly. Forte Free Agent 1.92 is not only recent, it is one of the most popular pieces of software used for newsgroup reading.
Did you ever think that Forte might have purposely left out an HTML interpreter? This would help serve to discourage the widespread use of HTML posting in newsgroups. use a bot to add commands to objects!Oct 9, 2002, 1:16am
[View Quote]
Um... that's not my point. I have nothing against this single HTML post; it was reposted by me only at Tony's request. You will notice that I did not flame Magine for posting in HTML, or indeed, make any comment about it at all.
All I was saying is that Forte may have deliberately discluded an HTML interpreter in Agent in order to discourage the use of HTML in newsgroups. I said nothing of whether I agreed or disagreed with this reasoning. If you want to argue the logicality of why or why not an HTML interpreter should be included in Free Agent and other newsreaders, then take your arguements to Forte (and other non-HTML interpreting newsreader writers) and the thousands or millions of people who use their software, not me. use a bot to add commands to objects!Oct 9, 2002, 1:32am
[View Quote]
I will say once again: do not bring your arguments to me. I have expressed no opinion. Send this suggestion to those who can plausibly bring it into effect. Can I be any more clear?
memory leak bug fix XelagotsNov 16, 2002, 8:06pm
Since you have to redownload the entire program (including a lot of files that aren't even modified), then is it really considered a patch? It makes more sense to me to just have a simple upgrade utility download only the upgraded files and install them rather than senselessly (re)downloading the whole kit-n-kaboodle.
[View Quote] > Or alternatively XelaG can post about the availability of a patch and people > download and apply it. > > Does it REALLY take that much effort for some people to apply a patch? memory leak bug fix XelagotsNov 17, 2002, 6:53pm
Um, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to anyone. I just asked a question and explained what made sense to me in terms of good design. I never meant to offend anybody, and if I did, then I'm sorry.
As for my believing in people making my life ridiculously easy and your being glad that you aren't my friend: You don't know me, you've never even talked to me, so you're hardly fit to judge me from one post. If you think that you are, then you must have en ego the size of Jupiter. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and don't be so defensive, okay? Otherwise, don't be so ready to jump on people when they haven't done anything to you. [View Quote] Public Build BotFeb 4, 2003, 2:13am
If you're running the Alpha World object path (the default when you first get your world), then you can just e-mail AWI and ask them to activate Alpha World's registry in your world. But first you will have to make sure that no citizen's property encroaches on anyone else's, or you may end up losing objects.
You can reach AWI by e-mailing support at [View Quote] Public Build BotFeb 4, 2003, 10:18pm
[View Quote]
Sorry about the misinformation. I haven't worked with a registry since pre-3.0 world server days, so I'm a bit out of date.
TerraForge, does it continue?Oct 4, 2005, 11:37pm
Eclipse Evolution (4.1) <rant>Jun 3, 2006, 7:08pm
[View Quote]
Even if it was his idea, Chris is ultimately *not* the person in charge
of the SDK's usage limits. The SDK is intellectual property fully owned by AWI, and because of this, the company itself has to authorize and approve of any changes made to the SDK code. If you want to complain about the debugger issue, then I suggest you complain to the head and not to the hands. You can bet that I will. I wish for...Sep 28, 2000, 1:36am
----- Original Message -----
From: "anduin lothar" <uswf at> Newsgroups: wishlist Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 6:30 AM Subject: Re: I wish for... > Well don't we all. May your wish come true if you have the money to spend. That's the problem... LOL. Anyway, a PS whatever is better than nothing =). Multiple API support?Dec 8, 2000, 12:26pm
From what I understand that RenderWare 3 has support for OpenGL, Direct3D,
and Glide. I've seen posts where people say they want to switch totally to OpenGL (or another API), but what about an option? A lot like games with multiple multiple APIs function the same way. Unreal, for instance, has support for 3dfx Glide, Microsoft Direct3D, OpenGL, and some others. -Shred ReminderJun 25, 2001, 9:05pm
[View Quote]
> AW doesn't listen to any of these posts but they do claim to listen to your
> suggestions sent through this: > > I know this thread is old, but I just had to say this. Why did they need to create that, anyway? There are several years of ideas right here. If they didn't read these, why should they read the ones put into the suggestion box? Guess...Aug 22, 2002, 1:08am
I don't see how this post is relevant to the AW wishlist newsgroup. Worldbuilders would be a more suitable group for any bug reports, since beta is closed.
[View Quote] Guess...Aug 22, 2002, 11:08pm
Guess...Aug 23, 2002, 5:17pm
If that's the case, then I apologize. Next time, you should reply to and quote the relevant parts post that you are referring in order to avoid confusion.
[View Quote] Telegram bombingAug 24, 2002, 3:59pm
This would be a nice feature, although it would definitely need to be an option. Also, an option could be added to simply turn off the Operator's telegram notices if they annoy you during chat.
Now this may not be such a good idea, but instead of simply turning off the Operator's notice, perhaps a new status indicator "busy" should be added. When a user's status is set to this, all telegrams are auto-responded to with a notice of the user's choice, and are stored without the Operator's message in the telegram file. [View Quote] Telegram bombingAug 24, 2002, 8:50pm
People have a right to ignore whom they please while they are online. Some people don't feel like standing around and chatting all day while they are in AW - they'd rather go build in solitude or go visiting different worlds.
People who are busy and don't wish to receive telegram notices have a right to not be bothered, don't you think? [View Quote] Re: Apply Button?Sep 3, 2002, 2:04am
The point is that you shouldn't need to use an outside program to do this - it should be a standard function of the world options dialog box.
[View Quote] Maximum Visiblity field in World ServerSep 11, 2002, 4:15pm
I believe that this is what Ananas meant: in an adventure or gaming world, those with higher visibilities would have a distinct advantage; meaning that those with better hardware would have the advantage. Setting a maximum visibility that most lower-end hardware could run would keep the playing field a little more level.
[View Quote] Teleport list on UniserverSep 10, 2002, 1:28pm
The problem with this is that some people have a zillion teleports, meaning that even more of the Uniserver's limited bandwidth would to be used up.
If you have any kind of external storage device (ie: floppy drive, zip drive, CDRW drive...), simply back up your teleports.txt file from time to time and you won't have a problem. [View Quote] Teleport list on UniserverSep 11, 2002, 12:28am
All those small files? It's one file. It's really not that difficult to copy a text file to another location...
If you're really that lazy, then write or find a program that will do it for you on a scheduled basis rather than clogging up the Uniserver with more stuff that isn't really necessary. [View Quote] BetaSep 20, 2002, 10:28pm
Fool (noun):
1. A person who lacks good judgment 2. A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of 3. A professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages Luckily, we have a wonderful specimen of the class right here that shows us that yes, fools can operate the browser. [View Quote] |