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Oct 27, 2001, 6:07pm
Well, I'd chalk it up to success and stupidity :)

I say success because whereas in Alphaworld AW changes GZ (or doesn't change
it), in AWTeen the GZ is updated continuously. Of course, that means that
some people need certain PPW's to perform that task. But hey, there can
either be a miniscule risk with a nice GZ, or no risk with a GZ that's been
the same for four years (like in Alphaworld).

I say stupidity because obviously the vandals never realized that there are
complete backups of the entire world and partial backups of almost every
important place - so when GZ is deleted, we simply restore it in five
minutes. There's world logs to determine exactly who's responsible, and
bots at ground zero monitor every conversation, record IP's, check for
object deletions and additions, and record PPW abuse. I think the number of
canceled citizenships due to vandalism in AWTeen is at 10 now - and hey, it
might even reach 15 by the time this investigation is over :)

When will people learn?


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Oct 28, 2001, 12:37am
I don't usually post flames, but in this case, I feel it's only warranted.

If you don't want to look at the file, then don't look. It's not as if it
was attached to the message. Maybe SWE doesn't know as much about computers
as you do, and didn't think of posting a JPEG instead of a bitmap.

You're almost as bad as Eep. The hard work of ten people over many hours
was destroyed, and you're angry at SWE because he posted a bitmap file by
mistake. It shows the current state of this newsgroup when one actually has
to scroll down the filter list to add another name.


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Oct 28, 2001, 1:28am
Nah, but that's geocities for you - never know when it's going to be up next

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Ahhh a bug!

Oct 31, 2001, 8:16pm
This bug's been around since the days of 2.2. Back then (and now), I'm too
lazy to type my citizen name with capital letters, so I just type it in
lowercase. The name appears different on your screen, but to everyone else
it's the same.

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From 392 to 397

Oct 31, 2001, 10:36pm
You can find out what makes this version better at :)


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For all those interested........

Nov 24, 2001, 4:58pm
Andras has been kind enough to set up a public access newsgroup for AWTeen.
Right now, several discussions are raging, so I encourage anyone who's
interested to take a look at this group. More information can be found at

Hope to see you there!


Unfair ejection...

Dec 6, 2001, 10:18pm
Hi Everyone,

As Flagg asked me to look into this debate, I thought I should make a post

Unfortunately, there are no GZ chat logs that day, because the chess bots
were offline after the new ground zero was put in after TechTalk on Friday.
The boards weren't restored until Wednesday, so the bot wasn't running to
log chat and other events until then. Therefore, there's no way to
determine whether the chat log is legitimate or not.

I'm looking into the problem and will be sure to let everyone know what
happens :)


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[NG Survivor 2] Wanna play?

Dec 11, 2001, 7:05pm
Doh! I sent an E-Mail to the other address, but now that I read this
post it's too late :(

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In regards to the recent AWTeen ejection controversy

Dec 10, 2001, 2:55pm
Hi everyone,

I've looked at all the evidence regarding the ejection of TrekkerX during
the public meeting last Saturday in AWTeen, and have come to the conclusion
that a few changes are needed in regards to AWTeen's handling of similar
situations. To that effect, I recently imposed six new rules stating new
handling of a variety of topics from the hiring of new help to acceptable
language to ejection requirements. Hopefully, these new rules will prevent
such incidents from occuring in the future.

On behalf of XelNaga and the entire Core, I would like to apologize for the
improper handling of TrekkerX's ejection. Those who are interested can view, which now, as always, lists the
most recent Core votes proposed.

Thanks again,


Free Voice Audio in Activeworlds

Dec 12, 2001, 8:37pm
I like the option, but there should be some sort of warning that tells
people to use headphones, or else a lot of people won't even know that
headphones will solve the problem :)

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 11, 2001, 1:52am
Before taking sides on this incident, I urge you to look at You'll see that the entire decision
was well within Core guidelines and that many considerations invisible to
the casual AWTeen visitor were taken into consideration.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 11, 2001, 2:27am
Tomorrow I'm going to move the website from to to
avoid such incidents. I re-uploaded the file to Sorry about that - I'm going to
delete that file immediately.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 12, 2001, 4:52pm
I think KAH sums up Xel's attitude in that one statement. Enough said.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 12, 2001, 6:13pm
Well, Shorah and Chickengurl are trying their darned hardest, lol - never
stopped them :)

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 12, 2001, 8:36pm
It's located at news:// - go take a look :)

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A new government..hmmmm

Dec 12, 2001, 10:41pm
It sounds great in theory, but what will happen in the end? The people who
are the most popular or visible in the community (i.e. Xel) will be elected
to the position regardless of suitability.

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Log Bot v1.0

Dec 16, 2001, 4:05pm
Hey Gamer,

This bot doesn't append logs - you opened the file for "output" instead of
for "append." When you open a file for output, it deletes all the
information previously in the log. Unfortunately, when you run this bot, it
would delete all the previous logs each time you log in.


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Log Bot v1.0

Dec 16, 2001, 6:36pm
Still, you could eliminate all that code by simply using the "append" mode -
problem solved :)

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Log Bot v1.0

Dec 16, 2001, 9:26pm
Use the Kupex INI Tools ocx that I use in all my programs. I'll find it and
send it to you. It makes writing INI files quick and easy :)

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The Age of AW

Dec 18, 2001, 2:12am
I disagree with this statement - the community isn't going downhill; it's
becoming divided. Everything changes with time. Just because many of the
90s organizations are becoming inactive doesn't mean that there aren't newer
community groups sprouting up to replace them.

The reason these groups aren't being heard is because Activeworlds is
attracting a different clientell nowadays. Whereas AW used to be mainly for
the older crowd, many members of the younger generation are now joining AW.
Whether you personally feel that that's good or bad is up to you, but the
average age in AW has dropped and is still falling.

The problem with this trend is that there are many chronologically gifted
members of the community who look down upon the younger crowd for some
reason or another. If someone who's 30 or even 20 starts an organization,
then it's perceived as legitimate, while a similar group that's led by
someone age 15 or 16 is shunned. Similarly, the younger crowd for some
reason or another shuns organizations that are led by middle-aged citizens,
and those organizations fall apart due to lack of interest. Thus, both
groups are set against each other, even if it's not a conscious battle.
Everyone has expressed this opinion at one time or another. Newbies are
affected by a similar disdain: people look down upon newbies because many
of them, in their inexperience, appear childish and juvenile.

That said, whereas the older generation created the lasting organizations
and landmarks of AW in its earlier days, most of the long-standing
organizations I see today are headed by younger members of the community.
To prove this, look at the length of the two most recent threads relating to
AWTeen, the TrekkerX debate and the XelNaga debate. I agree that a lot of
what was posted there shouldn't have been posted to the newsgroups, but
there are more replies to those threads in one day than there have been
since in a week or longer! And after those threads were done, more began
about forming a new government - how many organizations do you know where
the members care enough to want to improve them in such a drastic way?
These threads aren't limited to AWTeen - I was just using them to prove a
point. There are other threads where younger members of the community start
towns or cities or begin new worlds, and generally those debates last much
longer than all the others.

There are also many younger community leaders who don't post on the
newsgroups, and therefore these organizations aren't known by those who do
post here. When such posts about these communties are made, long-time
posters tell the owners to "mind their own business" and to stop cluttering
the newsgroups with their "garbage." One poster said that we don't discuss
AlphaWorld in particular here; yet, several posts were made in the thread
below about how AW and Mars could be improved, while those related to
improving other worlds were flamed! The newsgroup charter says nothing
about which particular communities in AW should be discussed on the
community newsgroup.

In short, the community isn't going downhill. The community is greater than
ever, yet many members refuse to accept that those younger than them can
create lasting organizations. I do feel, however, that the community will
initiate its downfaull by continuing this unjustified age-related prejudice.
It is my sincerest hope that everyone, not just citizens of a particular
age, can once again work together to help improve Activeworlds and restore
the community feeling. Exactly how is another matter, but a new building
world with different objects or a different event isn't going to magically
solve the problem. As the problem developed over time, the solution will
also take time.

I posted this message in a separate thread because it's completely different
than the others in the previous thread, and because after witnessing this
change for several months, I'm interested in hearing opinions on this topic.

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The Age of AW

Dec 20, 2001, 1:22am
Luc and MM replied saying that they thought the event was a great idea and
to get started organizing it. I'm going to tenatively schedule it for
either December 29 or 30.

The point of the event, shred, would be to prove to both groups that these
stereotypes aren't true and that these misconceptions help nobody. We'll
just have to see how it goes :)

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Be careful with Nate007

Dec 20, 2001, 12:35pm
I don't think that Nate has done bad enough things for a universe block.
Sure, he's vandalized some GZ's and such, but as he has a static IP,
ejection from the world that's affected would be sufficient. Really, the
only things that would constitute a universe block seem to be harassment,
misuse of AW services (logging in 50 bots to raise a world's user count with
a hacked SDK) or illegal activities like credit card fraud.

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What happened to eep?

Dec 21, 2001, 11:39am
Well, if you're annoyed at that, then come to the AW Community Retreat and
do something about it!

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Re: bowling

Dec 21, 2001, 11:40am
Oh, stop complaining everyone - if I got a 300, I'd post it to every
newsgroup I've ever read. That's quite an accomplishment.


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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 21, 2001, 2:44pm
Come on, you can't seriously want Eep to come back to the newsgroups, do
you? All he did was make fun of posts on just about any topic and put down
newbies. I had thought that he was still posting here as I filtered him
months ago because of his obnoxious attitude.

A few months back, there was a big stink where Flagg tried to get rid of Eep
and some people for some reason or another wanted him to stay. I find it
ironic that he would eventually get fed up with bugs and leave when he
stated earlier that he wanted nothing to improve AW (by making it more like
a game, in his opinion).

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TechTalk logs for December 21

Dec 22, 2001, 1:31pm
Does anyone know if TechTalk was held yesterday, and if so, did anyone
happen to log the chat and could post a log here? I visited Mauz's page for
the logs as I usually do, but she must have been out yesterday :)



Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 28, 2001, 1:12pm
I agree with you that "damn" isn't really a bad word and shouldn't be an
ejectable offense. But the words "god damn" in combination are offensive to
many people because of their religious beliefs. Therefore, I think the
latter would be somewhat more severe than the former. We eject without
question for a certain word that makes fun of African-Americans, so why not
enforce the same rules on a word that singles out a particular religious

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Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 29, 2001, 2:14am
By your philosophy, then we should let any word go, because if someone
spouts Nazi propaganda, calls you a n***er or tells everyone at GZ to "F
off," they can just be muted. Unfortunately, while that's great in theory,
not everyone knows about or chooses to use the mute feature and complains
about such behavior.

Furthermore, I don't consider someone's objecting to the use of the words
"god damn" the beliefs of a religious fanatic. I personally don't approve
of these words, so if that makes me a religious fanatic, then I'm proud of
it. I can't believe that you would support people making fun of others at
public ground zeroes and do nothing.

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new citizenship

Jan 2, 2002, 10:51pm
MMORPGs are just glofied chat rooms - I don't see why you'd pay $10 a month
for a huge MMORPG when you could use AW 3.3 with terrain and all the new
features (and bots that can do other things besides RPG'ing) for the same

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new citizenship

Jan 3, 2002, 1:39am
The only problem with this, unfortunately, is that the Internet advertising
market basically went down the tubes at the end of 2000...... they probably
couldn't obtain enough ad revenue from advertising. The only feasible
alternative would be to put ads in the browser itself, which I'm sure as
many people would complain about as are complaining about this change.

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